

They said eyes are the open doors to the heart. But what if you could see someone’s heart by looking into their eyes, literally? What if you could see the truest truth by a single look? Xi Yuan was an orphaned lady who lived with her Grandma and brother, Xi Guan. Xi felt betrayed by God and thought she was never lucky in her life. After she lost her parents in car accident when she was younger, she got bullied during her childhood and made her a bitter person. Her unlucky moments kept appearing in her life even when she grew up as an adult. After she graduated from university, she decided to become a young journalist in the criminal section column in the online newspaper. She was gifted with a smart brain and creativity but a very cold heart. She hated Deities to bone for her several lost and unfortunate moments until at some point, she cursed deities and decided not to believe in Deities anymore. Until one day, a guy-like Deity met her with his strange yet mysterious smile. It turned out that a deity finally heard her prayers and down to earth. But since then, her life has completely changed. Deities walked the earth, turned themselves in the appearance of human beings and having a mortal as their special apprentice with a unique superpower offering to fight crimes on earth and prevent chaos. But can this perfect combination of Deity - Human walk in Harmony and save the world?

Joie_Devivre · Fantasy
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13 Chs

When Life’s on Hold, Death’s Trying to Play a Trick.

Only by being on a brink of death, Life would be much treasured - (Joie Devivre)

After finding new cases to be told as stories, Xi decided to call it a day. Before she headed back to the office, she drove to Memorial House "Heaven on Earth" to meet her parents. She also brought a bouquet of white lilies for them. It was not too late to celebrate their death anniversary. Xi believed that they wouldn't mind at all. The name of this memorial house was so absurd for Xi. Every time she came here, she kept asking the same question. Did Heaven really do exist? Or was it only a sweet talk and topic for every priests to talk about? Was it just an imaginary place?

B-1889 - The tiny room with a transparent glass was the home of Xi's parents.

"Hola, Dad.. Mom.. How are you? Sorry for coming late this year." She smiled painfully while putting the bouquet carefully.

There was silver and blue vase for Xi's parents. Along with her parents wedding photo, a family photo of Amma, Guan and her, her graduation photo, and Guan's 100 m swimming competition bronze , silver and gold medals. Honestly, the memories with her parents started to become vague. She didn't cry but if anybody saw her face, they would agree that Xi was in pain.

"I made it, Mom. I become a journalist. Just like you. Could you please guide me from above? It is a bit harder than I thought before. " She smiled weakly.

She looked at Xi's parents photo for once more.

"Do Deities hate me so much, Mom, Dad? Why did They take you away from us? Why does life keep getting bitter?" She whispered quietly. She sighed.

She actually forgot how to cry anymore. Xi felt like being punished without making any sin while unfortune kept coming to her. Xi cursed Deities once again in her broken heart. After being gloomy reminiscing bitter old days for almost an hour, Xi bid a farewell to her parents and decided to go back to the office.

She rode her Amma's old car and headed back to the office. Unfortunately, while driving, she dropped her cell phone. She tried to reach it. She lost her focus and didn't realize that she went to wrong line.

Suddenly, the car hit her car hard and crashed her car to the traffic light. Her car was in complete wreck. The crash made Xi's ears ringing and blinded her. Broken glasses scratched her face, arms and any part of her body. She bet her bones were broken somewhere. The pains were unbearable but nothing else she could do. It happened so fast but completely wrecked Amma's old car. The left door of the car was bent inside and made her leg stuck and couldn't move. She also couldn't feel her left finger because it was glued to the steering wheel because of blood and sweat. After her brain could proceed with what just happened, she saw so many passengers gathered around her car. Some of them screamed and closed their mouths with their palms. She tried to reach them to get help. She couldn't feel and hear anything. Her eyes started to blurry like it was gonna close for the last time. The last thing she remembered was the ambulance siren's voice sounded loudly. She thought to herself, "Alas, I'm gonna meet Dad and Mom."

Then the light was off. She passed out.


When she opened her eyes, she was startled. She was in an empty bright room wearing a patient robe on a patient bed. Was she already dead? Was it heaven? Ah, it was too grand for Xi to pass to heaven, she told herself. Unexpectedly, she could move her hands and legs, and there was not any pain in her body. She looked around and found a guy in a black leather jacket standing near her bed. He looked at her silently yet carefully. His face was so familiar to her.

She finally realized he was the guy who stalked Xi, a few days ago. She remembered it clearly. Especially for his eyes. The same sharp, deep but mysterious eyes he had.

"You…" said Xi while pointing at him.

"Me." He nodded.

"I know what you're thinking about, Xi Yuan. " He continued.

"How…do… you.. know …. My name????? Where am I ???? " asked xi, she was so startled.

That guy only smirked without saying anything. He walked to the chair near him and sat graciously. He looked at Xi's eyes sharply and smirked once again.

Xi felt so nervous when he did it. Like he saw her naked and weak. He crossed his legs and put his hands on it. His doings were simple yet so intimidating.

"Who are you exactly? Why did you stalk me? Where am I??? Am I dead? " Xi asked once again nervously.

"Yamla. Some call me Yanluo, while others might call me Yeomra. But just call me Yamla."

He paused his talks.

"I've always been watching you, Xi Yuan. Recently, I just decided to be seen, " He continued.

"No. You are in the subconscious realm. You are not dead. Not yet. Unbelievably, Siming really did me a favor."

He was the creepiest guy Xi's ever met, indeed.

"I've heard your cursing prayer, for many times."


He didn't answer. He moved closer to her so fast, touched her chin and looked at her eyes deeply.

"Let me see your eyes."

When Yamla looked at her eyes deeply and carefully, instantly her memories overflowed her mind. She remembered the day when her parents passed away, the last time she looked at her parents' pale faces in the coffin. She remembered the day when she thought she would die of anaphylactic shock due to an allergy. She remembered when she cried so hard when she was 12 when she found out that her one and only dear friend, Ruby, died to domestic abuse by her drunken father. She remembered days when she got bullied by her friends at school because she was just an orphan girl. She remembered was pushed to the school's fish pool and got completely wet and her body was full of scratches because she hit pool rocks. She remembered when her bullies caught her after school, threw her rotten eggs and flour just to humiliate her. She remembered clearly when she was so scared after getting news that Amma felt in the bathroom because it was slippery. She felt so scared of losing another person she loved again.

This moment reopened her painful memories. She tried so hard not to cry at that time but she felt pain and rage inside her chest. She felt her space was invaded by Yamla rudely.

She then pushed Yamla so hard and yelled.

"STOOOOOOP!" her face turned red. She was furious and looked at him sharply and fiercely.

She wanted to curse him so much but words were just on the tip of the tongue. She was panting like she was going to explode.

Yamla got back to chair and sat. He remained calm but looked at Xi's furiousness carefully.

"No wonder you turned into a bitter person now. You swallowed bitter pills too much. Sīmìng is so hard on you`` He talked to Xi with an emotionless face.

He kept continuing his talk while ignoring Xi.

"That was a Truth Stare. When humans say eyes are the open doors to the heart, actually it will tell more than that. It will show the realest truth."

Heard him making Xi confused. Her anger slowly turned into confusion.

"I think we know each other for a bit, for now. So I bid a farewell to you. Till we meet again, Lee Xi Yuan. Soon. " he smirked

"Ah, and one more thing, your pains were lifted. "

He winked his right eye and then vanished into the air.

Left Xi speechless and confused.

Xi opened her eyes. Then she saw Amma and Guan's faces looked so dreadful. After seeing Xi opened her eyes, they jumped and hugged each other while crying so hard. Amma kissed her forehead.

"It's a miracle!!!!!"

" I thought that I was gonna lose you, Jiejie." Guan hugged her so tight.

She felt so strange, like she was brought back from death.