
Legend of the Evil Demon

A man with a system that made him overpowered travels planet to planet and realms to realms until he became the most feared living legend across the whole Omniverse.

EvilHazing_Monarch · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Creating Undead

[A-rank Quest:Own one of the Continents in Xerl.]

[Rewards:100,000 Sp,10 times lottery]

[Failure upon completion will have no punishment]

Receiving the S rank and B rank Quest William was feeling good because of the skills he received in the starter pack may boost his progress rapidly in the quests.

Standing in the middle of knowhere William was wondering where he is and he is extremly unfamiliar in this place So he asked the system in his mind.

"System where am i and explain to me the topography of this world."

[The place where the host currently is in the East continent in the border of the The plains and Xerl has 5 continents namely the North ,South, West, East, Middle continent and outside the five continents is the endless sea and host the world of Xerl is 5x the size of Earth]

Understanding where he is he called out in his mind.



Name:William Gray




[Section 1}








High comprehension-100 times the Learning ability to understand the thing that will be comphrehended.

Rapid growth-100 times the progress when focused in practising the desired skill.

New ability Unlocked:Rapid Mana Recovey-Recovers 1,000 mana per second]

Universal Language-Ability to understand and speak every single language an intelligent being can speak whether human or animal.

Create Undead-Ability to create an undead(The higher the mana the stronger the undead that will be created

Control Undead-Ability to control undead that are weaker and not created by the host.

Turn to Undead-turn the deceased's corpse to a zombie or skeleton.

Ability Steal-Abilty to Steal all the Abilities upon gaze of the target.

Transform-Can transform to anything as long as the host saw or imagine something[Mythical class transformations are only available when the system rewards it]

All element affinity-affinity in all elements.

All element mastery-Complete mastery of all elements

Mana control mastery-Complete mastery in controling mana.

All Weapon mastery-Complete mastery of all weapons.

[Section 2]




System 1.0a

Looking at his status William eyes almost bulge remembering his status last time he carlainly saw his health 93 over 100 but now its a hundred thousand.if the average status of a regular human is a 100 then his hundred thousand will be a monster.

looking deeply at everything until he spotted the question mark in his race he called out in his mind.System why is my race a question mark?

[The system made the host's body but the system doesnt know what its called because of its low version]

"Ok then, when can i upgrade you"

[The host can upgrade the system when the host reach level 100]


Well thinking it at this time brings me nothing so i just try my abilities for now.

"Transform" then he immediately became an 8 foot tall giant skeleton with a heavy decaying armor with a rugged robe attached to the shoulder part of the armor and his body radiated a black aura that made the grass under his foot to rot,He tried his skill base on the description of the system strangely he knows how to do it and he chose to become a mythical undead warrior version.

"So transform to mythical undead can make me transform to a zombie,skeleton or what undead there is and decide to what class i will choose and distribute my stats to match the class"

"Then i will try the create undead then"

''Create undead" then a regular zombie appeared and his mana is consumed by a hundred but it immediately been filled.Seeing this William's mind took various turns and came to a conclusion its possible to create an army of undead thinking to this point his lips curved to a cruel smile.

After some time Its already midnight and there are atleast a hundred zombies in different sizes in front of William.

"So when i created an undead using 100 mana the outcome is a regular zombie and using over 1,000 mana can strengthen them.I guess i try a vampire and a ghost."

Then he imagined a vampire and used the Create undead skill using 2,000 mana then a humanoid creature appeared, it looked like a human but you can see a certain characteristic in them,their skin is pure white and the fangs that protrude when they show their teeth or open their mouth.

William also created skeletons just like zombie consumes 100 mana and can be strengtened,Ceating ghosts used 1,200 mana,Banshee's using 1,000 mana,Mummies using 3,000 mana and Liches using 5,000 mana.William created a vast amount of undead then he remembered undead also doesnt refer to humans only then he used The undead skill and make tiger zombies and skeletoned horses and made the zombies or skeletons mount them.

The sun is already approaching the horizon and William was still creating undead nonstop.

After creating thousands of undead William stangely doesnt feel sleepy or hungry at all and he

concluded his overall body might be affected by his transformation so he didnt mind it anymore.

"Guess i make that one"

After making thousands of undead William stood far away from the undead he created for he will make a huge one at this time

"Create Undead"

A Skeletal dragon then appeared in front of William.Creating undead dragons spent about 30,000 mana but with William's mana regeneration he can make a bunch after some time.

After regaining his mana William then made a bunch of skeletal and zombified dragons and mount one of them and made all the undead dragons fly in the sky.

Staring below him William was daze for a while, there is at least over 16,000 undead there and while creating them he didnt notice every where he walked before decayed,the grass,the land and

there seems to be a poisonous miasma within the area he standed before and the misma kept spreading in all the grasses and air making the grassland before to a deadland.

"Ah sh*t"






At the same time

'Wh....why is there a horde suddenly i remeber there will be undead every night here but its only a few but wh...why.

A...are those skeletal dragons F*CK RUN.

All the adventurers who have some quests in the plains who saw the undead horde on the ground and the miasma that made the grass and land die became scared and stupefied because there are no undead or miasma yesterday when they are exploring before but in just within 9 hours there is suddenly a horde of zombies and a poisonous miasma that spread fast and additionally a bunch of undead dragons.

In the past there is a single skeletal dragon that wiped out 2 cities and killed over 2 A rank adventurers and 69 B rank Adventurers before being killed and when multiple undead dragons abruptly appeared dread immediately filled their hearts,Because a single A rank adventure can rival over 100 B rank adventures and a single B rank adventurer can rival over 100 C rank adventurers and what more can they expect than death when they are merely F rank.

I edited the previous chapters btw

creators' thoughts