
Nen Ability

Leon stopped using Ren as he felt he would collapse if he used it a second longer, trying to catch his breath Leon circulated Nen through his body making his lungs stronger.

Closing his eyes again Leon exhaled using Ren for a second before he inhaled switching back to Ten, Silva looked at the moving Aura of Leon. ' Syncing his Aura with his breathing I've never heard of that before. '

Turning to his father Silva spoke, " I need to head out, I have a job to do. " Nodding Zeno dismissed his son not taking his eyes of Leon, ' With this level of talent the family will become unrivaled, once he learns of the Dark Continent and the mysteries involved he might conquer it on his own. '

Realizing Leon wouldn't need his help Zeno sat down on his miniature throne picking up his chalice again, ' I wonder how my father will react when he sees Leon. ' Leon continued his Nen breathing exercise extending the time between each inhale and exhale, stopping once he was able to output about eight percent of his Nen for three minutes, Leon let his aura settle. Sighing Leon felt like he just ran a marathon, ' What was the other one grandfather talked about, Zetsu. That shouldn't be too hard I've been trained to hide my entire life. '

After a moment Leon's aura disappeared and Leon felt weak without his newfound power. Not liking it Leon let his Aura surge out again, getting to his feet Leon felt his grandfather's eyes on him. " Well done Leon, mastering all three in a day is unheard of not even your father was able to accomplish such a feat. Come we need to do your water divination. " Confused Leon ran over to Zeno who walked through a hidden door built into the wall.

Excitement growing Leon caught the door as it was closing and stepped into the room. Leon looked around the sparsely lit room, the only notable features were the large bowl of water sitting on a pedestal with several leaves floating on top and a drain in the corner. " Grandpa what's the water for. "

Zeno's eyes twinkled as he stroked his beard, " Nen Abilities fall under six categories, the only way of determining one's aura type is through Water Divination. The divination requires one to float a leaf atop of water. A student of Nen will place their hands around the glass and perform Ren in their hands. The resulting effect from one's aura contacting the glass will determine a person's aura type. If the volume of the water changes, then the user is an Enhancer. If the taste of the water changes, then the user is a Transmuter. If impurities appear in the water, then the user is a Conjurer. If the color of the water changes, then the user is an Emitter. If the leaf moves on the water's surface, then the user is a Manipulator. If a completely different change appears, then the user is a Specialist. " Placing his hands above the water Zeno used Ren for a brief second before he gestured for Leon to taste the water. Dipping his finger in the water Leon lips puckered as the water was super sour, Zeno took pleasure in Leon's discomfort. " As you can see I'm a Transmuter. " Leon glared at the old man, " You could have just told me. "

" I could have but wheres the fun in that, now stop delaying and get to work. " Knowing he wouldn't win the battle Leon placed his hands over the water and closed his eyes. After a second the water formed spikes trying to reach Leon's hand. Opening his eyes Leon couldn't wrap his mind around what was happening, " A specialist, your just bundle of surprises. "

"What's my Nen ability then. " Zeno shrugged, " When a specialist has discovered their Nen ability manifests as their innermost desire, all you have to do is figure out what you want most in life. Take all the time you need. "

Leon frowned at his cryptic grandfather, " You are the least helpful person in the world. " Chuckling Zeno left the room leaving Leon alone in the dark, glaring at the spot his grandfather used to be at before he sighed.

Focusing his Nen Leon allowed it to fill the room, " What I desire most in control, the ability to understand what will happen before anyone else. "

Seemingly on its own Leon's Nen started to condense forming a heavy tome with a white cover and back.

Calling the book to hover in front of him Leon watched as musical notes started to write themselves on the page. In just a few seconds the entire piece was written, after reading the first lines of music Leon found it bore a similar rhythm to his mother.

Before he could question how he related music to his mother the book finished another musical piece.

Again Leon found the piece representing his father, this time the piece was shorter than his mother's. Making the book disappeared Leon had an idea as to what his ability was, opening the door Leon walked past his grandfather " Going somewhere so soon. "

" I'm going to find my mother, we need to fight. " Once he was out of the room Leon started to run, ' She's probably in the animal pit with Milluki. " In the forest, Kikyo looked down into a small gladiator pit, inside a fat baby was running away from a wolf cub leading it towards an off-colored patch of ground. Jumping over the suspicious ground Milluki giggled as the wolf pup fell into the hole falling onto the spikes. " Well done Milluki, only one more to go. " Turning around Kikyo looked into the forest as Leon emerged from the plants, " Leon what are you doing here you should be training. " Leon pulled out his sword holding it with one hand, " I need to test my Nen ability, I need to fight against you. "

Kikyo mouth parted slightly before she opened her fan, " Already, well I guess I don't have a choice now. "

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