

After the Physical Check-up, Leo was brought back to his prison cell. Before he entered the Prison Cell, He asked the Soldier for books. The Books whether fictional or factual has a part in the current world he was in, This was why he wanted the books instead of asking for information. Asking for information is also another way of committing suicide. Leo didn't have the time to die soon, so he would like to have the books.

During this time, Leo found out about the soldier's name Wird Bald Sterben. Leo calls him Wird since the man's name was very long, Wird brought a lot of books towards Leo. Wird didn't have to do this but there was no harm in bringing the books so Wird gave Leo a dozen of books from the library.

Wird already had the permission of his superior so he wasn't doing everything in secret. There was no harm for the kids to have books since it could possibly help them in protecting their mental health. Leo didn't know the reason but he didn't care and wanted the information in the books. An unknown world, He needed to know everything about it.

Leo has been a talk in the Secret Facility, He was known as the boy who took a kick from the Crazy guy. It was no surprise for the Crazy guy to kick a kid but the thing that surprises them was the fact that the kid took the kick head-on and didn't scream or cry in pain. This made Leo have a good reputation in the Secret Facility.

This reputation of his had a downside, He was noticed by many powerful people in the Secret Facility. It was like an unknown poison slowly trying to strike him while not knowing about it, Leo would have to make his strength stronger. Seek power in order to protect himself, This was something Leo needed to do or else he would die.

In the Prison Cell of the Secret Facility that was in the middle of nowhere, Inside this Prison Cell was a Boy that had pitch-black hair and blue azure eyes. He was currently reading some book that was given to him by Wird, He manages to read a lot of interesting things. With the books, He manages to paint the world in his mind.

He was surrounded by darkness, It was hard to read a book in the dark but he had no choice since this book was the only way he could gain information without gaining suspicion. This book was a book about history, The History of this world was very interesting for Leo and it was also a marvelous history.

"Although the old world is very different than this world, It seems that no matter what world. A world war would appear as the inhabitants grow." Leo muttered quietly, It was very cold and dark in this Prison Cell. A normal human would scream due to the coldness while Leo himself was just in the corner of the prison cell, reading a book.

This World was called Barbarus, It was a weird name but this was the most accepted name of the World. This world was a hell hole like he expected but there weren't any extinction-level events so Leo could guess that this was an okay world. Anyway in this world, Death is accepted and peace is non-existent.

This world was supposed to be peaceful but it seems that after the First World war, Many countries broke off and in the process creating more wars. Peace treaties still exist but most countries wouldn't depend on some piece of paper. Weapons or Guns can talk more than a piece of paper, This was the current mentality of the world.

"This world is really interesting." Leo was really surprised at how the world works, This was the perfect world for him. If it was too peaceful, He would probably be paranoid. This would also explain many things to him about the current situation of the world, The mentality of the people here is something he wanted to discover and the current theory he had is one theory.

'The Survival of the Fittest is how this world works, From Nations, People, Animals or Even Monsters.' Leo thought about the theory that made sense for him, He might be speaking bullshit but this was one of the best theories he had about this world. This world is very calm about death and the inhabitants are probably strong people.

'A perfect world for someone like me.' Leo thought to himself, This was the perfect world for him but while thinking about this. He remembered something that made him embarrass although he was alone in the Prison Cell, It was the time before he was brought to his world.

"God, I hope I forget that dark memory." Leo spoke to himself in a quiet tone, This was the time before getting transferred. He was talking about having a family, peaceful life, and good life but he knew that in exchange for this. He must lower his head towards other people, This kind of thing was disgusting. As a survivor, Lowering your head is like lowering down your dignity and putting your life in other's hands.

After forgetting about that part of his dark memory, Leo began thinking about other things. He now knows the current world but where in the world is he? He then began continuing reading the book in order to gain information, A while of reading made him realize where he was. A map was drawn in the book, It was the 7 continents of Barbarus.

"I am currently in a Nation called the Empire, This nation is the only known Empire in the world." Leo spoke about the place he was currently in, He was in the territory of the Empire. This would mean that the secret facility is in the Empire's territory, The problem is that if the Empire had a connection or this facility is private.

"In one of the Seven Continents of Barbarus, The Continent of Centrum. The Central Continent of Barbarus, This continent was known as the center of the world which was why it was given the name Centrum. The most surprising thing about this continent was the fact that all of it is owned by the Empire." The Central Continent of the World is controlled by the Empire, This would make sense that the Empire was the only one that had the guts to name their nation an Empire.

This would mean that the Empire is one of the biggest nations of Barbarus, The Empire is a very powerful nation. Without being a one-man army, No one can beat the Empire. With this current fact, Leo didn't want to bother the empire and take their attention since it would not be good for him. There are also other nations in the Barbarus but most of them are on the other continents.

"There are seven continents in Barbarus, I have already named the first continent which was Centrum. it is time for me to find the other continents." For this reason, Leo began reading another book about the continents and about the world. This was a strange and useful book, A while later he was finally done reading the book. He was having a hard time reading due to the dark but luckily he was used to the darkness.

"The Continents of Barbarus which is Orientalis the Eastern Continent, Occidentalis the Western Continent, Supernas the Northern Continent, Australis the Southern Continent, Excelsus the Flying Continent, And Infernus the Underground Continent."

"Wow, The last two are interesting. A flying continent and An Underground Continent." The last continents that were mention made Leo interested in them, He wondered if he had time to visit every one of these continents but before planning the visit he needed to escape from this facility and make himself stronger.

"Now that I think about it, The Doctor was talking as if humans weren't the only race in this world." Leo was curious about why the Doctor talked like that, It might be only her kind of speech but it was still something that could make Leo curious. He decided to pick another book that had the title Races, He wanted to know everything about the kinds of creatures he could find.

"So my guess was correct." Leo muttered after reading many things in the book, The guess about the humans not being the only race was correct. He didn't know if this could be considered a bad thing but it will make more things complicated especially seeing the races recorded in the books.

"The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, Gnomes, Fairies, Dryads, Orcs, Angelus and Daemons." Leo spoke about the races that were recorded in the book, It was told that there were many more races but some of them were already extinct after the world war. Some of them were are but they still exist so they could be considered a race even though they have low numbers.

"The Humans controlled most of the world, 4 of the 7 continents of Barbarus." Humans seem to be the dominant species in this world but it was told that Humans spread much faster than the other races, Their curiosity leads to many death but also a lot of opportunities. These were the descriptions of the humans in this world.

"The Elves and Dwarves controlled the whole Supernas, They were the only known species in the Northern Continent. Splitting it apart while also waging a war towards each other." It seems that the Northern Continent only had Elves and Dwarves so they might be a very rare race in the other continents.

"Beastmen's main continent was the Orientalis, The Eastern Continent. Most of them could be found there and they had big nations on that Continent. There are human nations in the continent but compared to the Beastmen, They were nothing." The Catgirls, Doggirls, Fox Girls, Or many Girls can be found there. Although Leo wasn't some man of culture, He knew about them and wanted to meet them. He wondered if the depictions about the Beastmen were true.

"Gnomes, This race could be found in the Australis. They are a rare species and they only had one nation in the south, The Humans outnumbered them but with the machines they made. Human nations had no guts to have war with them." Leo only has one question, What was the difference between Gnomes and Dwarves?

"Fairies, Dryads, and Orcs are mainly found in the Occidentalis. The Western Continent, They live in groups and didn't have official nations. The Orcs have huge strength but only live in tribes, The Faires were very rare that they were rarely seen by anyone, And the Dryads was known to be the race that would give blessing to crops so they were respected in their own right."

"Angelus, The only race that lives in the Excelsus. The Flying continent, They are the only one that has the flying continent under the Race's control. Although the Flying Continent was smaller than the other continents, It had a reason why it was called a continent. The Race was depicted to have wings and rarely went down to Barbarus, The information about them was not clear."

"Daemons, The main race that lives in the Infernus. The Underground continent, There were not good and probably ugly monsters. A long time ago, Both men and women were captured by the tentacle daemons. It was pure horror especially for the men who were captured, Just imagine it. The Horror!" Leo felt a chill from his spine, He hopes that he won't meet any of these before having enough strength.

"Done with the races, It is time for me to read the most interesting part of this world." Leo with this in mind brought out a book, This book was something that was very interesting for Leo. It was like the normal book but the contents are what made Leo read it. The Book had a bold title of MANA.

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