
Chapter one: What type of school is this

Pills... I hate em but I can never get down with water. The council always provides some water but... water I hate it too. The minerals, I can taste and it's gross. I hop off my bed and get a look at myself. Is school what life is really about. I'm sixteen years old and I'm sick of base then school and base then school. I don't graduate until I'm eighteen then it's more school... and the same nasty ass pills. I look at the time, I hate it here. Tamra was already gone, Her bed neatly made. I grab my backpack and open the door. Same old same old.

First period class and I'm already late I'm glad I hate her class. Mrs hurk, overweight and unhappy never answers a goddamn thing. I walk into the room and all eyes are on me. They should be used to this by now and they stare. "Ms Lola you're late", Mrs hurk says. "I know," I replied shrugging. Tamra perks up her bright brown eyes and goes into shock. I know she's a bad liar, SHE knows she's a bad liar. I shake my head no. "Her alarm clock is broken, miss,'' she blurts out frantically. I take the seat next to hers and glare. "I have the council be called for a... fix of your clock." Everyone has a clock and it's expected to be used. "Today's class, we are getting more into genetics" What makes our eyes and skin variations of color. We all have melanin in this class some of us produce more than others. She starts getting into her lesson. Did I mention, I hate it here. Suddenly we footsteps long heels/pumps then the door creaks open. To my surprise a woman tall white with blonde hair and blue eyes comes in the room. She had to be at least thirty-five. She had bad eyes because her glasses hung over her crooked bird beak nose. The beads connecting her glasses to her ears were a salmon pink like her lips. She says something I don't quite make out. Then a boy with the most pale skin I've ever seen his eyes were so dark I'd think then to be black. Came from behind her. His eyes were sunken in and his dark raven hair almost covered them. He was taller than me and I'm 5'7.

"Welcome Keir" Mrs hurk says in a monotone voice. "Key-air"... I muttered it sounded far off from the others' names. Is he switching classes? I've never seen him... We locked eyes and he was... angry. I didn't feel any sadness from him, just rage. He looks away and walks to his desk and lays his head on the desk. He smelled of something that made my nose crinkle. I stared at him and Mrs Hurk slams her meaty sausage fingers on the desk. She rolls her eyes. "Back to business class stay focused" and continued her lesson while I continue to glance at keir. Tamra is like a mouse and her glance at the door was enough and hadn't looked at him since. Her light brown skin is blushed red and her long blonde arm-hair stood on her arms.

The classes continued and Keir was token away for the rest of classes by the lady with the beak nose. Me and Tam have all of are classes together and walk to our base. Females on one side males in another base. I open the door and Tamra smiles and takes of her shoes to plop on my bunk. "Today was fun" she says. "Tamra... we do the same thing every day". "Still was fun" she says laughing. "What'd you think of Keir" I ask sitting on the bed next to her. She scrunched her nose "He was grungy and scary" she frowns and I change the subject. "We should go eat, skipped breakfast" I say shooting a toothy grin. "Lola, what if you passed out like you always do your metabolism is high" "Id just pass out and get up later", I groan. "Let's go" she pulls my arm. "Wait", I walk over and smash my clock on the ground. "Okay... let's go" We walk to the pit and she nags about the importance of breakfast the whole way there. As I roll my eyes and nod.