
Let's be Mates: The story of a transmigrated Beta(?)

Set in the Omegaverse is the story of a Beta girl who is trying to find a place of belonging, something that she couldn't get in her previous life. Yuki Winterdale: I was the villainess in the world I lived in... I died to protect... and to be free... I got a second chance to live, but it was another world... and it seems I became a Beta(?) Selene 'Aki' Winterdale: I am an Omega... The Cute brother of my Onee-chan~ Our ML: My world faced an Apocalypse. I chose to protect. I got a second chance to live again, it was 'the world inside a book', my sister was the author... Her regret and my mate... I'll protect her this time!! .................. Let's follow the dependable sister, clingy brother and the stalker(?) man to find out what actually happened in the story....hm? PS. This has action and war along with soft twists of romance, love, family relations and so on... Hope you like it!! WARNING: This is a BG&BL story, that is, the secondary couple are 'two men in love'.... This is set in OMEGAVERSE and hence, there will be mpreg, it means men will get pregnant!! Again, I repeat.... this story contains BL elements as its secondary story... if you are not comfortable with it please don't advance further... To the rest of my kins who came here to enjoy this story....ENJOY YOUR STAY!! Discord: https://discord.gg/5J3xdvr PS. The front cover is not mine... got it from pinterest~

AtsukiJoou · Fantasy
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50 Chs

37. encyclopedia...(?)

Yuki had felt the turmoil inside his core, she immediately stiffened, she was a legendary existence back in Eloten and was also called a living encyclopedia when it came to the knowledge on Physical force, Mental force and combined Soul force.

It was hard for her to feel the sudden change, she used her mental force to envelop her eyes and saw the prince's core through it, as expected, the core which had been fluctuating slightly when he was nervous had now become a strong typhoon-of sort, with some small crack appearing on the surface.

She was about to help contain it and go out to call for someone, when she heard the heavy breathing of Aki as he called out a " hu...rts... Onee-- ch..an"

Her whole soul became alert, it was true that Omegas are not affected by the physical force from Alphas, though it was a bit different in her world, but here it worked like above, she knew it from reading all those books.

But the basic rule hadn't changed, that is, "all such laws only applied to adults, when these cores were formed and being filled, that was the time they were the most unstable at and hence, any small change could result in a huge damage to the core and body, irrespective of gender. Yes, the magic of Alpha could hurt an Omega child as well, if Yuki's own core was not strengthened by her own soul force and she was just a normal 'beta child', her condition would have been more sensitive than Aki's by now...

She wanted to call someone, but living the two of them like this was not a good option, a little while ago, she had helped Aki calm down with her force, but she was a fighter and never lived as an Omega, she had immense power but even back then, she had used her mental force to break and overwhelm the enemy's own, she had never used it to help it, she was aware that, attacking someone was much easier than saving someone, the first can be a bit brutal, but the latter needed a fine control, precision, patience and also some fine-tuned experience, she had the first three down, but not the last... After all, as a commander, she never got the chance to help someone like that... she gave orders to kill and protect by attacking, she never got the chance to visit the rehabilitation centres because she rarely got hurt mentally as the strongest warrior, as for other injuries sustained during work, she never used the mental force of omega to lessen the pain,

A. she was not comfortable around them and

B. she could handle it on her own, she still had to carry the name as the strongest and couldn't show her weakness to anyone.

All these thoughts were crossing by her mind at an astonishing speed, it was probably the first time, she was presented such a situation, but she was also aware that couldn't mope about her incompetence, she had to do something...

The worst thing was, she couldn't do it herself, she had to get help, dealing with the core of Aki might still be easy, but the prince's situation was tricky because he had already lost control, even a single mistake from her side could damage the whole his whole core and at worst case his body too, and he will probably suffer from permanent trauma, as a result, and even before all this, she didn't know if that kid will accept her own force... she wouldn't want to gamble like that... it wasn't a sure-fire method.

For now, she first spread her mental force in the immediate area, the result.

"Damn!", she let out a soft curse.

There was no one in the nearby area, the closest one was soldiers guarding the Prince's palace outside and they were commoners, she couldn't feel a single force coming out of them, as for the ones guarding outside, they had passed out from the sheer pressure it seems... and just then.. maybe because her body was still growing, it seems it couldn't handle such power before she could widen her scope, everything blurred out as she felt warm drops on her hand... it was blood coming out of her nose... she really used her force more than her limit.

Her mind was a bit fuzzy, but she bit her lips hard, the pain calmed her nerves, the next option was the phone, she searched for one in the room, but because it was a study, there wasn't anything there.

Yuki was about to shout, but--

"O..nee-ch...an... are.. y..ou... ok..ay...?", came the worried whisper of Aki, even at this moment, when he was suffering this much, he cared about her more.

Yuki finally calmed down after this, 'What am I doing?", she wondered, her first priority was helping these two, who cares if she hadn't done it, she still took pride on her title, she had the theory down, she will try her best, in case she wasn't able to help them, she will just give her best to not harm them...

Everything happened inside a minute or less, she took a deep breath and first helped Aki, " Aki... just have faith in me. I'll make everything right..", it was not her ego, but her inner strength, she will stay true to her words.

Aki's condition was very sensitive and his face had turned pale, he couldn't speak but his eyes showed his pure faith, he believed in her more... more than anything or, anyone.

Yuki took the child into her embrace and softly kissed his forehead, the next moment, Aki couldn't feel that violent energy from outside. Yuki had used her mental force to create a mental barrier that enveloped them first, she had to take the force hurting Aki out first.

When she finally heard his violent breathing calm down, she then forced some of her mental force into his body.

Aki again felt that same warmth coming from her and readily accepted it this time, Yuki could feel the gentle white light inside him, the thought of harming this beautiful colour made her force quiver a bit...

By now, the blood that had stopped... started flowing down her nose again...

Aki felt the warmth current inside tremble and he softly called out, "O..nee.. ch..an"

So, when will the adult group enter?

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