
The annoying little rascal.

stepping out from the airport,Riana boarded a bus to the place she could remember vividly,which was the play ground her father usually take her to when she was a child. Due to the fact that she stayed at Vegas for a very long time she totally forgot about the family residence known as the lu's residence.

At the play ground,Riana at her old age still look very young and beautiful as a twenty yea old girl saw the place to be the same as if she never left.

Although as years pass,to her things like this are meant to be demolished and rebuilt to follow up the trends of what children love.

As she was starring absentmindedly at the play ground she never notice two pair of eyes glaring at her,until the young fella with those beautiful crimson eyes walk up to her before she was jolted back and look down to see a cute handsome little boy about the age of three throwing daggers at her which caused her to almost flinch.

But then in between those stares,she cut the boy pointing at a particular direction,so she followed the line of direction and saw he was pointing at something under her feet,so she took a step back and then she knew she was stepping on the boy's crafted toy. She pick it up and saw that it was broken not to pieces but enough for the boy not to take it. Then she looked at the boy with the look of apology and said;

"I'm so sorry little boy but I didn't see your,she look at the toy again and got confused to what name she would call it. Then again she said; what if I take you to a toy shop and get you a new....., she couldn't complete her statement when the boy started throwing sand at her and any object that came his way,when he came across a round rock,he pick it up ready to throw,but before he could throw it ,Riana has took to heels but still the boy chased her.

What surprised her was the annoying rascal agility,at his age he could run that fast what those he take. She stop when she saw that she can't keep running away from a little boy. Raising her hand to halt the little boy,then she said; little boy hold it right there.

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