

"Ahh, back to my astroid" I sigh and stretched my arms.

"How many times must I tell you , this is not no asteroid you live on !! NOR A ROCK! Pluto is a planet." Starlight yelled.

" But that's not what the other stars say, and beside isn't 'Pluto' too small to be a planet?" I asked as I continued to walk to my home.

"STILL! Pluto should not be disrespect to be called something such as low as a rock or an astroid." Starlight pouted.

I giggled " okay, okay . I'll stop"

I look forward and see that Pluto is close to orbit in front of Neptune.

"Come one Starlight! We have a job to do"I rushed inside my home to grab my map.

"Ughh again , so what if the stars stay in the same place , it's so tiring to rearrange them . And just thinking about moving so much who would want to be a star. Can't the universe give you another job." Starlight complains.

" you" I smirked . His light turns to a mixture of pink and red..starlight is embarrassed. It's fun to tease.

" First off it's not UNIVERSE , it's Cosmos, and I think it is a fun job to do, I get to listen to the stars stories and get to receive many things they bring me. Also it's so boring to stay in one place , even stars would like to explore and be somewhere different.." I paused , my mood begins to darken.

Starlight notices and begins to speak

"Since when heave you been calling universe cosmos , and I disagree , take you for instance , why would you want to leave a beautiful place like this , everywhere you turn it's breath taking. And your able to grab premature stars with your rope. Not to mention when rains star dust you get harvest is when you want to take a trip to Saturn and slide around it's rings and to go play in Neptune's water. If if that star dust can't take you far it takes you to fun places to go! Also it would be impossible for you to travel to so many place in a short time . It's better to listen to the stars .. you also would get to receive so many things , like that cat ! And you adore that cat !"

I crack a smile noticing Starlight tries to lighten my mood. To avoid being gloomed I stick to one topic.

"I started calling the universe Cosmos since it told me it would accept any request I had for my next visit" I bragged.

Starlights light brighten.

"REALLY!!! wow , that's just goes to show how much the univer..'cough' Cosmos cherish you".

he said

"I don't think so.. honestly I'm just like the stars, I had a job , the only difference is I'm not a star." I explained.

"What?? The cosmos are what the organisms on earth call a mother. Has the cosmos not neutered you and care for you" he said.

"The cosmos created me , and the only 'mother' that gave neuter and care for me are the stars"

Looking back the stars are my 'mother'. Since I was small they would feed me the food they brought from other planets , sing me songs to fall asleep , tell me stories to brighten my mind, toys to play with ..star 1 , the first star that was born in the cosmos gave me a gift of knowledge , it fed me it's light at the age of 5 to speak and gain the wisdom of the cosmos. They have also built me this house that I live in.

Yes the cosmos created me,but I don't recall it ever giving me gifts or even being any where near a mother.

"Jimin" "Jiminshi" "jimin " "Jiminshi" jimin"

Many voices call my name. I turn and see the group of migrant stars.

"THEY'RE HERE !" Excitedly I ran. You can even see the deep foot print I left behind with my bare feet.

"Jimin-ah your hair has grown , it's time to cut it"-Star 763.

"Why do you look so thin, have your run short of food"-star 65.

"Of course not Jimin has food to last him a life time"-star 89372.

One things about starts are they are talkative and so concerned for my well being when they haven't been around,but I don't mind.

"Jimin"-star 1

"Star one! " I rush to its direction.

Star one brightens and turns to an organism just like me called a 'human' even though I'm not quite one . They can turn to any human form they want with different appearances and voices, but to not confuse me they stick to one so I can tell them apart. However not all stars can do this. Only star 1,2 and 3 can transform , the other can only change the way they sound. Another thing about star 1 ,2, and 3 is that the universe aloud them to create zodiacs that each of them were aligned in . Star 1 zodiac is a picese , 2 cancer and 3 an Aries....

Star one extends his arms and hugs me. He lets go and pushes out a small bell attached to fabric.

"A COLAR!" I shouted.

"You remembered" I smiled looking at star 1

"Of course you kept reminding me before I departed. Now you can easily hear the direction Calico is in when he is out"he said.

As I look at sta 1's face I notice star dust at the edge of his ear. It only rains star dust here so that means..

"You went to see the univer.. I mean cosmos?" I asked.

"Yes, before I came the cosmos asked for me" he replied and brushed off the dust.

"For what?? What was it ??" I grew curious.

"He has given me a name." he smiled

"A Name!" I was surprised. Star 1 didn't even needed to request for one.

"What's is your name?what name did he give you !"I asked

"Namjoon.. he named me Namjoon."

Namjoon. As I said it over and over in my mind the more it suited him. I'm happy , because star 1 is no longer star one , it's Namjoon now .

"But I wasn't the only one to receive this gift , also star 2 and 3 ." Namjoon said.

I wasn't surprised at that. Of course if Namjoon got a name , Star 2 and 3 should too.

Ah I forgot..

"Namjoon anything new !"

He looked at me not knowing what I was talking about , but I new he was teasing me. He let out a laugh

"Okay okay yes I have 'something new'"he smiled .

And this something new was something new for me to learn about 'Earth'.

Next chapter