
Let's play the perfect villainess role

A girl named Nora suddenly founds a weird book with a weird title. She felt as if that book was telling her future when she read it. The next day she got a message from her most hated person in the entire world, who offered her to join his big international company. She agrees for his offer. But day she entered the company's building that was her last day in this life. She dies in that building, the moment she opens up her eyes she was in another world. A world she never thought could be real. And she was sleeping beside a man in the bed at that time she opened her eyes. Note: I'll be posting this on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/446496/fictions

Shreya_Shri · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

◇Into someone's else's bed

''Why is that man calling me Timeer in such a manner? Afterall my name is Nora. Why is that man looking at me as if I did something unforgiven-able? Who that banana man? And why am I here instead of hospital?'' Nora used up all her brain cells but couldn't find any answers to the questions in her head.

''Hey stop! All of you!'' Nora yelled.

''First of all who are you Mr. MR.. umm Mr.Black head!? And who is this man beside me? A bananaman huh!? Why am I here?'' She yelled her questions at the two men.

''My let me answer.'' Said the banana man.

''My lady the person who is infront of you with black hair, navy blue eyes, long legs, wearing a Lolita blouse and black trousers is Marquess Cale Colvin.'' The banana man explained.

''And I am not a banana man lady Timeer, I am magician William Dumein.'' William explained her...

''Slap!'' Suddenly Nora slaps William so hard that his cheeks gets tomato red.

''How dare you touched me without my permission.'' Nora says while grabbing Williams necklace with her on hand, staring directly into his eyes.

Seeing this Cale quickly grabs Nora/Timeer's hand, releasing William from Nora's sharp clwas, glaring at Nora, Cale says,''Why the heck are slapping him, whereas you should be punished instead.''

Nora releases herself from Cale's grip. She stands up on bed looks directly into his eyes....

Both Nora and Cale were staring into each other's eye aggressively.

In a sudden, a strong hand hits Cale's skin so hard that his cheeks gets all tomato red.

After slapping Cale Nora climbs out of the big large window behind her in a flash.

Fortunately there was a big stack of chaff, on which she ended up falling on.

''Hoof! I am saved'' Nora says with a calmed down heart.

''Lady Timeer Wish that's not safe for you.'' William shouts out loud from the window. But he didn't saw Timeer anywhere....

''What is this weird place? Who in the world keeps a big stack of chaff beside their house? And the infrastructure is also so old, it's like as if I have time traveled back in 13th or 12th century.'' Nora stated while running in a straight direction.

Nora suddenly notices a street in her way. She quickly gets inside, to hid herself from the banana man and the man who she slapped.

The street was so thin and dark and very dirty too. It was stinking with the smell of garbage. And bugs was everywhere there...

''Hoof!'' Nora breathes a singh of relief.

Nora instantaneously notices something odd with her body. She finds that her hands were suspiciously delicate and weak, since the which she accustomed to spring out of the window was now totally wounded....

Her body was too light, like a feather; Her hair felt like silk strands; When she held her face with her hands she felt as if she was holding a soft cotton ball.

''What the deck! Why in the world my body is too weak and delicate!?, like why!?'' Nora screamed in her mind with fear.

''Wait I had a big mark on my chest, where is it now!? Is this even my body!?'' With that Nora kept screaming in her mind to herself.

To find her answers she decides to reveal herself to the two men, but how.....

''Aahaa! I have an idea hehehe.'' Nora passed a sinister laugh...

Nora steps out side of the cozy street and shouts confidently...,''I have lost my way to home could someone please.''

''Ummm why is everyone looking at me like that.'' Nora says to herself in her mind.

''Whisper! Whisper!''

Everyone there whispered something which was not hear-able to her.

Something was fishy, but what?, she couldn't understand....

Cutting through the crowd a man with old style armor appeared infront of her. He gives an unfamiliar signal to someone unknown.

With a group of knight comes infront Timeer, shielding her with their shields.

Nora didn't understand a thing about what was going around her. She felt.... she felt like a criminal seeing a big visible wall, between her and the public.....

Suddenly she notices that she was only wearing a towel and not any clothes at all...

# Small Cookies 0.6 #

*Timeer is a word in in Sanskrit which means dark , and Wish meaning poison*

Add it to library unless.................

Banana man will come to your house.

Shreya_Shricreators' thoughts