《Prologue 17》

[Authors note: this chapter might be subjugated to change and may be rewritten if i figure out what i messed up in this chapter. So comment on this chapter on what could be improved and do give suggestions of what he should theoretically be able to do with his iq ( please do because i feel like i just might be messing it up with the iq since Einstein had 180, i think, correct me if i am wrong.]

<Wow, we are back to the starting point. It seems, I truly was dreaming. Ah, home sweet home.>

I wake up to a familiar ceiling, yes the ceiling of my room back on Earth. It feels as though i am just dreaming this due to homesickness but it doesn't feel like it. I move the blanket away and get off the bed (did i even put it on myself??) and walk towards the bathroom. Looking at the familiar face and the familiar things, i just feel lost to be honest. It just feels weird to have a sense of loss when coming back.

Is it that i was getting used to my life there or just that i didn't really truly wish to be back on Earth. I am not really sure. Getting back to washing my face and all the hygienic stuff and all, i get myself something to eat. I open the fridge and see half-a-dozen eggs, bread, jam and tea. Reeling back into afterthought, i realise that maybe i should search for my phone first. Looking around in a hurried manner for the phone, i find it resting on the table on the right side if the bed. I walk towards and pick it up. Opening it to see the day and hour, it's all the same. The year 2020 (what?!). Okay, so i lied about that, it's actually June 18, 2016. 1:56 pm. Wow, its actually tomorrow from the Earth standard, maybe time back there works faster than here; That is good to know.

[Apparently Not dreaming.]

Unlocking the phone, i search up all sorts of good information, like how to make a gun, how to make a phone, how to make a laptop/computer, how internet actually works, how to make a car and all when i end up stubbing my toe on the cupboard end as i turn around to walk towards the fridge and take out the bread and jam. As i get hit, i drop my phone and as a result of seeing it fall; i shout out loudly 'NOO!!!'. The last thing i saw on the phone screen was my personal project of 2 Years ago, the Reynold serum, yes you've guessed it right if you think its because of the supersoldier serum of C*****n A*****a. Well i did end up having a probable serum that could virtually give me the strength augmentation of an ant, healing factor of a jelly fish, giving me ability to make webs from the wrists unlike the S****r-M*n series where he made them by synthesizing it chemically. It also would have had the ability to allow me to use my brain quite easily that is to say that i might end up with being able to unlock the limit of my brain for a duration without causing myself harm but then again it was all theory and never been made or experimented so yeah all a theory and could merely be an extremely potent poison. I saw all the theory i had written on it flash me by as i wallow in pain before finding myself wake up in an unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling with the damn jug splashing me all over again. Curses.

Okay, so many of you might wonder how the hell did i even end up being lazy and how the heck did i even make all the theorizing of the particular serum. For that let's go back a little bit - no let us talk about a little farther- when this all started. I was 12, when i had interest of the female sociology and thoughts. Yes, i know that it doesn't have anything to do with the topic i was talking about but let me get to that later. The interest took me due to my curious nature and the long time saying of 'only a woman can understand a woman' and 'understanding women is impossible for us guys'. Yeah, to me that felt like an excuse given by people who gave up and as such i went on to extravagant studies.

Yeah, the sociology, psychology and etiquette for women, these studies were useless for me who wanted to become a doctor and all but moving on. Studying all those i ended up also with the weird thing of talking to girls of all ages, on the internet obviously, and tried to figure out how to respond and how to interact with them.

I succeeded in understanding them and most of the female friends i had also sometimes thought that i might have been a girl but that's besides the point. After all that, i got interested in developing a unique psychological test that could help me understand how people are feeling and how their day is going and thus began another endeavour in the social sciences.

I was successful in creating that survey and started using them on the female friends and asked them to try using it on their friends and teachers; i also used it myself on my teachers and friends in real life, so yeah... moving on. It worked like 9/10 times and 85/100 times. To me that was a successful experiment and yes, i had no idea that i could have actually submitted my application to an organization to get these research verified and get myself certification and degree.

So yeah, i was blind on that side and i figured that out now that i was in university. You would think i would know to actually get it submitted and show it to my dad and all but you forget, i was afraid of getting scolded by him since i did talk to girls (with no work related issue i.e. casual talk) and as such i left it alone till in uni where a friend gave me that advice.

At that time i was like 'are you serious?!' and he would reply 'yeah. you didn't know?'. So you could say i was highly focused on certain things or i was ignorant of a lot things. Anyways moving on, i am back here again and i feel like i really truly did travel back to Earth.

It seems as though GOD/Devil was listening in on things. It feels creepy since i feel that it may be the devil's doing and therefore i freaked out and cried. Well the crying came due to the water the jug splashed on me so i had to call mother to help me change. On the topic about changing clothes and baths, i have to wonder why mother does it herself when i have seen maids here in the house.

Is it that she wants to do it herself or she has to do it herself or the maids aren't that trustworthy or she herself is also a maid and can't order the others unlike what i thought? Its all kinds of questions and i got all kinds of answers but they are just my opinions since i got no proof. Well anyways it's time for me to sleep so goodbye and i hope you don't mind my referencing things and out of context talking/speaking habit, oh who am i kidding; i love me speaking especially to myself. Please do note the sarcasm and get on with life.

Chris has been knocked unconscious. zzz.

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