
Abyss World

Chapter 2

Chen Zhen had given up all hope of surviving this fall, so hearing the enormous battle taking place didn't phase him very much. At most it sparked his curiosity. What could be in this strange new world he was plummeting into? How advanced was their technology? Could the hollow earth theories be true? If one word could be used to describe Chen Zhen's personality it would be curious. He was always driven to know and understand things. He was always motivated by the phrase, " Knowledge is Power". He felt that accurately described life. The more you understood about the world around you the less fear you had. Now sometimes the more you knew the more you did fear something, but that was solely because you know your own limitations very well. You wouldn't do anything you knew was beyond your capabilities. Once we knew about gravity and its constant effect on pulling things toward the ground, we realize that a fall from certain heights are no longer just painful but deadly. We fear heights because we know we can't fly, not because we are scared of gravity.

Chen Zhen was imagining all kinds of scenario's that would play out before his eyes as he passed thru the whole in the sky and into unknown world. But what he saw shocked and disappointed him at the same time. There were not futuristic jet fighters, or alien looking UFO's battling in the skies. There was just a golden scaled dragon that was fighting a reddish-gold three-legged crow. The dragon was easily a hundred meters long. Its head and mouth could swallow a city bus with ease. The three-legged crow was just as magnificent. It had a wing span of eighty meters. From his height they looked like two toy dolls battling in the sky. Their auras were so strong that from thousands of feet away Chen Zhen could feel the pressure from them constricting his body. The more he fell the harder it became for him to breath. As Chen Zhen's body was starting to shut down from lack of oxygen that thin tiny wisp of dragon lightning began to circulate within his body of it's own accord. It began slowly at first relieving the pressure on his heart and lungs. As soon as Chen Zhen could breath again he sucked in huge mouthfuls of air. The air was very vibrant and continuously nourished his body. Earth is a void world where Heaven and Earth Yuan qi is deficient. The Heaven and Earth Yuan qi was like a wonder drug for Chen Zhen's body. His skin, blood and marrow greedily absorbed yuan qi as that wisp of dragon lightning circulated out from his dantian through his meridians and back into his dantian completing one circulation.

The aura of the divine dragon carried the dragon lightning within it. The aura of the three-legged crow carried the burning flame of the celestial Phoenix. As Chen Zhen fell closer the pressure of these two Titanic auras started to force open tears in his skin. Chen Zhen's body was trying to heal itself as the wisp of dragon lightning kept circulating and giving his body nourishment and energy. When Chen Zhen was about a thousand feet away the divine dragon suddenly sensed the wisp of dragon lightning circulating inside of Chen Zhen. The divine dragon made the mistake of allowing itself to be distracted. The three-legged crow took this opportunity to attack its nemesis with all its remaining power. It opened it wings up wide and an immense celestial fire qi filled its body. The surrounding temperature instantly raised over six hundred degrees for the next three seconds. This was all the time it needed. Its body flashed across the sky like a shooting star. The divine dragon realized its mistake too late. The divine dragon only had enough time to brace for impact before the three-legged crow impacted into him igniting its celestial fire qi. The explosion was like a nuclear bomb.

Hey guys BigWall here. I very new to writing. This has been a hobby for years. I have tried writing a book before but it never went anywhere. I really hope you guys like my novel. Please feel free to give me any criticism or suggestions. I really hope to make this a very good story that everyone will love.

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