
Legend Of The Valmorian Dynasty

A Young Man named Exavier Willer was brought up in planet earth by a Man call pharaoh. Exavier is an inhabitant of planet Valmore but was sent to earth to protect him from a destroyer. He later found out about his true identity and joined forces with three more Valmorian inhabitants and a Mage to defeat this evil threat

Itz_Az_Abiola · Action
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30 Chs

Alien Encounter

My Lord, we have successfully captured two rebel Valmorian inhabitants"


        "That's wonderful, do you have any other information about the Valmorian energy spotted in planet Earth".

        "We realized the energy wasn't from an object, it was from a living being"

       "Which means, I have been given another chance to find the boy".

                   * Planet Earth *

         Attrius was disturbed hearing about an Alien in the kingdom.

       "It doesn't make sense to me at all, what does he mean by an Alien", Walking towards the Helic.

       Attrius slowly walked into the Helic trying not to wake Exavier but to his surprise, Exavier was gone.

       "What, where is he?"  He yelled out loudly attracting the healer's attention.

      "What's wrong Commander", The healer said walking in.

      Immediately the healer walked in, he was also shocked to see the empty bed.

       "Where is the patient?", He asked Attrius

       "What do you mean, You are the one in charge of he boy, if anything happens to him I will make sure I deal with you myself". Walking out of the room.


        Immediately the two men walked out of the room, Exavier came out of his hiding spot, he was actually outside the window staring at the two men.

       Exavier smirked and jumped down running towards the palace gates. The Helic wasn't far from the ground so it was easy for Exavier to jump out.

       They were a lot of guards in the castle due to the previous ambush, so it would be difficult for Exavier to escape.

       Exavier stared for a while trying to find a way to escape, he finally noticed a food cart being dragged along with three men.

        The carts were really big and was covered with a black blanket. One of the men dropped his and went for a bathroom break. This gave Exavier the opportunity to sneak in.

         After some minutes, the man came back, and continued his work. He was too busy chatting with his fellow mates to notice that his cart was heavier than usual.

        After ten minutes, they were finally far enough for Exavier to get out. But he had to do it in a way they won't notice him. Exavier planned to run to the forest, but these men were heading towards the town.

Exavier threw a rock into a bushy area to alarm the men. The distraction worked and the three men left their carts behind to check what it was.

         Exavier used the opportunity to escape and run into the forest. This strange energy was calling onto Exavier from the Helic.

       It brought him deep Into the forest where the warriors of Hercules could not even go easily.

        Exavier got to a point where he found a tent made of wood and leafs. He was confused and also curious, he had to find out what it was.

         Exavier walked towards the tent slowly, before he could reach the tent he was confronted by a man wearing a strange looking outfit.

        "You are not void", The man said in a disappointing tone.

       "Who are you?", Exavier asked the strange man bringing out his sword.

       Zonic was really confused at that moment. "This boy isn't a Valmorian inhabitant but his body his flowing with Valmorian energy, the energy his even stronger than Void's", He thought.

       Zonic slowly tried to touch Exavier but Exavier smacked his hands and yelled, "Who are you?". He asked again strictly.
