

Synopsis After returning from country V, Riana decided to return to her country home in city X. Riana happens to be the only child in an ancient family that practice BUDARISM. In this family known as the wick's family,powerful people exist and this power is transfer from one person to another by just skipping a generation after another. Ones it is the generation in which the special being is been picked,the power naturally gifted to the chosen one from birth. Riana is the special child that is blessed and gifted with the power,but then she knew nothing about it when she was young. She found out that as she was growing and turned 27,she wasn't aging any and her grandma who was the chosen one in her own time,explain to her,how and why it is so. She left home hundred years ago because of the way she was been maltreated back then by her own relatives because she wasn't a male child and her father left all his property in his will for both her and her mother. Her mother saw this and told her to go to country V and stay with her Grandma,that she would come to pick her up after two years. But then Riana disagreed and said that, "it is either I stay or you come with me", But then again her mother disagree and told her that she needed to stay in her husband house and take care of his property. And then again she agreed and left city H, and fled to country V. And now after hundred years, she decided to return to find out why her momma didn't keep her promise...... Stay tune and read with me the LEGENDARY RIANA. .

Joy_B1 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Its A Woman

Chen where did you ran off to, asked an old woman who seems to be in her mid eighties. Chen walk to her and took her hand to place on his forehead to greet her;good evening grand mother,Chen greeted. Ever since Chen was born,this woman as always been the one that took care of him. He grew up calling her grandmother since the children and grown ups around the neighborhood calls her that. And it seems ever since she became old she stopped growing older and it has been like that up till now.When she was young,she was known as a healer of any illness,you can call her the ghost doctor. Chen was reincarnation back to the human world as a child more than hundred years ago,because he didn't fulfill his purpose he was sent to fulfill. Chen loss memories of his past life,but gradually gaining it back with the help of his grandmother's herbs and medicine. In some of the memories that he was able to regain,he found out that he was reborn and as expected,he needed to fulfill his purpose which was not for him alone to do. His life was tied to another person's life and he must find that person,he left his guard down and relax,but not on training and cultivating his powers. Back to the present, Chen's grandmother repeated her question; where did you ran off to my Chen I only took a stroll round town to find some new places",he answered. You didn't go to look for her, remember Chen that your time and ours is running out. Chen turned to look at the grandmother and squat down to her level. "why do you keep thinking that it's a woman,Chen who was already annoyed by it asked. Chen was the type of guy who thinks that women do not have any business that have to do with fight,but are just there for other ulterior motives and Reasons. He believed that women are people that can't even handle sword,talk more of powers. Long before Chen regain his memories,his grandmother knew why he was reborn and also knew that his life was tied to another person.She knew who the girl was. She must not disclose it to him and must find our on his own with the help of his powers. His grandmother although not his biological grandmother,was they person that was meant to take care of him since she understood his mission. I have always told you that your life isn't an ordinary one which you can testify about,this mission that you are sent for,can't be for only one person, because as time goes on,you are in the world and as such,you will be intimidated,am sure you understand what I mean,You need some one who will help you in all ways...TBC....