

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, did you imagine this Alan, you should be careful Alan on whom you should trust"

The car stopped on the banks of a river on a deserted road in the middle of the mountains miles away from where they were.

Getting out of the car Alan was made to kneel with hands above his head while the middle aged man was pointing the gun at him.

"A few days ago Sam came to me and asked me to accompany him on the plan to assassinate you and become the new leader of the world"

"Heh, so Chris you took up on his offer"

"Yes his offer sounds a lot better and my role was also much more important than you, remember when you came to me to get support of the underworld and terrorists organisations throughout the world i said i only work for money, but you know what? Being with you i got the taste of power of the seat you now sit on and i want to sit on it too, but unfortunately you need to die for this to happen"

'Bam' 'Bam' 'Bam'

Three bullets were shot but the target was not Alan but Chris himself.

Three bullets were shot at his chest making him fall on his knees and drop the gun, before he could react a leg already threw his gun away from him.

"Hahahaha you fool Chris, hahaha"

Sam who was behind Chris all this time, laughed maniacally and looked at him with playful eyes while going to Alan who was still kneeling and giving him a hand to stand up.


"Oh Chris as dumb as always, you got into our trap"

Sam said as Alan stood up and looked at Chris who was lying in his own pool of blood with a smirk.

"Do you really think that Sam would team up with you Chris, sorry but this was all our play, we can't have support of people if criminals and terrorists work with us, so you know i sent Sam to you with an intention to make plans for terrorists to attack us and get an excuse to kill you and every men under you making our view in public eyes to improve"

"I'm sorry about this Chris but today you need to die"


Alan spoke as Sam released the trigger of the gun making a hole in Chris's head and killing him.

Alan turned his head and looked at the river and walked towards it, he just stood there enjoying the scenery of sunset at the banks of the river and looked at his watch before taking out a small white bottle and ate a pill from it.

He turned around only to find Sam aiming his gun at him,

"Breaking news, yesterday after the conference new leader of the United Earth Federation Alan White was attacked by the terrorists under the orders of Chris Saltzman his partner and kidnapped him with his best friend Sam Wilson, Alan White was found shot and Chris Saltzman was also found dead it was later revealed that after Chris killed Alan and when he was going to kill his friend Sam Wilson too but fortunately Sam freed himself and killed Chris before he could react. Unfortunately our new leader Alan was found dead may his soul rest in peace. For the current position of leader of United Earth Federation Sam Wilson best friend of Alan White will be chosen as the next head of the United Earth Federation"
