
Something is Coming

Chapter 22

'But was I not also shackled to the chain called work? What is the difference between them and me?

In fact, there is no difference between them and me. The reason we all wake up against our wishes is to work to put food on the table. It was as simple as ABC and the law of survival.

But I am still different from them; I can decide how my life will play out, and I am not working for anyone but myself, meaning I have rights to all my work. 

I was surprisingly surprised by the bullshit I just spewed out.

Looking at the race of people rushing in front of me made me realize how big this world is. Standing there and looking at people's faces made me realize that everyone had a story, no matter their age.

I had seen a 25-year-old Japanese woman. I do not know a thing about her, but I do know one thing: she had a story. I saw Africans, Chinese, Indians, Canadians, and a whole lot of people, and all of them had a story.

This made me question how God was going to judge all of us because, no matter the length of our lives, we all had stories. Some we want to share, and others we want no one to find out.

'Hehhehehhehehhehe I am really going crazy after making a little money. When did I even suddenly turn into Buddha? Hahahhahaha, I really need help with the way I am progressing now.'

So, after taking multiple deep breaths, I felt okay and decided to join the rush hour tide of people to see if I could identify anything useful for me to make tons of money. I still had the girl of my dreams to catch, so I guess I should not be fooling around.

Being pushed along with the New York Rush Hour was not a bad feeling, to be honest. You can just leave yourself, and you will be driven to where the crowd will send you.




I began asking myself this question as I was pulled along downtown Manhattan. Despite the fact that everything was going well, I did not feel right. I felt like something big and dangerous was coming.

I did not know what was going to happen, but I could feel it. It was big and was going to change the way human beings live. In fact, I had this feeling that humans were about to evolve with the things that were going to happen.

I do not know, but as I was thinking about change and evolution, I felt the earth tremble slightly. I quickly looked around to see if someone had felt the same sensation I had, but I saw no one. In fact, everywhere looked normal. I was the one being weird by stretching my neck and bumping into people.

"What is wrong with me? What is happening to me?" I asked myself these questions as I realized nothing really happened. 

"Am I going crazy? Why am I feeling that something is not right? Was I even this bipolar to be able to change my behavior this quickly?" I had a lot of questions, but I could not answer them. 

Feeling a bit lightheaded, I pushed my way through the hoard of people and stopped one of the famous New York taxi cabs.

"Where to champ?" A Caucasian middle-aged man asked me after I stopped him.

"Send me to Ken's Bar," I said in a hurry as I went into the cab quickly. I do not know why, but I suddenly began to feel sick. I was heating up, and my vision was becoming blurry. I just could not think straight as I sat in the back seat.

"Are you sure you do not want to go to the hospital, by the way?"

"JUST DRIVE TO KEN'S BAR AND STOP ASKING UNNECESSARY QUESTIONS!" I shouted with the last energy I could muster before falling asleep.

But unknown to Travis, something was really going to happen, and what was coming was going to plunge the world into utter chaos.

I am trying to spice things up and thanks Mennom for the power stones.

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