
Legend of Leonor

EsthaAde · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Prince William took a sip of water and then spat it out on a lady's body.

" That should teach him a lesson, he would soon pour out " Ariel said and prince William started vomiting in the middle of the party , everyone stared but some guards immediately came to take him away.

" Ariel , I didn't know the lime would make him pour out like that." I said and she looked at me

" I knew, my sister's lime makes people pour out, that was my plan." Ariel responded.

" that embarrassment was too much, wonder how he feels now" I uttered out .

" why worry? our plan worked out perfectly, serves him right." she said

" let me go thank my my sis." she continued and skipped away.

I felt really bad already and wanted to see how William was doing but I was also excited. He got what he deserved.

I decided to go to my mum , I had nothing to do anyway. I got to the hallway and saw mom talking to a doctor.

" there was lime in the water he drank" the doctor analysed.

" But lime doesn't make one to pour out" mom said and I knew she was going to find out that it was Arielle's magic.

" Your majesty, that's what I don't understand" the doctor said.

" don't worry you can go." mom said and then summoned a guard.

" call Leonor for me ." she said and as the guard was coming my way, I decided to come out and walked towards mom, while the guard turned back to his position.

" Mom, I was looking for you" I said as if I heard nothing.

" Did you see your best friend doing anything with the water given to prince William?. " mom asked and I was struck of words

" will you say something?." mom asked one more time and I tried to mutter something.

" I ..do..n't know " I said slowly.