We are sitting here in his car and he has just poured out his heart to me. It is clear that this has been very hard on him and I wish I can just give him a hug to make him feel better. But I soon realize that I have no authority to do that and if I would, he would think that I am crazy. I need him to still see me as the District Attorney.
My heart is filled with sorrow for him. I stare at him with my hand still on my shoulder and then I realize that I probably need to take my hand off. I quickly take my hand off and then I feel a blush starts to makes its place on my cheeks. I hide my face and try to hide the instant color change on my face.
I need him to focus on what's important right now and remind him that it is only a job. I know that with a bit of encouragement he will get over this and do a great job because of the detective I know he is.