

C: I see what you did there.


K: Took you long enough.


C: My dad would never say smash.


K: And yet, you probably locked your bedroom door and peed your pants.


C: How do you know my full name?

How did you even know me?


K: I recognized your abs.


C: Is that sarcasm?


K: Maybe it's not, maybe it is..

You may never know.


C: That sounds very stalkerish.


K: We go to the same school, idiot.

And it's kind of impossible not to see your abs when you're forced to attend a swimming gala.


C: So you like what you see? ;)


K: Yup, 24 hours later and you're still at it.


C: This doesn't explain how you know my middle name as well.

That's selective information.


K: How about you tell me how you got my number first.


C: That, I can't say.


K: Why?

It's very invasive to have someone know your number without you giving it to them.


C: No its not.

How else am I supposed to talk to pretty girls?


K: Maybe face to face where you can see how ugly said girl may be.


C: Soo, you're not pretty.


K: Would you look at that?

We have a fraud in our midst.


C: Do you take literature class by any chance? You're really into ancient words.


K: No, I'm just smarter than most would like to appear in texts.


C: Oh, so you trying to impress me?


K: Be careful, big heads tend to lead to major assholes.


C: Way to avoid the original question there.


K: Why bothering answering it if you already know what I look like?

Or else you wouldn't have texted me that you I'm beautiful and made it seem like you like me as a person.



C: True...


K: Prove it then.


C: what? how?


K: Tell me what you find most attractive about me as a person, and I might just come over to your house after all.


C: Your eyes.


K: I'm sorry, what?!


C: I find your eyes the most attractive thing about you.


K: Ten minutes and nineteen seconds later and that's all you could come up with?


C: There are so many beautiful things about you that it was hard to pick.


K: Smooth.

But okay then, what colour are my eyes?


C: What do I get out of this?


K: Whatever you wanted in the first place.


C: I already answered your first question. Now it's time for you to do your part of the deal.


K: Ah, good sir, but you are missing one small detail .


C: Which is?


K: I said "might ", as in, i might come over to your house.


C: It does not say that.


K: Scroll up and find out for yourself.


C: Shit.


K: Indeed, just like your personality.


C: Seriously?


K: I warned you about my loss of humour.

So tell me what colour my eyes are, genius.


C: Listen, I don't know okay.


K: So you were just blindly trying to get in a mysterious girl's pants?

You're an excellent decision maker too.

Note the sarcasm.


C: Look, I only texted you because I was in a moment.


K: What kind of moment are you implying?

And please don't tell me something gross.


C: I'm not going to tell you.


K: I'm fine by that.


C: So who are you then?


K: Wouldn't you like to know?


C: Come on, be considerate.

You know my name but I don't know yours.


K: I'm not obligated to give out that information.

For all you know, I could be a 70 year old widower. Or the principal.

Or I could still be your dad.


C: I doubt a 70 year old or Principal Anderson would say smash either.

And you show all basic characteristics of a teenager.


K: Hmm.

I could also be a thirteen year showing off the my friends that I talk to older boys.

That would be good tea.


C: why do I feel complimented? •≈•


K: I'm sure there's scientists out there somewhere working on a cure for egotistical male tendency syndrome. Just hang on, you'll make it.


C: And you say you're missing your humour.


K: It sends postcards.


C: So I'm guessing from that comment about being 13 you're a girl?


K: Could be gay.


C: Less likely to have figured out you're gay at thirteen.


K: Hmm.

I just got tagged.


C: Yes you did.

So, you're a girl who goes to my school, watches my contests and thinks I'm hot.


K: The last one is false.


C: It's there in the evidence.


K: What proof do you have.


C: Me.


K: You're proof has been rendered invalid by the council.

The penalty is me never letting you know my identity.


C: Just a little more detail into who you are?


K: Nope.


C: I'll figure it out.


K: Never.


C: What if I ring your phone in class to see if you're in the same class as me?


K: First of all, we're not in the same classes.

Second of all, I just put my phone on silent.


C: Damn.


K: Probably wasn't the best idea to tell me.


C: Today isn't my day okay!


K: It's never my day.

Welcome to the club.


C: What's the population count?

Just being curious.


K: Just me.

It's very lonely.

Very depressing, actually.


C: That went dark.


K: Tends to.

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