
He must of cost a fortune

Karos gave a look to Ake and gently coaxed him forward. Before he could take two steps, he found himself falling, however, the beast caught him and held him up by placing his arm on its shoulders. It carried most of his weight as they trailed along behind them.

"Listen, beast, I do not know if you can truly understand what it is I am about to say to you but keep your wits about you. These men... they cannot be trusted. They are nothing more than pillagers of war."

Ake snuffed at him and continued walking on.

The moment they walked onto the land adorned with tents and people bustling here and there, he knew this was no place for a soldier and especially not one for a dragon. His eyes caught sight of the many women sitting in a line of chains. Their clothes were in tatters. The guards prodded a row of men with spears until they were lined up with the rest. They rounded and sat them down like cattle.

"This way," one of the men said as he pushed Karos forward.

The men lead them towards the largest, most lavish tent on the land. It was a creme color with not a splotch of dirt smudged on it. Maroon banners of silk draped over it with little beads dangling down the bottom. The ropes tethering it to the ground was a fine, golden color. As they grew closer, he saw they were embedded with maroon and beige cloth.

Already, Karos had planned a way of escape, if need be. No matter how much he detested the beast, he knew they would find more interest in Ake than himself. He could not have any ill-will befall it.

"We have brought yer guests, m'lord."

As soon as they were close to the man in question, they made them sit on fine, silk pillows.

Despite the horror taking place outside of this tent, there was nothing but beauty found inside. All across the tent walls, there was sheer, golden curtains sparkling and glimmering like little suns. Treasures made from the finest gems of gold laid strewn about the area. Even the air held the smell of such richness. It was thickly perfumed by the scents of sandalwood and musk.

A man draped in the garbs of a prosperous merchant, appeared into the room taking him out of his thoughts. The hair on the man fell down in tousled, golden locks to his shoulders. He had a sensuous air about him that made Karos all the more anxious to leave and be rid of this place.

"What brings you onto my land?" His voice was sweet, almost too sweet. He showed them both a warm smile as he sat down on a golden, cushioned pillow before them.

"We were passing by. After nearly escaping the battle with the bloody beasts, we were in need of rest."

"Ah yes, The Battle of Incarceron. It was a foolish thing to do... waging war on those flying creatures when winter is nigh. Now thousands upon thousands of your comrade's bones roast in the brewing cauldron of flames."

"I am a loyal soldier of Asalph. I do not make the decisions, but merely follow them," he stated with humility causing a wry smile to splay across his young face.

His leering eyes soon moved away from him and onto Ake.

"And you?"

"He is my servant," Karos was quick to interject.

"Mmm... a servant." The man slid his tongue across his lips before his thumb followed after.

"His name?"

"... Ake."

"Ah-ke, what a delightful name. Did you name him yourself?" He looked at Ake and saw its depleting patience and temperance.

"No, he already had been given one."

Karos watched as the man rose from his cushioned pillow and inched closer and closer till he was at eye level with Ake. "My, all this dirt on such a lovely face such as yours."

He followed Ake's eyes as his hand went through his hair. As much as it tried to smother it down, he found malice within them. The man smiled as he gazed into Ake's eyes once more.

"Truly, he must have cost a fortune!"

"Yes, he is quite... " Karos thought for a moment. "Invaluable. I take him wherever I go because of such reasons."

"Such a shame. I would have given you such a grand deal."

"By the show of your wares outside, I am sure you would have. However, I take great care of my servant. He is more than just a belonging, you see." Karos held an air of reproach as he said those words.

"Oh, I would take great care of him as well. He would be more than just a mere, simple slave. I am sure he is not just a servant to you either."

Karos bristled at his words but was quick to simmer down. He dared to mock his honor and integrity as a soldier. He wanted his head on a pike and he would have been more than happy to put it there.

"By the great loss you all have suffered from the battle, I am sure you would be in need of some, silver maybe some gold, gracions."

He nodded his head in respite and put on a fake smile. "I am sure I will fair well enough. Thank you for your show of concern."

"You both must be famished. Gueset will set you up with a tent for the night and fill your stomachs with ale and meat. We mustn't let a fine person such as him and yourself, of course, grow hungry or tire. "

"Thank you for your hospitality. Ake." It rose along with Karos and helped him walk out of the tent.

Some more men, wearing the similar dress as the previous ones, came to collect them and showed them to a smaller tent.

"Here you are," one man said.

"Much gratitude."

The tent had skins on top of skins of animal furs piled on top of one another until you could see the grass no longer. There were already a couple candles lit for them as well as a water basin. As he went on to take a closer look, he saw it came with a small washing bowl filled with the petals of roses. Karos shot a glance at Ake who was taking in the sight as well. Its eyes were wide. Though it would never admit it, he knew it was fascinated with the place just as much as he was.

That man in the tent had an ominous feel to him. He was a slaver, a pillager who had no place in Asalph nor in this world. His livelihood was nothing short of barbaric. His rich fortune came from the misfortune and enslavement of others. Men such as him were rotten. He was sure his advances would not stop at a simple, modest no. He will have to keep a close watch.

His eyes flicked back to Ake as he slumped down into the pile of furs tossing and turning until they flattened as well as circled around him much like an animal. Dirty-faced and all... there was a majestic aura about it. He knew it for a proud creature, just as he was proud. Its eyes caught with his causing Karos to turn away abashed for staring too long.

He dipped a cloth into one of the washing bowls and went to wash his face as well as his hair, both soaked in blood, sweat, and dirt. The water drenching his hair made it seem even blacker than it was, rivaling even that of the night sky. He could feel it seeping down onto his neck. He washed that part of him as well until not a piece of dirt could be felt.

After finally feeling a slight bit cleaner, he grabbed another washing fabric along with another bowl of water and limped his way over to Ake. Its eyes were shut, but he knew it was still alert to its surroundings. The beast must be tired.

"... Ake."

Treating it with distrust after everything it had done was rather ungracious of him. He knew he acted without true reason when all the beast had done was help him. Karos took a deep breath in as its blue eyes stared into his.

"Get up and clean your face. You will feel immensely better afterward, trust me. "

It burrowed its face into the furs of the pile causing Karos to let out a deep sigh. Of course, it would respond like that, he thought. There was truly no trust between them, only survival. He would let it sleep for the night.

Karos went back and set the bowl and cloth back onto the small table. He decided to let him have the furs. It kept him well awake when he was not warm and comfortable. It is not as if it would be willing to be share.

As the light of the candles blew out he found himself dozing in and out of consciousness. He tried fighting it off but he was losing at an unbelievable rate. Once the light was gone, darkness overtook him, but only for what seemed like a moment.

He stirred in his sleep as he heard the soft shuffling of furs. His eyes blinked a couple of times adjusting to the lightless tent. In an instance, he noticed the presence of other people inside as well. His hand was quick to slide down to the hilt of his sword.

There in the darkness a candle was lit and a pair of blue eyes shined.

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