
Legendary System In The Multiverse

Classic world-hopping fan-fic where the main character dies and gets some wishes. Also, I am just writing this for fun so don't take it too seriously. The cover is from Wikipedia, I don't own it

KingPanda215 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 8

[Storm Control: Gain greater control of electricity within 200 meters as well as mediocre wind control. {Cost Medium} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]

[Greater Thunder Domain: Your range for controlling electricity extends to 1 kilometer. {Cost High} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]

[Absolute Control: Within 1 meter have absolute electrical control. User is able to read minds and completely stop any bodily function of others, like keeping their heart from beating or making them braindead. {Cost Medium} {Damage Massive+}Upgrade cost 1 Million points.]

Those were the abilities that Aurelion had to choose between. Each was very powerful, but the question was did he want to sacrifice range for power. He was really only debating between [Storm Control] and [Absolute Control]. [Greater Thunder Domain] was good, it's just not the upgrade he wanted to take.

[Absolute Control] was tempting, but Aurelion wanted more of a long-range ability. Plus he was sure he could get more instakill moves in the future. So with that in mind, he choose [Storm Control]. A whole new feeling flooded him as he felt the air around him in a new way. It felt like he could reach out and tug on the air, so he did.

Aurelion opened his hand and imagined the air forming a funnel in his hand. He pulled the surrounding air and forced it through the funnel. Soon he had a miniature tornado in his hand that was completely under his control. He imagined the tornado growing, and it did. Soon it was growing to the point where it was almost getting out of hand, so he clenched his fist and stopped the air.

Aurelion teleported himself into the Kamui dimension, deciding that this was an ideal place to train. He started by coating his hands in [Armament Haki] and punching the stone beneath his feet. He continued on this way for a few hours, increasing the strength and durability of both his Haki and body.

Next, he clapped his hand together, forming a skeletal ribcage around himself. This time Aurelion also managed to create two arms for his Susanoo as well. He trained with this version for a while before trying to get it to its next stage. He focused and willed the ribcage and arms to become a full skeleton that would protect him from damage.

At first, nothing happened, but Aurelion pushed harder and willed the skeleton to come into being. Just as he thought he was going to fail black energy surged and formed the rest of the upper skeleton. He looked and found that his Susanoo had four arms now. Wiping sweat from his brow he willed the Susanoo to disappear and sat on the ground panting.

He had no real way to train his [Observation Haki] for now, so he just moved on to training his new control over wind. Aurelion kept it simple and tried to create a ball of wind sort of like the Rasengan, but much weaker. It took a fair bit of effort to condense the rotating wind into a ball. When he had formed it he simply lobbed it into the air and watched it disperse.

He was a long way from being able to do anything crazy with his power to control the wind, but he hoped by the time he was able to upgrade [Storm Control] he would have mastered it. As he trained forming wind into different shapes he thought about how great it would be to have some shadow clones or even wood clones to train with. It would make this process go much faster, and he could have them train 24/7.

He looked up their prices in the store and knew it would be a while before he could purchase them.

[Wood Release: Cost - 2.5 Million points]

[Shadow Clones: Cost - 1 Million points]

[Wood Release] was definitely something that Aurelion wanted in the future, but it would take him a long time to save up the coins. Though now that he had [Strom Control] grinding points would become a lot easier. He was only 10 years old as well, he still had years to grind daily missions and points. He would defiantly become the best that there ever was.

That was in the future though, now, in the present, he needed to train more. His Susanoo formed once more and Aurelion threw himself into training. It was a neverending cycle of waking up to train all day, then grinding points at night, then falling asleep exhausted. Though there was some good news on his point grinding front.

Aurelion discovered a new and better point modifier, Super Villian. He could only assume that there was a Super Hero modifier as well, but he hadn't received any points with that modifier yet. He discovered the Super Villian modifier back at that same brothel where he had killed the occupants of the entire upper floor.

He stood before the building and felt the electricity in the building. Even in this run-down part of town, the buildings have power. Power that Aurelion could use to fry the people inside the building. He waited till the Brothel was at full capacity before reaching out and detonating the power inside the building.

From every wall and place that had power outlets, lights, or just power cords electricity surged. There was no way to defend against the surprise attack, one moment people were happy and enjoying what the brothel offered, the next they were dead. Aurelion could tell that nobody in the building had survived, he couldn't sense any electricity from a living person.

[3000 x 5 (Hero modifier) = 15,000 points]

[2000 x 10 (Super Villain modifier) = 20,000]

Aurelion looked at the points and smiled. He had gotten his regular hero modifier on the 300 men inside the building, but for the 200 women, he had gotten an x10 super villain modifier. He looked at his full 44,000 points and smiled. It wouldn't be too long until he could afford his next upgrades.