
Invitations & Ultimatums

Lyra's POV

December 9th- one month before

"Babe, when did you get back?" I called out as I walked into our two bedroom apartment and hit with the aroma of dinner cooking. Laying my keys and purse on the entryway table, I slip my heels off and grab my phone out of my purse.

"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner. I got in a few hours ago. Do you want a glass of wine?" Brandon asks without leaving the kitchen.

Brandon is my handsome boyfriend. He is six foot tall with an average slender build. He has blue eyes with dirty blonde perfectly styled hair. We have been together for two years. I met him my sophomore year in American Constitutional Law class. He was taking the class as a part of his minor. He thought it would be an easy class. We bumped into each other in the library one afternoon. He was struggling and I agreed to help him out. We hit it off. He asked me out a few times before I finally agreed. Brandon walked me to my classes if they were close to his classes, and we studied together. We have been together ever since. We moved in together a year ago. Everything is going as planned, except Brandon has no clue that I am a werewolf and I'd really like to keep it that way. I like pretending to be a normal human away from the pack and my family.

"Sure. How was your flight?" I asked as I looked at my phone.

Ring….Ring…Ring. I ignored the call. It's my mother and I don't want her to ruin my day. I hit the volume button, while I walked to my room to take my shoes and change into lounge clothing.

"It wasn't bad. I got lucky. Delta had a nonstop trip to Charlotte. My sister picked me up and dropped me off here after we had lunch. Crystal wants you to call her after you get your LSat scores in. My parents invited us to Sunday dinner at their place." he yells back while chopping vegetables for the salad. "Hey by the way I got the promotion. I am now the Lead Risk Assessor for Mikaelson & Granger's Consulting. This is a big move for us babe."

Brandon got a job six months ago at Mikaelson & Granger's Consulting in their new Seattle office. He was at their Charlotte office since he did an internship for them three years ago. For the past six months, he went out there to help set up his department and train the new people. I guess they really like him out there. He has been coming back two weekends a month. He wants me to move out to Seattle with him permanently. I applied to a few schools out there to finish my degree.

"Brandon, that's awesome. When do you start?" I yelled from the bedroom as I put my black lapel jacket on the hanger and back into my closet. He has wanted this position since he started at the company. I go to my dresser and pull out my black lounge pants and my slate gray tank top to put on with my blue boyfriend style cardigan. I get dressed and throw my long, wavy black hair into a messy bun and then leave the room then back to the living room.

"Well, I do not officially start the position until January 4th. My ticket is for Monday. I want to have a few days to discuss my promotion with you. Then I have to go back to train my replacement. Come sit down, I am pouring us some wine and I will bring it to you." Brandon responds back. "Did you get your LSAT score back yet? Oh you got something in the mail, looks fancy."

"Oh crap! I forgot to check to see if the scores are in." I said not believing that I completely forgot about my scores coming in. I look at my phone checking my emails hoping the scores are available. "Nothing new." I said as I set my phone down on the coffee table. Brandon stood next to me in his blue jeans, a button up blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a dish towel draped over one shoulder. He hands me the wine glass and kisses the top of my head before turning back into the kitchen. "Thank you. Nope, nothing has been posted yet. I'll check later. Probably some function my mother wants me to attend. Tell me about this new position," I asked, placing the letter and my phone face down on the table. I sat sideways on the couch with my right leg bent inward and left pulled up to my chest. I take a much needed sip of red wine.

Ignoring the letter, I already know it is some formal invite to some pack function. I can deal with that later when I am not around Brandon. Before Brandon could answer, my phone began to ring again. I ignored it again by turning the volume down. If I straight out ignore it dad will call me and get on to me about disrespecting mom. I don't want to answer it, it's my mother and I just can't deal with her negativity right now. Brandon and I haven't seen each other in over a month. With him spending half his time in Seattle and the rest here in North Carolina, we need to figure out what our plan is now that he has gotten the position in Seattle and is no longer an intern. I look at my wonderful boyfriend of two years, waiting for an explanation.

"So I get you for the next four days before you have to leave again," I ask, pouting into my wine glass before taking a sip.

Before he could answer again, my phone began to ring. Goddess is she ever being persistent today. Oh hell, I should have just turned off my phone. Reaching to mute my phone and turn the ringer off completely, I hear Brandon huff a bit.

"Aren't you going to answer that," Brandon responds, sounding frustrated as he points to my cell phone on the coffee table as he stands then walks back to the sink grabbing the cutting board.

"It's just my mother." I said with a little more attitude than I intended. If I ignore it outright she will just keep calling and then texting, which will piss her off more if I don't respond. Plus my family is a touchy subject with us. Which is totally my fault completely. I have told him multiple times my family is not like his "Cleavers" family. We are the complete opposite, however my mother would like to believe we are the perfect family. That's why I try to call my mother when Brandon is at work or on a run.

"Just answer it, already." He responded annoyed at the interruptions. He hates to start a conversation, just to be interrupted.Turning his back to me, he started to cook on the stove. He definitely heard my attitude, now he is even more annoyed at me. Dang it. Way to kick off our first 4 day weekend together in three months. This is going to be a long weekend if we can't get over this.

I begrudgingly answered the phone, "Hi mom, how are you doing?" I know this is going to cause a fight, maybe even two. I set my glass on the coffee table, standing up. I walk to our balcony doors and look out to the beautiful forest view. It's my favorite view when the sun starts to set, creating dancing pinks, oranges and purples clouds over the snowy Appalachian Mountains.

"Why haven't you called this week, Lyra Elle? You were supposed to call yesterday about coming home. I know the semester is over. We have things you need to do here to prepare for the annual Yule Ball. Didn't you get the invitation? I don't know why you want to stay in that human town instead of being with your own kind. You need to find a mate and settle down." complains Tallulah, my mother.

Walking back to the coffee table, I picked up my glass to take a sip. As I set my glass down on the table, I grabbed the golden envelope with beautiful handwriting and a wax seal of the Baneridge logo. Opening the envelope, I answered "Sorry, mom. I have been busy with finals and case files. I was going to call you tonight. Can I call you back later? I was in the middle of something." Hoping to not sound annoyed at her for pointing out how I'm not being a dutiful daughter. Ugh, why can't she understand I want a life outside of the pack, a mate before I settle down. Looking over the invitation, oh Mason is taking over as Alpha. No wonder she wants me home so bad. Dad will be stepping down so Coop can take over.

Baneridge, Warren & Associates Request your presences at

75th Annual Yule Ball

On January 8th, 2022 6 O'clock Pm

Hosted by Judson and Jena Warren

In Honor Of Mason Warren

Dress Code: Formal

Events to begin with the New Years Eve Party

On December 31, 2021 8pm

Please join us for the week long celebration

"Excuse you, Missy. Who really said you had a choice on whether you come home or not? Do you not remember your end of the deal, Ms. To-Go-For-Her-Family? We have a lot to get done before the Yule Ball? Did you get the invitation?" she says completely ignoring my apology and request to call her back as usual.

"Yes, I just opened it. I'm happy for Mason. He has worked hard to take over for his dad, but I wasn't going to come home during the break. I was going to come on Christmas Day. I have a lot to get packed and ready to transfer everything. I have several cases to read over and make sure we have all the information we need for when we come back after the winter break. I promise I will come home before the party." I pleaded, hoping she would let it go and just allow me to skip the ball this year. I still haven't told my parents that I won't be going to a college closer to Vermont to finish my degree.

"Lyra Elle Spencer, you are coming home and attending the Yule Ball. Don't make me have your dad come bring you home. Then that will be the end of this silly hobby of yours. Alpha Judson is stepping down. Everyone has to be present for Mason's ceremony. Why must you always make a scene for our family? You know how important this is for your father and Cooper. You need to give up this stupid dream and come home. You already have a good job with Robert. You will not embarrass this family?" my mother argued, raising her voice. I know she is mad and there is no getting out of this, but why couldn't she have waited until I was able to call her. She always calls at the wrong time. Now I have to come up with an excuse for both Brandon and my mom. Fuck. I start pacing the living room, listening to her lecture me. If dad gets involved, I will never reach my goals. Deescalate! Deescalate! Deescalate! I tell myself. I take a deep breath and slowly release it.

"Mom, I just got my bachelors. I still have to finish law school to get my J.D. which is another 3 years. I'm not coming home until closer to Christmas. I can't talk about this right now. I'll call you back later. Can we please talk further about this when dad is home?" I calmly ask hoping my mom will drop it and wait for dad. Maybe he can talk some sense into her and not force me to come home for the stupid ball. I shouldn't have to come home until the formula presentation of the new leadership.

"Fine, wait until your father hears how you spoke to me. You better answer this phone when we call or your father will come get you. Your father will not be pleased with your attitude with me. I love you, Lyra. I just want the best for you even if you can't see that right now." she finished before hanging up. Ugh dad is going to be so pissed when he calls. I better get a refill on my wine.

I looked at my phone to make sure she did hang up before putting my phone down and walking into the kitchen where Brandon is cooking. Setting my glass on the counter, I turn and wrap my arms around him hoping to distract him from my phone call. Laying my head on his back, goddess he smells good, like raining coming in on spring day. Not to mention, he is a fabulous cook. "That smells really good, babe. Is it almost ready? I'm starving." I step back and start getting plates and silverware out to set the table.


Brandon's POV

This is ridiculous. Here we go again pretending her family doesn't exist. I set the sauce spoon down and turn off the burner. Turning to Lyra, "What did your mother want? Must have been urgent to make her call back to back like that." I asked hoping to get her to open up more about her family. I don't want this to be a constant fight.

Without even looking at me, she says, "You know, the same old same old. When are you coming home? I'm making the family look bad. My dreams are a waste of time. I should agree to an arranged marriage and be a dutiful housewife. Stay pregnant, barefoot with no talking back, or voicing my opinions. I should be seen and not heard." Lyra responded with heavy sarcasm and annoyance. Why won't she look at me when she talks about her family? She avoids talking about her past and family, like she didn't exist before college.

Grabbing the salad bowl, I walk to put it on the table. "Why don't I accompany you home during this break? You know I am great at smoothing people over. Let them see that you gave good taste in men. I mean I am pretty awesome and successful. Maybe that will get your family off your back. You know patents love me. They can see how happy you are and we can tell them about Seattle together. Maybe get her off your back a bit" I say as I grab her hands making her look up at me.

"You don't want to go home with me. They won't approve of us living together, let alone moving across the country. Especially since we do not have all the plans ironed out. I have to have the who, what, when, where, why and how. I have to have every detail mapped out plus two backup plans. We haven't even got to discuss your promotion. Besides, my mother's idea of a perfect life does not include my happiness, only obligation. Please don't let her ruin our evening. We are supposed to be celebrating your promotion and my graduation." she responds as she rubs my arms. She isn't going to push this away. We are going to talk about this.

Stepping away from her, I run my hands through my blonde hair. "Then why don't we tell them we are serious." I said walking to the counter to grab the salad dressing and the bread. "You know I love you. Hell we agreed once you finished your bachelors and if I got the job we would move out there. We can just tell them we are getting married. We don't have to actually get married until you are ready, but they don't have to know that."

"Brandon, it's not that simple. They are old fashioned and have different expectations for me. They want me to agree to an arranged marriage like everyone at home does. It would be a mess. My parents aren't as accepting as your mom and dad. Especially my mother." She says as she walks into the kitchen to get the wine and our glasses.

I sit down just watching her dance around this conversation like she dances around the defense in one of her mock trials. She can persuade anyone to see her point with that crooked smile, her hair in a messy bun and her glasses just slightly too big for her face so she has to continue to push them up into place. I got lucky when she agreed to go out with me. I just didn't realize how much of a fight I would have to continuously put up to push her walls down. As soon as I think I have finally gotten over the wall of her defense I am just met with another one. That girl is a walking labyrinth of mazes guarding her heart. And yet she has walked right into my heart like she did into my life and I cannot imagine her not being here in my life with me always.

"Why can't I meet your family? See where you come from? What are you trying to hide from your family? Are you not serious about us? Come on Lyra what are we doing?"I asked as I ran my fingers through my messy hair. At this rate, my hair is going to start thinning out if we keep dancing around this topic. It's so frustrating. Why won't Lyra let me meet her family? She avoids the subject like it is a plague she is scared will spread. We have been together for almost two years and I haven't met anyone outside of her best friend Halley. Even that was a fluke, I came home early to surprise her. She wasn't expecting me until the following weekend. Imagine my surprise when I came in to find some woman in my apartment making my girlfriend laugh so hard she was in tears.

"You know I don't want to even go back there. I told you my mother and I don't get along. My family is not the happy Cleaver family. Why are you wanting to go to some stupid ball that will be filled with annoying uppety people? Let's just talk about your promotion and make our plans.`` Lyra responded by getting more annoyed with each question. She finally sits down across the table from me. She looks exhausted already and we aren't even in the middle of this conversation.

"Of course you are trying to avoid this. I want to know your family. I want us to be together. I want to get to know your parents and siblings. Like you have gotten to know my family. Crystal and you get along great. Why can't I go to show off how much I love you and want to be with you." I said frustrated that the argument was going nowhere. I take a deep breath and lower my voice. I shouldn't yell. She will just shut down and not want to talk at all "Baby, we have been talking about starting a new life in Seattle. Then your mom calls and you act like we aren't planning a future. Just help me understand." I retorted hoping to get her to see my point as we both sat down at the table.

"It's not that I don't want to spend my life with you. I just don't want to involve my family. I want us to start our own little family far away from my family. Can't we please drop this and talk about your promotion and Seattle?" She begs as she puts some salad on her plate.

"Fine, but we will talk about this before I leave." I demand as I pass her plate of food off to her. Maybe I can surprise her at the ball if she decides to go. I'll get the address from the letter and I can finally propose to her. Maybe Halley will help me. "Do you still want to move to Seattle?"

"Of course I want to move to Seattle with you. We planned this months ago." She says so sweetly, taking a few more bites.

"Then why can't I meet your family. I have only met your best friend from your hometown. Halley doesn't talk much about yalls childhood. Hell yall don't even talk about your childhood when I am around. I don't think I have heard a single story about your family. I don't even know how many siblings you have or if you even have siblings. I just know you talk to your mom once a week begrudgingly. Your dad calls only when you and your mom have had a bad fight which is a lot of the time. Even Halley is selective about what she says in front of me. What is the deal?"I said, raising my voice. I am getting tired of this stupid dance. If I am just wasting my time she needs to speak up because I can save a lot of money by not taking all these trips between Seattle and Charlotte. She pushes her plate away from her like she has lost her appetite. "Lyra, answer me, don't you dare space out. We are talking about this right now." I said getting more annoyed as the time passes. I watch Lyra take her plate to the kitchen. She sets her plate on the counter and places her hands on her hips. There she goes getting that spaced out look that she gets sometimes. I get up from the table and I walk closer to her, reaching out to grab her arm to get her attention.

"I don't want to talk about my family right now. I just wanted to celebrate your promotion and forget about the call from my mom. I already have to prepare for the wrath my mother is creating between my flather and I." she said, pulling away from me. She is shutting down like she normally does when we get into a fight.

"God, you're so frustrating," I said, rubbing my face and backing away. "Why do you have to be so damn stubborn? Why can't you just talk this through with me and quit avoiding the topic." I am so mad at her right now. It is so frustrating when she gets like this. It is so condescending how she pretends I am the one that started this fight when all she has to do is open up to me. We wouldn't fight if she would tell me something, anything about her life before college.

"Ugh oh please you're being dramatic," she bickered, turning back to face me. Her face says it all. We are done talking about this or at least she is done.

"No, you are getting on my nerves with how you pretend we don't have the conversations. If it were up to you we would never work through any of our problems. If you don't want to talk about it, we don't regardless of how I feel about it. I get it you're broken and your family is mean to you, but you are an adult now. I just want to meet them and move on with our lives," I pointed out. "Let me into your life. I want your past, present and future. Not just these scraps you are boxing up and pretending is a full gift." I walk out of the kitchen into the living room. If I stay I will end up saying something we both will regret. I look around for my shoes.

"Why can't you just understand that is not a part of me that I want to bring into the future. Why would you rather hear the memories I don't even want to think about? Why can't you understand I want you and I want to be away from life back at home?" she questioned walking back to the sink to scrub it clean. She is now really mad, her mad cleaning means we will not be getting anywhere with this argument. I locate my shoes next to the front door. I go to slip them on.

"You need to decide what kind of life you want to live with me, because I want all of you, not just the sides you only want to show. That is the only way this relationship can grow or even work. I'm going to go to my sister's. You need to reach out when you decide what exactly it is we are doing here or not doing. I leave Monday, so that gives you 4 days." I said, grabbing my keys as she rolled her eyes. Releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I looked one more time at the woman I love and walked out of the door, slamming it harder than I had intended.

Next chapter