
Chapter 2

I sat down, my back to a tree as various animals, deer, sheep, field mice, and many more surrounding me. I stroked my hands through one of the deer's fur, earning a pleased coo from the shiny coated animal. This was how I spent my seventh day, basking in the existence of my creations on Earth.

It was good, I deemed it so, so it was.

From afar I watched as Adam held Lilith's hand, and they strolled through the garden together. Adam had already finished naming all of the animals on Earth and had ordered them to do as I had and multiply for the sake of having more animals to rule over.

A good king. He would lead his people well, I was sure of it.

Until Earth is filled with sinners and I have to nuke it with water…but eh, I prefer to enjoy the finer things in life before having to shut them out with a good ol smite.

Meh, but that was a thousand years off.

I enjoyed the sight of Lilith clinging tightly to Adam, her nude body firmly pressed against his. She looked happy, and so did Adam.

Them being happy made me happy…but it didn't make everyone happy.

— Helel —

He watched from Heaven as the two…lesser beings walked side by side. Then his eyes stared at the form of his peaceful father, basking in creations deemed even less than the humans.

It hurt him and confused him.

Though he could still feel his father's light, it wasn't enough. He wanted to bask in his presence, his existence for all of eternity.

Those humans took that away from him.

Helel hoped that this was just a phase that would pass through his father, a candlelight that would soon burn out by his father's boredom.

The angels were the perfect beings, truly created in the image of their father, not those beasts.

— Azazel —

Ever since she'd been created, she couldn't help but have weird thoughts. She loved her siblings, that much was true, and as expected of them, they loved their father even more. That was all normal.

Only her love was different.

The love she felt for her father wasn't normal, she could see that by looking at all the other angels. When she looked upon her father's handsome face, crystal white hair, and rainbow-colored eyes, her heart swooned. When she eyed his tall powerful form with rippling muscles begging to be free of the white robe he wore, her privates dampened.

She knew what it was, when their father created them, they were given a set of do's and don'ts. Rules to abide by. The one she was enraptured in…


Lust for her father.

It was wrong, so wrong, but as she sat in a room that her father had gifted her, she couldn't help but let her hands drift down. It was wrong. So wrong.

But it felt so right.

— Michael —

"Your rent is due." Michael smiled innocently.

"Ah, that's not cool!"

"Pay up Baraqiel." Remiel giggled.

Six of them were gathered around a table playing a game of their father's creation, as all things were.


It had quickly become their favorite pastime. They enjoyed Uno a great deal, but with Helel getting bullied by Azazel, they had to switch it up.

So sat at the table within fifth Heaven were six of their father's first ten creations. Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Baraqiel, Remiel, and Azrael. The others were…somewhere.

Ever since they came into existence, they've been having a great deal of fun. All of these positive emotion they felt, it was all thanks to their father, their creator, and the man who was always right.

This game and the beauty of Heaven proved it.

As Michael waited for his turn to come again, he took a peek down to see what their father was doing. An excited smile crossed his handsome face and he threw his hands up in celebration.

The others were confused by his actions, so he decided to clarify.

"Look upon the Earth, our Father's extended Kingdom, and gaze upon his greatness!"

The others were happy to do just that, as any angel should be! They all watched as their father played with the various creatures of his creation, and then their focus went to the two beings on Earth walking side by side.

"Oh, more angels?" Azrael asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile. He could understand his reaction, there were many angels in Heaven now that Father went on a creation spree, specifically 777 angels resided in Heaven at the current moment. Though more would be a great gift, who doesn't want more siblings?!

"I don't think so." Remiel gave a contemplative gaze at the two. "They…are different. I don't know how to describe it."

"They are less than us."

A new voice entered the room and they all turned to see their eldest brother, Helel frowning deeply. Such a frown had not yet crossed any of their faces, there was too much to smile at, why frown?!

"I wouldn't put it like that." Remiel hummed, crossing her powerful arms under her chest. "Though your way of putting it isn't inaccurate."

Helel nodded, stepping towards the table. "We are the perfect creations, created in his image, Father's image of perfection is absolute and cannot be tainted by the existence of those lesser beings!"

Michael tilted his head in confusion. He agreed with his brother, somewhat. The existence of beings created in Father's image that were anything less than perfect was a horrible thought. It was an insult to their Father's existence. Though, it's because it was Father's creation that Michael didn't see a problem with them. Their Father knows better than them, and it would be a losing battle to try and contest him in a battle of wits.

"Helel, we must have faith in our Father. To love and bask in his light, isn't that the purpose of our existence?" Michael asked. Helel froze for a moment, falling into thought. Michael knew the words he spoke were correct, and so did his siblings.

"...You are correct, little brother." Helel frowned, turning around and walking out of the room.

Yes, he was. Michael gave himself a proud pat on the back and promised to tell Father of this later. To hear the praise of the Almighty was the greatest gift for any of his creations!

— God —

I smiled at the words of Michael. Listening to their talk wasn't very hard, it only required a bit of mental exertion, not much mind you.

Helel was a good child who meant well, I could tell. However, as Michael said, he needed to have faith in me, not faith in humanity. Such a thing wouldn't come to pass, I'm certain, and there wasn't anything I could do about that without altering the fate of existence for the worst.

My mind drifted to Azazel who was…having fun in her room. I admit, the moment I created her, I could tell she was more curious than her siblings. As if she wanted to learn anything and everything. So right now she was exploring the cusp of something different, all the while praying to me that I forgive her for her sin.

I ran a hand through my forehead-length glowing white hair and sighed. She wouldn't fall. To fall, one must love the action of sin more than they love me, and considering she was masturbating to the thought of me and the attraction/love she held for me, she surely wouldn't fall from such an action.

Her curiosity would one day get the better of her, of this I was sure. Though, until that day, perhaps I should talk with her.

I'll deal with that after Helel acts.

Speaking of Helel…

— Lilith —

She and her love walked through the beautiful garden their Creator made for them to live in. The sights alone filled her heart with a great deal of happiness. She looked up to her destined love and cooed as his arms tightened around her waist a bit more.

Existence was an incredible thing, and she was glad to be a part of it.

"Oooh, what should we name that one?" Her love asked, looking at a bush filled with berries.

"Well, you've been color-coding them thus far, why not stick to that?" Lilith answered, amused by the way her husband was so entranced by everything he saw.

"Yes, you're right! Then I, the man who holds dominion over Earth itself decree this a blueberry!" Adam said dramatically, and she gave a soft giggle.

"That is good, I'm sure The Almighty will agree."

Adam nodded with a proud smile and they continued to walk through the land.


They came to a pause, looking over to their Creator who was very far away. Adam wasted no time, jumping into the air, and traveling great distances in the span of a moment. She watched as he left her behind, and resolved to continue her search for anything they didn't name yet.


She paused once more, looking around. That wasn't her love's voice, nor was it their Creator's. Yet it knew her name and had called upon her.

She realized that looking around wasn't going to allow her to see the other existence in the garden, so she closed her eyes and expanded her senses. In mere moments she found the one who called her, a massive energy, perhaps on par with her and her loves. She appeared beside it in a second and stared down at the white-haired man who casually stroked one of the creatures Adam had named.

A snake.

"You called my name," Lilith said with certainty. The man nodded once, a confident smirk set firmly on his face. "What do you need, are you one of Father's creations as well?"

The man's smirk disappeared immediately and a sneer replaced it. She could feel the strong emotions he felt for her, it gave her a cold chill. It was nothing like the love her dear Adam felt for her or the happiness she felt their Father felt for his creations. It was something darker-

…Something sinister.

The man calmed himself down with a deep breath and his smirk was back in action. "My Father created myself and my siblings, the angels who reside in Heaven." He pointed towards the sky, and Lilith could sense it, a realm beyond this one, another kingdom ruled by The Almighty.

"So you are not human?" She asked, and again the sneer returned to his face. As if he was offended to be considered something similar to her and her lover.

She didn't understand, they were all creations of their father, what was the issue?

"No, I am not human. I am a perfect angel, but that's not why I'm here." The snake walked its way up this neck and wrapped itself there comfortably.

"Then, why are you here? Is this a command from Father?" She asked, ignoring the angered look he gave her.

"I'm here to ask you if this existence is truly the one you want?"

Lilith was confused. What did he mean by that? What other existence could she live but the one that God planned for her? Nothing else made sense.

"You are a being created with free will, perhaps all you need is to look deeper." The man pointed to a tree. One of two trees bearing fruit that God specifically ordered them not to eat.

"To eat that fruit would be directly going against the Almighty!" She frowned, completely aghast that an angel of God would dare go against his wishes for her existence.

"The fruit bears the knowledge of all creation, consume it and you shall gain true consciousness. Eat the fruit that bears life and you shall become like God himself. Unless you're satisfied with playing the submissive wife to Adam." The angel shrugged. "Tell me, did he even once allow you to name anything?"

Lilith paused, thinking back. Her body froze for a moment and her frown deepened. "No…no he didn't."

"I thought so." The angel stood up, dusting off his white clothes with magic. "I shall take my leave, do think about what I have told you today."

Then with a flash of light, he was gone.

Her existence, the one planned by God, it was so perfect before, it held everything she wanted.

Now, she wasn't so sure.

— Adam —

"So what did you want, Father?"

"Ever play Jenga?"

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