16 Chapter XVI

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With the talk with Thranduil having ended in a rather successful resolution, Estelle finally relaxed as she let her shoulders slightly slouch when she was no longer in the presence of the Elven King.

Despite not having said much, she was satisfied enough to have understood more about the current setting, and the small histories between the dwarves and elves. It would be useful in the future should it be necessary to pick a side - a better partner or ally - who's native to the foreign land the legion was sent to.

Though it did bring slight discomfort when she had been mistook for the late wife of the Elven King, by the well and great Elven King himself. Although it causes her to be cautious, she merely can't help but see it as a genuine, and pure reaction on Thranduil's part at the mere sight of her; Estelle, as the spitting image of Elariaeth.


As she took several cuts and corners, flights of stairs, and bridges, she simply followed the elven guard in front as did the other guard that followed her from close behind. With such a close distance, she could easily judge those distinctive armor, shield, and spears. A thought even crossed her mind that the elves' quality was of a superior grade than theirs.

It was nearly laughable when Estelle realized just how cautious and defensive she's become over the short period of commanding a legion. 'When is it right, to prioritize the goal to return home and the survival of the legion?'

Then it struck her as her own thoughts followed up when it was so obvious she would pick the choice that was; the choices that Thranduil had picked. To retreat and break his oath, than to send the lives of many elves to fire, ruins, and death.

However, she had a sense of honor - not that of a soldier on the fields - an honor that was attached to the name, her name; Estelle Julia Cornelius.

Whether if those senses of 'honor' were not the same, or were, she couldn't care to be bothered by the small, and tiny difference. Instead, the 'honor' she felt was simply pride - a pride that states identity - as a daughter to her loving family and father. Which she yearns to return to.

But disrupting her thoughts and the way to the cells, a man who looked similar or identical to 'someone' appear behind a pillar. In elvish tongue, the guards and the man conversed. Until both seemingly left Estelle to the view and supervision of the strange mysterious elf.

"You are not from here. I can at least tell from your armor. I can also assume my father thought the same thing, but he never asked you."

The strange mysterious elf said, and from what she could collect - by him saying 'my father' - it was easy to see then that it was the son of Thranduil, which explained why he looked identical to someone. But immediately, an alarm was voiced as guards yelled in elvish tongues before their conversation could start.

Unknown of the elvish tongue, she could only guess what has happened until the elf gave her a sharp gaze, as he explained in known tongue what had occurred.

"Your dwarves seem to have escaped from their cells and are now down the stream."

Before seemingly taking off as he sprints to join the other elven guards in their pursuit, before she followed in, and ran behind them. While the words may not have yet been shared, it seems the guards - including the King's son - were unaware fully of the whole conversation between Thranduil and her.

It was much to her annoyance that he had heard everything else except the part where they were let go. But that; was not the important part at the moment, what was, was the legionnaires she came with. Of course, that meant Thorin's company as well.

As hurried footsteps ran through the great halls and narrow bridges, their armors clank as they sped through to the eastern exit - hoping to catch the prisoners that had escaped - before news became that orcs were pursuing, and actively engaging the prisoners by the stream.

Fast approaching the exit, the ray of sunlight hovers just beyond, Estelle quickened her pace until she was out.

A beautiful scenery was bestowed upon her, the warmth of the sun kissed her skin, before she focused down the orcs crowding the stream as they followed Thorin and his company. 'Where are my legionnaires?'

But without a moment to waste, she had to catch up to Thorin before anything else, and so she accompanied them; the son of Thranduil and the female ranger he was with since the encounters with the spiders.

Then as she focused on the stream below, the dwarves were in barrels as they fought against the orcs that had a perfect position to hack at them - with the gates closed and the dwarves stuck - it could be easily seen that there was a struggle for the dwarves. With the strong current of the stream, and the unsteady balance of the barrels, the steady footing that dwarves were accustomed to on solid ground hindered their fighting.

That was until among the dwarves, Kili got out from his barrel and fought against the orcs to open the gate. The sense to save the journey to reclaim their home and fellow dwarves made him easily cut down the ranks of orcs. But before he could reach for the lever that was a mere distance away, a stray arrow fatally struck him in the thigh.

"Kili!" several of the fellow dwarven companions shouted in panic, including Thorin, as an orc descended down, and upon him with a rusty blade. Despite with great effort, Kili was too much in pain to even properly stand and take on the enemy before him as he groans on the floor.

As the orc screamed for the killing blow, he went silent as an arrow pierced the cold and heartless beast before an arrow was again shot at him. Then down to the floor, he went. Before another orc met a similar fate as it came to Kili with a weapon raised.

Simultaneously, all the dwarves looked to who had shot the arrows as more orcs came, and much to their shock, as well as a surprise; it was a female ranger alongside with Estelle with a bow and arrow.

Questions were raised on why Estelle was with them, but with more pressing matters the aid was appreciated.

Until in a quiet silent mutual understanding, the elves and dwarves banded together to fight their common foes. Meanwhile, in a painful struggle as he nearly exhausts himself - Kili pushed onward - as he barely stood up to a level that he could've successfully pulled the lever.

At once, the sturdy small gate opened and the dwarves below in the barrels were freed. While effectively waiting on Kili to return back to his barrel in which case he fortunately did with the ounce of strength he had remaining in him.

Unbeknownst to Kili, it wasn't just the dwarves that feared for him over concerns, but a female elf ranger that watched in the distance before she had to focus back on repelling the orcs that were closing in on them.


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