
Gains in a surprise attack

Dam it, we are surrounded!

This is troublesome. Why the Acroms of all creatures?

Acroms, better known as the creatures of the night, were once upon a time a majestic and ancient mythical creature residing in the high heaven.

The Acroms we know now, once upon a time were one of the most powerful, majestic, and beautiful creatures that has ever graced our lands. That's of course was before mortals made a fool out of them resulting in them being casted out of the high heaven to roam the land of darkness for all of the eternity as punishment.

The once majestic electric twelve tailed wolf and fox hybrid commanding the highest respect was turned into nothing but a pathetic shape shifters and soul eaters, better known as the Acroms.

"what is this? No scheming, plotting, and battling our way through was needed to collect and possess this piece of the puzzle!" was the first thing that popped up in my mind after seeing the tall humanoid wolf figures in front of me startling me greatly.

"Are they what I believe that they are? Prexin in order not to startle the acroms and agitating them in turn to attack us, approached me slowly and stood slightly behind me and leaned towards my left shoulder to take a better look, and promptly asked in disbelief

"They are" trying to calm myself down as my body started shaking in excitement as my eyes turned into a deep sapphire and body started emitting a soft red-blueish glow. Counting to five and taking a couple of deep breaths slowing down my strange body reaction quickly to a quick stop.

Instantly Sharbon and Serket approached me in worried and together with Prexin made a circle around me to contain the strange power discharge happening in results to my body reacting to the acroms.

"Are you Shira Faina Elisabeth Pendragon Lunar, the doomed one?" Echoed throughout the forest of the five paths, followed by a massive thunderstorm bringing about storm and rain

Instantly casting the before beautiful and colourful forest into darkness, land bound animals who knew better made chase to safety chaotically bumping into each other, while the birds and the flying insects soared towards the sky casting the already dark forest into an even more dark and sinister place.

"It is I. Who enquires my identity, may I ask?" standing tall I casted my eyes to the fire red eyes approaching us in the distance

"We are the ones who will be capturing you today "Launching towards us to attack soon after

"Serket you take the left, Prexin the right while Shira and I take the centre and the leader." Instructed Sharbon as soon he finished assessing the acroms power force distribution


"Be gentle with them. But let's show them why it's a suicide mission to attack us blindly "leaping up as soon I finish talking, I started casting a spell that would temporarily reduce the acroms ability to use their power as soon they make contact with my eyes.

Standing on the top branches of the tallest and strongest tree on the forest, I casted my eyes down in order to observe the acroms better and find the location of their commander.

Looking over to where Serket and Prexin are, I couldn't help but stop in aware of them, which seems to be happening a lot lately as they started to awaken their godly senses.

Summoning three 5ft tall scorpions, Serket bringing forth her spear she sprinted towards the acroms. Together with the three gigantic scorpions they started knocking down the acroms.

"Shira wants them alive." I had to suppress my laughter hearing Serket warn her scorpions and quickly looked away from her

Looking over at Prexin, I wasn't surprised at all seeing him take a relaxed stance. As he also like me decided to just simply subdue them directly.

With one hand leisurely on his back and the other in front of him with his middle finger and forefinger up and the other three down, as his body started raising from the floor to the air he pointer both his forefinger and middle finger to the acroms running towards him to attack and smiled.

Taking my eyes of him I noticed cracks on the forest floor from where he was standing before, probably caused by the air pressure when he used a little of his true core essence as he elevated from the ground.

Paying them both no more attention, I promptly dived downwards as soon I located the acroms commander from the branch I was standing on at the top of the tree.

As my body descended down, I could see Sharbon in the corner eyes manipulating and absorbing the dark energy released throughout the forest by the acroms and other creature of the darkness and the under realm.

Creating a black energy ball around him and throwing it at the acroms as he advanced towards them at the same time, all while trying to avoid killing them.

While looking at Sharbon a felt a sinister aura with intent to kill close to me.

Summoning a colourful fan made of peacock feather and the ancient Pegasus wings on the skin of a chimera.

Using the fan to block the attack, the acrom that advanced and attacked me turned out to be the leader which surprised me, because the energy source I located a while ago belonged to the strongest acrom in vicinity.

The source power was located in the centre far east, and I couldn't sense any exterior weapon on him, but the one in front of me attacked me with a double-edged sword.

As the acrom sword and my fan clashed against each other it created a sonic wave and blasted the nearby trees and rocks to dust.

Doing a back flip after being pushed by the wave, the acrom flung his sword at me before landing back on the ground.

As I maneuverer by twirling to avoid the sword approaching me with a frightening speed, I hurled the fan on my hands at him.

As he tried to swing his tail in order to catch the fan, I teleported behind him and grabbing him by the left arm before hitting him hard on his neck.

As he turned towards me seconds after the fan strikes him on his chest right where is hurt is forcing him to drop to his knees.

Not losing any more time I grabbed him by his hair and forced him to look at my eyes and instantly locking him in his subconscious.

That's when I realised that he was nothing but a shadow poppet, as before I could force him into my command he disintegrated into nothingness.

Seconds after a sword stabbed me from my back, looking down I could see fire red head of the sword painted with my blood.

Standing still my body jolted in shock and my mind went blank for a split second

"How did this happen? What did I miss? I scanned all the surrounding areas and my senses was active the entire time I was fighting the shadow poppet. How did I miss his presence?"

I panicked as the sword got pushed even further through me and my blood started dripping furiously like a cascade. Before losing my self to the overwhelming felling running through my body and mind, I saw Sharbon and Prexin looking at me before started making their way to me

Forcing my self to calm down as Serket also started running towards me and telepathically told them not to move and to stay where they were "don't come closer, stay where I guys are."

After finally getting back my bearing a turned my head slowly to lo0ok at the creature that got the best of me in almost over eight centuries.

"Never underestimate your enemies, especially on the battle ground" As our gaze meet, the acroms leader mockingly said to me

"I didn't know that we were enemies, at most I thought that were just doing dome light exercise.as you can see neither I or my companions tried to kill your subjects" I replied to his words flatly, making him chuckle which in turn made the sword that is still inside of me move deeper as his body shacked in laughter

My respiration rate increased instantly because of the pain, as I closed my eyes in pain and tried to focus in order to reduce the pain, the acrom chief started talking

"True, we have never meet or fought before. But to us acroms everything and everyone can be considered our enemy" saying that the acroms looked down to get a better look at me

Still standing on the same place with the sword pierced through my body, I managed to reduce the pain to a tolerable level opening my eyes I did a quick but detailed scan throughout the surrounding area

Sharbon managed to get a hold on the acroms with the shadows, while Serket paralyzed them with non-poisonous venom that only she can cure while Prexin simply temporarily purified them and sent them to a ten years slumber.

Besides them a dozen of acroms stood imprisoned inside of a magical barrier I casted upon them with no magic or power to their disposal as I have blocked their foundation core temporarily.

"you seem to know my name, but I do not know yours" looking back at the acroms leader and asked in in curiosity.

Indeed, how did they know my name. And what bought fourth this surprise attack? It's impossible for someone to have known prior that we would be in the forest of the five paths

The acrom looked at me in surprise, as if by me asking for his any was something unheard of

"You are asking for my name?" looking at me shockingly he relaxed the hands holding the sword

I immediately moved away from him and pulled the sword out, and the blood started gushing out instantly.

My action surprised him, but before he could act Sharbon stole his shadow from under him holding him hostage forcing him to stay in his position.

Prexin in turn flew to me before my body could touch the ground after I dropped the sword and lost the energy to maintain my body and started the healing process, with Serket standing guard in case of any other creature end up showing up.

Releasing some core foundation essence enclosing all of the forest vicinity in a light fire red glow, after making sure that my body is healed Prexin helped up

"it can't be, how is this possible?" The acrom leader, whom I still don't know his name exclaimed loudly

His eyes opened widely emitting a soft red colour, he started to advance towards me in disbelief before realised that he couldn't come any closer since Sharbon is controlled his shadow

Looking back at Sharbon and then down to himself he stopped moving and then looked at me before grinning widely and laughing

"We were correct, our prediction come to be. You came to be, the prophecy that our Mira saw was real"

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Didi_Mendescreators' thoughts