
Let's be Mates: The story of a transmigrated Beta(?)

Set in the Omegaverse is the story of a Beta girl who is trying to find a place of belonging, something that she couldn't get in her previous life. Yuki Winterdale: I was the villainess in the world I lived in... I died to protect... and to be free... I got a second chance to live, but it was another world... and it seems I became a Beta(?) Selene 'Aki' Winterdale: I am an Omega... The Cute brother of my Onee-chan~ Our ML: My world faced an Apocalypse. I chose to protect. I got a second chance to live again, it was 'the world inside a book', my sister was the author... Her regret and my mate... I'll protect her this time!! .................. Let's follow the dependable sister, clingy brother and the stalker(?) man to find out what actually happened in the story....hm? PS. This has action and war along with soft twists of romance, love, family relations and so on... Hope you like it!! WARNING: This is a BG&BL story, that is, the secondary couple are 'two men in love'.... This is set in OMEGAVERSE and hence, there will be mpreg, it means men will get pregnant!! Again, I repeat.... this story contains BL elements as its secondary story... if you are not comfortable with it please don't advance further... To the rest of my kins who came here to enjoy this story....ENJOY YOUR STAY!! Discord: https://discord.gg/5J3xdvr PS. The front cover is not mine... got it from pinterest~

AtsukiJoou · Fantasy
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50 Chs

2. The world in the diary(?)

It had been 10 minutes already, but the man hadn't answered her.

Without a warning, she slowly released her mental strength limiters as a strong pressure engulfed the man sitting in front of her; he started coughing out blood as his veins popped out throughout the visible regions of his body, it wasn't hard to guess that, he was being suppressed by her, it was her the Strongest Alpha, mincing an existence, as small as, the man in front, to her it was as normal as, breathing...

Even when the man knelt down on the ground after he fell off the chair, she still didn't look at him...

Her whole attention was still on reading the contents in the diary for the nth time, though she found the story in it very ridiculous, she always had an odd feeling of deja vu while reading it...

It was the story of an omega, a young aristocrat who lived in those old days.

From a young age, he knew that he wasn't loved nor welcomed by his parents or sister... as he grew up, he guessed a reason, it was probably because the boy was an Omega!

Though not a disgrace, his mother had only wanted Alpha children, whereas his father just didn't care and his sister hated him for reasons unknown.

He grew up in the lonely world but he remained strong, he didn't want his gender to be his limit, he worked hard and was actually allowed to join the school for elites only based on his merits...

In the school, he was ostracized a lot until he met the members of the student council, they were the elites among the elites and they helped him... the author had used a weird term, 'love interests' when referring to those student council members and some other character; Snow couldn't make heads or tails out of the term and just let it be.

Long story short, the president and the boy fell in love after trials and tribulations, even though the man was engaged with the boy's sister, their love had taken root and so, the man had wanted to annul the engagement; but it didn't go the way they wanted it to.

The sister tried to cause a ruckus and get things straight, she even tried to kill her own brother, she had shouted, "You took everything away from me... but I won't let you take the Crown Prince away!", in the end, the President who also happened to be the Crown Prince of the Empire saved the boy.

She was ruthlessly condemned by the whole school on the day of their graduation when the president annulled his engagement to her and proposed the young boy,... it should be a happy ending by now, but that was not the end...

As they grew up and joined the working class, the young boy actually found his fated mate, but the love of the couple was so strong that they fought against all odds, against their instinct and finally lived happily ever after; if Snow had to describe it, it was a very silly story.

The reason she still had the diary was, that it was a memento from when they were children; she had gone with the current emperor into the library, this story which was a keepsake of generations just because it belonged to the old Erth and had a legendary love story in it was gifted to her by her the then-fiance.

Paper was rare, to begin with, and such diaries were the keepsake of the past; him presenting it to her was an acknowledgement of their relationship! Going by the standards of a cliche romance plot, it would have been the most beautiful moment for Snow in her whole life and so anyone would think, but no, even back then Michael had given this to her because his father had told him that a certain character in the story had a name which meant Snow and Michael didn't mind giving this old book to her, in other words, it was the work of the previous Emperor.

Back then she couldn't read it, for a matter no one could because they were not aware of the language, but as aristocrats, they had to learn the old languages as well and by the time she could read it, it was too late...

By then an abnormality had already occurred.

Her fiance had chosen his mate, an omega...

By then she had already tried to 'get' in between them because, in this lonely life, his majesty was her only light or so she was made to think throughout her life.

It was only after she became the knight of the previous emperor that she knew that all those beautiful moments that she thought were precious, was slowly carved by him, he had wanted her to be bound to the Royal family through his son...

Back then, she had tried to fight with the omega, but the result was similar to the story in the diary, she had her engagement annulled in their engagement party in front of the whole noble society and was ruthlessly discarded by her family, but the worst had still to come because the young omega had accidentally revealed that he was pregnant and that they were already paired, something which was not possible for her as she was an alpha woman, she could have his children but could never be his pair...

It was similar to the sister of the young omega in the story, as absurd as it was, she also shared her name with this sister character, Yuki*.

It seems she was destined to be a villainess.....

If his Royal highness knew the contents would he still give this diary to her, she had wondered for a while..

....even she wasn't sure why she still kept it with her....the handwriting in the diary was barely passable and the story itself looked incoherent and felt like someone had just written the outline of a plot, but when the current Emperor and Empress married which felt similar to the story, it became a legend!

She thought she had already submitted to her fate, she thought she had discarded all her hopes...

But it seems, she was still a human, she still had feelings and not turned into the cold-blooded demon that she was called, she always thought that if she had read this story before those days, would something have changed...

She wasn't complaining, she wasn't allowed to, she had forgiven the old emperor at his death bed when he confessed his sins, she was already old enough by then and that she was already numb to the outside world.


By the time she had completely read the story again another minute had passed, the man was a sorry sight by then with blood leaking from many parts of his body; she slowly stood up, put the diary in her inner breast pocket and dusted the nonexistent dust off her uniform.

"Sinner, your correct answer was to choose his majesty's side, you could live longer--", she was cut off when the man on the ground suddenly laughed hysterically.

" What would you know you ignorant vermin... That man at the crown is a coward, someone who is only in power because you are standing in front of him and protecting him. He didn't accept you but kept you by his side! He was aware that if you left him, he would be powerless, but you are lesser of a human than him, he discarded you but you still chose to be by his side,... Haha... What repenting sins? It is all but him binding you to himself, that man got best of both worlds after all....", no one knew what came to him so suddenly, Snow's eyebrow kept twitching since he started speaking, maybe she was aware that what he said held the truth and that his words felt like salt rubbing her old wound.

Why was she still here, living a life similar to death, without any will or passion? She always finds her pondering on the matter, but she still couldn't keep hearing what this man had to say, no one had the right to question her way of life. She was well aware of her situation, but all this was her doing it out of her own will, no one had the right to tarnish her pride.

A bit annoyed,... she took her Royal sword out of the scabbard, it was a gold Excalibur that was bestowed upon her when she inherited the title of Marshall.

The man who was in a sorry state earlier had nothing to be scared of anymore, aware of the danger she would bring him, he took out a small injection-of-sort with a red liquid and injected himself with it....

"Hahaha... Snow Ledwig, you are a discarded trash and the nobles are all hypocrites... The man at the top being a puppet, but he can control you, aren't you less than a puppet then....hahahaha... You don't deserve the power you have...hihihihi.... Let me tell you a secret, hm?!", as he said it his body started convulsing and expanding.

Snow didn't move a single step away from her spot, just call it her confidence.

Just then she felt that the man's physical strength was rising at an inhuman speed, her hold on her sword tightened but she still remained calm; though she wasn't interested in the words of this waste, she didn't kill him on spot because of his last words, she was a bit curious about what this vermin had to say... let's just call it a form of amusement in her dull life?

She kept the sword parallel to the ground with her left hand holding her scabbard, she went into her position, it was her stance, she would wait-and-see, in case the situation went wary, she would directly cut the man.

The other soldiers, who were on standby inside their mechas also became more alert;

A. ... because of the abnormality in the man and

B. she was using a sword.

A reason she was chosen as the candidate to be the future empress, at a time when they weren't even aware of her gender and physique was all because of this... her prowess with the sword had reached an inhuman level since a long ago and when she was finally found to be an Alpha with a SS physique... her future was brighter than ever, but God was still a bit fair, though her professional life was perfect, she couldn't have a personal life from the very start.

With age, she had stopped using her sword, but in case she used it, the sword would see blood-bath.

Though it seems that she was calm, the man had ticked her off.... in the worst way possible.


The man still continued with his gibberish, as his body started to grow.

His skin peeled off on its own as his body started oozing a weird odour, it was a pungent smell of iron mixed with something rotten, it felt toxic.

Snow was highly sensitive to smell because of her physique and faltered for a moment when she heard him speak, in a weird tone,

"Do you think the 'Zero Counterattack' was simply a phenomenon? It was mass experimentation which failed.... Hahaha..... it was a mass murder of the commoners!!!"

Everyone present, including Snow, were startled.

" What are you--", but before she could finish her question, the man's movement paused for a second.

Aware of a problem because of her innate intuition and years of battle with her life on the line, she gave an immediate order," Men, ready your swords!"

She jumped above and hurriedly got into her mecha; the next moment there was an explosion, as thick white smog covered the area.

Snow used her mecha to get rid of this toxic mist in an instant, but what awaited her made her body go cold in an instant.... and it was not just her, the men who were beside her in their mechas were also shocked still;

...in place of the man was a zerg, a 3 meter tall zerg...!!!

Snow acted on her muscle memory and immediately tried to cut its head, but the zerg let out an earth-shattering sound:


It dodged her lightsaber at a high speed.

Though startled, Snow didn't lose her calm, she had years of experience in killing these bugs... The man-turned-zerg, couldn't dodge her next attack which was faster than its own, Snow being the "strongest" was not a joke, after all, the next moment, the zerg laid dead with its corpse cut halved from top to the bottom.

Everyone took a breath of relief.

Just now, Snow had used too much of her mental strength, blood trickled down her nose on to her uniform, but the next second the inbuilt cleaner in her uniform helped her clean all its traces as she used her handkerchief to dab the blood from her nose.

"What just happened, Commander?", came the voice of a subordinate from her headset.

She was called "Commander" only during her missions, she was actually the youngest among the 3 Marshalls of the Empire, with the Emperor as the supreme leader of the Eloten Empire Army.

It has been 50 years since she took the position, with the passage of time, the maximum age limit of people also increased, those with strong physique could live up to 300 years, as such, Snow who was in her 90s right now actually looked no older than a lady in her mid-30s....in contrast to the state her subordinates were in, because of her upbringing she was someone who could analyse the situation at any time and maintained her calm.

After thinking for a moment, she let out an order, "Imploring an order in the name of Snow Ledwig, the Marshall of the empire of Eloten! No one is allowed to speak about this matter until further instructions. I'll follow up with the Emperor myself, you'll be notified of the matter on a later stage. Am I clear? "

The 7 mechas made a salute gesture, "Yes, sir! "


*Yuki is Japanese for Snow!! The author is a weeb..lol

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