

"What the?! Where am I?" Shinku thought as he opened his eyes to witness a deep void of unfathomable darkness.

As he lay there floating in the void, none of his senses working he suddenly heard a voice, a voice that he could not understand the words of but could sense the voice's intent and understand it.

"I am $©¢¡¥¢¿..." the voice suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

"I apologize, in TERMS that you can understand I am ~CREATOR~ and I have summoned you to this world because..." the so-called God paused for a bit as if to think of an explanation.

After a brief silence, they started again with a smirk on their face.

"Look I just summoned you because I was bored and have decided you will be the first to be summoned to this world of mine, oh by the way there's no way back as I had to kill your original soul-vessel." as the CREATOR said that, all Shinku could do was listen as he was only in a soul state.

The God continued with a wry expression on their face "Your role is to be entertainment for us 12 Gods"

Shinku thought to himself *this is unfair, this fucking bastard could at least give me a goddamn cheat or something*

As he complained to himself he felt a warm feeling welling up inside him, as he once again tried to open his eyes once more he found that he was in a different place than where he was just previously.

He found himself in a Forest clearing, unbeknownst to him he was inside the most infamous ~DEMON FORREST~ where the legendary beast ~FENRIR~ is the lord of its domain.

Shinku tried to summarize what he just went through.

•FIRST,  God killed him,

•SECOND, he is not on earth anymore but in another world,

•THIRD, he is the first of many

•FOURTH, they have no cheats

•AND FINALLY,  their purpose is to be entertainment for the 12 DEITIES.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with my luck, to start, I just got laid off from my job and was on my way home, suddenly got drenched with rain even though the weather should have been clear today, found out my Girlfriend was cheating on me with my brother and on my way home got splashed multiple times by passing cars and got trapped in this bulshit fucking place as entertainment! "

With a deep breath, Shinku continued, "Wasn't my life already enough entertainment? You know what I'd rather just die." Shinku thought for a while," Nah I have to get my revenge on that piece of shit god."

As he said that he heard rustling in the bushes to his left, he slowly turned his head to see a 2-meter tall wolf, its fur was a crimson red, its eyes were glowing red, its teeth were jagged, long and as white as snow.