
Legislating my City to Prosperity (, maybe)

Preamble, A Bicameral Day

On this splendid day, the citizens of DaJes eagerly gather, their anticipation palpable as they await the herald's proclamation. A hushed excitement fills the air, buoyed by the promise of transformative change. Today, the dawn of a new era beckons as news spreads of a groundbreaking decree from the City Government—a law set to usher in the establishment of a House of Commons.

Amidst the backdrop of global enlightenment, the Aristocratic Lords stand as vanguards of progress, their measured steps towards governmental reform casting ripples of hope across the populace. With bated breath, the people of DaJes embrace the prospect of a more inclusive governance structure, one that promises to amplify their voices and aspirations.

As the city holds its collective breath, the proclamation echoes through the streets, delivered with fervor by the city crier. "HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Citizens of DaJes! The Lords have PASSED THE CITY GOVERNMENT LAW!" The resounding cry reverberates through the city, igniting jubilation among its inhabitants.

With a population of 10,134 souls, DaJes pulsates with jubilation, its streets teeming with newfound optimism and unity. Yet, amidst the celebration, questions linger—how many seats will grace the hallowed halls of the DaJes City Council? The promise of a more democratic future beckons, offering every male aged 25 and above the opportunity to vie for a seat as an Assemblyman, a chance to shape the destiny of their beloved city.


With resounding unity, the Unicameral legislative assembly of the House of Lords has ushered in a new era for our cherished city. Behold, the birth of a Bicameral legislature, as The House of Commons emerges from the annals of history.

In a testament to our city's growth and progress, we stand poised to be redistricted into 23 vibrant districts, each fostering community and representation. Within the delineated districts, distinguished Assemblymen shall emerge as pillars of service, entrusted with the solemn duty of governance within the boundaries meticulously crafted by the House of Lords. But their role extends beyond legislation, tasked also with the stewardship of their districts, crafting Byelaws to nurture cleanliness and ensure essential services thrive.

At the helm of this transformative journey, a First Minister shall rise—an elected leader entrusted with the governance of our beloved DaJes. Alongside, a Speaker, appointed by the Monarch, shall embody regal grace within the hallowed halls of the House of Commons, serving as the Sovereign's voice.

The voting eligibility criteria in DaJes, restricted to males aged 25 and above who are tax-paying citizens, effectively excludes a significant portion of the population, predominantly comprising lower-income individuals. This policy essentially limits voting rights to the middle and upper classes, constituting only a fraction of the overall population, estimated at around 10%.

By restricting voting access based on age, gender, and tax status, the electoral process inadvertently marginalizes a substantial segment of society, denying them a voice in the governance of their city. Such exclusionary measures reinforce existing socioeconomic disparities and perpetuate unequal representation within the political sphere.

Yet, the path to law is one of unity, requiring concordance from both Houses and the royal imprimatur through the Royal Assent—or, should dissent arise, the power of the Veto shall stand.

Weekly audiences with the Monarch shall ensure governance in consonance with the highest ideals of statecraft, while the tenure of the House of Commons shall endure for no less than five years, subject to the sovereign's accord.

As the pen of progress inscribes this new chapter, let it be known—the framework of governance, honed through the halls of the House of Lords, shall guide our path forward, ensuring continuity and fidelity to the principles that underpin our great city. With the imminent election scheduled to transpire in a mere two months, all prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their names for consideration on the ballot.

Just writing this for fun, this story has been bugging my brain for a while. Sorry if it is not updated regularly. Please do provide any feedback as well

Map to DaJes and the district is in the comment

MrCALcreators' thoughts
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