
Leaving the Magnificent City. (Prolouge)

"In the grim darkness of the far past. Humanity stands on the brink of extinction. Beset in all sides by new and old races alike, threaten within by mutants, heretics, traitors and worse.

Yet, even in those dying times, when peace has been long forgotten. There stands a great bulwark between humanity and which that would destroy them. It is a power of unimaginable scale. In command of inexhaustible armies that hold back the countless terrors from beyond.

It is a regime built out of benevolence and kindness, freedom of expression and revolution, yet a nation tempered in the flames of unceasing war and conflict.

It is three hundred years before the Liberation, and rising from that ancient pillar of light, stands boldly, The Libera Theocracy, The Kingdom of Saints and the arrival of the Hero of Freedom to protect humanity!"

The priestess who tells the story lit up the flames of passion on the children who are listening. Well, I can't help but feel a little excited and smile myself since I know whose tale she's gonna tell.

(And for some reason I can't help but feel a little bit itchy...)

Removing my left gauntlet to see the source. The black cracks from last week have begun to take form once more.

(Oh sun-dried peas!)

But to my surprise, it disappears before I could take action.

"Whew~ what was that all about?"

My voice was minuscule compared to the roaring kids in the room. I decided to ignore it and look outside to calm myself down.

Since I was sitting close to the open window. I opt to see the unscalable wall behind me. It height pierce through the clouds and beyond as if it touches the stars. Its walls were cracking and mouldy from the seas while still standing strong. Showing how old and resilient it was through its creation during the age of the three wonders... I think.

"I'm finally leaving the city like I always wanted..."

I whisper softly like I was speaking only to myself.

"Yet this is not the feeling I want..."

My voice comes full of remorse for reasons I still do not understand.

"Whatever, I guess. I still have something I need to do. And I'm prepared for it now."

A little rat girl comes close and peeks her head out of the window, her ears wiggles while her pink tail with a ribbon on top sway left and right. Making my eyes follow her it as in a trance.

I shake my head as to snap my self back to reality, her sparkling ruby red eyes, her enthusiastic child-like smile that shows her sharp buck tooth while her mixed coloured dark brown hair flow with the ocean breeze I think is what is called.

"The seas are truly amazing!"

The shouts of her childish voice were faint thanks to the voices of the other kids and the rising currents smashing the ship.

She is Saya Anmao, one of the two companions on my journey. She may look like a kid but she is actually older than me by two years. How? Well, I guess it involves something called age biolo-something and I kinda forgot about it. She is the rat-girl that I suddenly met in the alleyway when I was trying to go home. My involvements with her speak nothing but endless trouble and worst coincidences.

Yet amiss all the faults, she is actually very knowledgable about the current events and past histories. And her favourite words I heard through my travel with her was always:

(Knowledge is power keep it well).

Sadly her childish smile was quickly quelled down with a huge splash to the face. To her surprise, she was probably wishing for it when she peeks her head out. She quickly tugs to my arms and rubs her wet head there saying:

"I am not comfortable with this in any way shape or form."

I pull off my arm while pushing her away with the other saying:

"I guess we all have our own share of problems. And please do not do that again." I reply softly.

"Why not!? You're just so comfy. In fact, open your helmet and let me pet you. I know you like it~"

"S-shut up! And no."

(I may like it but not now).

Her reply was quite expected. Yet it does not diminish my problems. When I was busy trying to dry my wet armour and clothes, Saya sits beside me as she moves her legs back and forth, following up with another question asking:

"Have you ever been on a boat before Sova?"

She asks me with a face of curiosity. Seeing her face that says I did nothing wrong, I ignore what she did and answer:

"Quite honestly, only once when I was going through the crystal clear lake with my Sister and May back then... But the boat we use needs to be rowed. Luckily Sis Rubeca was there and she is pretty strong and May would quickly jump and shook Sis Rubeca for answers about the lake, so much so that the boat almost flip back."

Saya leans back at her sit, tugging my shirt while she puffs her cheeks. She looks down with a tint of sadness on her face as she says:

"Heh~ that's quite dangerous... Sova, are you okay now? With what's happening?"

Her question was sudden, yet it rings as strong as the sound of the crashing waves, I look out at the crystal blue sea saying:

"I'm not, but grieving over the fact that it already happened won't change it. That's why we're here in this boat no? We're taking our first step to our plan."

"Ha, ha, you're saying some grown-up things... I guess I'm the only foreign intervention here huh? I mean the only reason I'm here is-"

Hearing her voice becoming lower and lower, I did what my sis would do to me when I was down. A chop to the head.


"Ahe! What was that for!?"

Using her small hands, Saya holds her head as she yells at me. I ignore her yell as I lower my hand saying:

"Don't say that, don't you have your own quest too? I already promise I'll help you out when I can. But for now, you are my faithful aid appointed by the Mistress of the Purple Phoenix herself.

Saya still rubs her head as if she was still in pain. Worried that I hit her too hard I reach my hand to her saying:

"S-sorry, did I-"

Her frown turns to a faint smile. Like a child given a candy, her spirit returns.

"He he, of course~"

She smiles widely showing her buck teeth as her pink tail swings around. I tried rubbing the place I hit, yet she brushes my hand away saying:

"If you want me to forgive you then you better let me pet your head."

"Wu-what where did that come from? Umm, maybe later. When we're more private... Still, why do you want to pet me so badly now?"

Her smile widened like she has a trick answer up her sleeves. But, she suddenly presses her index finger together while puffing her cheeks as she just lost her will.

"What's so wrong with that? I mean anyone you met pets you. So what's wrong with one more? It's not like this is the first time I pet you."

Feeling like there is something missing in her answer, I keep looking at her as I try to pry her for more answer with my gaze alone. Saya quickly gives in when her face becomes red and continue saying:

"Fine l-I'm just bored okay! Sitting here quietly while listening to the kids is just annoying!"

"That still doesn't answer why you want to pet me."

"Jeez, maybe I shouldn't have told you to be more inquisitive."

I smile behind my helmet as I hear her words. Like singing praise to my ears after so long.

"Well, I'm glad you told me to do so. Now spit it out."

"Fine~ I just remembered when I first pet you during the monster invasion. I just want to do it again since it feels very nice."

Questions start to swirl in my mind. The monster Invasion? The time when countless numbers of people almost died? And the thing you remembered most was petting me? Don't you think there is something wrong with your mind that is more interesting!?

Dumbfounded by her answer, luckily my face was hidden behind my helmet. Yet, I can pretty much guess my expression probably showed through it clearly.

"Fine, fine, but not here."

Saya quickly gives me hug as she wraps her arms around my neck. Her smile was full of energy as she giggles.

"He he~ you're too kind," she whispers sounding malicious.

I ignore her response like usual. Cause something else is getting my attention. This hugs which are usually something I receive are now a mysterious thing to me. Her hugs feel kinda like when May gives me her greeting hug. Totally different than the one Sis Fei gives which cause something to stand up.

(I wonder how and why?)

"Even through your armour, I can still feel your warmth~"

As Saya continues to rubs her face against me, I look back at the group of kids. Seeing them listening to the priestess fairy tale. It is a tale known by anyone, a tale that was spread pass the boundaries of culture, language, and tradition. And even if you don't know his tale, his name shall still reach your ears no matter where you are. It is the tale of:

[The Hero of Freedom]

The man who saved humanity from extinction, or should I say given us the "Liberation" from the "Evil" of the past.

Yet I can't help compare her tales against what Nicole, another childhood friend of mine told me. After all, both of them are from the Theocracy. Yet, their version is different already. I mean, if it's from another country, then that would be a given, but this is someone from the same country, and the same religion no less.

"To be honest the way she tells the story is different than the way Nicole did..."

The words in my mind spilt forth unconsciously. When I feel Saya stop giving me the hugs and she respond saying:

"Well, no surprise there but who's Ni-."

"Ah! Sir Silencer, are you perhaps knowledgeable about the Hero of Freedom?"

Saya's words were cut short by the priestess sudden appearance and question. Saya's face was comparable to a frustrated squirrel with her puffed up cheeks.

When I look at her, she lets me go and folds her arms as she looks away from the priestess. Shocked by the priestess question, I think back saying:

"Well, I do really like heroes and have been listening to their tales and Sagas as of late."

"Oh my! Now that is truly rare. This may be a huge request but would you kindly tell your version of your tale to these kids?"

She bows elegantly as she asks, her posture and the way she moves reminds me of Nicole. As she smiles down before continuing saying:

"A foreign view would truly help expand the vision and freedom the children have on this wonderful world stories! After all, that's why we decided to travel after all."

"Eh? Really sir Silencer?"

"Sir silencer will tell the story?"


Pressured by the look of the kids, I look away while scratching my chin and can't help but reply:

"Uuh, Well... I guess I can. But are you sure? I mean my knowledge is not as expanse as the one living there?"

"Yes, that's okay!"

"Please tell us your version sir silencer."

"Mr Silencer, tell us, tell us!"

The kids cheered and encore as they beg me with their sparkling eyes.

Seeing the situation I'm in. I can't help but smile behind my helmet saying:

"Okay, okay, I shall tell the story when all of you find a comfortable place to sit down," as a way to delay just a little while, as I try to recall what he said.

"Okay!!!" the children replied loudly and scatter like a wild goose chase. Leaving behind toys and candies instead of feathers.

Yet, among them, I saw one that seems to get closer to me. The more I watch, the more I realize it's not just in my mind. A little girl around the age of eight walks to where I sit, wearing the same robe similar to Nicole. She comes to me asking:

"Mr. Silencer Knight, may I please sit on your lap?"


(Eeeeeh!? That's a sudden request!), I scream in my mind as I feel something break inside of me.

When I look around the children are all staring at me and the priestess too is looking at me with a calm smile yet filled with curious intent.

I smile in defeat inside my helmet saying:



She raises her arms high to cheer and suddenly jump and land between my lap like she does this occasionally. She looks at me from below my chin saying:

"Thank you so much, Mr Silencer Knight! To tell you the truth I always want to be a Templar and wear a similar garb like you."

She smiles with full enthusiasm as she told me her dreams.

"Really? That's a very good dream."

I reply to her like how I told Nicole when he first told me his dream.

(But, why is she so close to me, did nobody ever teach her not to talk with stranger? Or is me pretending to be a silencer have a role in it? I don't think the title Silencer is anything but malicious... Or is that just me?)

"I know right!" she laughs as she moves her leg back and forth while still looking at me.

The priestess walks to the middle of the room and sits down asking:

"Alright, children have you find your place?"

"Yes, Ms Agrippa!" the children say in unison.

"Good, and thank you for following her selfish request Sir Silencer, you are truly kind."

"Oh, well its nothing. Well then let me begin..."

I look around, seeing the kids' eyes shine in anticipation, I continue saying:

"I think it's among the lines of... As the gates of hell open and colour the sky grey and the ground red. Illuminating the world by blood and ashen bones, the clear blue seas turns to scorching earth while the Gods above turn a blind eye with the sun turn to eclipse. Leaving behind the evils of the world to get you!"

I try scaring them by moving my hands like I'm trying to catch them. The children cower in fear and their eyes teared up while some of them even hide under their own robe which is pretty cute.

"No! The Goddess will never abandon us!"

I look below and see the girl still smiling, no she's smiling even happier now... Following the flow, I continue saying:

"But, in those dying times, there appears a great pillar of light by the grace of Gods given forth."

From a king of light sundered in his throne and a hero of liberty blinded by justice. To weaken, with their last dying breath they forge together a sword given to he, and behoves a man to save this dying world, the Hero of Freedom and his chosen companions sally forth to restore the world."

"Woah!" One of the children come out of their robe and gets closer.

"What's the difference?" Another stayed inside while he asks around.

"Yeah, and what is the words he's saying?" Another replied.

"To be honest I almost don't understand but it sounds amazing!"

The children chitter and chatter among themselves when the priestess walks to me saying:

"Ah! That version... Could you perhaps hear it from another preacher sir silencer?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't know if I can call my friend a preacher Ms Agrippa, was it?"

"Ah yes, it gladdens me to know someone who is friends with the followers of our dogma. He must trust you a lot."

"Ah yes he does..."

(Sadly, even though I seldom hear Nicole preaching back then, well its more of akin to complaints and his disgruntled moments about his family and some random events than preaches of wisdom when we are alone, even after all that, I am pretty much an atheist...

Most of us Owlians are. From our ancestor's story, it is said that the Gods hates Owlians for no reason by stripping away their magic and no matter how hard we pray or how hard we beg or sacrifice, the result will always be the same.

So, our ancestors decided to throw away such ridiculous teachings and adopted our own path. A path of one of the three wonders during that age, a path forged by our own hands, a path created by our own blood and tears, the path of science and technological advance with the first Emperor's help, The path of Aologi.

Speaking of religion, many of those preachers keep coming to each district and houses to get those charity donations. And they won't shut up even when I say no. Good thing Nicole was there to tell me not to fall for those cultist tricks and rorts whatever they are).

Then I remember one sentence that prone me to ask the priestess:

"Say, how do you know Nicole is a he? I'm sure I never specify his gender."

She closes her eyes saying:

"Hmm? Well, you did say it to your companion no?"

"Truth be told, NO. She doesn't even know his name."

My eyes meet her opal white eyes. But my attention was suddenly pulled when the little girl moves around and looks at Saya who is hiding beside me by hugging my arm. She smiles at her saying:

"My name is Ianthe Vulcan, let's be friends rat-girl. Please?" she extends her hands to shake.

Saya backs away like she was threatened and looks at the girl by peeking out saying:

"You know, I'm much, much, older than you, right? And the fact I'm a ratgirl doesn't bother you?"

"Hee~ I don't care about that. Only you outsiders care about race and gender... So are you not the same age as me? You still look like a kid."


Saya's face darkens the moment the girl says that. Saya hugs my hands tightly as she presses her left chest saying:

"H-hmph, I guess it won't hurt to make friends, my name is Sarah Anmao, and he is my hubby! So I'm older and more adult than you," Saya shakes her hand.

(Wait... Hubby? Oh no...)

The priest suddenly looks at Saya while still closing her eyes when Ianthe continues asking:

"Hubby? What's that," she turns her head in confusion as she looks at Saya with puppy eyes.

"Senior Saya, please don't-"

"Hubby means-"

(I don't like where this is going...)

"Stop it! Don't make another misunderstanding."

I immediately lift Ianthe, placing her down and quickly drag Saya out by carrying her in my arms saying:

"Please excuse us!"

I quickly leave the room and out of the inner level, arriving on the deck. There, a girl on her teens stands near the steel fence. Her tan skin glistens with the morning sun as her purple hair flow along with the soft ocean winds.

She's Sis Fei, the other companion on my journey. She is the younger sister of Sis Yuwei who is the Sector Lord of the Purple Phoenix Sector. Just like me, she lacks the knowledge but her battle prowess is stronger than mine. But, if I have to be honest, she is actually younger than me but than I just remembered it recently back during the palace, that the reason I call her sis is that back when we were kids. She was actually taller than me (which she is now.) And she throws a tantrum if I won't. Guess I just got used to it. Just like how I have to call Saya Senior first before she would respond.

She looks at the endless ocean when she turns around and leans on the fence. Waving her hands at me as her naturally red lips leers asking:

"Oh hey Sova, not gonna stay inside? Wait, why are you-"

Her natural red lips turn to a frown as she continues but I stopped her replying:

"Sorry Sis Fei, not now."

I reply to her quickly and head to the edge of the deck. Bringing Saya who is still in my arms. I breathe a huge sigh of relief when the coast is clear. I put Saya down yet she won't release her hands off my neck.

"Won't you please let me go?"

She looks at me with a sneer as she captured her prey saying:

"Head pats..."

Annoyed by her answer, I decided that doing this quickly would be the best and give in to her request. When my vision darkened, the sound of folding steel ring through my ears when the light finally shines again.

"Fine, just let me go."

"Of course~"

She quickly releases me and started petting my head saying:

"It's so soft. And your headband is like the border where I can rub. This makes me feel better already."

My cheeks get warmer as she talks and I just continue what I want to say:

"Please don't say anything like that! Didn't you remember what happened last time you did that stunt!"

Saya plays with my hair before letting go and tugs my shirt. She lowers her stature and softly says:

"Sorry, I really needed to get away... Sova can you really stomach all these ideal stories? And I'm surprised you actually embrace those doctrines for some reason, hearing it is making my stomach churns to the core ever since I was still a kid."

I remembered my time with Nicole and answer:

"Of course I don't accept it unless it brings me free food on my platter when aunt tells me to find food myself... Then I will follow just a little. Like do you know you can get free clothes and food by just bowing down or another easy one is just getting splash by water?"

She looks at me with eyes of disappointment when I continue saying:

"I mean, how many times do you think my teacher (which is May) force me to listen to history? Besides, it's the story of the Hero of Freedom who doesn't like him."

She sighs before continuing saying:

"Well, that's true, at least tell me where are we going and for what!?"

"Oh, right you were not there when the conversation happens."

"Yes, I was resting and having a day with my new life with my new attendants. You know, the luxury, the opulent imperial ways of nobility that is supposed to be my birthright when suddenly the next few days, Yuwei suddenly request me to follow you around the city and make me look like a stalker and then now we are searching for someone."

Feeling guilty, I lower my head saying:

"Sorry... You know you can say no right?"

"Like hell I can say that you dimwit! Know something call etiquette!"

Etiquette huh? I'm probably gonna have a hard time.

"I'm sorry, so basically, I have a very dear friend who I would even call a family in the Theocracy. If I want to go out there to reunite my family. I need someone who I can fully trust to accompany me, and Yuwei chooses you. And Sis Fei came along since she wants to follow her promise. Oh, and his name is-"

"W-wait, what! Y-you actually, ACTUALLY, manage to find a friend, an actual friend in the Theocracy. That Libera Theocracy!"

"Well yes, I mean we've been friends since childhood... A very precious friend from childhood till now. I-"

"H-ho-hold on, since childhood? Are you sure he's the same person now? Don't tell me its the Nicole person you are talking about!"

She suddenly holds my shoulders and head, checking for something as she cast something. I had enough and push her away saying:

"What's wrong with you!? He's the same person of course! What's with you and the Theocracy, you make it sound like that country is a very bad place to be. Besides, remember what Yuwei said, don't make them see you in a bad light. What happens if any of them heard us just now?"

When suddenly I sense someone coming and I look at the coming individual. It's Sis Fei, walking closer when she suddenly hit me in the head.

"Ow!" I scream as I hold the part that hurts.

Sis Fei place her hands on her waist as she looks down at me with a face of disappointment saying:

"Don't just leave me there, we're a team now. So what are you talking about? You dum dum."

I look around to check the surrounding and then pull her closer saying:

"Sorry, it's about what we're doing at the Theocracy."

Sis Fei immediately wraps her right arm around my neck, grappling me within her arm and drill my head with her left fist saying:

"Then you should invite me in the first place you knucklehead!"

"Ow, ow, ow, I'm so sorry! It's because we're not talking about that when I carry her here! So please let me go."

She finally lets go of me when I breathe a huge sigh of relief. I look back at her when she grabs my cheeks and forcefully making me look at her face to face, she pulls me closer asking:

"So what are you talking about?"

"Uh, that's... That's-"

Saya intercepts by appearing in the middle and tried to push us aside but failed with how weak she is.

"Okay, stop. Fei, is that right? If you want to talk seriously, then don't get off topic!"

Sis Fei looks at her saying:

"Why should I listen to a kid like you? And don't forget the honorifics when calling my name. I mean what do you know?"

Saya grabs her chest in pain before she looks at Sis Fei saying:

"Bitch, please. I'm like older than you and I'm sure as hell am much more knowledgable about current events than you can imagine. In fact, do you even know the current event of the Theocracy?"


Sis Fei looks at her in confusion before biting her thumb as she ponders.

"Aren't they now preparing for the independence day for the start of next year? Then there are the pantheon purges... And not only that, I heard that a grand title holder is going to fight in the Grand Libera Arena and even one of the Cardinal of the Theocracy Capital will come to see him fight. Now I too am interested."


Saya sighs loudly as she suddenly pets me again. She touches her forehead saying:

"Really? Is that all you know? For someone who says that they know something, only has a knowledge equivalent of a child that just hear stuff from her parents. I mean, didn't you ever hear the rumours, the news, and the tribune that flows about the Theocracy anyhow? From your face, you probably never read a newspaper either...

Besides, don't you know pantheon purges are like breakfast to them, you won't believe how many pantheon are gone every day! I guess this is why Yuwei sent me to accompany both of you. At least you're not as ignorant and empty as he is."

I look down saying:

"I have nothing to say to that."

Sis Fei grabs and drags me into her arms as she pulls me away from her pets saying:

"Don't just bow your head down like that Sova, fight back! And you shut up! Just because I don't read one doesn't-"

Sis Fei stops amid her words and closes her eyes. She takes a breather and pets me before letting me go saying:

"Let's just leave it at that okay?"

Saya folds her arms and nods asking:

"Fine, but before we went back, do you even know where he lives Sova? That "Childhood Friend" of yours."

I nod at her and take out a letter saying:

"Well, of course, thanks to the last message May left to me, now we know what to do. Now let's go back inside."

I wave the letter and Saya leans closer while I put the letter inside asking:

"You know this may be a little too late but where is this ship even going?"

"Huh, the capital city of the Theocracy itself of course."

Like if something just possessed her, she suddenly grabs my shoulders and shakes me over and over screaming:

"What the actual- for fuck sake! By Libera's titty ballsacks, why are we going there!?"

Confused by her weird curse words, I involuntarily ask:

"What does that even mean?"

"Tell me already!?"

Saya ignores my question as she keeps shaking me.

"Hey! Lower your voice!"

Sis Fei tried to calm her but Saya reply saying:

"You shut the fuck up and tell me Sova!"

Pressured by her actions and combined by the feeling of wanting to puke, I give in and answer what the letter said:

"That's where he lives!"

Suddenly as if she the s sane, she slowing her shakes and lets me go and before crawling away in all fours. Curling up in a corner as if she remembered something bad in her life.

Sis Fei shakes her head as in disbelief and decided to leave the both us here saying:

"I think I prefer staying out here if you don't mind, I really wish to see the seas longer."

"Oh, okay."

She starts to leave with my answer but Saya still worries me.

"Saya? Are you okay? I'm sorry if I did anything wrong."

She looks at me with a disgruntled face. Curling up into a tinier ball and reply saying:

"You know what? I too will stay out here with Fei, maybe we can clear some misunderstanding out," she stares at Sis Fei.

Sis Fei before turning to the corner looks back at her with her now sharpened eyes.

"That's fine by me. Let's clear some MISUNDERSTANDING."

"Okay, stop!"

I stand in between them to stop something bad from happening.

"Please, just don't. How are we gonna complete this if we start infighting like this? So just, shake your hands and let it be, okay? In fact, why not talk about yourself, we're now a team remember? You say it yourself a while ago Sis Fei."

Sis Fei takes a breath in and out, as she tries to calm herself leans on the wall and looks at me saying:

"Fine, if that's what you want. I guess you're right, we should try our best to work with each other."

Saya comes closer to me and started sticking close before peeking her head out saying:

"That's very reasonable of you two. Okay, just for you Sova."

When they make eye contact with each other. They quickly turn their back saying:

"Hmph!" while folding their arms.

I sigh to myself thinking:

(why are they in bad terms like this? I'm pretty sure they just met for a while... Is this what they call bad blood or is it something else?)

Curious by her overreaction. I look at Saya with a question in mind.

"So, You really don't want to hear it?"

I ask her while she tugs on my leg. She nods her head as she looks at me, not saying a single word. I just accept it and nod back.

She lets me go and trying to calm her down, I say to her:

"Okay, get some fresh air and I'll accompany you two later okay? And please don't fight! This is my first time journeying outside the city, so please make this one memorable- in a good way, I mean!"

Saya pets my head before walking ahead to the middle of the deck saying:


While Sis Fei walks after her saying:

"Sure Sova~" petting my head as she leaves.

"This still feels nice..." I whisper to myself.

I re-equip my helmet as my vision darkens and reappear before me. I head to the door leading inside the ship. But when I open the door, shock came to surprise me with Ianthe awaiting beyond the door. Confused by the sudden appearance, I ask:

"Ianthe? Why are you here?"

She slips pass me from under my arm and onto the deck. She stands right between me and Saya as she skips around asking:

"So, since you two are husband and wife, do you hug in the bed a lot?"


Saya and Sis Fei cough to the side in mere shock. Sis Fei looks at me with a similar smile reminiscent of Sis Yuwei when Saya pulled that stunt. If memory serves me right, she will say:

"What does that mean Sova? When did you get married!?"

With her trained speed, she dashes closer to me, appearing suddenly infront of me with a crooked smile. Knowing that this is spiralling down to where it is. I back away from her and prepare to shield myself saying:

"W-wait I can explain."

Just to draw in more time before she started attacking. She disappeared once more and appears from behind me and grapple me again, pulling me in her arms and between her chest, as she drills my head again saying:

"I didn't know you are that kind of person... Is that why she follows you to our household I wonder?"

Her attacks didn't pierce my helmet. Yet the pain reaches till my head. As if she was using the shockwaves to emit the damage.

"Yeow, ow, ow, please stop..."

When I feel someone pulling my hand, I look down in surprise seeing Ianthe trying to pull me away from her. She puffed her cheeks as she closes her eyes, trying her best as she pushes with her feet saying:

"D-don't hurt her hubby, his important to her. Like Daddy is to Mommy!"

Saya looks at me with a smirk on her face as she knows my situation but just completely ignores me. She removes Ianthe hands from me and holds Ianthe on her shoulders before dragging her away from us asking:

"Ianthe, where did you hear that hugging?"

She looks at her and ponders by looking above before saying:

"Oh! Daddy always says he likes to hug mommy on the bed and I love hugging mommy and daddy during bedtime too! Does that make me an adult? And won't you save your Hubby? He seems to be in pain even with his face covered..."

Saya sarcastically coughs to the side and smirks saying:

"Pfff, don't worry~ my hubby is not so weak. That's why I want him beside me in the first place."

(So hugging in bed is considered something adult would do? Then what about me getting hug all the time? And how I keep getting hugged by May when we still sleep in the same room?)

When I wanna ask what I wonder, I use my speed and precision to grab Sis Fei's hand on a certain move and push it away asking:

"W-wait, I wanna ask. What's so wrong with hugging in the bed? I'm pretty sure close people-"

Sis Fei overpowered me and drill me again in the head even harder saying:

"Shut up! you haven't answered me, when did you get married?"

"Ow, ow, ow, I said this to Sis Yuwei but don't just believe everything they just-"

"Shut your face, Sova! A child's innocence is at stake here!"

She screams at us and looks back at Ianthe with a desperate smile asking:

"W-Why would your dad say something like that to you!?" As she tightens her grip on Ianthe.

She rubs her feet on the ground while she looks down saying:

"That's because I'm free to know of such information or are you saying, Daddy... Actually... Lied to me?" Her words start to muddle as her eyes begin to tear up and her nose starts to sniff.

Saya shakes her head in desperation saying:

"No, no, no, no. W-wait, Ianthe your daddy technically, didn't lie when he said that, it's actually true. Your daddy hugs your mommy a lot in the bed."

Her eyes stop tearing up when she looks at Yuwei asking:

*hick* *sniff*

"I-it's true?"

Ianthe looked at Saya with her sad face and puppy eyes. Curious I hold back and push Sis Fei's arms away again with all my might asking:

"Wait, so what do husband and wife do other than hugging then? And besides, can't you see I already shut my face? I'm wearing my-"

"Dammit Sova, why are you joining in this!"

She cuts me in the middle of my sentence once again. She tiptoes and grabs my head whispering in my ear saying:

"(Can't you see I'm trying to avoid this conversation!)"

Saya looks back at Ianthe saying:

"Listen, We'll tell you about this stuff when you get older okay?"

She starts to sit and curl up and before long sulking again saying:

"That's what everyone says... Here I thought I could get the freedom to know."

Sis Fei looks at Saya with a disappointed face, like she saw someone despicable saying:

"Yeah, good move there Saya-"

"Don't call me that! Only Sova can call me that! Call me Sarah, like your sister do."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"T-That's because. That's because we..."

Saya looks away blushing while pressing her fingers before continuing saying:

"That's because we share a secret together..."

Sis Fei hugs me tighter as I feel her warmth, she grapples my neck even tighter screaming:

"W-what! S-Sova has a secret!?"

As if light and hope returned to Ianthe's eyes. She starts to smile again as her lime green eyes sparkle once more.

"I-I knew it, you are married!" Ianthe scream as she points at Saya.

While Saya is busy with Ianthe's new spirit. I tried to get away by trying to lessen her grip, but she just tightens her grip and buries me deeper in her chest, I tried to escape saying:

"W-wait, no we're not... Jolly! What is even going on with this conversation! I can't keep up with all of this! Can we talk after Senior Saya finish explaining this?"

I ask Sis Fei in my desperate last attempt.

Sis Fei, like a beast that holds his prey, hold me tight. Yet with a tint of curiosity in her eyes, she replies saying:

"Okay, but I'm not letting you go."

As we start to divert our attention elsewhere. Saya scratches her head as she tries to think of an answer and looks at Ianthe saying:

"Fine, I'll tell you so can you please return to where the priestess is after this?"


From her voice alone, it is clear that Ianthe wasn't expecting that answer and started jumping in joy saying:

"Okay then, I will! Thank you Elder Sis, you really are an adult that's different than the others."

Saya as if she indulges herself in her words, starts smiling ear to ear as she nods while folding her arms. Her smug face was so clear, that even anyone could probably guess it from a mile away without magic.

"Of course I am! So call me Big Sis again! Hehehe~"

Saya encourages Ianthe once more for the encore which Ianthe happily replies:

"Yes, of course, big sis!"

As we watch, Sis Fei who is still grappling my neck started to dig her chin on my head and wrap her arms on my belly as she completely got me captured asking:

"So, you're not married right?"

I shake my head in defiance saying:

"Of course not. I mean, I'm not even ready yet..."

Sis Fei finally lets me go blushes and quickly backs away saying:

"Okay good, sorry for the misunderstanding."

She walks to the head of the ship and stares at the see with eyes full of hope some reason as I hear her whispering:

"(I wonder if you hear that May?)"

When I look at Ianthe waiting in anticipation as she shakes her covered hands... It suddenly hits me.

(Vulcan? As in the same surname as Nicole Vulcan's Vulcan?)

Like a lightning strike, I quickly push Saya aside as she was about to speak and cut her off asking:

"First of all let me remind you, we're not married. Second of all Ianthe when you say your surname is Vulcan, are you perhaps related to Nicole Vulcan?"

"Huh? Hmmm?"

Puzzled by my sudden question. Ianthe moves her head left and right before she points at me saying:

"Oh! You got it wrong Mr Silencer Knight."

Ianthe looks down on the wooden floor as she rubs her feet in the floor saying:

"Can I know your name, Mr Silencer Knight? Calling you that all the time is tedious," she looks at me with puppy eyes while playing with her fingers.

"Oh, my name is Sova Anmao, but please call me-"

As if another huge flame has lit up inside of her. Ianthe starts to smile more enthusiastically shouting:

"Ah! You have the same surname as her, you really are married!"

"Wha- No, wait, you got it wrong!"

I backed away, as I gesture no at her. But her determination just wouldn't falter and she keeps smiling. Placing her hands back as she leans forward with her smug similar to Saya.

"Really~ now?"

Ianthe taunts me with probably Saya's smile. Saya suddenly appears from below my arm, hugging me as her expression says "good job" to Ianthe and she responded with a nod.

"Of course he is. He's just too embarrassed to admit it. (Thanks for the diversion, Sova. Good move there)."

"What!? Senior Saya, what's the meaning of this? I beg you please don't-"

My sentence was cut short when my danger senses feel a fast object coming fast from behind me. I look back when I could see a white light coming from the island behind the ship. When I keep looking, I realize it's getting closer.

(It's coming straight at us!)

I quickly enhance my self, boosting my speed and reflex to an insane degree until I feel myself burning. Grabbing Ianthe and Saya to dodge the beam of light with both of them in my arms.

As the light passes, we barely dodge it, as I feel my back burn. I look at Sis Fei who is trying to reach me, I reach my hand and try to grab her when I realize the beam is going to hit the ship. I hug them both in my arms and shield them with my body when a loud bang numb my ears and pain surge from my back, knocking me unconscious.

Feeling as I plunge deep into the water, my conscious begins to fade.

(Why did it come to us!? What happened to the kids on the ship!?)

Finally the start of volume 2. And I'm gonan start with a 7k+ words... As always thank you so much for reading thus far and this new chapter.

If there is anything wrong, please do let me know so I can fix and improve. Criticism is also fine as long as it is related.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts
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