
Chapter 2

The man with the red cape sighed, looking at those lifeless bodies and murmured.

"This price is too huge, even every 10 years."

He looked back to the crowd, and said, "Get your children back home and leave the dead ones there. Their families will collect their ashes tomorrow. Hold your feelin--"

As he was about to complete his words a man dressed in black ran forth with a big smile on his face while shouting.

"My son Kael, you're alive! Thank the heavens you're alive."

A shrewd looking man at the front moved to block him instinctively, as if he was expecting this to happen.

"Marquis of El, hold yourself. We know that your son challenged despite having no talent and couldn't live as a result, but you must hold your emotions."

The man who was addressed as Marquis of El casually punched towards the man blocking his path, who in turn blocked it with his palm. The ground under both their feet split as if pounded by hundreds of tons of weight.

"Move you old fox, I am in a good mood due to my son returning alive. Don't make me tear out your limbs today."

"Your son? Alive? What a joke." The one being addressed as fox looked back towards the altar. His expression turned into one of shock.

"How? How could this trash live?"

"Trash? Your whole family is tra--"

The words of the man in the red cape interrupted Marquis of El.

"El, hold it. Your son being able to live is a good thing. Take him back. No further arguments will be held here."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The Marquis of El, who seemed to have lost his temper, cooled down after hearing this. He looked towards the blue-haired child walking towards him. The child looked almost the same as two days ago, but there was something that didn't just fit right. His eyes looked unfathomable, and his charming smile was spreading divine grace.

He stopped in front of the Marquis and said," I hope you've been well, father."

"Yes Kael, let's go."His father nodded towards him while placing his both hands on his shoulders.

Inside a huge hall. Kael was standing in the middle while looking at his father, who sat at the higher end of the hall. On either sides of his father were the seats of the representatives of the various noble families of El.

"As I promised, Kael. If you return alive, this seat of Marquis will belong to you. And since you are here today, let me grant you this title."

The Marquis spoke with a serious attitude, as if he was speaking to a subject instead of his son.

The nobles sitting on the side seats started murmuring things among themselves but no one openly opposed the Marquis.

Kael looked at his father and said, "I thank the Marquis for his gift. But, I need my father to hold this title for a little longer. I shall take the responsibility for the title in a month's time."

The Marquis nodded, "As you wish. This seat is yours to take."

"Then, I'll excuse myself."

Saying this, Kael glanced towards the rows of nobles.

'Father, you take these things far too easily. They would revolt the next day, if I were to be given the position of Marquis like this.' He thought as he walked towards the hall's exit.

Outside the hall, two guards were standing on either side of the door. Kael walked near the one on his right, handed him a paper and murmured,"50 gold coins, by noon. Give this to Huez."

The guard said nothing but smiled at him. 50 gold coins were equal to his salary of 10 months.

After this, Kael continued walking, and his figure gradually faded from the guard's view.

Inside his room, Kael sat cross legged on the bed. His eyes opened wide and his usual smile brightened up his face.

He murmured,"Support System Activate."

A blue screen popped up in his view, with the heading -[Welcome to Support System].

[Bounded to Kael El]







The 'Status', 'Shop', 'Inventory' and 'Lottery' options were dimmed while, 'Quests' and 'Rewards' were glowing.

He gestured his finger towards the 'Rewards', and a purple box named Mythical appeared into his view.

"Yeah, there was something about this mythical package."

He gestured to the box and it popped open.

[Choose one]

-Illusion Eye: Effective on those below user's authority regardless of their strength.

-False Ray(3): User is able to lie for 2 days without restriction upon using this.

-Elixir of Life: User gains an additional life span of 100 years while mainting his youth throughout life. (Effective only once per person)

Caution: The rewards that are not chosen will be erased from the system. So, the user must think carefully.

"Eh? This is easy. I choose 'Elixir of Life'. Since I can't cultivate this is my best bet. What's there to think about?"

[Congratulations to the user. 'Elixir of life' placed into inventory]

"Now, let's check the 'Quests' menu."


1: Ascending to authority

The nobles of El are plotting to end your life before you accept the position of Marquis of El. End all thoughts of revolt from the land of El and take your position as Marquis.

Difficulty: C

Time limit: 35 days

Reward: ???

Penalty: Death

There was no change in his expression. "I already guessed this much and delayed the ascension so, they could think that they have enough time to kill me. Now it's time for some work."

His smile brightened even more and an evil glow could be seen in his eyes.

"You need time to prepare? So do I."

He closed the screen and sat on the chair beside his desk and started writing something.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on his door.

Add it to your library to read the upcoming chapters.

bloodyboycreators' thoughts