
6-The Crazy Man

A new day starts, In the early morning. The Light was seen from the small window that had many iron bars. There was a boy in the corner of the Prison Cell, He was lying down on the floor and his body was very cold. Due to the cold night, Leo felt like he was naked in winter. He tried to make his body warm-up but it only lasted a few seconds before feeling cold again. He just tried to sleep the coldness of the night, The Numbing feeling of his body slowly disappeared as he laid down to sleep in the corner of the Prison Cell.

The Green leaves of the trees were seen through the window, The Breezy wind was felt from Leo's body. His body shook and Leo who was asleep slowly opens his eyes, His Azure Blue Eyes was seen. The Calm and Cold eyes were staring right towards the window, The Light was seen for the first time. Leo finally saw the face of the world.

Leo, who finally woke up. Slowly stands up, He felt the weakness of his body and cannot help but think that it was better to live in the wild than a prison. There wasn't anything in this prison other than food or water, The Mortality rate of this facility must be high but judging that they hired a Crazy Soldier. Leo could guess that they don't care about the people they imprison.

"They seem to be confident that No one would die in this Prison." Leo muttered, He found out that he was bought on some auction when he manages to hear the talk between Wird and the Doctor. It was weird for them to spend money but still cannot spend money for the needs, This would mean that this was one of the things they wanted, They are probably observing Leo.

Leo then began looking around the Prison Cell, He tried to make it as natural as possible. His eyes were literally moving on their own while his Head froze. He was finding an artificial hole that was made by them, It took a while but Leo finally saw a weird hole in the corner of the ceiling. It seems that what he thought was correct, They are literally observing him.

'A Voice recorder seems to have not existed in this prison, They probably thought that observing a kid was enough. Considering that I am still 15 years old and someone that was bought, there is probably no need to put a Voice Recorder. A camera seems to be enough.' Leo thought to himself, They were observing him but luckily he was acted like a normal kid since he didn't have anything to do other than just sit on some wall, or lean on some wall.

'Let's just ignore this and eat my food.' Leo thought while turning his head, He then saw food in his front door. It was a soup and it was still hot, This seems to be given to him before he woke up. Seeing the hot soup, It was probably a minute before he woke up. This was the first time he ate in this world so he expected this to be something that isn't good.

Leo began eating the soup that was given to him, It wasn't delicious but it was good for Leo. The soup began warming up his stomach, His cold body slowly changes. He even sometimes use the soup to hit up his hands and putting it everywhere in his body. The Cold body he had slowly disappeared as if it didn't exist.

"I feel rejuvenated." Leo muttered to himself, The Prison personality was taking a toll on his mental health. He needed to escape the facility or his mental health would break. He would probably create a personality to make the prison cell less boring but he hopes that this wouldn't happen to him.

Leo began stretching his body, He didn't have the energy to exercise his body, and now that he ate his first food in this World of Barbarus. He felt energetic, He wanted to fight someone but most of the people here are probably powerful. Considering the book that he just read during the night.

'I shouldn't be over myself and I need to begin my plan of escape.' Leo thought, Confidence is okay but Overconfidence could lead to one's death. He saw many people dying because of their Overconfidence, It was enough of a lesson for him to know that being Overconfident is a bad idea. Especially when he was currently a weak person.

"This world is not bad as the books portray it." Leo spoke quietly while staring through the windows that were full of iron bars. The Greenery of the trees, The Blue skies, The White Clouds, The Fresh Air, And the Peaceful settings. It was the complete opposite of his last world, But Leo knew that the longer he lives in this world. He would slowly lose the appreciation of the beautiful things in the world.

Leo then heard the Iron Door of the Prison Cell, He slowly turns around and saw Wird with his soldier friends. It seems that something happened, Wird then spoke towards Leo with a serious voice. Hearing the voice made Leo sure that something happened, This something must be very bad considering that Wird was a calm guy.

"Leo, It seems that you have been assigned to have a Training with Captain Insanis." Wird said while sighing, He didn't know why but he was ordered to bring Leo towards the training room with the crazy man. The Higher-ups are gambling in something that shouldn't be gambled, It seems that something happened that forced them to make the process fast.

"Who is this Captain Insanis?" Judging from the name, It seems that this Captain is a crazy man. Leo wanted to know who this Captain Insanis was, This Guy was supposed to be the one that trains him but judging for Wird's face. This Captain Insanis is bad news for Leo, He didn't have time to exercise. His body was very weak so if he was forced to fight a fully trained and skilled man, He would lose.

"The one that kicked you in the stomach." Wird had a smirked on his face, He wanted to see the afraid face of Leo but it seems that it didn't work. Leo's face was like a calm old sage, Living for thousands of years. This was the weird thing that Wird saw. What Wird didn't know was that on the inside, Leo was having an emergency.

'Shit, That crazy guy? I don't even have the strength to defeat him and judging from how he does things. The Training would probably be torture, It's like getting beat up because you did bad things. But did I do bad things tho?' Leo was completely trying to stop himself from punching Wird, But Leo knew that Wird doesn't have the power over the decisions.

"Don't worry Kid, It seems that another kid was the first one to enter." Wird said towards Leo, His Soldier friends didn't speak about anything. They were just staring at Leo, The Kid who was known to have no fear to Captain Insanis. It seems that the rumor was correct, The Kid is just too calm.

"Another Kid? I'm not alone?" Leo knew that he was not alone but it seems that this Prison was meant for kids. Why would there be a prison made for Kids? Unless there is something special inside the kids that made people want to imprison and experiment with them. Wird hearing Leo answered in a calm voice.

"You are not alone, You are one of the kids that were brought here." Wird said, The Soldier friends with him nodded. Leo, who heard what Wird said understood that there must be something special. There was no reason for them to experiment on children but Leo had another question.

"Are you planning to make Super Soldiers?" Leo asked, Wird and the soldier friends hearing Leo just chuckled. Leo seeing them chuckle knew that he was completely wrong, The Secret Facility isn't planning to make super soldiers. If this is true, Why the hell are they bringing kids into this Secret Facility? Leo had a lot of questions but he knew that they wouldn't be answered easily.

"Anyway, You're an interesting kid. Let's go since the Captain would be tired waiting." Wird said, Leo and Wird with the Solder Friends left the prison cell. They were currently heading to the training grounds, He hopes that somehow the people in this Secret Facility would bring him out before he dies.

Some might wonder why Leo asked sensitive questions, He was testing the ground of being a kid. He was currently 15 years old, A former slave since he was bought, Probably didn't have time for education, And He was a kid. The known time where a kid becomes a man is 16 years old age, With the Mana Core. It made sense that people would look at the 16 years old people as men instead of kids.

The people in this Secret Facility would unconsciously underestimate him, This was a very important part since it would have a duty in his Escape. Using the underestimation towards him, Leo's chance of escaping would be higher than before. Leo and the group of soldiers were currently heading to the training area, It took a while but they have finally arrived.

"This is the place where we last meet, Kid." Wird said towards Leo, They were currently standing in front of the Giant Door. This Giant Iron Door was the entrance of the Training Area, This would be the place where Leo would meet the Crazy Man. They would probably fight each other, Leo knew he would lose but he won't go down without a fight.

'I'll probably spit on his face to signify my victory.' Leo had a smirked on his face, He nodded towards the group of soldiers. The Giant Iron Door slowly opens, It was like entering a monster chamber. Although the monster here is a human, It took a while for the Giant Iron Door to open.

"I hope you survive." Wird said. Leo slowly entered the Giant Iron Door. After entering the Giant Iron Door, Leo was finally in the Training Area. His fight for survival would finally start, A battle between him and the Crazy man. It would be an interesting and hard battle, Leo was beginning to make any good and bad plans.

He would compile all of them to make the best plan for each and the current situation. Leo began looking around and he finally saw the Crazy man, He was surprised at what he saw and he knew that this would be a not good thing. There was no mercy in this Secret Facility, Leo would need to survive, or else he would die before he could explore the world.

The Giant Iron Door that was behind Leo slowly closed, Leo had no escape route and the only thing he could do is fight the crazy man. He stares at the Crazy man, It seems that this crazy man didn't notice him. Or probably the Crazy man already notice him but the crazy man has something else to do.

Leo staring at the Crazy man finally saw it, He could see a beat-up kid. Bruises and Blood could be seen, It was a boy roughly the same age as him. Broken arms and legs, The boy was very injured and was having a hard time breathing. The Crazy man really didn't have mercy, The Boy would die if he doesn't save the boy.

"But why would I save him?" This mentality has been with him ever since the End of the Old world started, He won't save anyone for no reason and he cannot even save himself. Leo's body was very weak, He didn't have time to be a hero or he didn't like being a hero. He wanted to live a long life, Being a hero doesn't have that.

The Crazy man that was punching and kicking the injured boy finally stops, He notices another kid that was staring at him. This kid is someone that he notice yesterday, The kid that didn't scream on his kick. The Crazy man then kicks the boy, The boy flew through the training area hitting some wall.


The Crazy man turns around and spoke with a creepy voice. "It's nice to meet you."

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