
21-Low Rank Daemon of Gluttony Part 1

Inside the Ancient Stadium was a Loud Noise that simulated war. It was very loud and the flashes of light could be seen, Luckily the whole Ancient Stadium was underground. Or else it would gain attention from its surrounding. It was a pretty shocking thing for the Prisoners to see. The Power of a Weapon called Gun, Unlike the other weapons. Guns are something that could kill any enemy sufficiently as possible.

It was like a bow that could fire dozens of arrows per arrow, This Arrow could also penetrate anything that isn't harder than normal. The Standard Weapon of the Current Millenium, It was the projectile weapons. Of course, with the mainstream of these weapons. Counterparts of it appeared, the Guns slowly lost their effectiveness but that doesn't mean they disappeared.

The Guns are good for killing Low-Rank Mana Core Individuals, Which would mean that Guns are better for war. Even someone that doesn't have a mana core can kill the individual with a mana core using a gun. It was obvious that as the Mana Core Rank gets higher, The Effectiveness of such weapons decreases. But the weapon called gun didn't stop there.

Cannons were made, Bigger and Stronger Guns. Military Guns could only kill the First Rank Mana Cores. The Cannons could kill Second and Third Rank Mana cores. The Fourth Mana Cores were monsters in a war, Most cannons would be not ineffective but accuracy is needed to hit such individuals. This was why even though the guns were weak, They could still mow down armies faster than any weapon.

Basically, The Evolution of Guns stops at Third Rank Mana Core. There is no known Gun that could easily kill 4th to the Ranks that comes after it. Enchantments are still available but it is hard to enchant guns. Especially with the complex mechanics of it, Unlike the Weapons like swords or bows which is very simple.

With the Flashes of light and the Crack of numerous thunders that comes after it. It was obvious that the Daemon was getting shredded by the Big Guns. If the Daemon gets shredded by such weapons, The Possibility of its rank is Higher Second Rank Mana Core. It was something that is almost reaching the Third Rank Mana Core.

The Smell of Gunpowder engulfs the whole Ancient Stadium, The Guns stop shooting for a while due to overheat but that doesn't stop there. It was time for the Rockets, Anti Tank Shells, Artillery Shells, and Even APCR Shells to have their turn to attack the Daemon.

The Daemon was clearly hurt, With its huge size. It tanks all of the 50 caliber bullets that came with the machine guns and Miniguns all around the Stadium. Blood could be seen flowing through its skin, It was a new type of different blood than the normal blood that everyone saw. For some unknown reason, The Blood was acidic. Smoke could be seen coming from the ground, It was obvious that the acid was lethal and could kill them easily.


The Big Guns began Firing, Explosions could be heard. The light was flashing stronger than usual, It was also louder due to the fact that the prisoners could feel the pain coming from their ears. All of them were on the floor, Debris was seen flying above them luckily it didn't hit any of the prisoners.

"Take Cover!" Douglas shouted towards the Prisoners, Grover could be seen pointing towards the Iron Doors. There was a group of pillars near the door, It was a good spot for cover. Leo and Alex also knew this and the Prisoners began standing up from the ground. All of them had their sights towards the Pillars.

The Pillars was not noticeable at first, It was because the Prisoners were busy fighting the monsters. They didn't plan to hide against faster monsters so they fought. This was why the pillars were not noticed until the prisoners had the word cover in mind. With this thinking, The Prisoners began heading towards the pillars.

The Prisoners were Running towards the Pillars at a fast speed, The Scream of Pain that came from the Huge Daemon could be heard. The Huge Tentacle tail it had was moving intensely due to the pain. The Giant Mouth in its body cannot close, The Teeth of the monster was broken. It was like being punch by a Hammer, Broken limbs or burnt limbs could be seen.

After the Overheat of the Machine Guns and Miniguns was done, It was now time for them to join the party. The Guns began firing their bullets towards the monster, The Second wave of bullets was more calculated than before. The Whole thing got worse and the Loud noise began louder than usual.

During the run towards the Pillars, Some of the Prisoners were hit by the intense tentacles of the Daemon. They were thrown or either stump by the Daemon, Their body gets squash while the Daemon was wiggling and screaming in pain. It was the unluckiest to die but it was still better than getting eating alive.

Arriving at the Pillars, The Prisoners began hiding behind it. All of them were panting and it was obvious that most of them were tired. Some were traumatized from the explosion, Some of them were completely silent due to shock, and Some of them had their bodies shaking in fear. It was like fighting against something unstoppable, The Prisoners didn't fear the Daemon. Instead, they feared the weapons that were used against it.

Leo, who was hiding in one of the Pillars was holding his graze shoulder. It was a pain to have an injury, The pain was also distracting him from focusing. He was gritting his teeth, This was the reason why he didn't want to be injured. It was the fact that the injury would get in his way if something unexpected happens.

"Leo, Here..." A soft voice could be heard from Leo's behind. Leo turned his head and saw a silver white-haired girl. She was currently staring at the spot where a Graze could be seen. Although Leo kept saying it was a graze, It was obvious more. Blood was almost flowing out of the injured shoulder, Luckily the graze was not enough to punch through the blood vessels.

Alex then took out something that was important for Leo, It was a piece of cloth. It was not special but it was obvious something that could lower the intensity of the pain and could make it comfortable than normal. Alex began treating Leo's injury, It was obvious that she was somehow taught basic treatment.

"Thanks." Leo said with a smile, The Graze that was in his shoulder was now a little bit comfortable. The one that he saved was now treating him, He didn't know if he should be happy or not but at least he can now move his body. Hearing Leo, Alex just nodded and continue on her treatment.

"Leo!!" Grover shouted towards Leo, The whole Ancient Stadium was loud. Even if the prisoners are a few meters away from each other. They still needed a shout to convey their message. Leo, who was getting treated by Alex turn his head towards Grover. Grover was currently on the opposite side of Leo and Alex.

"What?" Leo was confused about why Grover called his name, He didn't want someone to bother his treatment. Seeing that Leo manage to hear him, Grover then spoke.

"We need reformation, The Group is currently in disarray." Grover shouted towards Leo, Hearing him. Leo nodded in agreement, Grover then began saying the same message towards Douglas. Douglas hearing it also nodded in agreement, It was a problem for the semi leaders when their group gets destroyed on the inside.

But there was one thing the Strongest of Prisoners didn't expect, A light could be seen coming from behind them. It was a pretty shocking sight but all of them knew what it was. Even Leo and Alex, who were always calm was happy seeing the light. They didn't have to be drag towards the mess in front of them.

The Iron Door behind them was slowly opening, It was slowly revealing the light of the Secret Facility. The Metallic Clang was clearly heard by the Prisoners even though there was a war between the guns and the Daemon in the background. Another thing appeared with the door.

It was the Soldiers of the Secret Facility, All of them were dressed in Black Army Uniforms that somehow had armor with them. All of them were wearing a Helmet that obviously looks like a futuristic Helmet. The Helmets also had lights with them. With the soldiers, was a Gun that looks like a Big Assault Rifle.

"Secure the Test Subjects." A voice could be heard, It obviously came from the Black Soldier that looks like the leader of the group. The Group of Soldiers were 50 individuals, All of them were lining up in the Iron Door as if they were going to war. Hearing the Leader of the Soldiers, The Group of Soldiers shouted at the same time.

"UNDERSTOOD!!" The Black Soldiers Shouted while also saluting, They then began charging towards the Daemon. Firing their Heavy Assault Rifles towards the Daemon, Some of them were kneeling on the ground while fighting against the monster. Some of them went charging from the front and began their attack.

The Prisoners were surprised at the Black Soldiers that came from the Iron Doors. They were somehow happy by the arrival of the Black Soldiers but this didn't mean all of them were happy. The Strongest Prisoners were frowning when they saw the Black Soldiers, They were just in relief due to the fact that the Iron Door open but the fact that Black Soldiers were in it made them frown.

'This is the first time I see the Soldiers directly in duty.' Leo thought to himself while staring at the Black Soldiers. They were menacing in their current forms, It seems that the soldiers of the secret facility are not to be underestimated. All of the Prisoners only saw Staffs and the Solders were not taken seriously until now.

The Black Soldiers began passing through the Prisoners, Some of them stop near the prisoners while some of them continue their way towards the Daemon while shooting at it. Another Set of Black Soldiers arrives, All of them were carrying Rocket Launchers. Having a formation which is a straight line and began firing towards the Daemon.

Another set of Explosions was heard, The Black Soldiers that was near the Prisoners began speaking.

"Come with us." The Black Soldiers spoke towards the Prisoners with a serious and cold voice. The Prisoners nodded in agreement while the Strongest just followed them without showing any reaction. They passed through many soldiers that were heading towards the Daemon without fear.

Passing through the Iron Doors, They could see the last set of Black Soldiers heading towards the Daemon. The Black Soldiers were carrying Flame Throwers in their back. The Iron Door slowly closes and the Flames of the Flame Throwers could be seen before disappearing with the Thick Iron Walls of the Iron Door.

They were walking through the White Hallway with the Black Soldiers escorting them, All of the Black Soldiers were still holding their Heavy Assault Rifle. The Prisoners just gulp at seeing the size of the Gun but the Strongest Prisoners just ignored it. Alex was finally done at treating Leo, He already thank her before she continued to follow with the group.

It took a while but the Prisoners finally arrive at their destination, They could see a beautiful woman with Red Velvet hair smirking at them.

"Looking at your current selves, I could see that all of you went through a war." This was Fatima, The Test Master of Test of the Strongest. She could see that almost half of the Prisoners died from the First Test but she didn't bother about it. She was smiling at the victors in front of her, Especially the prisoners that had her interest.

Amelia Moon, Frazer Douglas, Keira Kramer, Grover Leon, April Hatfield, Alex Fallen, And Leo Sinclair turn their gaze towards Fatima.

The Staring Contest Began...

Next chapter