
Escaping hell

Jade shuddered, her rough and dirty black hair covered her face.

"It's time, Ophelia."

Ophelia, that was the name she used. She couldn't bring herself to tell her real name to her captors.

She looked down at her pathetic and dirty looking self and up back at the hand that was stretched out to her.

The man who stood before her had long white hair that shone like silver and rich brown eyes that was hidden behind thick glasses.

The whole place was shrouded in flames, flames that was started to help her escape this hell.

The cells that were as small as cages were all empty, all the girls that used to occupy the other cages had been taken away, probably sold or killed.

She was the only one remaining, just her and this kind man who wanted to help her escape.

"Come on, Ophelia."

Jade rose on her feet, her thin and frail malnourished body quivered, she grabbed the outstretched hand.

The white haired young man pulled her with him as he ran through the flames with her behind him.

Jade breathing hitched in excitement as she imagined the world outside of that dark room, a world she hadn't seen in the past five years, a world with sunlight by day and moonlight by night.

The entire place was empty and void of people as they ran to the exit of the building.


The white haired man kicked the door open.

"Haaaa" Jade breathed in the air she had dearly longed for since the past five years.

She looked at the man in front of her, who was tightly holding onto her hand.

The man was Brad, the only person who had cared and took pity on her through out her stay in that hellish place.

"Is, is that the moon?"

"Hahaha, yes it is. It might have been a long time since you last saw it."

"Yeah, it's bigger now and brighter." Jade sniffled, her nose stung, the tears she had been holding back fell freely from her eyes.

She was great full to Brad for helping her and she felt bad for not telling him her real name at least. If the boss finds out that he helped her escape, his life would be at stake.

The building was on a large deserted island in the middle of the ocean, she had heard the men calling this place the lost city of Atlantis which was Atlanta according to them.

The blue ocean was large and beautiful but Jade couldn't afford to waste any more time admiring it, if she escaped successfully she could admire it for the rest of her life.

"How would we cross the ocean?" She asked Brad in panic.

"Come here." Brad pulled her closer to the beach and pointed at a little ferry, it was smaller than most ferries she had seen before and Jade was absolutely sure that the ferry wouldn't be able to cross them to the other side of the large water body.

"Can you sail a ferry?" Brad asked in an urgent voice as he constantly looked back.

"Y, yes."

"Get on quickly."

Jade wasted no time, she knew they had limited time, she had to escape while the other traffickers try to put off the fire.

Jade got on the ferry and went to the sailor deck, she quickly started the ferry and looked behind her. Brad stood at the shore and stared at her, the left part of his glass now had cracks.

"Brad." Jade called.

"It's time for you to go home, Ophelia."

"Brad, no wait, come with me. Those people would kill you."

"They won't, go home, Ophelia."

"I can't leave you here, you've done so much fo..."

"Go now, Ophelia." Brad interrupted her statement with a shout.

Jade frowned, Brad had never yelled at her before but even though she didn't want to leave him here, she could at least respect his choice and let him stay.

"Fine... but be careful." Jade steered the ferry.

"Take care." Brad said in a calm voice.

"Yes, I definitely will." Jade turned away from him and steered the ferry into the vast ocean, her grey eyes watered dimly reflecting the moon and the star filled sky.

"My name is Jade Valois." She murmured.

This was it, this was the moment she escapes from that hell, watching different young people mostly ladies been brought and taken away left a sour taste in her mouth.

She remembered the first friend she made in that place, Jade still remembered her name and the smile she always managed to put on her face no matter what she faced. Chloe was already in the place before Jade was brought. She was taken away three months after Jade's arrival.

Jade remembered all the trafficked people she talked to, different people were brought in and taken out in the five years Jade spent there but strangely she was never taken away only some guys who came to violate her some times.

Jade left the sailor deck and went to the railing, she threw up after remembering all the bad things she had gone through.

Her malnourished body swayed as the ocean wind blew, she shivered from the cold and went to the sailor deck again.

For five years, five whole years, Jade hadn't set eyes on her mother, she could remember vividly that she was nineteen when she decided to go on a vacation away from the marriage preparations and all the stress.

She was supposed to get married when she clocked twenty two but both families decided to start the preparations three years earlier.

Jade was originally betrothed to Francis, who she was supposed to have gotten married to if not for being kidnapped.

She was twenty four now, just five years had passed but it felt like eternity, she couldn't even tell the difference from day and night in the dark cell that she was kept in but whenever Brad came over, he tells her the day, month and year due to that she managed to keep track of time.

She was hungry, tired and cold but Jade did not care she just wanted to see her mom and Francis.

"How is my mom? Did she remarry? Did she worry about me? How's Francis? Has he gotten married to someone else? Is he seeing someone else? How many kids would we have gotten by now?" Those questions flooded Jade's mind, she steeled her will and wiped her tears.

She was out, that's right, she would see her mom again, she would see Francis, she would see Mr and Mrs Kaden who were supposed to be her in-laws by now and of course she would work again.

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