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A leader can face a huge number of challenges while communicating with both the directors as well a the employees of the organization. One of the basic problems which can be faced by the leader in communicating with the management as well as the employees is that of the language barrier (Miehle, Minker, and Ultes, 2018). The difference in language can lead to misinterpretation. This can further lead to a huge amount of problems and issues which can lead to the delay in the expansion of the organization. One of the main issues which are can be faced by communicating with the directors is that the directors can be very aggressive and may not be convinced with the facts of the leader. Therefore, the leader might face problems in convincing the directors. Additionally, there will be problems regarding the collaboration and coordination among the employees. The lack of collaboration from the employees can lead the leader to face a various number of problems. Additionally, the employees might be disinterest and can not come up with any form of solutions or resolutions by which it is will be difficult for the leader to provide evidence to the directors.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that communication is one of the most effective forms which is mainly utilized in order to provide viewpoints. It can be considered as the medium which is being utilized in order to express one's own beliefs, notions, values, and ideas. However, the wrong style of communication can invite various problems. It can lead to the wrong representation of the views. Therefore, it is highly important for any individual to understand the different styles of communication and must implement them in accordance with it. Different situations require different styles of communication. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the leader to assert the right style of communication with both the employees and the directors of the organization and lead to the expansion of the health care facility in the place where there is the requirement of the service.


Choudhury, P., Wang, D., Carlson, N. A., & Khanna, T. (2019). Machine learning approaches to facial and text analysis: Discovering CEO oral communication styles. Strategic Management Journal40(11), 1705-1732.

Dasgupta, S. A., Suar, D., & Singh, S. (2013). Impact of managerial communication styles on employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee relations.

Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2018). An exploratory study of how casino dealer communication styles lead to player satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing35(9), 1246-1260.

Liu, M. (2016). Verbal communication styles and culture. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Miehle, J., Minker, W., & Ultes, S. (2018, May). What causes the differences in communication styles? a multicultural study on directness and elaborateness. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).

Niess, J., & Diefenbach, S. (2016). Communication styles of interactive tools for self-improvement. Psychology of Well-being6(1), 3.

Swift, J. A., Choi, E., Puhl, R. M., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Talking about obesity with clients: Preferred terms and communication styles of UK pre-registration dieticians, doctors, and nurses. Patient education and counseling91(2), 186-191.

Explore Some Greatest Examples Of 10000 Words Essay Paper Topics

How should I format 10000 words essay? Many pupils who have been given a similar task are perplexed by this one. 10000 words paper is a lengthy research paper that takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Writing a paper of length (approximately 40 pages) is no easy task.

A typical graduate-level college project is 10000 words essay. The discipline and organization will have an impact on its structure. Furthermore, a work between 10,000 and 11,000 words long is not always an essay. Such a long study report might be given to a student. The potential research areas might include things like psychology, marketing, and economics.

You should be more constructive when you are working on a 10000 words paper.

If you search for 10000 words essay example, the best option is to seek essay writing help from writers of MyAssignmenthelp.com essay writing service.

We have experts who can offer you the best ideas on 1000 words essay topics.

Let's discover some examples 10000 random words essay: 

Barriers faced by female African American college students

External Environment and Its Impacts on China

New Product Development: Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, and Content The impact of mobile language learning assistance on employee performance

The Elderly's Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Association Between Smoking and Asthma The Impact of Globalization on Developing Nations' Business Involuntary Relocation in Urban Transportation

Brexit's Effect on Startup Businesses

Relocation Projects in Urban Transportation Without Consent

The Rewards of Contracting Out Operations: Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

 Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture: The ADPC and Teraji Case

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:Q.1: What Is A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A 10000-word essay is one of the most popular college assignments. It is a standard college level project, and the structure depends on the assignment guideline. As per the term, the essay length should be 10000 words. Unfortunately, many students get confused while writing such lengthy essay papers, and the topic becomes a real headache. Moreover, writing 10000 words on a topic is quite daunting because one needs to do tremendous research to gather enough information. Do you have short on a deadline? Don't waste your time and get help with MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay writing service. 

Q.2: How Many Paragraphs Should A 10000-Word Essay Contain?

Ans: Factually a research paper might be assigned of such length. Considering the number of paragraphs, you should make at least 65 to 110 on average. The number may differ from topic to topic. Make sure you have made a detailed plan before starting the assignment. 

 Q.3: How Long Does It Take To Write A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay will take about 5 hours if the writer has an average keyboard typing speed, and if it is handwritten, it might take 8 to 9 hours. But the required time depends on the writing skill, in-depth knowledge, a wide range of research work and assembling collected information.

Q.4: How Long Would It Take To Create The First Draft Of A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to writing the first draft of a 10000-word essay, a professional essay writer can do it within 2 hours. However, if you choose MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay assignment service, you will get an update regarding writing your first draft within 2 to 2.5 hours. 

 Q.5: If A Professor Says To Write An Essay That Is 10000 Words, Does That Mean I Can Stop At 10000?

Ans: If your professor says to write an essay that is 10000 words, it means the maximum word count is 10000 words though it can exceed 10100 to 10125 words. But please finish your essay within 10000 words. 

Q.6: Would I Get A Good Grade If I Wrote More Than 10000 Words For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: The answer is NO! if you write more than 10000 words for a 10000-word essay, there is no good chance of getting a good score within the deadline. The professors at the graduate level are strict about the word limit, and If you exceed it, you will surely get serious punishment. 

Q.7: How Difficult Is It To Write A 10000-Word Essay In A Day?

Ans: It is not difficult to write a 10000 word essay in a day because most essay writers at MyAssignmenthelp.com can complete your 10000-word essay within 24 hours, and we have been providing high quality, informative and lengthy essays to students for the last decade. 

Q.8: How To Write A 10000-Word Essay In One Night?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay in one night can be tiresome for students. 

Wake up early

Make a plan for the essay

Start research work 

Now, assemble all the information 

Make the first draft within 2 hours 

Take a break 

Now, revise and edit 

Q.9: How To Write A Good 10000-Word Essay In Two Weeks?

Ans: If you have two weeks in your hand to write a good 10000-word essay, then allot time in the following way:

2 hours for topic selection 

Now research for the next two days 

Cite the sources 

Now, make an outline 

Complete your first draft in the next 3 days 

Revise and edit after taking a 1-day break from the essay writing. 

Q.10: Will My Professor Be Impressed If I Write More Than 10000 Words?

Ans: No, there is no surety that your professor will be impressed if you write more than 10000 words. However, if you write relevant information, then they might be considerate. 

Q.11: How Long Should An Introduction Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to a 10000-word essay introduction, you should make it within 1000 words. An introduction to an essay like this can take 2 or 3 pages long. 

Q.12: How Long Should A Conclusion Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A conclusion to a 10000-word essay can take 1 and a half pages long, which means the word count will be 500 to 700 words. 

 Q.13: I Have A 10000-Word Essay Due. What Should I Do?

Ans: Well, if you have a 10000-word essay due and your deadline is tomorrow, don't waste your time and avail yourself of the best essay writers at MyAssignmenhelp.com. We are always ready to give you the best solutions within 3 hours. 

Alexander AndeersonView all posts

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at MyAssignmenthelp.com. In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there's something that I love more than Literature and art, it's my Hungarian furry bud "Amos". When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

Related PostEssayHow to Write a Short Essay: Your Guide to Writing BrillianceEssayThe Role of Essay Outlines in WritingEssayHow to Write a 2000 Word Essay & Topic Ideas?EssayEssay Writing Guide for Beginners Step-by-StepEssayStep-By-Step – Essay Writing Guide For BeginnersEssayHow to Write an Essay in APA Format?Essay Writing Guides NavigationHow to write an essay Essay format Essay structure LengthEssay topicsHow to revise an essayEssay hooksGet instant help from 5000+ experts forWritingRewritingEditingEmail 2:00 AM 4:00 AM 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:59 PM Pages250 wordsAF(+93)AL(+355)DZ(+213)AS(+1)AD(+376)AO(+244)AI(+1)AQ(+672)AR(+54)AM(+374)AW(+297)AU(+61)AT(+43)AZ(+994)BS(+1)BH(+973)BD(+880)BB(+1)BY(+375)BE(+32)BZ(+501)BJ(+229)BM(+1)BT(+975)BO(+591)BA(+387)BW(+267)BV(+47)BR(+55)IO(+1)BN(+673)BG(+359)BF(+226)BI(+257)KH(+855)CM(+237)CA(+1)CV(+238)KY(+1)CF(+236)TD(+235)CL(+56)CN(+86)CX(+61)CC(+891)CO(+57)KM(+269)CG(+242)CD(+243)CK(+682)CR(+506)CI(+225)HR(+385)CU(+53)CY(+357)CZ(+420)DK(+45)DJ(+253)DM(+1)DO(+1)EC(+593)EG(+20)SV(+503)GQ(+240)ER(+291)EE(+372)ET(+251)FK(+500)FO(+298)FJ(+679)FI(+358)FR(+33)GF(+594)PF(+689)TF(+594)GA(+241)GM(+220)GE(+995)DE(+49)GH(+233)GI(+350)GR(+30)GL(+299)GD(+1)GP(+590)GU(+1)GT(+502)GN(+224)GW(+245)GY(+592)HT(+509)HM(+672)VA(+379)HN(+504)HK(+852)HU(+36)IS(+354)IN(+91)ID(+62)IR(+98)IQ(+964)IE(+353)IL(+972)IT(+39)JM(+1)JP(+81)JO(+962)KZ(+7)KE(+254)KI(+686)KP(+850)KR(+82)KW(+965)KG(+996)LA(+856)LV(+371)LB(+961)LS(+266)LR(+231)LY(+218)LI(+423)LT(+370)LU(+352)MO(+853)MK(+389)MG(+261)MW(+265)MY(+60)MV(+960)ML(+223)MT(+356)MH(+692)MQ(+596)MR(+222)MU(+230)YT(+262)MX(+52)FM(+691)MD(+373)MC(+377)MN(+976)MS(+1)MA(+212)MZ(+258)MM(+95)NA(+264)NR(+674)NP(+977)NL(+31)AN(+599)NC(+687)NZ(+64)NI(+505)NE(+227)NG(+234)NU(+683)NF(+6723)MP(+1)NO(+47)OM(+968)PK(+92)PW(+680)PA(+507)PG(+675)PY(+595)PE(+51)PH(+63)PN(+64)PL(+48)PT(+351)PR(+1)QA(+974)RE(+262)RO(+40)RU(+7)RW(+250)KN(+1)LC(+1)VC(+1)WS(+685)SM(+378)ST(+239)SA(+966)SN(+221)SC(+248)SL(+232)SG(+65)SK(+421)SI(+386)SB(+677)SO(+252)ZA(+27)GS(+500)ES(+34)LK(+94)SH(+290)PM(+508)SD(+249)SR(+597)SJ(+47)SZ(+268)SE(+46)CH(+41)SY(+963)TW(+886)TJ(+992)TZ(+255)TH(+66)TG(+228)TK(+690)TO(+676)TT(+1)TN(+216)TR(+90)TM(+993)TC(+1)TV(+688)UG(+256)UA(+380)UAE(+971)UK(+44)US(+1)UM(+1)UY(+598)UZ(+998)VU(+678)VE(+58)VN(+84)VG(+1)VI(+1)WF(+681)EH(+212)YE(+967)ZM(+260)ZW(+263)SYR(+963)MMR(+95)TWN(+886)VNM(+84)RUS(+7)JOR(+962)SRB(+381)TZA(+255)IRN(+98)VIR(+1)IMN(+44)BIH(+387)PSE(+970)JEY(+44)MDA(+373)LAO(+856)HRV(+385)COD(+243)VGB(+1)VG(+1)LBY(+218)SSD(+211)GG(+44)MNE(+382)CUW(+599)SXM(+1)TLS(+670)GB(+44)Attach FileHave a coupon code?Yes Alert Me For Important Offer And Updates.Free AssistanceRelated categoriesOther Blogs (278)Topics (184)Essay (158)Assignment (84)Research (29)Referencing Tool (27)Email (17)Dissertation (13)Grammar (12)Homework (8)Case Study (8)Thesis (8)Information (6)Academic Tool (5)CDR (1)Join our 150К of happy users

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A leader can face a huge number of challenges while communicating with both the directors as well a the employees of the organization. One of the basic problems which can be faced by the leader in communicating with the management as well as the employees is that of the language barrier (Miehle, Minker, and Ultes, 2018). The difference in language can lead to misinterpretation. This can further lead to a huge amount of problems and issues which can lead to the delay in the expansion of the organization. One of the main issues which are can be faced by communicating with the directors is that the directors can be very aggressive and may not be convinced with the facts of the leader. Therefore, the leader might face problems in convincing the directors. Additionally, there will be problems regarding the collaboration and coordination among the employees. The lack of collaboration from the employees can lead the leader to face a various number of problems. Additionally, the employees might be disinterest and can not come up with any form of solutions or resolutions by which it is will be difficult for the leader to provide evidence to the directors.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that communication is one of the most effective forms which is mainly utilized in order to provide viewpoints. It can be considered as the medium which is being utilized in order to express one's own beliefs, notions, values, and ideas. However, the wrong style of communication can invite various problems. It can lead to the wrong representation of the views. Therefore, it is highly important for any individual to understand the different styles of communication and must implement them in accordance with it. Different situations require different styles of communication. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the leader to assert the right style of communication with both the employees and the directors of the organization and lead to the expansion of the health care facility in the place where there is the requirement of the service.


Choudhury, P., Wang, D., Carlson, N. A., & Khanna, T. (2019). Machine learning approaches to facial and text analysis: Discovering CEO oral communication styles. Strategic Management Journal40(11), 1705-1732.

Dasgupta, S. A., Suar, D., & Singh, S. (2013). Impact of managerial communication styles on employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee relations.

Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2018). An exploratory study of how casino dealer communication styles lead to player satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing35(9), 1246-1260.

Liu, M. (2016). Verbal communication styles and culture. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Miehle, J., Minker, W., & Ultes, S. (2018, May). What causes the differences in communication styles? a multicultural study on directness and elaborateness. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).

Niess, J., & Diefenbach, S. (2016). Communication styles of interactive tools for self-improvement. Psychology of Well-being6(1), 3.

Swift, J. A., Choi, E., Puhl, R. M., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Talking about obesity with clients: Preferred terms and communication styles of UK pre-registration dieticians, doctors, and nurses. Patient education and counseling91(2), 186-191.

Explore Some Greatest Examples Of 10000 Words Essay Paper Topics

How should I format 10000 words essay? Many pupils who have been given a similar task are perplexed by this one. 10000 words paper is a lengthy research paper that takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Writing a paper of length (approximately 40 pages) is no easy task.

A typical graduate-level college project is 10000 words essay. The discipline and organization will have an impact on its structure. Furthermore, a work between 10,000 and 11,000 words long is not always an essay. Such a long study report might be given to a student. The potential research areas might include things like psychology, marketing, and economics.

You should be more constructive when you are working on a 10000 words paper.

If you search for 10000 words essay example, the best option is to seek essay writing help from writers of MyAssignmenthelp.com essay writing service.

We have experts who can offer you the best ideas on 1000 words essay topics.

Let's discover some examples 10000 random words essay: 

Barriers faced by female African American college students

External Environment and Its Impacts on China

New Product Development: Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, and Content The impact of mobile language learning assistance on employee performance

The Elderly's Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Association Between Smoking and Asthma The Impact of Globalization on Developing Nations' Business Involuntary Relocation in Urban Transportation

Brexit's Effect on Startup Businesses

Relocation Projects in Urban Transportation Without Consent

The Rewards of Contracting Out Operations: Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

 Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture: The ADPC and Teraji Case

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:Q.1: What Is A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A 10000-word essay is one of the most popular college assignments. It is a standard college level project, and the structure depends on the assignment guideline. As per the term, the essay length should be 10000 words. Unfortunately, many students get confused while writing such lengthy essay papers, and the topic becomes a real headache. Moreover, writing 10000 words on a topic is quite daunting because one needs to do tremendous research to gather enough information. Do you have short on a deadline? Don't waste your time and get help with MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay writing service. 

Q.2: How Many Paragraphs Should A 10000-Word Essay Contain?

Ans: Factually a research paper might be assigned of such length. Considering the number of paragraphs, you should make at least 65 to 110 on average. The number may differ from topic to topic. Make sure you have made a detailed plan before starting the assignment. 

 Q.3: How Long Does It Take To Write A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay will take about 5 hours if the writer has an average keyboard typing speed, and if it is handwritten, it might take 8 to 9 hours. But the required time depends on the writing skill, in-depth knowledge, a wide range of research work and assembling collected information.

Q.4: How Long Would It Take To Create The First Draft Of A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to writing the first draft of a 10000-word essay, a professional essay writer can do it within 2 hours. However, if you choose MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay assignment service, you will get an update regarding writing your first draft within 2 to 2.5 hours. 

 Q.5: If A Professor Says To Write An Essay That Is 10000 Words, Does That Mean I Can Stop At 10000?

Ans: If your professor says to write an essay that is 10000 words, it means the maximum word count is 10000 words though it can exceed 10100 to 10125 words. But please finish your essay within 10000 words. 

Q.6: Would I Get A Good Grade If I Wrote More Than 10000 Words For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: The answer is NO! if you write more than 10000 words for a 10000-word essay, there is no good chance of getting a good score within the deadline. The professors at the graduate level are strict about the word limit, and If you exceed it, you will surely get serious punishment. 

Q.7: How Difficult Is It To Write A 10000-Word Essay In A Day?

Ans: It is not difficult to write a 10000 word essay in a day because most essay writers at MyAssignmenthelp.com can complete your 10000-word essay within 24 hours, and we have been providing high quality, informative and lengthy essays to students for the last decade. 

Q.8: How To Write A 10000-Word Essay In One Night?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay in one night can be tiresome for students. 

Wake up early

Make a plan for the essay

Start research work 

Now, assemble all the information 

Make the first draft within 2 hours 

Take a break 

Now, revise and edit 

Q.9: How To Write A Good 10000-Word Essay In Two Weeks?

Ans: If you have two weeks in your hand to write a good 10000-word essay, then allot time in the following way:

2 hours for topic selection 

Now research for the next two days 

Cite the sources 

Now, make an outline 

Complete your first draft in the next 3 days 

Revise and edit after taking a 1-day break from the essay writing. 

Q.10: Will My Professor Be Impressed If I Write More Than 10000 Words?

Ans: No, there is no surety that your professor will be impressed if you write more than 10000 words. However, if you write relevant information, then they might be considerate. 

Q.11: How Long Should An Introduction Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to a 10000-word essay introduction, you should make it within 1000 words. An introduction to an essay like this can take 2 or 3 pages long. 

Q.12: How Long Should A Conclusion Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A conclusion to a 10000-word essay can take 1 and a half pages long, which means the word count will be 500 to 700 words. 

 Q.13: I Have A 10000-Word Essay Due. What Should I Do?

Ans: Well, if you have a 10000-word essay due and your deadline is tomorrow, don't waste your time and avail yourself of the best essay writers at MyAssignmenhelp.com. We are always ready to give you the best solutions within 3 hours. 

Alexander AndeersonView all posts

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at MyAssignmenthelp.com. In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there's something that I love more than Literature and art, it's my Hungarian furry bud "Amos". When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

Related PostEssayHow to Write a Short Essay: Your Guide to Writing BrillianceEssayThe Role of Essay Outlines in WritingEssayHow to Write a 2000 Word Essay & Topic Ideas?EssayEssay Writing Guide for Beginners Step-by-StepEssayStep-By-Step – Essay Writing Guide For BeginnersEssayHow to Write an Essay in APA Format?Essay Writing Guides NavigationHow to write an essay Essay format Essay structure LengthEssay topicsHow to revise an essayEssay hooksGet instant help from 5000+ experts forWritingRewritingEditingEmail 2:00 AM 4:00 AM 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:59 PM Pages250 wordsAF(+93)AL(+355)DZ(+213)AS(+1)AD(+376)AO(+244)AI(+1)AQ(+672)AR(+54)AM(+374)AW(+297)AU(+61)AT(+43)AZ(+994)BS(+1)BH(+973)BD(+880)BB(+1)BY(+375)BE(+32)BZ(+501)BJ(+229)BM(+1)BT(+975)BO(+591)BA(+387)BW(+267)BV(+47)BR(+55)IO(+1)BN(+673)BG(+359)BF(+226)BI(+257)KH(+855)CM(+237)CA(+1)CV(+238)KY(+1)CF(+236)TD(+235)CL(+56)CN(+86)CX(+61)CC(+891)CO(+57)KM(+269)CG(+242)CD(+243)CK(+682)CR(+506)CI(+225)HR(+385)CU(+53)CY(+357)CZ(+420)DK(+45)DJ(+253)DM(+1)DO(+1)EC(+593)EG(+20)SV(+503)GQ(+240)ER(+291)EE(+372)ET(+251)FK(+500)FO(+298)FJ(+679)FI(+358)FR(+33)GF(+594)PF(+689)TF(+594)GA(+241)GM(+220)GE(+995)DE(+49)GH(+233)GI(+350)GR(+30)GL(+299)GD(+1)GP(+590)GU(+1)GT(+502)GN(+224)GW(+245)GY(+592)HT(+509)HM(+672)VA(+379)HN(+504)HK(+852)HU(+36)IS(+354)IN(+91)ID(+62)IR(+98)IQ(+964)IE(+353)IL(+972)IT(+39)JM(+1)JP(+81)JO(+962)KZ(+7)KE(+254)KI(+686)KP(+850)KR(+82)KW(+965)KG(+996)LA(+856)LV(+371)LB(+961)LS(+266)LR(+231)LY(+218)LI(+423)LT(+370)LU(+352)MO(+853)MK(+389)MG(+261)MW(+265)MY(+60)MV(+960)ML(+223)MT(+356)MH(+692)MQ(+596)MR(+222)MU(+230)YT(+262)MX(+52)FM(+691)MD(+373)MC(+377)MN(+976)MS(+1)MA(+212)MZ(+258)MM(+95)NA(+264)NR(+674)NP(+977)NL(+31)AN(+599)NC(+687)NZ(+64)NI(+505)NE(+227)NG(+234)NU(+683)NF(+6723)MP(+1)NO(+47)OM(+968)PK(+92)PW(+680)PA(+507)PG(+675)PY(+595)PE(+51)PH(+63)PN(+64)PL(+48)PT(+351)PR(+1)QA(+974)RE(+262)RO(+40)RU(+7)RW(+250)KN(+1)LC(+1)VC(+1)WS(+685)SM(+378)ST(+239)SA(+966)SN(+221)SC(+248)SL(+232)SG(+65)SK(+421)SI(+386)SB(+677)SO(+252)ZA(+27)GS(+500)ES(+34)LK(+94)SH(+290)PM(+508)SD(+249)SR(+597)SJ(+47)SZ(+268)SE(+46)CH(+41)SY(+963)TW(+886)TJ(+992)TZ(+255)TH(+66)TG(+228)TK(+690)TO(+676)TT(+1)TN(+216)TR(+90)TM(+993)TC(+1)TV(+688)UG(+256)UA(+380)UAE(+971)UK(+44)US(+1)UM(+1)UY(+598)UZ(+998)VU(+678)VE(+58)VN(+84)VG(+1)VI(+1)WF(+681)EH(+212)YE(+967)ZM(+260)ZW(+263)SYR(+963)MMR(+95)TWN(+886)VNM(+84)RUS(+7)JOR(+962)SRB(+381)TZA(+255)IRN(+98)VIR(+1)IMN(+44)BIH(+387)PSE(+970)JEY(+44)MDA(+373)LAO(+856)HRV(+385)COD(+243)VGB(+1)VG(+1)LBY(+218)SSD(+211)GG(+44)MNE(+382)CUW(+599)SXM(+1)TLS(+670)GB(+44)Attach FileHave a coupon code?Yes Alert Me For Important Offer And Updates.Free AssistanceRelated categoriesOther Blogs (278)Topics (184)Essay (158)Assignment (84)Research (29)Referencing Tool (27)Email (17)Dissertation (13)Grammar (12)Homework (8)Case Study (8)Thesis (8)Information (6)Academic Tool (5)CDR (1)Join our 150К of happy users

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*Offer eligible for first 3 orders ordered through app!Get to know usBlogFaqsHow It WorksReviewsContact UsResourcesOur OffersContact us+1-205-350-5700Best in countriesAmericasAsia PacificEuropeMiddle East/AfricaOrder on the go!Say hello to our appServicesMBA Assignment WritingLaw Assignment HelpProgramming Assignment HelpEssay Writing HelpPlagiarism-Free EssayCollege Application EssayScholarship Essay WritingDissertation WritingResearch Proposal HelpHomework HelpCollege Homework HelpPay Someone To Do My HomeworkDo My HomeworkHomework WritersMath Homework HelpDo My CourseworkPersonal Statement Writing ServiceThesis Writing HelpDissertation WritingWrite My PaperResearch Paper WritingTerm Paper WritingAcademic WritingTake My Online ExamTake My Online ClassPowerpoint Presentation ServicesReferencingAPA ReferencingChicago ReferencingHarvard Referencing GeneratorMLA Referencing GeneratorVancouver Referencing GeneratorOxford Referencing GeneratorSwinburne ReferencingAGLC ReferencingDeakin ReferencingUTS ReferencingGriffith Referencing100% Secure PayCopyright © 2024 MyAssignmenthelp.com. All rights reservedDisclaimer: The reference papers provided by MyAssignmentHelp.com serve as model papers for students a

A leader can face a huge number of challenges while communicating with both the directors as well a the employees of the organization. One of the basic problems which can be faced by the leader in communicating with the management as well as the employees is that of the language barrier (Miehle, Minker, and Ultes, 2018). The difference in language can lead to misinterpretation. This can further lead to a huge amount of problems and issues which can lead to the delay in the expansion of the organization. One of the main issues which are can be faced by communicating with the directors is that the directors can be very aggressive and may not be convinced with the facts of the leader. Therefore, the leader might face problems in convincing the directors. Additionally, there will be problems regarding the collaboration and coordination among the employees. The lack of collaboration from the employees can lead the leader to face a various number of problems. Additionally, the employees might be disinterest and can not come up with any form of solutions or resolutions by which it is will be difficult for the leader to provide evidence to the directors.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that communication is one of the most effective forms which is mainly utilized in order to provide viewpoints. It can be considered as the medium which is being utilized in order to express one's own beliefs, notions, values, and ideas. However, the wrong style of communication can invite various problems. It can lead to the wrong representation of the views. Therefore, it is highly important for any individual to understand the different styles of communication and must implement them in accordance with it. Different situations require different styles of communication. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the leader to assert the right style of communication with both the employees and the directors of the organization and lead to the expansion of the health care facility in the place where there is the requirement of the service.


Choudhury, P., Wang, D., Carlson, N. A., & Khanna, T. (2019). Machine learning approaches to facial and text analysis: Discovering CEO oral communication styles. Strategic Management Journal40(11), 1705-1732.

Dasgupta, S. A., Suar, D., & Singh, S. (2013). Impact of managerial communication styles on employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee relations.

Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2018). An exploratory study of how casino dealer communication styles lead to player satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing35(9), 1246-1260.

Liu, M. (2016). Verbal communication styles and culture. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Miehle, J., Minker, W., & Ultes, S. (2018, May). What causes the differences in communication styles? a multicultural study on directness and elaborateness. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).

Niess, J., & Diefenbach, S. (2016). Communication styles of interactive tools for self-improvement. Psychology of Well-being6(1), 3.

Swift, J. A., Choi, E., Puhl, R. M., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Talking about obesity with clients: Preferred terms and communication styles of UK pre-registration dieticians, doctors, and nurses. Patient education and counseling91(2), 186-191.

Explore Some Greatest Examples Of 10000 Words Essay Paper Topics

How should I format 10000 words essay? Many pupils who have been given a similar task are perplexed by this one. 10000 words paper is a lengthy research paper that takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Writing a paper of length (approximately 40 pages) is no easy task.

A typical graduate-level college project is 10000 words essay. The discipline and organization will have an impact on its structure. Furthermore, a work between 10,000 and 11,000 words long is not always an essay. Such a long study report might be given to a student. The potential research areas might include things like psychology, marketing, and economics.

You should be more constructive when you are working on a 10000 words paper.

If you search for 10000 words essay example, the best option is to seek essay writing help from writers of MyAssignmenthelp.com essay writing service.

We have experts who can offer you the best ideas on 1000 words essay topics.

Let's discover some examples 10000 random words essay: 

Barriers faced by female African American college students

External Environment and Its Impacts on China

New Product Development: Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, and Content The impact of mobile language learning assistance on employee performance

The Elderly's Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Association Between Smoking and Asthma The Impact of Globalization on Developing Nations' Business Involuntary Relocation in Urban Transportation

Brexit's Effect on Startup Businesses

Relocation Projects in Urban Transportation Without Consent

The Rewards of Contracting Out Operations: Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

 Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture: The ADPC and Teraji Case

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:Q.1: What Is A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A 10000-word essay is one of the most popular college assignments. It is a standard college level project, and the structure depends on the assignment guideline. As per the term, the essay length should be 10000 words. Unfortunately, many students get confused while writing such lengthy essay papers, and the topic becomes a real headache. Moreover, writing 10000 words on a topic is quite daunting because one needs to do tremendous research to gather enough information. Do you have short on a deadline? Don't waste your time and get help with MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay writing service. 

Q.2: How Many Paragraphs Should A 10000-Word Essay Contain?

Ans: Factually a research paper might be assigned of such length. Considering the number of paragraphs, you should make at least 65 to 110 on average. The number may differ from topic to topic. Make sure you have made a detailed plan before starting the assignment. 

 Q.3: How Long Does It Take To Write A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay will take about 5 hours if the writer has an average keyboard typing speed, and if it is handwritten, it might take 8 to 9 hours. But the required time depends on the writing skill, in-depth knowledge, a wide range of research work and assembling collected information.

Q.4: How Long Would It Take To Create The First Draft Of A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to writing the first draft of a 10000-word essay, a professional essay writer can do it within 2 hours. However, if you choose MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay assignment service, you will get an update regarding writing your first draft within 2 to 2.5 hours. 

 Q.5: If A Professor Says To Write An Essay That Is 10000 Words, Does That Mean I Can Stop At 10000?

Ans: If your professor says to write an essay that is 10000 words, it means the maximum word count is 10000 words though it can exceed 10100 to 10125 words. But please finish your essay within 10000 words. 

Q.6: Would I Get A Good Grade If I Wrote More Than 10000 Words For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: The answer is NO! if you write more than 10000 words for a 10000-word essay, there is no good chance of getting a good score within the deadline. The professors at the graduate level are strict about the word limit, and If you exceed it, you will surely get serious punishment. 

Q.7: How Difficult Is It To Write A 10000-Word Essay In A Day?

Ans: It is not difficult to write a 10000 word essay in a day because most essay writers at MyAssignmenthelp.com can complete your 10000-word essay within 24 hours, and we have been providing high quality, informative and lengthy essays to students for the last decade. 

Q.8: How To Write A 10000-Word Essay In One Night?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay in one night can be tiresome for students. 

Wake up early

Make a plan for the essay

Start research work 

Now, assemble all the information 

Make the first draft within 2 hours 

Take a break 

Now, revise and edit 

Q.9: How To Write A Good 10000-Word Essay In Two Weeks?

Ans: If you have two weeks in your hand to write a good 10000-word essay, then allot time in the following way:

2 hours for topic selection 

Now research for the next two days 

Cite the sources 

Now, make an outline 

Complete your first draft in the next 3 days 

Revise and edit after taking a 1-day break from the essay writing. 

Q.10: Will My Professor Be Impressed If I Write More Than 10000 Words?

Ans: No, there is no surety that your professor will be impressed if you write more than 10000 words. However, if you write relevant information, then they might be considerate. 

Q.11: How Long Should An Introduction Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to a 10000-word essay introduction, you should make it within 1000 words. An introduction to an essay like this can take 2 or 3 pages long. 

Q.12: How Long Should A Conclusion Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A conclusion to a 10000-word essay can take 1 and a half pages long, which means the word count will be 500 to 700 words. 

 Q.13: I Have A 10000-Word Essay Due. What Should I Do?

Ans: Well, if you have a 10000-word essay due and your deadline is tomorrow, don't waste your time and avail yourself of the best essay writers at MyAssignmenhelp.com. We are always ready to give you the best solutions within 3 hours. 

Alexander AndeersonView all posts

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at MyAssignmenthelp.com. In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there's something that I love more than Literature and art, it's my Hungarian furry bud "Amos". When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

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*Offer eligible for first 3 orders ordered through app!Get to know usBlogFaqsHow It WorksReviewsContact UsResourcesOur OffersContact us+1-205-350-5700Best in countriesAmericasAsia PacificEuropeMiddle East/AfricaOrder on the go!Say hello to our appServicesMBA Assignment WritingLaw Assignment HelpProgramming Assignment HelpEssay Writing HelpPlagiarism-Free EssayCollege Application EssayScholarship Essay WritingDissertation WritingResearch Proposal HelpHomework HelpCollege Homework HelpPay Someone To Do My HomeworkDo My HomeworkHomework WritersMath Homework HelpDo My CourseworkPersonal Statement Writing ServiceThesis Writing HelpDissertation WritingWrite My PaperResearch Paper WritingTerm Paper WritingAcademic WritingTake My Online ExamTake My Online ClassPowerpoint Presentation ServicesReferencingAPA ReferencingChicago ReferencingHarvard Referencing GeneratorMLA Referencing GeneratorVancouver Referencing GeneratorOxford Referencing GeneratorSwinburne ReferencingAGLC ReferencingDeakin ReferencingUTS ReferencingGriffith Referencing100% Secure PayCopyright © 2024 MyAssignmenthelp.com. All rights reservedDisclaimer: The reference papers provided by MyAssignmentHelp.com serve as model papers for students a

A leader can face a huge number of challenges while communicating with both the directors as well a the employees of the organization. One of the basic problems which can be faced by the leader in communicating with the management as well as the employees is that of the language barrier (Miehle, Minker, and Ultes, 2018). The difference in language can lead to misinterpretation. This can further lead to a huge amount of problems and issues which can lead to the delay in the expansion of the organization. One of the main issues which are can be faced by communicating with the directors is that the directors can be very aggressive and may not be convinced with the facts of the leader. Therefore, the leader might face problems in convincing the directors. Additionally, there will be problems regarding the collaboration and coordination among the employees. The lack of collaboration from the employees can lead the leader to face a various number of problems. Additionally, the employees might be disinterest and can not come up with any form of solutions or resolutions by which it is will be difficult for the leader to provide evidence to the directors.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that communication is one of the most effective forms which is mainly utilized in order to provide viewpoints. It can be considered as the medium which is being utilized in order to express one's own beliefs, notions, values, and ideas. However, the wrong style of communication can invite various problems. It can lead to the wrong representation of the views. Therefore, it is highly important for any individual to understand the different styles of communication and must implement them in accordance with it. Different situations require different styles of communication. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the leader to assert the right style of communication with both the employees and the directors of the organization and lead to the expansion of the health care facility in the place where there is the requirement of the service.


Choudhury, P., Wang, D., Carlson, N. A., & Khanna, T. (2019). Machine learning approaches to facial and text analysis: Discovering CEO oral communication styles. Strategic Management Journal40(11), 1705-1732.

Dasgupta, S. A., Suar, D., & Singh, S. (2013). Impact of managerial communication styles on employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee relations.

Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2018). An exploratory study of how casino dealer communication styles lead to player satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing35(9), 1246-1260.

Liu, M. (2016). Verbal communication styles and culture. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Miehle, J., Minker, W., & Ultes, S. (2018, May). What causes the differences in communication styles? a multicultural study on directness and elaborateness. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).

Niess, J., & Diefenbach, S. (2016). Communication styles of interactive tools for self-improvement. Psychology of Well-being6(1), 3.

Swift, J. A., Choi, E., Puhl, R. M., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Talking about obesity with clients: Preferred terms and communication styles of UK pre-registration dieticians, doctors, and nurses. Patient education and counseling91(2), 186-191.

Explore Some Greatest Examples Of 10000 Words Essay Paper Topics

How should I format 10000 words essay? Many pupils who have been given a similar task are perplexed by this one. 10000 words paper is a lengthy research paper that takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Writing a paper of length (approximately 40 pages) is no easy task.

A typical graduate-level college project is 10000 words essay. The discipline and organization will have an impact on its structure. Furthermore, a work between 10,000 and 11,000 words long is not always an essay. Such a long study report might be given to a student. The potential research areas might include things like psychology, marketing, and economics.

You should be more constructive when you are working on a 10000 words paper.

If you search for 10000 words essay example, the best option is to seek essay writing help from writers of MyAssignmenthelp.com essay writing service.

We have experts who can offer you the best ideas on 1000 words essay topics.

Let's discover some examples 10000 random words essay: 

Barriers faced by female African American college students

External Environment and Its Impacts on China

New Product Development: Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, and Content The impact of mobile language learning assistance on employee performance

The Elderly's Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Association Between Smoking and Asthma The Impact of Globalization on Developing Nations' Business Involuntary Relocation in Urban Transportation

Brexit's Effect on Startup Businesses

Relocation Projects in Urban Transportation Without Consent

The Rewards of Contracting Out Operations: Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

 Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture: The ADPC and Teraji Case

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:Q.1: What Is A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A 10000-word essay is one of the most popular college assignments. It is a standard college level project, and the structure depends on the assignment guideline. As per the term, the essay length should be 10000 words. Unfortunately, many students get confused while writing such lengthy essay papers, and the topic becomes a real headache. Moreover, writing 10000 words on a topic is quite daunting because one needs to do tremendous research to gather enough information. Do you have short on a deadline? Don't waste your time and get help with MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay writing service. 

Q.2: How Many Paragraphs Should A 10000-Word Essay Contain?

Ans: Factually a research paper might be assigned of such length. Considering the number of paragraphs, you should make at least 65 to 110 on average. The number may differ from topic to topic. Make sure you have made a detailed plan before starting the assignment. 

 Q.3: How Long Does It Take To Write A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay will take about 5 hours if the writer has an average keyboard typing speed, and if it is handwritten, it might take 8 to 9 hours. But the required time depends on the writing skill, in-depth knowledge, a wide range of research work and assembling collected information.

Q.4: How Long Would It Take To Create The First Draft Of A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to writing the first draft of a 10000-word essay, a professional essay writer can do it within 2 hours. However, if you choose MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay assignment service, you will get an update regarding writing your first draft within 2 to 2.5 hours. 

 Q.5: If A Professor Says To Write An Essay That Is 10000 Words, Does That Mean I Can Stop At 10000?

Ans: If your professor says to write an essay that is 10000 words, it means the maximum word count is 10000 words though it can exceed 10100 to 10125 words. But please finish your essay within 10000 words. 

Q.6: Would I Get A Good Grade If I Wrote More Than 10000 Words For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: The answer is NO! if you write more than 10000 words for a 10000-word essay, there is no good chance of getting a good score within the deadline. The professors at the graduate level are strict about the word limit, and If you exceed it, you will surely get serious punishment. 

Q.7: How Difficult Is It To Write A 10000-Word Essay In A Day?

Ans: It is not difficult to write a 10000 word essay in a day because most essay writers at MyAssignmenthelp.com can complete your 10000-word essay within 24 hours, and we have been providing high quality, informative and lengthy essays to students for the last decade. 

Q.8: How To Write A 10000-Word Essay In One Night?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay in one night can be tiresome for students. 

Wake up early

Make a plan for the essay

Start research work 

Now, assemble all the information 

Make the first draft within 2 hours 

Take a break 

Now, revise and edit 

Q.9: How To Write A Good 10000-Word Essay In Two Weeks?

Ans: If you have two weeks in your hand to write a good 10000-word essay, then allot time in the following way:

2 hours for topic selection 

Now research for the next two days 

Cite the sources 

Now, make an outline 

Complete your first draft in the next 3 days 

Revise and edit after taking a 1-day break from the essay writing. 

Q.10: Will My Professor Be Impressed If I Write More Than 10000 Words?

Ans: No, there is no surety that your professor will be impressed if you write more than 10000 words. However, if you write relevant information, then they might be considerate. 

Q.11: How Long Should An Introduction Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to a 10000-word essay introduction, you should make it within 1000 words. An introduction to an essay like this can take 2 or 3 pages long. 

Q.12: How Long Should A Conclusion Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A conclusion to a 10000-word essay can take 1 and a half pages long, which means the word count will be 500 to 700 words. 

 Q.13: I Have A 10000-Word Essay Due. What Should I Do?

Ans: Well, if you have a 10000-word essay due and your deadline is tomorrow, don't waste your time and avail yourself of the best essay writers at MyAssignmenhelp.com. We are always ready to give you the best solutions within 3 hours. 

Alexander AndeersonView all posts

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at MyAssignmenthelp.com. In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there's something that I love more than Literature and art, it's my Hungarian furry bud "Amos". When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

Related PostEssayHow to Write a Short Essay: Your Guide to Writing BrillianceEssayThe Role of Essay Outlines in WritingEssayHow to Write a 2000 Word Essay & Topic Ideas?EssayEssay Writing Guide for Beginners Step-by-StepEssayStep-By-Step – Essay Writing Guide For BeginnersEssayHow to Write an Essay in APA Format?Essay Writing Guides NavigationHow to write an essay Essay format Essay structure LengthEssay topicsHow to revise an essayEssay hooksGet instant help from 5000+ experts forWritingRewritingEditingEmail 2:00 AM 4:00 AM 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:59 PM Pages250 wordsAF(+93)AL(+355)DZ(+213)AS(+1)AD(+376)AO(+244)AI(+1)AQ(+672)AR(+54)AM(+374)AW(+297)AU(+61)AT(+43)AZ(+994)BS(+1)BH(+973)BD(+880)BB(+1)BY(+375)BE(+32)BZ(+501)BJ(+229)BM(+1)BT(+975)BO(+591)BA(+387)BW(+267)BV(+47)BR(+55)IO(+1)BN(+673)BG(+359)BF(+226)BI(+257)KH(+855)CM(+237)CA(+1)CV(+238)KY(+1)CF(+236)TD(+235)CL(+56)CN(+86)CX(+61)CC(+891)CO(+57)KM(+269)CG(+242)CD(+243)CK(+682)CR(+506)CI(+225)HR(+385)CU(+53)CY(+357)CZ(+420)DK(+45)DJ(+253)DM(+1)DO(+1)EC(+593)EG(+20)SV(+503)GQ(+240)ER(+291)EE(+372)ET(+251)FK(+500)FO(+298)FJ(+679)FI(+358)FR(+33)GF(+594)PF(+689)TF(+594)GA(+241)GM(+220)GE(+995)DE(+49)GH(+233)GI(+350)GR(+30)GL(+299)GD(+1)GP(+590)GU(+1)GT(+502)GN(+224)GW(+245)GY(+592)HT(+509)HM(+672)VA(+379)HN(+504)HK(+852)HU(+36)IS(+354)IN(+91)ID(+62)IR(+98)IQ(+964)IE(+353)IL(+972)IT(+39)JM(+1)JP(+81)JO(+962)KZ(+7)KE(+254)KI(+686)KP(+850)KR(+82)KW(+965)KG(+996)LA(+856)LV(+371)LB(+961)LS(+266)LR(+231)LY(+218)LI(+423)LT(+370)LU(+352)MO(+853)MK(+389)MG(+261)MW(+265)MY(+60)MV(+960)ML(+223)MT(+356)MH(+692)MQ(+596)MR(+222)MU(+230)YT(+262)MX(+52)FM(+691)MD(+373)MC(+377)MN(+976)MS(+1)MA(+212)MZ(+258)MM(+95)NA(+264)NR(+674)NP(+977)NL(+31)AN(+599)NC(+687)NZ(+64)NI(+505)NE(+227)NG(+234)NU(+683)NF(+6723)MP(+1)NO(+47)OM(+968)PK(+92)PW(+680)PA(+507)PG(+675)PY(+595)PE(+51)PH(+63)PN(+64)PL(+48)PT(+351)PR(+1)QA(+974)RE(+262)RO(+40)RU(+7)RW(+250)KN(+1)LC(+1)VC(+1)WS(+685)SM(+378)ST(+239)SA(+966)SN(+221)SC(+248)SL(+232)SG(+65)SK(+421)SI(+386)SB(+677)SO(+252)ZA(+27)GS(+500)ES(+34)LK(+94)SH(+290)PM(+508)SD(+249)SR(+597)SJ(+47)SZ(+268)SE(+46)CH(+41)SY(+963)TW(+886)TJ(+992)TZ(+255)TH(+66)TG(+228)TK(+690)TO(+676)TT(+1)TN(+216)TR(+90)TM(+993)TC(+1)TV(+688)UG(+256)UA(+380)UAE(+971)UK(+44)US(+1)UM(+1)UY(+598)UZ(+998)VU(+678)VE(+58)VN(+84)VG(+1)VI(+1)WF(+681)EH(+212)YE(+967)ZM(+260)ZW(+263)SYR(+963)MMR(+95)TWN(+886)VNM(+84)RUS(+7)JOR(+962)SRB(+381)TZA(+255)IRN(+98)VIR(+1)IMN(+44)BIH(+387)PSE(+970)JEY(+44)MDA(+373)LAO(+856)HRV(+385)COD(+243)VGB(+1)VG(+1)LBY(+218)SSD(+211)GG(+44)MNE(+382)CUW(+599)SXM(+1)TLS(+670)GB(+44)Attach FileHave a coupon code?Yes Alert Me For Important Offer And Updates.Free AssistanceRelated categoriesOther Blogs (278)Topics (184)Essay (158)Assignment (84)Research (29)Referencing Tool (27)Email (17)Dissertation (13)Grammar (12)Homework (8)Case Study (8)Thesis (8)Information (6)Academic Tool (5)CDR (1)Join our 150К of happy users

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A leader can face a huge number of challenges while communicating with both the directors as well a the employees of the organization. One of the basic problems which can be faced by the leader in communicating with the management as well as the employees is that of the language barrier (Miehle, Minker, and Ultes, 2018). The difference in language can lead to misinterpretation. This can further lead to a huge amount of problems and issues which can lead to the delay in the expansion of the organization. One of the main issues which are can be faced by communicating with the directors is that the directors can be very aggressive and may not be convinced with the facts of the leader. Therefore, the leader might face problems in convincing the directors. Additionally, there will be problems regarding the collaboration and coordination among the employees. The lack of collaboration from the employees can lead the leader to face a various number of problems. Additionally, the employees might be disinterest and can not come up with any form of solutions or resolutions by which it is will be difficult for the leader to provide evidence to the directors.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that communication is one of the most effective forms which is mainly utilized in order to provide viewpoints. It can be considered as the medium which is being utilized in order to express one's own beliefs, notions, values, and ideas. However, the wrong style of communication can invite various problems. It can lead to the wrong representation of the views. Therefore, it is highly important for any individual to understand the different styles of communication and must implement them in accordance with it. Different situations require different styles of communication. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the leader to assert the right style of communication with both the employees and the directors of the organization and lead to the expansion of the health care facility in the place where there is the requirement of the service.


Choudhury, P., Wang, D., Carlson, N. A., & Khanna, T. (2019). Machine learning approaches to facial and text analysis: Discovering CEO oral communication styles. Strategic Management Journal40(11), 1705-1732.

Dasgupta, S. A., Suar, D., & Singh, S. (2013). Impact of managerial communication styles on employees' attitudes and behaviours. Employee relations.

Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2018). An exploratory study of how casino dealer communication styles lead to player satisfaction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing35(9), 1246-1260.

Liu, M. (2016). Verbal communication styles and culture. In Oxford research encyclopedia of communication.

Miehle, J., Minker, W., & Ultes, S. (2018, May). What causes the differences in communication styles? a multicultural study on directness and elaborateness. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).

Niess, J., & Diefenbach, S. (2016). Communication styles of interactive tools for self-improvement. Psychology of Well-being6(1), 3.

Swift, J. A., Choi, E., Puhl, R. M., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). Talking about obesity with clients: Preferred terms and communication styles of UK pre-registration dieticians, doctors, and nurses. Patient education and counseling91(2), 186-191.

Explore Some Greatest Examples Of 10000 Words Essay Paper Topics

How should I format 10000 words essay? Many pupils who have been given a similar task are perplexed by this one. 10000 words paper is a lengthy research paper that takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Writing a paper of length (approximately 40 pages) is no easy task.

A typical graduate-level college project is 10000 words essay. The discipline and organization will have an impact on its structure. Furthermore, a work between 10,000 and 11,000 words long is not always an essay. Such a long study report might be given to a student. The potential research areas might include things like psychology, marketing, and economics.

You should be more constructive when you are working on a 10000 words paper.

If you search for 10000 words essay example, the best option is to seek essay writing help from writers of MyAssignmenthelp.com essay writing service.

We have experts who can offer you the best ideas on 1000 words essay topics.

Let's discover some examples 10000 random words essay: 

Barriers faced by female African American college students

External Environment and Its Impacts on China

New Product Development: Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, and Content The impact of mobile language learning assistance on employee performance

The Elderly's Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Association Between Smoking and Asthma The Impact of Globalization on Developing Nations' Business Involuntary Relocation in Urban Transportation

Brexit's Effect on Startup Businesses

Relocation Projects in Urban Transportation Without Consent

The Rewards of Contracting Out Operations: Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

 Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture: The ADPC and Teraji Case

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:Q.1: What Is A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A 10000-word essay is one of the most popular college assignments. It is a standard college level project, and the structure depends on the assignment guideline. As per the term, the essay length should be 10000 words. Unfortunately, many students get confused while writing such lengthy essay papers, and the topic becomes a real headache. Moreover, writing 10000 words on a topic is quite daunting because one needs to do tremendous research to gather enough information. Do you have short on a deadline? Don't waste your time and get help with MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay writing service. 

Q.2: How Many Paragraphs Should A 10000-Word Essay Contain?

Ans: Factually a research paper might be assigned of such length. Considering the number of paragraphs, you should make at least 65 to 110 on average. The number may differ from topic to topic. Make sure you have made a detailed plan before starting the assignment. 

 Q.3: How Long Does It Take To Write A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay will take about 5 hours if the writer has an average keyboard typing speed, and if it is handwritten, it might take 8 to 9 hours. But the required time depends on the writing skill, in-depth knowledge, a wide range of research work and assembling collected information.

Q.4: How Long Would It Take To Create The First Draft Of A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to writing the first draft of a 10000-word essay, a professional essay writer can do it within 2 hours. However, if you choose MyAssignmenthelp.com's essay assignment service, you will get an update regarding writing your first draft within 2 to 2.5 hours. 

 Q.5: If A Professor Says To Write An Essay That Is 10000 Words, Does That Mean I Can Stop At 10000?

Ans: If your professor says to write an essay that is 10000 words, it means the maximum word count is 10000 words though it can exceed 10100 to 10125 words. But please finish your essay within 10000 words. 

Q.6: Would I Get A Good Grade If I Wrote More Than 10000 Words For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: The answer is NO! if you write more than 10000 words for a 10000-word essay, there is no good chance of getting a good score within the deadline. The professors at the graduate level are strict about the word limit, and If you exceed it, you will surely get serious punishment. 

Q.7: How Difficult Is It To Write A 10000-Word Essay In A Day?

Ans: It is not difficult to write a 10000 word essay in a day because most essay writers at MyAssignmenthelp.com can complete your 10000-word essay within 24 hours, and we have been providing high quality, informative and lengthy essays to students for the last decade. 

Q.8: How To Write A 10000-Word Essay In One Night?

Ans: Writing a 10000-word essay in one night can be tiresome for students. 

Wake up early

Make a plan for the essay

Start research work 

Now, assemble all the information 

Make the first draft within 2 hours 

Take a break 

Now, revise and edit 

Q.9: How To Write A Good 10000-Word Essay In Two Weeks?

Ans: If you have two weeks in your hand to write a good 10000-word essay, then allot time in the following way:

2 hours for topic selection 

Now research for the next two days 

Cite the sources 

Now, make an outline 

Complete your first draft in the next 3 days 

Revise and edit after taking a 1-day break from the essay writing. 

Q.10: Will My Professor Be Impressed If I Write More Than 10000 Words?

Ans: No, there is no surety that your professor will be impressed if you write more than 10000 words. However, if you write relevant information, then they might be considerate. 

Q.11: How Long Should An Introduction Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: When it comes to a 10000-word essay introduction, you should make it within 1000 words. An introduction to an essay like this can take 2 or 3 pages long. 

Q.12: How Long Should A Conclusion Be For A 10000-Word Essay?

Ans: A conclusion to a 10000-word essay can take 1 and a half pages long, which means the word count will be 500 to 700 words. 

 Q.13: I Have A 10000-Word Essay Due. What Should I Do?

Ans: Well, if you have a 10000-word essay due and your deadline is tomorrow, don't waste your time and avail yourself of the best essay writers at MyAssignmenhelp.com. We are always ready to give you the best solutions within 3 hours. 

Alexander AndeersonView all posts

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at MyAssignmenthelp.com. In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there's something that I love more than Literature and art, it's my Hungarian furry bud "Amos". When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

Related PostEssayHow to Write a Short Essay: Your Guide to Writing BrillianceEssayThe Role of Essay Outlines in WritingEssayHow to Write a 2000 Word Essay & Topic Ideas?EssayEssay Writing Guide for Beginners Step-by-StepEssayStep-By-Step – Essay Writing Guide For BeginnersEssayHow to Write an Essay in APA Format?Essay Writing Guides NavigationHow to write an essay Essay format Essay structure LengthEssay topicsHow to revise an essayEssay hooksGet instant help from 5000+ experts forWritingRewritingEditingEmail 2:00 AM 4:00 AM 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:59 PM Pages250 wordsAF(+93)AL(+355)DZ(+213)AS(+1)AD(+376)AO(+244)AI(+1)AQ(+672)AR(+54)AM(+374)AW(+297)AU(+61)AT(+43)AZ(+994)BS(+1)BH(+973)BD(+880)BB(+1)BY(+375)BE(+32)BZ(+501)BJ(+229)BM(+1)BT(+975)BO(+591)BA(+387)BW(+267)BV(+47)BR(+55)IO(+1)BN(+673)BG(+359)BF(+226)BI(+257)KH(+855)CM(+237)CA(+1)CV(+238)KY(+1)CF(+236)TD(+235)CL(+56)CN(+86)CX(+61)CC(+891)CO(+57)KM(+269)CG(+242)CD(+243)CK(+682)CR(+506)CI(+225)HR(+385)CU(+53)CY(+357)CZ(+420)DK(+45)DJ(+253)DM(+1)DO(+1)EC(+593)EG(+20)SV(+503)GQ(+240)ER(+291)EE(+372)ET(+251)FK(+500)FO(+298)FJ(+679)FI(+358)FR(+33)GF(+594)PF(+689)TF(+594)GA(+241)GM(+220)GE(+995)DE(+49)GH(+233)GI(+350)GR(+30)GL(+299)GD(+1)GP(+590)GU(+1)GT(+502)GN(+224)GW(+245)GY(+592)HT(+509)HM(+672)VA(+379)HN(+504)HK(+852)HU(+36)IS(+354)IN(+91)ID(+62)IR(+98)IQ(+964)IE(+353)IL(+972)IT(+39)JM(+1)JP(+81)JO(+962)KZ(+7)KE(+254)KI(+686)KP(+850)KR(+82)KW(+965)KG(+996)LA(+856)LV(+371)LB(+961)LS(+266)LR(+231)LY(+218)LI(+423)LT(+370)LU(+352)MO(+853)MK(+389)MG(+261)MW(+265)MY(+60)MV(+960)ML(+223)MT(+356)MH(+692)MQ(+596)MR(+222)MU(+230)YT(+262)MX(+52)FM(+691)MD(+373)MC(+377)MN(+976)MS(+1)MA(+212)MZ(+258)MM(+95)NA(+264)NR(+674)NP(+977)NL(+31)AN(+599)NC(+687)NZ(+64)NI(+505)NE(+227)NG(+234)NU(+683)NF(+6723)MP(+1)NO(+47)OM(+968)PK(+92)PW(+680)PA(+507)PG(+675)PY(+595)PE(+51)PH(+63)PN(+64)PL(+48)PT(+351)PR(+1)QA(+974)RE(+262)RO(+40)RU(+7)RW(+250)KN(+1)LC(+1)VC(+1)WS(+685)SM(+378)ST(+239)SA(+966)SN(+221)SC(+248)SL(+232)SG(+65)SK(+421)SI(+386)SB(+677)SO(+252)ZA(+27)GS(+500)ES(+34)LK(+94)SH(+290)PM(+508)SD(+249)SR(+597)SJ(+47)SZ(+268)SE(+46)CH(+41)SY(+963)TW(+886)TJ(+992)TZ(+255)TH(+66)TG(+228)TK(+690)TO(+676)TT(+1)TN(+216)TR(+90)TM(+993)TC(+1)TV(+688)UG(+256)UA(+380)UAE(+971)UK(+44)US(+1)UM(+1)UY(+598)UZ(+998)VU(+678)VE(+58)VN(+84)VG(+1)VI(+1)WF(+681)EH(+212)YE(+967)ZM(+260)ZW(+263)SYR(+963)MMR(+95)TWN(+886)VNM(+84)RUS(+7)JOR(+962)SRB(+381)TZA(+255)IRN(+98)VIR(+1)IMN(+44)BIH(+387)PSE(+970)JEY(+44)MDA(+373)LAO(+856)HRV(+385)COD(+243)VGB(+1)VG(+1)LBY(+218)SSD(+211)GG(+44)MNE(+382)CUW(+599)SXM(+1)TLS(+670)GB(+44)Attach FileHave a coupon code?Yes Alert Me For Important Offer And Updates.Free AssistanceRelated categoriesOther Blogs (278)Topics (184)Essay (158)Assignment (84)Research (29)Referencing Tool (27)Email (17)Dissertation (13)Grammar (12)Homework (8)Case Study (8)Thesis (8)Information (6)Academic Tool (5)CDR (1)Join our 150К of happy users

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