1 New Beginnings! 1/3

Let's Run An Auction! - Chapter 1: New Beginnings! 1/3

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"Agh...My chest...h*ly shit..." The sound of faint breaths could be heard from within a small room, originating from a man. He clutched his shirt as he rose.

He looked around, noticing the filth that the room was covered in, and showed a disgusted expression. And it just so happened to be a mirror in front of the bed, revealing his own appearance.

'Is this really me?' He asked in disbelief as he ran his hands across his face. He felt his patchy beard and disheveled white hair that was extremely dirty.

He was in desperate need of a makeover.

'This body looks like mine, but it's...different.' Just as he began speculating, the man clutched his head as a sudden pain pierced his brain.


A few minutes later, he finally came back to himself with the new addition of two and a half decades' worth of memories.

'So not only did I die, I also was transmigrated into another world? Inside an alternate version of myself?' The man recalled his previous life as Vince Trenarch and its similarities to his current one.

"My name in this world is still the same but something is...off?" Vince tried to think of something, but instead, he got up and walked through the filth to reach the only window in the room.

Spreading the crusty curtains, a new world was revealed to him. Not only was there a gigantic planet in view, but there were also various people on the ground wearing odd clothing.

Some wore heavy sets of armor, brandishing heavy weapons in addition, while others wore long cloaks that reminded Vince of his past.

'Powers. This world has powers, specifically...'

"Status!" Vince called out a word he hadn't said so enthusiastically since he was 15. And lo-and-behold, something reacted.

[ Status ]

Name: Vince Trenarch

Age: 26

Race: Human

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"So this is my status screen? This is truly sad." Vince couldn't help but feel pity for himself in this world considering how low his level is at such an age.

He hoped there was a reason behind this. But unfortunately, his thought process was halted when another system-like screen appeared.

[ Ding! ]

[ You've fulfilled all requirements with <0:00:01> remaining! ]

[ The Auction Return System has activated. ]

'Eh?' Vince showed a flustered expression before a few memories awakened in his mind. It was of his previous life, where he encountered a system-like screen mentioning something similar to the words he was seeing now.

'So this isn't a transmigration reward? It sounds good at least.' Vince, unlike most, wasn't as distraught that his previous life had ended. Mainly because of the way he lived, if it could even be called that.

He had been 'surviving' most of his life, never having the time to enjoy it or at least live in it. So him meeting his end was a way out that he didn't dare to look for purposely.

And after waking up in another world, he hoped that everything would be different, but it seemed that that wasn't the case. The Vince in his new world lived the same way as he did, surviving day to day, selling his soul to evil companies.

'Maybe this system can change that.' Vince clenched his fist as he read over the information regarding the system.

[ - Whenever you successfully auction off an item, you will receive an item with a return rate of 10x or higher. ]

[ - As well as getting a return item, you will receive one 'Ether Token' that you can use for your own benefit in the 'System Shop'. ]

[ - Lastly, the System will auto-calibrate the return rate to the ratings of the world you are in. And most return items will be better items of the same genre as the item that was auctioned. ]

(WN: Sorry for the little info dump, but I want to make sure everyone has a decent grasp on the way the system works.)

"Wait...so I have to run an auction? The rewards sound amazing but do I really have to run an auction? I was planning on becoming a warrior or something..."

[ ◆ S > Yes, you do have to become an auction host, or at the bare minimum commission an item to be sold, though the return rewards will be heavily reduced. ]

"W-What?! Who's there?" Vince jumped back after hearing a monotonous voice speak as if it were right in his ear. And as if noticing Vince's confusion, the voice responded again.

[ ◆ S > It is I, DI— It is I, the automated voice support of the system that provides helpful feedback to you. ]

"..." Vince showed an awkward expression as if the voice reminded him of something from a long time ago. Thinking that it was a mere coincidence, he wrote it off as so.

"So, system, how will I even begin to get my hands on any items to auction off?" Vince asked.

[ ◆ S > There is an auction house approximately 30 miles away from your position. Please take your road bike from below your apartment and ride it to the destination. I will guide you. ]

Vince remained silent for a bit as he realized how fast the system was moving. What was he supposed to do for food? And what about his apartment? Should he just leave everything behind?

"Now that I think about it, this world is sort of identical to mine. If I'm correct, I should be getting kicked out of my apartment in a week's time. And this city doesn't look like one I can stay in without a ton of money..." Vince organized his thoughts and looked around the room for a phone.

Thankfully, it only took him 5 minutes to find his flip phone, his life-saver if his touchscreen phone ever broke. He opened it and checked the time, but realized that something was off.

[ ◆ S > I will calibrate the language of this world. After reviewing your memories in this life I can integrate the knowledge of this foreign language into your mind so that you will talk like a native. ]

Vince didn't even have to say anything yet the system was already making a move.

A few minutes later, he felt certain parts of old memories becoming more prevalent and mixing with others and a certain spot in his brain began to tingle slightly before calming down.

By then, when he took a look at the flip phone again, he could read the time and language as if he was the original Vince of this world.

'Amazing...' Vince figured out that the date was something like March 22nd back in his world, meaning he would be kicked out on the 29th.

'How much money do I have?' Vince began to look around the room until he found an old card in his clothes drawer and called the company that distributed it to him.

Time passed and he got his answer.

"Only $200..." He mumbled with his head held down. It was somehow even less than in his previous life. He knew by now that he couldn't stay in his apartment, so he grabbed the key that was underneath his pillow and left...

"Here's the key, old man, I'll stay out of your way from now on."


Vince turned in his key and got on his road bike and rode to a nearby convenience store.

Ding Ding~

"I'll take these items, in bags please."

In and out, Vince filled his old and dirty backpack with food and water that would last him a while, such as canned food and dried jerky.

"Okay, let's go. System, are you sure that there's an auction that far away? Can you at least give me a rough description of the surroundings?"

[ ◆ S > Yes. The nearest auction is outside the border of this city, Crownket City. It is near the edge of the Kyndelval Wilderness as well. Its exact location is in a village called North Hound Village, which is surrounded by three other villages. ]

A slight smirk appeared on Vince's face as he slammed his feet on the pedals, aiming for the North Hound Village. Some may say that it's blind faith in the system, but Vince was willing to bet on the system instead of himself...

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(WN: I would love if you guys would comment, it encourages me to keep going.)
