
field trip to another planet

Man I can't wait to go on this class field trip.

We are going to get to see a planet realm 8 has found. It was even made into a top military power house for the Yimir empire.

Man this is going to be great, that's when my friend asked me " hey lucky didn't you also sign a waver about the school not being responsible for any accidents happening on the planet?"

Well yeah bro I had to sign one but like it's not like something bad is going to happen right?

"Well I dunno bro, a military probably has some dangerous stuff there."

Well I heard we are only going to be going to visit the museum in there and not the actual military camp.

"Ah thank god I don't think I can even survive if something bad were to happen." What do you mean by that ness?

"Well um I'm pretty weak and my inate ability determination has no real uses except I can not feel unmotivated." Unlike you two who have lucky and harden as powers.

Well I mean like being motivated is kinda like a power right?

"Lucky is right bro being motivated to continue no matter what happens to you is a valuable power, and who knows you might get some other powers as well if you get a second awakening."

"Heh I really hope so"

Hey let's not think about what bad things might happen and let's get a move on to catch the flight. Im going to secter 2 flight pod what about y'all?

" well I'm going on secter 3 I think it's about to leave bye guys." Alright adios Mike, and have a safe trip. " don't worry y'all nothing gets past my defenses. (Smirks)

Well Ness what secter are you in?

"Well um I'm in secter 2"

Awesome we are in the same secter let's hope we meet up with Mike again.

Well let's get going now our flight is leaving in a jiffy. You ready Ness to go into a speed tunnel again? " Not really I get quite nauseous When I go through them."

Cmon bro it won't be so bad this time, after all we are going to be in a silent travel type pod z.

Its like being under water on planet cascade.

"It doesn't make this better !" Cmon man Les get going (drags ness with him)

MIKE POV ( pod 3)

Huh looks like there's alot of people here, man why did I have to be in pod 3. It's not even going to travel through the new space folder devise made by the Urakats not that I care that much but still. Man what am I fussing about.

Yeah there's no shot I was gunna get into 1 and 2 like my friends said "your all bronze no brain" yadayadayada.

I mean I know I'm not the brightest but still!

(Sigh) I should just get going to the sleep chamber.

Ness pov ( pod 2 )

Uh I think im going to throw up lucky is already at the built in movie theater for the ranking games, while I'm here throwing up my lunch if I even had any left.

I should probably go to the sleeping chambers, so I don't gotta throw up every 3 minutes. Welp time to get going.

(ness going to the chamber room)

Well I'm finally here let's see where's the chamber pod 12? Hmm uhh why can't I find it!well umm it's probably on the tablet that keeps track of all the pods.

"Well well well what do we got here?"

(Ness shivers in fear)

(Someone puts hands on ness's shoulder)

"Hey don't ya know how to great a pal?"

Wait Kumasia senpai? "Wow looks like my junior scientist in training is still a Japanese fanboy eh, heh how long has it been? You didn't even Change a little bit, you still a sniveling pushover?"

I'm not that much of a push over… "nah you totally are remember that one time you almost pissed your pant trying to buy your favorite not book on your own?"

Hey I was only 6 I wasn't even that mature yet. " well I don't care but like why are you here and not sleeping in the chamber already

Knowing you you would be sleeping in a jiffy."

Hey that's rude " sorry didn't mean to be offensive but let me show you to your private chamber." Private what? "You heard me right? You got your own private chamber because I bought it for you because you always get nauseous when going to space."

Really thanks man, "no probs I am a premium member and a past ranker so it didn't cost much at all." Right your rich well thanks again senpai. " hey stop calling me that it's cringy ima go now bye." Bye.