
2-New World, New Life, New Hell, And New Dream with New Nightmare

"Now that I think about, Where the hell am I?" Leo muttered under his breath, He then inspects his current location. He didn't have time to wonder about why this world is so beautiful, There were many things he could do before he could enjoy himself on the peacefulness.

'A Prison Cell?' Leo thought to himself, It was a weird thing to wake up in a prison cell. He was not in the mood to wondered why he was in a prison cell. Before that problem, Leo had a serious problem. This would affect him in his journey in the new world, It was the one fact that he didn't want to happen.

'I don't have any Memory about this world.' A Huge problem it is, Leo expected some kind of flashback to hit him but a while later. He didn't remember anything, He was completely empty and the owner of this body seems to have disappeared. Leo then remembered something when he talks about the body.

'My body seems to be a teenage body, Probably 15 years old.' Leo thought while staring at his body, He needed some kind of mirror. He then began looking around and saw that the whole Prison Cell was empty of things. There was only a Bed for him and nothing else was there, He could see some of the light coming from the door.

The Iron Door that imprisons him slowly opens, Leo was completely calm since he already experiences something worse than this. The End was something that would make an ordinary person have a heroic will but still fails and dies, The Light flashes towards his eyes. He acted like he was some vampire covering his whole face and The reason was probably there wasn't any light in the Prison Cell other than the Light from the door that was directed to him.

"Is this the Kid?" The Voice could be heard, Leo cannot see the guy due to the fact that he was currently covering his eyes with his hands. Leo's eyes slowly adapted to the light, With the eyes slowly adapting. Leo could finally take a clear look at the person that was in front of him.

'Why does this feel like I have not been hit by a single light for many months, Is the windows too covered that even in daylight. Darkness still overcomes my Prison Cell?' Leo had a lot of questions but before that, He wanted to take a good look at this man in front of him. He then saw a middle-aged man, He had muscles but not that much.

This Middle-aged man had a Bald Head, His Brown eyes, And He also had a scar on his face. His body didn't look like a bodybuilder but judging from how he does things, The Man in front of Leo must be a very powerful and dangerous man.

"Yes, This is one of the survivors that came from the Fallen Old Noble Families." A Soldier reported towards the Man, It took them a lot of effort to get the Boy. He was probably the last of his bloodline and was very rare while also expensive. The Middle-aged man then stares at Leo then spoke.

"Kid, Get out of the Prison Cell or We will force you out." The Man spoke towards Leo with a serious and threatening voice. Leo thought about many things and decided to surrender, He didn't want to die without learning anything. All he needed to do was wait for the chance to attack.

Leo sighed, He didn't try anything else. He didn't know anything about the people in front of him. He had no choice but to comply with their wishes, Leo then went out of the Prison Cell. He pretended to have dead eyes so that no one would bother him, This was his thought until he was kicked.


This was something unexpected, The Man kicked Leo when he went out of his Prison Cell. He was hit in his stomach while also hitting the wall with his body, He fell down the floor and groan in pain. He didn't scream but his face was very ugly, It seems that the peaceful ways weren't taken that much after all.

"Sir, This kid is expensive. If he dies, the punishment would be severe." The Soldier that was with the man spoke with a worried tone, He was worried about the kid but was worried about the fact that he might get the blame if the Child dies. It was his job to regulate the kid so if the Child dies, it would be his fault.

"Urghh!!" The sound of Leo in pain was heard in the background but the two men just ignored it and began talking to themselves. Leo was holding his stomach in pain, The Man didn't give him any mercy. Although hitting a kid was not new for him, He didn't expect the Man to kick him out of nowhere.

"He needs to be strong, Isn't he the Boy that would do the testing with the other kid? It would be a waste to not check his strength before the experiment." The Man said towards the soldier, It was a good explanation that it was not good to waste important subjects in an experiment with a high mortality rate.

"I understand your reasoning sir, but you need to be careful since the kid would die before you could increase his strength." The Soldier said towards the Man, This man was his superior but he was assigned the task to protect and regulate the kid before testing. The Man just had a smile on his face and spoke towards the soldier.

"Don't worry, He will survive." The Man said with a confident voice, He was chuckling at what he saw while the soldier was oblivious to what was happening. He had a confused face since he didn't know what his superior was talking about, He then asked the man about the things he was confused about.

"What do you mean, Sir?" The Soldier asked the Man that was chuckling in front of him, The Man in front of him was just not a normal man. The Man was a former Captain, A psychopath, and was known to have killed many recruits in his training. He was fired and was put into jail but with the connections of the facility, They manage to free the man.

"Look.." The Man then pointed towards Leo's direction, The Soldier turns his head and saw Leo standing. He was still holding his stomach but he didn't have any resembling emotions on his face. The Kick made his face very ugly but it took a lot of effort to restore his original calm, The Soldier was shocked at what happened. The Man's kick was strong and he knew about how painful the kick was, The Kid seems to be okay other than the shaking body and injured stomach. Forget about it, The kid was far from okay.

"You're interesting Kid, You manage to take one of my Kicks without screaming or crying in pain." The Man said towards Leo, Leo was still holding his stomach trying to push his pain back with his willpower. He knew that this kind of thing wouldn't work but he didn't have a choice but to try. The Man slowly walks towards Leo and whispered in one of his ears.

"You are a strong-willed boy but I wonder, How long you will last in this world." The Man whispered quietly towards Leo, Leo was shocked and surprised at what he heard. He met this kind of human but this kind of humans should've died a long time ago during the End. They were either killed by other people or their own people, Someone crazy and a sadist is someone Leo didn't want to deal with.

'Tsk... I have no choice but to keep quiet, I will die in this world if I keep taking it as a vacation.' Leo thought while gritting his teeth, He took this world as if it was a vacation for him. This Accident made him realize that there were strong inhabitants in this world, This world may have more different structures than the old world.

Leo knew that inside his head, He thought of himself as some protagonist on some story that manages to travel in a new world. But the reality was often disappointing, The World doesn't favor anyone and anything. He would be beaten by many people if he lowered his Guard, This was enough to make him stop his Vacation treatment of the New World.

"Hope we meet again, Boy. I will train you to be a strong soldier.... If you come out alive of course." The Man then walked ahead, He was going somewhere but no one would want to ask him anything. The Soldier that was with the man sighed in relief and muttered silently towards the Man.

"Fucking Monster! I wondered why the higher-ups wanted to hire a crazy man to train the expensive goods? They have too much trust in that man. I guess, I don't have to care about it since it is not my job." The Soldier spoke silently, It was clearly heard by Leo and he knew that the man would train him. This was obviously bad news but he needed more information to reach the conclusion.

"Boy, Let's continue on our way and just ignore that psycho." The soldier said towards Leo, Leo didn't speak about anything. He was having a hard time moving his body and the pain of his stomach kept aching. It was reminding him of the kick the Man gave to his stomach. The two of them continue on their way towards the place they were headed.

Leo knew that his strength was just a kid, He was brought into this unknown world without any information. He didn't get any cheat from the monster or Did he? The Soldier and Leo walked in the hallway at an average pace, It took a while for them to see a door that was guarded by another soldier.

"Private, Why do you want to enter?" The Soldier that was guarding the door asked the Soldier that was bringing Leo, This has been the thing since the secret facility was made. In order to stop spies from entering and leaving the whole facility. The Soldiers would ask each other and would memorize each of their faces, Most of them were soldiers that didn't have any family so they were perfect for this kind of work.

"Sir, I am bringing this boy for a Physical check up." The Soldier that brought Leo saluted towards the Soldier that had the rank of a Corporal. The Corporal that was guarding the door stared at Leo, It seems that something happened in the boy's body. This was a piece of bad news since the boy was a really very expensive specimen.

"So what happened?" The Corporal asked the soldier, Lying to an officer that was higher in rankings like the Corporal would result in disobedience. It was not a good thing to hide a piece of information about what was happening in this facility and the soldiers had to regulate everything inside it.

"The Crazy guy kicked the Kid in the stomach." The Soldier sighed, The Corporal hearing the Soldier nodded in understanding. He knew the one that kicked the boy, The Crazy captain. He couldn't do anything about that Captain since the Captain was a high rank compared to him who just guards in some door.

"I can Understand, Enter the Medical Room but be fast on doing the Check-up." The Corporal said towards the soldier as the Iron Door slowly opens itself, Some might wonder why the soldiers didn't have any guns. This was a good question, Leo who was brought to the Medical Room would finally what he looks like in this New World. He was curious if he looks handsome or ugly but what Leo didn't know was the fact that he was still in his Original Body that was made into his younger self.

Now the question about why the Soldiers didn't bring any guns with them. It was because Machine Guns were waiting to show themselves in the ceilings.

So what do you think?

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