
prologue; the beginning

"Your highness, Moon Elf spies have located the Blood Queen near the borders of Antoinerei*. Your orders?" The Moon Elf King bore his eyes clear of any malevolence to his greatest warrior, the Moonlight Archer, Miya. He closes his eyes in thought and heaves a heavy sigh.

"I have known the Blood Demon Queen for years of fighting, and if she has been spotted near the borders of a renowned city, I simply cannot overlook this matter." The King grips his thrown with such strength his knuckles turned white, his kneeling subject instantly springing her head up to meet her King's eyes.

"King Estes, if you must, I ask of you to calm yourself. You are still gravely ill." Miya's eyes twinkled with concern, her brows scrunched and her lips pursed in a tight line.

Estes forced himself to feel a sense of calm, his hands tempted to use the Code of Moonlight to cure himself. His chest ached in an astounding ferocity, yet he held in the pain. He was the King of the Moon Elves. He must be strong for his subjects, he must be strong for his kingdom.

A king isn't someone who succumbs to a measly wound.

"I thank you for your concern Miya. But Queen Alice is a threat to the peace that balances the realms. I fear she has an ulterior motive for being in Antoinerei." Miya nods in understanding, her white hair that glowed under the incandescent blue lights bobbed with the slight gesture. She places her hand to her chest and bows whilst speaking,

"Yes my King, that is why I have sent Nana to the city. She has connections inside, both Antoinerei and the City of Scholars. She will return as soon as she knows the Blood Demon Queen's intentions."

Panicked murmurs and frantic yelling were heard from outside the King's throne room. Moon Elf Soldiers armed with spears and swords pointed their sharpened weapons towards the large, intricately designed double doors. The voices ceased a bit too suddenly, the soldiers in guard tensing.

Miya abruptly stood and armed her bow, her right hand reaching back to grab an enchanted arrow. Estes could only sit on his thrown, the Code of Moonlight ready to act if necessary. It wasn't common for his servants to do so as speak loudly near the dwelling of the King, yet what might have transpired outside might have put him on a pedestal.

Suddenly, the double doors opened with a bang, the intensity of the force echoing through the castle halls in waves. An odd, blue creature ran into the room with such speed, the soldiers couldn't react in time to pursue the intruder. Miya recognized the creature with her travels with her Leonin companion and dropped her arrow, scooping the frantic pet into her arms which wriggled in protest.

Estes blinked in confusion, but amidst the commotion, he gestured his guards to be at ease, the soldiers following their king's command. "Miya, I demand an explanation." His voice cut through the thick blanket of silence like a knife. The creature in Miya's arms thrashed violently as if something scared the poor thing into running.

"My King, this is Nana's pet, Molina. If she is here, then that means my student is near the castle." Just then, an exhausted Leonin barged into the throne room panting for air. Her pink hair glistened with sweat and her usual smile was replaced with a worried frown. In her hands is a card of a Joker, to which she hid when she caught sight of the Moon Elf King and her mentor.

"I-I'm sorry King Estes, but I have bad news!" She exclaimed. Miya released Molina from her grip and the creature immediately went beside her owner.

"Nana! Do not speak freely in the presence of the King!" The Moonlight Archer reprimanded her student. Estes waved his hand and gestured the tired Leonin to continue. There were times when subjects were disrespectful towards him, but he bears them no ill will. From the looks of his right hand's student, it was a something of importance.

"The Blood Demon Queen has infiltrated the city of Antoinerei with dark elves! Diggie and Bruno managed to chase her out but by the time they caught up to her, she suddenly went missing," A shadow cast over Estes' eyes, worry settling in the pit of his stomach. "...after that, I went to check up on a friend in the City of Scholars but," She fidgets with her hands, her eyes occasionally looking down the pocket of her robe where a singular card lay resting inside. "...he was gravely injured. He said that the Blood Queen made him do something in exchange for his sister's life."

Miya patted Nana's head in comfort and whispered sweet nothings into her furred ear. The feline wizard hugged Miya's waist and buried her head where the moonlit royalty cannot see the tears that were threatening to fall. Ever since Nana explored the Enchanted Forest with Miya as her guide and mentor, she always felt ease around the archer. Though she may be strict at times, she was always there when the feline was feeling down.

Estes solemnly stood and stalked towards the crying Leonin, staring at Nana with a sharp gaze. He rested his hand on her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Tell me, young one, what did the Blood Queen want from your friend?" Nana's eyes were wide with worry and her eyes glistened whilst looking at the King who was bathed in the serenity of the light's rays. It immediately filled her with a sense of peace, yet the underlying feeling of despair was eminent in her bright blue eyes.

"The Blood Queen wishes Harley make a portal to another realm far from this land. Far from the Enchanted Forest, far from the Western Expanse, far from this place, a forbidden world where magic doesn't exist."

The King's head was in shambles. He couldn't believe a magician was capable of transporting someone to another world. Yet here he was, thinking of the possible motives, more grotesque than the last, he could think of for the Queen's sudden intrusion to a magic-less world.

He could only think of one.

Oh, Alice, what have you done?

*Antoinerei is where Bruno acquired his mechanical legs and the hometown of Diggie. Scholars and thinkers from all over the world are gathered in this city.

Hope you're enjoying thus far! If you're interested in my MLBB account, my ID number is 222582604. Please leave a vote and support this story with a diamond! Love lots!

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