
Liar (Book 1) Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Istri Liar Kaisar Jahat

    Dia telah melalui jalan yang panjang Tanpa keluarga, terlahir sebagai si lemah yang tidak berguna di Negara Naga Nilakandi. Gu Rouoyun adalah aib dari keluarga Gu yang terhormat. Dituduh melakukan kejahatan yang dia tidak lakukan, dia di khianati oleh keluarganya, dan di pukuli hingga tewas oleh Kakeknya sendiri. Tetapi kehidupan berkata lain—dia dibangkitan kembali! Dengan dimulainya hidupnya yang baru, dia adalah Tuan dari sebuah pusaka kuno yang tertanam di tubuhnyaa. Pil kultivasi yang sangat berharga, kekayaan yang di luar imajinasinya yang paling liar sekalipun dan hewan spiritual, semuanya ada di genggamannya.. Dia adalah kebanggaan semua orang, termasuk si tampan yang misterius. Sekarang dia hanya memiliki 1 tujuan—Untuk menguasai Dunia.

    Xiao Qiye · Fantasy
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    Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Pesolek

    Yun Luofeng, si jenius dari Sekolah Medis Huaxia, meninggal karena suatu kecelakaan, dan jiwanya menempel pada Nona Sulung yang tidak berguna dari Kediaman Jenderal di Benua Longxia. Tidak hanya si sampah yang tidak mempunyai bakat di bidang seni sastra maupun seni bela diri, tetapi Yun Luofeng juga berdada besar tanpa mempunyai otak, angkuh dan egois. Tidak cukup bagi Yun Luofeng dengan hanya memiliki tunangan yang sempurna seperti Putra Mahkota. Dia juga menarik paksa seorang pria tampan di depan umum, menyebabkan Putra Mahkota membatalkan pertunangannya. Namun, si sampah Yun Luofeng tidak bisa menahan pukulan ini, jadi dia gantung diri untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Ketika membuka matanya kembali, dia bukanlah nona sulung yang tidak berguna seperti sebelumnya. Dengan kontrak Kode Dewa Medis, kepemilikan ladang herbal spiritual, dan tangan ajaib yang dapat menghidupkan kembali orang mati, keahlian medisnya akan mengejutkan dunia! Mulai dari keluarga kerajaan, bangsawan di atas pedagang dan keluarga yang tua dan berpengaruh, semua akan bersaing untuk menjilatnya. Bahkan Yang Mulia Putra Mahkota, yang sebelumnya membatalkan pertunangannya, datang kembali mengetuk pintu Yun Luofeng dengan keinginan untuk kembali? Dalam hal ini, seorang pria misterius akhirnya tidak bisa menahan lagi dan menyatakan, “Siapapun yang berani datang dan mengganggu wanitaku, biarkan mereka datang tetapi mereka tidak akan pernah kembali!"

    Xiao Qi Ye · Fantasy
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    Isteri Liar Maharaja Hantu - Puan Muda Sulung Bergaya

    Yun Luofeng, orang bijak dari Sekolah Perubatan Huaxia, telah mati kerana satu kemalangan, dan rohnya dipiindahkan ke dalam jasad Cik Sulung yang tidak berguna dari Kediaman General di Benua Longxia. Bukan sahaja sampah ini tidak berbakat dalam seni sastera dan seni pertahanan diri, tapi dia jenis orang yang cantik tapi tidak berotak, angkuh, dan keras kepala. Dia tidak rasa cukup walaupun dengan tunang yang sempurna seperti Putera Mahkota. Dia telah mencabul seorang lelaki secara paksa di tempat awam, membuatkan Putera Mahkota memutuskan pertunangan mereka. Namun, sampah itu tidak boleh menanggung kejutan itu lalu menggantung diri untuk menamatkan nyawanya. Setelah membuka matanya semula, dia bukan lagi Cik Sulung yang tidak berguna. Dengan perjanjian Kod Dewa Perubatan, dengan memiliki ruangan tumbuhan rohani, dan tangan ajaib yang mampu menghidupkan semula orang yang mati, kebolehan perubatannya pasti akan mengejutkan dunia! Dari keluarga Diraja dan bangsawan kepada pedagang dan keluarga lama yang berpengaruh, mereka semua akan bersaing untuk mengambil hatinya. Hinggakan Putera Mahkota,yang telah memutuskan pertunangan mereka, datang untuk merujuk semula hubungan mereka? Oleh kerana itu, seorang lelaki misteri yang akhirnya tidak dapat menahan lagi lalu menyatakan, "Siapa sahaja yang berani datang dan menyakiti wanita saya, silakan datang tapi tidak akan pulang!"

    Xiao Qi Ye · Fantasy
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    Gadis Lugu Liar Galak

    Seorang gadis muda yang sehat, ceria, dan memiliki kemampuan magis tiba-tiba meninggal karena keracunan gas di sebuah restoran. Setelah sadar, ia menemukan jiwanya masuk ke tubuh seorang gadis desa bernama Lu Sheng dari desa Liuyue, negara Xuanyue. Ia pun hidup sebagai Lu Sheng dan menggantikan jiwa pemilik asli tubuh itu. Lu Sheng yang dulunya dikenal sebagai gadis yang polos, lembut, dan pemalu pun seketika berubah menjadi lebih pemberani dan galak setelah jiwanya berganti. Lu Sheng menyandang status sebagai tunangan Tuan Magistrat kota Lingjiang, Chu Sihan. Awalnya, Li Sheng yang asli akan menikah dengannya, tetapi sebuah insiden tiba-tiba terjadi dan membuat pernikahan tertunda. Chu Sihan yang sebenarnya tidak ingin menikah dengan Lu Sheng si gadis desa, perlahan-lahan tertarik dengan Lu Sheng yang sekarang. Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah Lu Sheng dan Chu Sihan, juga orang-orang yang ada di sekitar mereka?

    Lukisan Jelas · General
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    Cerberus (Women of mafia book 1)

    His life is full of violence, blood and death. His name is Cerberus, that's what they call him because he's vicious, cruel, and ruthless. To be The Mafia leader you have to be, fearless, heartless and shameless, to have what you want, to get what you want and to own what you want. Gabriel 30 years, the leader of the black cross mafia or family as he calls it. He's well known everywhere due to his cruel and vicious acts no one dares to disobey him, and no one dares to challenge him. Ariel a sweet 18 years, high school girl innocent, shy, kind and pure. The girl who always sees the good in people even though they can't see it themselves. She's a believer that everyone matters and everyone must have a chance. These two people will meet, their worlds will collide, their life won't be the same. Is the gangster going to be changed by the angel or the pure soul of the angel going to be tainted. Total W

    Bebo Elnadi · Urban
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    The Change (book 1 of the change series)

    Had just recently turned twenty - one, Victoria Jamespell finds herself in a life of misery and deceit. Betrayed by her step-sister and her boyfriend, she tries to move forward with her life only to find out that she now has the responsibility of a new life. Victoria now has a series of trials to complete so she and her unborn child can be safe from all the hatred enclosing her. And to help her with that is the president's son... Or so she thinks.

    Shyxlio · Urban
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    Satu Malam Liar

    Lucinda Perry, seorang penyendiri sosial dan pekerja keras, berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk benar-benar menggila di ulang tahunnya yang ke-25 dan bahkan mencetak one night stand jika ia mendapatkan promosi yang sudah lama ditunggu di pekerjaannya. Beberapa hari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke-25, dia dipromosikan ke posisi yang lebih tinggi dan tidak hanya itu, tapi ke kantor pusat di kota yang berbeda. Harus menghabiskan malam ulang tahunnya di kota baru, dia pergi ke klub di mana dia bertemu dengan orang asing tampan, Thomas Hank, yang menawarkan diri untuk menjadi one night stand-nya setelah melihat daftar berani-melakukannya, yang termasuk memiliki satu malam berdiri. Thomas Hank, setelah digunakan oleh beberapa wanita di masa lalu, bertekad untuk mendapatkan wanita impiannya yang akan mencintainya untuk dirinya sendiri dan bukan karena kekayaannya. Jadi ketika dia bertemu Lucinda Perry yang imut dan polos di klub, dia memutuskan untuk menjaga identitas aslinya dari dia dan mencari tahu apakah dia layak untuk dia pertahankan. ***Excerpt*** Apa yang lebih menghibur daripada sisi karakter yang gila? Katakan halo pada Sonia dan Bryan. Jantung Sonia berhenti berdetak sebentar, lalu berbagai pemikiran mulai berterbangan di kepalanya pada saat yang sama. Bryan Hank? Idola selebriti yang dia naksir sedang berlutut tepat di depannya dan memintanya untuk menjadi istrinya? Apakah dia salah mengira dia dengan orang lain? Apakah mungkin ini adalah lelucon, atau mungkin ini seperti salah satu lelucon selebriti dan ada kamera-kamera di sekitar, menunggu untuk merekam dia membuat dirinya tampak bodoh? Atau mungkin dia sedang bermimpi? Sonia bertanya-tanya sambil melihat-lihat sekitar mereka, tetapi yang dia lihat hanyalah penonton yang penasaran. "Tolong! Jadilah istriku dan buat aku menjadi pria paling bahagia di Bumi," katanya dengan suara keras yang menarik perhatian semua orang. Editornya yang telah ditunggunya selama lebih dari satu jam karena dia mencoba menandatangani kesepakatan dengan produser film yang tertarik dengan salah satu ceritanya, muncul saat itu juga, "Sonia, kamu kenal Bryan Hank?" Tanyanya dengan heran saat melihat adegan di depannya. Sepertinya sudah berjam-jam sejak Bryan berlutut, tapi ternyata baru satu menit. Bryan tahu tidak ada wanita yang cukup gila untuk menerima proposal gila seperti itu, dan bahkan jika ada yang mau menerima, membayarnya dan membatalkan keseluruhan hal tersebut akan mudah karena yang dia inginkan hanyalah skandal yang bisa terjadi dari situ. Judul beritanya mendatang akan tentang proposal pernikahan yang ditolak atau pertunangannya yang dikatakan, yang cukup membuat Sophia lepas dari kaitannya. "Ya!" Jawab Sonia dengan semangat sambil menganggukkan kepalanya dan mengulurkan jarinya agar dia memakaikan cincin pertunangan. "Ya?" Tanya Bryan dengan bingung saat mendengar jawabannya. "Ya! Aku akan menjadi istrimu dan membuatmu menjadi pria paling bahagia di dunia!" Sonia berkata dengan tertawa dan menggerakkan jarinya hingga Bryan memasukkan cincin itu ke jarinya. Secara mengejutkan cincin itu adalah ukuran yang tepat untuknya, dan duduk di jarinya seolah-olah dibuat khusus untuknya. Suara tepuk tangan meledak di sekitar mereka saat Sonia berdiri dengan senyum lebar di wajahnya dan memeluk Bryan sebelum menciumnya tepat di bibir. Bryan sedikit terkejut dengan keberaniannya tapi cepat pulih karena ini adalah permainannya, dan dia harus ikut serta. Dia lah yang mendekatinya terlebih dahulu, bagaimanapun juga. Jadi ketika dia mencoba memutuskan ciuman, dia memegang dagunya dan perlahan menggigit bibir bawahnya sebelum membuka bibirnya dengan lidahnya dan mengisapnya dengan cara yang menggoda, mengeluarkan desahan dari Sonia. Sonia merasa pusing. Ini terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan. Itu haruslah mimpi. Bagaimana lagi dia bisa menjelaskan bahwa pada suatu saat dia duduk di lobi hotel menunggu editornya, dan pada saat berikutnya dia bertunangan dengan idola selebriti yang dia naksir dan menciumnya di sini di depan umum?

    Miss_Behaviour · Urban
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    Rejecting The Mating Bond (Curse of Selene Book 1)

    Flora Argentine is ReedStone pack’s little loner and glad to be so. Everyone ignores her existence but not because she’s some glasses bearing, baggy clothes wearing nerd, but because her elder brother is the beta of the pack and no one wants to be involved with her. But Flora is perfectly fine with everyone avoiding her as she makes her way towards her last year at the university and leads a simple life without any complications or hardships...or does she? Clay Scotsman is the most popular guy in town and the ladies love him, which isn’t a problem since he loves them right back. The future Alpha of the pack, he has the looks of a Greek God and is a smooth talking charmer who always gets what he wants...except for Flora Argentine. He’s been obsessed with Flora for a very long time, but he dismisses it as simple physical attraction until one day he decides to hell with it and comes after Flora with all the charm he can master. But once he’s had a taste of her, he finds it nearly impossible to let her go. But Clay and Flora both know that they’re not mates and are dreading the day of Clay’s 28th birthday when he ultimately finds his mate. Is he going to leave her forever for a bond decided upon by the Gods? Or is he going to reject his mate to be with the girl he loves more than life itself? And what will happen when Clay’s mate claims him as hers?

    Anna Kendra · Fantasy
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    Bram (Pria Kos yang Liar)

    Bram (Pria Kos yang liar) Warning! 21+ Maya adalah wanita bersahaja yang bekerja sebagai guru. Dia memiliki suami yang bernama Benny, seorang GM sebuah hotel di luar kota. Karena tuntutan kerja, Benny jarang sekali pulang. Hal itu membuat Maya terguncang karena kebutuhan Batin yang tidak terpenuhi. Sampai datanglah seorang Pria yang indekos di rumahnya Maya. Dia bernama Bram, Pria bertubuh bak binaraga yang memiliki sisi ‘LIAR’. Hal itu terlihat dari caranya yang menyetubuhi setiap wanita yang dia bawa ke kos. Sangat Ganas dan Jantan sekali, bahkan membuat para wanita kewalahan sendiri. Maya diam-diam memendam hasrat kepada Bram. Dia yang pemalu, berusaha untuk memancing Pria itu untuk bersenggama dengannya. Tetapi entah kenapa sikap Bram justru di luar dari ekspektasinya. Pria itu justru menujukan sifat santun dan lembut kenapa Maya. Sementara, Hasrat Maya kepadanya sudah tidak bisa terbendung lagi. Kenapa Bram bersikap demikian? Apakah Maya berhasil menaklukan Pria ‘LIAR’ itu?

    Lazuarrdi · Fantasy
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    Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

    Adele Green was a werewolf in the Silverlake pack born to an Alpha family. She trained with her father and brother from a young age and became the pack head warrior at the age of 18. She was a very skilled warrior and also very intelligent with good leadership qualities. When she was 20, she found out that she had not 1 but 2 mates Chris Black and Liam Taylor who were the Alpha and Beta of the most powerful pack in the world, Blackwood pack. Adele was very ecstatic as she was told mate bond is the most sacred bond which needs to be cherished but her mates did not share the same idea. Chris and Liam were best friends from childhood and their friendship turned to love by the time they were 15. When they were 18, they became the Alpha and Beta of Blackwood pack. Both hated woman and even the concept of mates. According to them women are good only for one thing , to bare pups and take care of them.

    V.S.Rain · Fantasy
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    Ascendant (Danse Macabre Trilogy, Book #1)

    Satan fell in love with Eve, and the Fall of Heaven commenced. Blood. Dripping down the walls. Eve wakes up reincarnated in the body of college student Shannon O'Connor, with no memory of her legendary past... But the tall, dark handsome demon haunting her campus remembers. Samael, the dastardly, wicked Angel of Death wants his first love back, and he will stop at nothing to save Shannon's soul from utter annihilation. R 18+ for graphic violence, steamy romance, consensual but spicy scenes, and lots of demon hunting! :) Ko-Fi and other novels: linktr.ee/avnelson Discord Group!: https://discord.gg/KqhK2ctd

    Allister_Nelson · Fantasy
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    Pulling Pieces (girlxgirl) Book 1 Puzzle Pieces

    I am willing her to continue but I can no longer speak. I am already anticipating. It's weakening to feel like this. She kisses me on my cheek and whispers, "Tell me to go on." Never did she imagine that she will be awakened one day already confused of herself. She is Lana, a simpleton, who doesn't care how she looks as long as she graduates college. Having a gorgeous best friend who is a martyr did not prepare her for relationships and its struggles. She just knows how to be protective of the people she loves. Being protective to the point where she is unaware of dangers of falling in love and experiencing heartbreaks. She meets Blake and her life twists 360 degrees around like a roller coaster running fast paced outside its rails. Oh and I should mention, Blake's a very complicated woman. The rest is yours to find out before it becomes history.

    Damselintuxedo · LGBT+
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    Quick Transmigration: Saving Her Male Leads [Book 1]

    She was sent without warning inside the story she wrote, and now Kate, who transmigrated to every plane she solely wrote, embarks on the road of saving her male leads from destroying the world. But... Does the male lead really need to be saved by her? It seemed that she was the one who needed to be saved from these clingy and paranoid male gods in which they did not want her to leave their sight, even if it was just for a mere second. "...." Arc 1 - Parasite Monopolized Lover

    AuthorKC0001 · Fantasy
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    The Sex Doctor Book 1

    What is it you truly desire? Is it money? Is it power? Fame? Perhaps you lust for passions of the flesh? Well, I have all of those and more. Money I could burn, a repertoire that would make me your favorite celebrity green with envy, and an empire that comes with unlimited snatch as a perk. See a guy like me could make a nun get on her knees for far more than just prayer but it comes at a price. A gift and a curse I always say. My name is Jason Sanders better known as “The Sex Doctor”. Now, of course, mines isn’t the life you envision for yourself when they ask you what it is you want to be when you grow up but my life - as seemingly perfect as it was – changed the day I met…. HER.

    Shaniqua Hill · Urban
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    Angel Slayer: Liar in the Survival Game

    Living in Light City, the only peaceful and safe place that was considered paradise, Ethan had never known the hardships of a simple life. Everyone was well off and the future was determined. He had always wanted to go to the Dark Outskirts, the dangerous territory outside of Light City. The day had come when his wish could come true, all he had to do was pass the exam and become completely free. However, the most important day of Ethan's life became even more significant with the arrival of the Angels, bringing disaster. A disaster that turned Light City into a survival game and put people through trials. Now everyone had to live their worst nightmare. Ethan, using his wit and guile, follows the path of power, facing the hardest choice of his life. All for revenge and to make every Angel pay for what they've done.

    Arlemit · Fantasy
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    Ten Darkest Secrets (Betrayer Series Book #1)

    "You were never the best pretender. Instead, you are my best friend. My dearest friend. The trust I build-up, and the memories we shared, it all shattered. You broke everything. If killing you would condemn me to hell, I just have to take a seat beside you. I will never forget your betrayal while your body is dying." Set off in the year of 2018, in the capital of Manila, the group of 7 friends, together with the office worker's brother, a popular actress, and a painter, were mystically followed by a person wearing a black hoodie. Everyone has a secret to keep, but when someone tries to peek into the gloom, you will never know how dark they are. _____________________________________________ I originally entitled this story "Diyes" which means "Ten" in Latin words. It also released this story in the year 2018 as an unofficial/ school project film on the university premises of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. Together with the author herself — that's me — the story's arranged with Razil Jane Mamplata and Chris Joshua Gonio as the main scriptwriters for the film. However, the book was written by me myself with many additional scenes that are not shown in the school film. SPECIAL THANK YOU CREDIT FOR ALL THE CREW WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE SCHOOL FILM ON THE YEAR 2018. YOU ARE PART OF MY WRITING CAREER JOURNEY AS IT TAKES FLIGHT. ------------ BETRAYER SERIES: BOOK #1: Ten Darkest Secrets (ONGOING) BOOK #2: Eight Strongest Lies (soon) BOOK #3: Four Bravest Keepers (soon) ------------- DISCLAIMER: The characters portrayed in this drama are fictitious. Organizations, names, places, and situations are based on imagination. Book cover made by: Author and Digital Artist Sendaline_16

    bibiyenini · Urban
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    Beast Of The Night (Book 1: Love and Betrayal)

    Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior, is tasked with hunting down the most dangerous rogue wolves. When her alpha commands her to kill the night beast terrorizing their pack or witness her family offered as food, she faces a daunting choice. Forced into the most challenging task of her life—killing the unseen night beast—she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry as she is ambushed, ending up knocked out and awakening in dungeons the next day. Chained and slated for execution by an unknown pack, she faces an uncertain fate. To her surprise, the pack's leader is revealed to be a lycan king, a figure only existing in the stories of her childhood. As their eyes meet, an unexpected circumstance unfolds, and she hears words she never anticipated in her entire life: "Mate."

    joy_chigo · Fantasy
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    Fairy Godmother Inc. (Book 4- Raine's Little Liar)

    I'm supposed to introduce myself, I guess. My name is Camila Mastos De Cruz, I rarely give out my real name, so this is a first. I have been experiencing a lot of firsts. Where should I begin? I live a life on the run, never in one spot for too long. It's too risky in my line of work; one mistake could mean a life behind bars. Or, worse, a bullet to the head. I grew up in a life of extreme luxury, my father owning almost everyone in Brazil. Carlos Monteiro Cruz ran the biggest underground drug operation in four decades, feared by many. That was my dad, the one I looked up too. I know now why he taught me everything he knew on about how to stay alive - training me since I could remember. My father was murdered when I was sixteen leaving me abandoned. But, I know what you're thinking, such a tragic story. But at that point, I was already numb and ready to live my life how I wanted, on my terms. I could do this better than my father did. I would never make the same silly mistakes. My father's first mistake was me. It made him vulnerable. I will never be vulnerable. Or, that was the plan until I fell in love with Lucas Fontes. We were partners with like minds, and a hunger for passion-passion for adventure, passion for stealing costly things from wealthy people in high places. But he betrayed me. I am, after all, my father's daughter. And now I sit in a pool of my blood, a knife sticking out of my stomach. But It does not end here for me as I thought. Something happens, an extraordinary and charming man comes out of the shadows to kneel before me with an offer of a lifetime. As I bleed to death. Whatever he is offering I have no choice but to agree, because I am dying. Beggars can't be choosers. Camila

    F. R. Black · Fantasy
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    An Italian's Virgin Escort (IRS Book1)

    "You, my dear, are just a tissue with my brand name on it. Only I can use you and throw as I want." He whispered harshly holding my neck tightly and biting my cheek with so much desire, like an animal he is. "P-ple-ase leav-e m-me. ple-" I cried and begged him to leave me but that only heightened his desire for me and crashed his lips on mine in to a rough kiss. Sienna Thomas is a 20 year old sweet and intelligent girl who is thriving for a change of life keeping a big secret from the world. But to outside world she is known as sienna Miller. Her life is a book of problems until she meets Leonardo Bianchi, the root cause for her problems unknowingly. Leonardo Bianchi is Multi-billionaire who is rude, snobby and arrogant. Life is the cost to pay if something or someone goes against him. But that's until a petite young girl flips his life upside down with her innocence. Why is Leonardo blamed for Sienna's problems? Does she know that he is the root cause for her pitiful life? Publisher:i&i Publisher

    Lady Prim · Urban
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    Sugar Baby (Book 1)

    1. Sugar Baby 2. Sugar Daddy 3. Sugary Goodness This lifestyle is not for everyone. That's the first warning, that she got from the woman. She's in need of cash. He parents suddenly got a divorce. Leaving her to struggle with her financial education alone. She never imagine at the end of her college years to be like this. Gone was the lifestyle that she used to have. The best friends, and even the boyfriend. She jumped at the first chance to be a sugar baby. Because deep down she knew that she needed the money, that it will be over in a year. Then she can find a job and move on with her life. ********** He never needed a girlfriend. They're always too needy for his time. And time was the one thing that he treasure. He's a workaholic. He likes the arrangement of a sugar baby where he can pay a sum of money for a companion of a young attractive woman. His friend actually suggested the idea. With the last sugar baby being too attached to him. It's time for him to find another one. A less demanding one. ********** Will he get what he paid for? *Warning! R-Rated for 18+ due to strong, explicit language and sexual content*.

    LoveLiveLust · Urban