
Chapter 1: Rowing the Solitary Boat on a Moonlit Night

The story begins in Sichuan Province, specifically in the renowned region of Emei Mountain, which is known for its picturesque beauty. Ancient people used to say that the mountains and waters in western Sichuan were exceptionally fascinating, with Emei Mountain standing out. This statement holds true. In western Sichuan, the temples and monasteries on the mountains number in the hundreds. Every year, devout men and women come from afar to make pilgrimages, drawn by the high mountains, clear waters, and diverse landscapes. Even those who visit purely for the sake of sightseeing are numerous.

The scenery in the rear mountains is particularly enchanting and mysterious. Deep within the mountains and vast forests, dragons, snakes, tigers, leopards, and wolves thrive. Travelers who venture into the rear mountains often do not return, leading to various speculations. Some say they were devoured by tigers, wolves, or evil spirits, while others believe they were saved by immortals or Buddhas. Opinions vary, and debates continue. Humans, being of flesh and blood, are generally weak-willed, and due to the cautionary tales of those who ventured into the rear mountains, many gradually decide not to proceed. This unintentionally benefits the hermits and sages who seek tranquility in the rear mountains, sparing them from disturbances and allowing them to enjoy the peacefulness of the spiritual mountain.

Let's leave this topic for now.

Since the chaos caused by Zhang Xianzhong at the end of the Ming Dynasty, many households were left vacant in Sichuan, and vast areas were desolate, often without a trace of human presence for hundreds of miles. After the Qing Dynasty took control, officials recommended the migration of people from neighboring provinces such as Hubei, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi to Sichuan. The abundant resources and the welcoming environment made newcomers feel right at home, and they gradually restored the region's population density.

I remember that in the second year after Kangxi ascended to the throne, a small boat sailed upstream from Wu Gorge on the Yangtze River. Besides the boatman who was navigating the boat, there were only a father and his daughter on board. They carried just a single load, appearing rather destitute. Additionally, there was a heavy bag that seemed to contain metal objects. The middle-aged man was in his forties, but his hair was already completely white. His eyes sparkled with wisdom, and his face was lined with wrinkles, indicating a life filled with hardship. The girl, who was around twelve or thirteen years old, was exceptionally beautiful. She stood beside the old man, attentively pointing out landmarks and asking questions with youthful innocence. At this moment, the evening mist had begun to envelop the surroundings, casting a gloomy hue over the landscape. However, a bright moon had risen from behind a distant mountain, its clear light illuminating the boat and its passengers. The old man suddenly spoke in a loud voice, "How can I bear to look back at my homeland under the moonlight? When will I be able to return to my cherished possessions?" His words were filled with sorrow, and tears welled up in his eyes. The girl said, "Father, you're feeling melancholic again. The world has its predestined path, and grieving over it won't help. Please take care of your health." Just as they were talking, the boatman approached and said, "Sir, it's getting late, and ahead of us is the famous 'Crow's Beak.' There's a village nearby where we can dock and rest. We can go ashore to buy some food and wine." The old man replied, "Very well, you go ahead. I'm feeling a bit tired today and won't go ashore." When the boatman finished speaking, they had already reached their destination, and everyone went ashore separately.

At this moment, the moonlight was as bright as day. The father and daughter spread the food and wine they had brought on the bow of the boat and began to enjoy it. While they were passing the time, they suddenly saw a figure in white coming out of the distant woods. Under the moonlight, the figure was exceptionally clear and approached closer with each step. As the person walked, they sang a song with a clear and melodious voice that could pierce stones and crack gold. Gradually, they came near the boat.

The old man was in a good mood and called out, "What a beautiful moonlit night! The scenery is not to be missed. We have food and wine on this boat. How about joining us for a few drinks?" The person in white was in high spirits while singing and, upon hearing the invitation, thought, "This area is mostly inhabited by people from Sichuan and Hunan, and it's rare to encounter northerners. This person speaks with a clear northern accent, so they must be from my hometown. Since they've invited me, I should share a few drinks with them." While thinking this, they approached the boat and soon arrived on board.

When the two parties met and looked at each other closely, they suddenly burst into tears. The old man said, "Since our parting in Yangzhou, who would have thought we would reunite here? While the people remain the same, the mountains and rivers have changed entirely. How can one's heart not ache?" The person in white said, "I heard that my elder brother had transformed into something otherworldly after the Battle of Yangzhou. I never expected to meet in this distant land. Since then, I've been wandering far and wide, but now I've found a kindred spirit, and my journey is no longer lonely. Is this young lady your daughter, the esteemed Yingqiong?" The old man replied, "Seeing a worthy brother like you fills me with joy. I even forgot to introduce my daughter, Yingqiong, to you." He called out, "Yingqiong, come over and greet your Uncle Zhou." Upon hearing her father's words, the girl came over and respectfully bowed. The person in white returned a half bow and said to the old man, "Seeing my esteemed niece, who is so beautiful, I can't imagine her being a mere servant girl. There must be a successor to my eldest brother's extraordinary skills." The old man responded, "Brother, you don't know the whole story. Due to my limited knowledge of martial arts, my family was ruined. Moreover, since her birth, her mother and I have been wandering as fugitives for ten years, without a place to call home. Her mother kept urging me to teach her martial arts, fearing that she would encounter many difficulties in the future. I thought that she had too much aggression in her eyes, and if she learned martial arts, it would only lead to trouble. I, being a man of humble talents, couldn't bear to teach her. I hope to marry her off to a scholarly young man in the future, send her back to our homeland, and consider my wish fulfilled." The person in white said, "Although you say that, looking at your niece's appearance, I can't believe she will end up as a servant girl. We can consider her future again later." Hearing the person in white's words, the girl couldn't help but raise her eyebrows with delight, and she cast a glance at her elderly father, revealing a hint of melancholy.

The person in white asked, "Brother, what is your purpose in entering Sichuan this time?" The old man replied, "After the country fell and our family was ruined, what purpose could I have? I've come to this distant place to escape calamity, that's all." The person in white was pleased and said, "I've been in Sichuan for three years now. I found a secluded cave in the rear mountains of Emei, which is very peaceful and has extraordinary scenery. I only returned from there yesterday. In addition, I've been teaching a few young students. I plan to tidy up and prepare to live in seclusion in the cave in the rear mountains. Fortunately, I've met you today. However, that place is very remote, with few visitors, and many wild animals. If you don't mind, we can go there together, with your esteemed niece. We can wait for the right moment. What do you think?" The old man was delighted to hear of such a good location and agreed, saying, "That sounds excellent. But I wonder how far it is from here to that mountain?" The person in white replied, "By land, it's only eighty or ninety miles. Why don't you have the boatman disembark and stay at my house for a few days? Then we can go to the cave in the rear mountains by land." The old man said, "That's fine. You go ahead, and I'll stay on the boat tonight. Tomorrow, I'll arrange for the boatman to disembark and set off on land. But I'm not sure where you currently reside. Since both of us are seeking refuge, have you changed your name and surname?" The person in white said, "I've changed my name, but I haven't changed my surname. Tomorrow, when you go to the village ahead, just ask about the teacher at the tutoring school, Zhou Chun. They will all know. It's already late, and I have an appointment tomorrow, so I won't come to pick you up. Fortunately, it's not far from here, and I'll be waiting for you in the morning." After saying that, they bid farewell and left.

When the girl saw the person in white leave, she asked, "Is this Uncle Zhou the same Uncle Zhou that Father often mentioned, one of the Three Heroes of Qilu, known as Zhou Lang?" The old man replied, "Who else could it be? Back then, your uncles Yang Da and Zhou Lang, along with me, Li Ning, were renowned in the Qilu and Yanyu regions. After your Uncle Yang passed away with the fall of the Ming Dynasty, he was falsely accused by his enemies due to his lingering attachment to our homeland. Now, only your Uncle Zhou and I are left, and we don't know if we can protect our leader. On our journey to Emei Mountain, it's fortunate to have a companion, which alleviates many of my concerns. My daughter, rest early, and we'll go ashore tomorrow morning." With that, they stopped talking and saw two boatmen returning, drunk and stumbling. Li Ning said to the boatmen, "I remember having a relative in this area. I plan to stay here for a few months, so tomorrow I'll disembark. I'll pay you the boat fare as agreed, plus four taels of silver as a tip for your trouble and to buy wine. You can rest early." The boatmen were grateful for this arrangement, thanked him, and retired for the night. Let's leave it here.

On the following morning, Li Ning and his daughter, Yingqiong, bid farewell to the boatmen and walked toward the village with their belongings. After walking about half a mile, they encountered a young boy by the roadside, who appeared to be around eleven or twelve years old. He had a striking appearance, with two small braids on his head. Despite the warm weather in Sichuan, he was dressed in a simple blue short-sleeved shirt and shorts. When he saw the two approaching, he greeted them, saying, "Are you the ones looking for my teacher, Zhou Chun?" Li Ning replied, "Indeed, we've come to visit Mr. Zhou. How did you know?" The young boy quickly bowed and said, "Uncle, you may not know this, but my teacher returned last night and was so delighted that he couldn't sleep all night. He met Uncle and Miss here at Wuzui. However, this morning he had a prior engagement and couldn't come to greet you. He instructed me to wait here and guide you. The teacher's house is just ahead. He has gone to keep his appointment but will return shortly. Please come in and have some breakfast while you wait." Li Ning was pleasantly surprised by the boy's demeanor and hospitality. They continued walking and soon arrived at Zhou Chun's house. Though it was a modest dwelling with bamboo fencing and thatched roofs, it was kept clean and tidy. The young boy then brought out three bowls, a large plate of preserved meat, blood tofu, and a jug of wine. He invited Li Ning and his daughter to sit down and joined them at the table. He said, "Uncle, please enjoy some breakfast." Whenever Li Ning wanted to ask a question, the boy would promptly go to the back and bring out more dishes, such as vinegar soup noodles and pickled vegetables. Li Ning found the young boy to be very attentive, despite his tender age. While enjoying the food and wine, Li Ning asked him, "Young friend, what is your name? When did you start studying with your teacher?" The boy replied, "My name is Zhao Yan'er. My father was originally a scholar in the Ming Dynasty, but he died at the hands of Li Zicheng's rebels. My mother and my uncle fled here, but my uncle also passed away later. My family is very poor, so we had no choice but to work as cowherds for others. My mother also did odd jobs for wealthier households to make ends meet. Three years ago, Mr. Zhou arrived here and, out of pity for my family's background, he took me as his disciple. He has been helping my mother and me, teaching me daily and providing me with an education in both academics and martial arts. He even brought me books. However, my teacher has no sons of his own, only a daughter named Qingyun. Last year, an old Daoist nun arrived from outside the village and wanted to take me as her disciple. I declined her offer because I had an elderly mother to care for. But when she saw my teacher's daughter, Qingyun, she insisted on taking her away to learn Daoism and left for Huangshan. I felt very sad because I had become very close to Qingyun. I repeatedly asked my teacher to bring her back, but he said it was not yet the right time. I think that when I grow up a little more, I will definitely go and find her. My teacher's daughter, Qingyun, looks just like this young lady, except she doesn't have the two red moles on her eyebrows like this young lady does." Li Ning listened to the boy's story with a smile and continued to inquire about his martial skills. Yan'er replied, "I have average talents and can only perform a set of Liuhe Sword techniques and practice throwing and catching darts. My teacher mentioned that you, Uncle, are highly skilled, so I hope to learn from you in the future!" While they were chatting, Zhou Chun returned home from outside. Yan'er quickly stood by respectfully, and Yingqiong came over to greet her great-uncle. Li Ning said, "Congratulations, dear brother. You have found such an excellent disciple." Zhou Chun replied, "This child is quite clever and talented. He is also talkative and enjoys conversing with people. In just half a day, he has probably shared his life story with you." Li Ning said, "He has indeed told me about his background. However, dear brother, you are almost fifty years old. How can you easily send your niece off to be raised by others? What is the reason for that?" Zhou Chun explained, "Let me clarify, Uncle. My niece's departure is a matter of fate. Last year, a Daoist nun named Canxia from Huangshan Mountain visited me. She is a renowned swordswoman and offered to take Qingyun as her last disciple. Initially, she wanted to take both Qingyun and Yan'er, but Yan'er has an elderly mother to care for, so she decided to take only Qingyun. This opportunity is rare and ideal. Could I possibly refuse it? Li Ning nodded in understanding. Yingqiong, who had been dissatisfied with her father's decision not to teach her martial arts, began to contemplate the situation. Zhou Chun continued, saying, "Niece, are you interested in hunting for happiness? If we talk about your younger sister's talents, they are not ordinary either. When it comes to bone structure and appearance, she is not inferior to you. After Canxia saw her, she praised her for having the potential to cultivate the Dao and discuss things with me. If fate allows, Canxia will come looking for her, and by then, it will be beyond your father's control." Li Ning said, "Dear brother, you are teasing your niece again. Let's not dwell on such matters. When will we set off for Emei Mountain? Is Yan'er coming along?" Zhou Chun replied, "I have some miscellaneous tasks to take care of here. It will take about ten more days at most before we can depart. Since Yan'er has an elderly mother at home, we have to delay his pursuit of knowledge for now." Yan'er was unhappy about being left behind, and tears welled up in his eyes. Zhou Chun comforted him, saying, "You don't have to be like this. Whether it's immortals, Buddhas, or heroes, they all value filial piety and loyalty. I won't be gone forever. Fortunately, the journey is not far, and I'll come to teach you martial and scholarly arts regularly, even though it won't be the same as when we were together every day and night." Yan'er had no choice but to wipe away his tears. Li Ning asked, "Aren't there any other students in your tutoring school besides Yan'er?" Zhou Chun replied, "When I returned from Emei Mountain the other day, I had the idea to go there. Since the people here have treated me so well, I decided to help them out. I saved a scholar on my way back, named Ma Xiang, who is both talented and virtuous. I helped him find accommodation at Wenchang Pavilion outside the village and transferred all of my students to him for teaching. Little did I know that you would arrive here tonight." Li Ning remarked, "I see, that's why I didn't see any other students besides Yan'er." Zhou Chun explained, "I was also planning to introduce Yan'er there because you, Uncle, do not have any students to assist you in your work. So, I've temporarily assigned him to you." After chatting for a while longer, evening had fallen without notice. Everyone enjoyed their dinner, and Yan'er laid out beds and bedding for Li Ning and his daughter before retiring to his own space.

Only Yingqiong couldn't sleep, having heard much of what had been said during the day. It was around three in the morning when she heard the voices of Zhou Chun and Yan'er in the next room. They soon opened the door and walked into the courtyard. Yingqiong quietly got up, peering through the window crack to see Zhou Chun and Yan'er, each holding a long sword, practicing in the courtyard.

Yan'er's sword was slightly shorter, about three feet long. At first, their movements were discernible, but as they continued, they became faster and more intense. Two figures moved gracefully, surrounded by a flurry of white light, resembling falling snowflakes as they danced in the courtyard. Suddenly, Zhou Chun said, "Yan'er, watch carefully." With that, they separated, and a burst of white light, accompanied by a flash of cold steel, moved like a shooting star, shooting towards a towering cinnamon tree in the courtyard. There was a loud crack as a large branch of the tree fell to the south. The tree trunk trembled from the force, and the fragrant cinnamon flowers rained down like snowflakes.

Yingqiong couldn't believe her eyes. Zhou Chun and Yan'er were still standing in their original positions as if nothing had happened. At this silent moment, a gentle breeze blew by, rustling the iron horses in front of the eaves.

Yingqiong was in awe of what she had witnessed. Zhou Chun said to Yan'er, "The last move we just practiced is called 'Piercing the Clouds and Seizing the Moon.' It's the most proficient technique in the Liuhe Sword style. If you encounter a formidable opponent in the future, you can use this move to turn the tide in your favor. I taught you this because of your filial piety and exceptional talent. For the next two days, I'll be going into the mountains with your uncle. Practice diligently in solitude when there's no one around. I'm going to rest now, and I'll come to guide you again tomorrow night."

With that, Zhou Chun returned to his room to rest, leaving Yan'er to sleep as well. In the following two days, Yingqiong continued to sneak out of her room to watch them practice. She pestered her father to teach her the sword, and after Zhou Chun's persuasion, her father began to consider it. He told her, "The art of the sword, the ancestor of all martial arts, is not easy to learn. First, it requires consistent practice. Second, you need to cultivate your inner energy and focus your mind, like still water. Lastly, you need guidance from an expert. You have been pampered since childhood, and your physical stamina has never been tested. It will be challenging for you. Since you are determined to learn, once we arrive in the mountains, you will begin your training. Every morning and evening, you will start with exercises to cultivate your inner energy and follow the proper procedures for internal cultivation. Only after two to three years of preparation will you be ready to learn sword techniques. With your impetuous temperament, don't come to me later with complaints about the difficulties."

Yingqiong, feeling that her father was making things difficult for her, was about to retort, but Zhou Chun intervened, saying, "Your niece probably thinks learning the sword is easy because she saw me teaching Yan'er during the night. However, Yan'er suffered a lot while learning the sword. I persuaded your father countless times behind the scenes before he finally agreed. What your father said is absolutely true. To master superior sword techniques, you must first concentrate your energy and cultivate your inner strength. I suspect you think it's easy because you've been secretly watching me. But Yan'er had to endure great hardships while learning. I decided to teach you because of your sincere interest, but don't misunderstand the level of difficulty."

Li Ning added, "Yingqiong, don't think that just because you're clever, learning the sword is easy. You must cultivate your inner energy and concentrate your mind, as your uncle said. Without these two things, you won't be able to master the sword. When you succeed, you'll be able to hear sounds within a radius of ten yards, even the faintest ones. For instance, how did your uncle know that you've been secretly watching us? So, you must believe your uncle's words. He has much better sword skills than me, and what he said is entirely true. Don't underestimate the difficulty of this matter. Fortunately, you secretly watched and got an idea of it. If someone else were to climb up to the window and ambush you during sword practice, wouldn't that be a dangerous situation?"

Yingqiong, after listening to both her father and Zhou Chun, accepted their words, though she was still concerned. She also discreetly asked Yan'er about his experience, which confirmed the hardships he had endured while learning the sword. Time passed quickly, and they found themselves on the day of departure. All the students, their parents, and the new teacher, Ma Xiang, came to see them off. Yan'er accompanied them for more than twenty miles, and after several reminders from Li and Zhou, he tearfully bid them farewell.

Next chapter