
Arc. 1 Chapter 2- The Hunt Begins

I'm immortal.... I became this way after my older brother Lusha was kidnapped and became a Divine's concubine.

...this was before I became a Mercenary... I was a stupid naive girl back then... I went to save him...well tried.... only to find out he had turned into one of them and gave me to a Divine... he tortured and rape me for how many days I did not know...not only was he a sadist but was also a mage who did many horrible experiments one day he feed me some meat that changed me forever.... I went through so much unbearable pain but what hurt me the most was being betrayed by some I loved....I was heart broken I guess he thought I was dead when I couldn't move or talk one day so he threw me into the woods  were people found me... I didn't notice the transformation until 3 days later when I miraculously healed from a fatal wound...since then I distance myself from others... For the first 2 years I tried to kill myself in many ways and many times but yet I couldn't die... in one the attempts I remembered the pain I went through... who've I've lost...and who caused it giving me reason to live...I couldn't die before all the Divine where dead...then I could die...but only if I could figure out how.... I  eventually met a man who taught me everything to be a Mercenary....but my past and training is a story for another day..... those who wield magic for dark purposes...we know how to despell, counter attack, and see through it and you can imagine not many in the magic community like us... well neither do many others because, the title suggests we don't work out good will...only for price depending on if it's good enough...not to mention we been called brutal savages as well very close to goblins and orcs in battle.

There are rules to be a good Mercenary don't follow them your not cut out for this job...

1. Never express emotion, try finding love, have children, family, friends,and lovers it just something they can use against you I know it sounds cold but you basically must be an orphan or have no family....trust me you don't want to  know what they will do to them and that brings you physical and emotional scars that never go away...I speak from experience... I know most who become broken or commit suicide... good people.

2. Make sure the they are dead, I can't tell you how many times Mercenaries have died cause they thought they killed their targets and tried to walk off, that's why I lock in their powers and stab them until I can't stab them anymore... trust me I have a lot energy... that or can cut of the limbs,head, and the heart and stab it.

3. You must the have stomach and the will to kill, don't let it brother you if can't it means your not cut out for this job... that or get use to it, don't think of these guys to be spared or sympathise with them...they have to die...they truly are evil....


The woods was dark and crisp, the trees covered the stars and the moon had no light to be viewable... a perfect place for them to hide. The town asked Mercenaries cause a couple teenage boys  have gone missing...funny how Gordon left out they where kids. At first there was no evidence to show a dark magic user  was involved so they passed them off as run aways but eventually it just got worse so town heads told them to take it up with the sheriff or the country's military, but the sheriff was out of leads along with short on men and the military didn't cause they didn't believe it was related to the previous killings. I also thought it was standard teenage rebellion at first despite what Gordon told me, but after coming to the town to check it out I got this sense that some thing was dark here. The next town from this is about 200 miles away since they live so deep in the woods, they are mostly a logging and mining town that's how they make most of their income the rest medical herbs while the brothel was their own private business, I had a hard time finding this town the first time I came here all those years ago. When I first arrived to this town it seemed like I was the main attraction they had in while... everyone couldn't stop staring at me don't get me wrong it not like they were rude or mean,  it was probably cause that they haven't seen new people in awhile but I think it was mostly because of the scar running down my eye to the lower part of my cheek  parting gift the sadist left me.

I got both mental and physical scaring  from him...but I don't really care about my looks anymore....I don't need worry about stuff like that. As soon as the first batch of bodies where discovered it wasn't long before they found who the culprit was...a dark mage who was also came from a Noble family in this town by name of Zeidan Rothmore, I never really met him all the times I've come to this town mostly because I didn't stay long and cause if he barely came out in public. After the discovery the military came in with their own squad of mages and sorcerers and raided his home only to find it empty and him gone...they searched that place top and bottom yet could not find him, there had always been a rumor his family had secert property, I have no doubt this is where he brought the first batch of victims and now the new ones....

I started to talk to all the parents to the events of these disapperances . The boys were Aaron Leeks age 16, pale-brown hair, with hazel eyes. He was a smart and quite boy who lived his mother, father, older brother and grandma. The second was Simon Savill age 17 with black hair and Brown eyes, athletic and energetic boy who lived his mother and father. The last was Henry Void age 14 with white hair and silver eyes who was a fun loving and sweet boy who lived with his mother and sister, his father apparently went missing a couple years ago. I talked to all the families and the people who knew them while the boys knew each other they never hung out together cause their different personalities which was strange because they went missing around the same time. The person I haven't talked to was Henry's mother and I was on my way to see her. She lives little further away from town so it taking me a while to get there.

"It's been awhile since I've been in this deep in the woods" I said quietly I don't talk very loud and some people say I'm very emotionless....unless I get very irritated or angry. Being in the woods this long I could sense something non human lives in here somewhere, it almost gave me a headache...one the side effects of of my curse...I usually numb it down with the plant wolfsbane be as you can imange there's much in this world and my littery can become overwhelmed in place filled with it. A doctor I know has made it in a liquid form for injection, it could kill a regular person or make said person very sick since sensually it was poison in lethal dosages.. but in my case just makes me very uncomfortable and kinda sick.

"That was fast... I'm already here I guess I got lost in my train of thought" I shrugged and began look around the house to see it was it was a small two story house, painted gray with dark gray shutters, and mahogany door. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, waited for a couple minutes then knocked again and waited again, after another few minutes I decided to look around back where was a small garden with grass but no one was there. I decided to go through the the back door but a clever was shoved near my neck I sighed "Ma'am that's not going to kill me.... "

"I'm not taking chances" a voice threatened" Your one of his aren't you?" The voiced asked"One of the Bastard's disciples who lives on top of the hill" this parked my interest.

" What makes you think I'm one of them" I asked her curiously, she laughed" My husband wasn't what you called normal, that bastard wasn't normal either I was around them so much I could get feeling who's normal and who's not."

It was true humans who are around non-humans too much develop a sense of feeling when they are near them. I remember when I was I being held prisoner and I was still human there was this guy in the cell next to me that always told me when the monster was coming back before he even got down stairs...I guess some humans develop it as a defense mechanisms...I figured he was being kind in the only way he thought he could for me.

"Where's my son?! have come back for my daughter too?!" she yelled.

I sighed again " Ma'am I was hired by the town to bring in the mage, I'm Mercenary"She lowered the clever a little, I could feel her eyes burn into my back with scrutiny " You don't look more then 20 and I never heard of a  non-human Mercenary before" she said quietly.

I chuckled a little at this" well I'm almost 130 but thanks for the complement."

I then became serious"  Ma'am if I wanted to kill you I would've done so by now so please put down the sword" she didn't move for a minute...thinking about it but after what seemed like forever she finally  did allowing me to turn around only to discover she was actually a he.

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