
101 To Push A Girl Down: Love & Like

"Not so forceful... how many times do I have to tell you–"

Before the Serpent Empress could speak halfway, her gates were sealed again. A violent snake invaded her safe, wet region and attacked her fiercely.

The Empress couldn't let the trespasser do as they liked. She waged war against her enemy! However, the empress was on the losing side.

She was, after all, in her territory. Even if she successfully defended herself and fought righteously, the enemy was too shameless, too disgraceful. They cared not about her and caused destruction in her region, flinging her seas and mountains upside down.

They were resolved to not let a single piece of treasure remain in this rich realm!

The plunderer wanted everything and everything!

The proud Serpent Empress was helpless!

No matter how fiercely she fought, in time, she was bound to lose everything.

Her Master–as a student–couldn't be more perfect and annoying at the same time.

Even if it was an 'unorthodox' subject, his learning ability was impeccable. But it lasted for only so long. As soon as he felt his mastery to a certain level, he changed his skill to suit his need and barely cared about her instruction.

And above all, he hated being 'led' by others.

Seeing no change in his unruly behavior, the Serpent Empress lifted her head up. As for the mouth that seemingly wanted to follow her, she stopped it with one of her hands.

She wiped her lips clean of traces of their study and spoke with authority, "You now have the knowledge and expertise of Pushing A Girl Down. Of course, it's not anything fancy, but being how unruly you are, that's as far as you go."

"Eh?" Tian Lang wanted to listen and follow his Serpent Empress's instruction, but the taste of her tongue and saliva made him want more and more.

And of all, he yearned for her touch. The soft tongue coiling around his, twisting and turning, guiding him to move skillfully like dancing. It was a new world of sensuality to the chaotic being. And the wanting of dominating his partner was equally unique.

It was like breathing air to him.

How could he possibly curb that feeling of dominating his partner when every part of her needed his care?

He might've not cared about those details before. But now he does.

From the color of her lips to the shape of her tongue.


And he found not a part of those details insignificant.

Her soft, plump red lips overflowed with gentleness and the flavor of her body. Those teeth had shapes similar to humans but thicker. And the pair of tiny fangs distinctly differed her from others.

As for the sensual tongue that stirred his Alpha instincts, it was soggy wet, slippery, and thin. Thinner than his, but broader.

He hadn't had the chance to see but guessed for it to be longer too. As it was tough to get an advantage over her.

And the addicting taste which the lips couldn't compare to. It definitely lacked the gentleness, but the sensuality just overwhelmed everything else.

Naturally, his dazed eyes that regained focus had loss and dejection written all over. He muttered out, "...Is that all?"

Seeing this, Empress Fei Wen Li was forced to bear the guilt of bullying an innocent kid, only this was a wolf in kid's clothing.

She explained, "Pushing a girl down is no easy task. Let me tell you a fact, even the mighty warrior who captured me was unable to push the girl he liked. So don't take it so lightly!

"You already have the required expertise thanks to the training now. The only problem is you're too hasty. As long as you follow your heart and care about your partner, I'm sure nothing can go wrong."

After all, he had excellent sense and knew where to 'attack' a girl. Once he starts, it wouldn't take him much effort to connect the dots between 'healing' and 'eating' a girl.


"I have yet to push you down!"


Empress Fei Wen Li thought she heard wrong for a moment there. But remembering what happened a while ago, she was less confused.

Tian Lang was definitely a child, mentally at least. Whether it was because of his memory loss or something else hardly mattered.

'Was it a bad idea to show him the doorway to the adult's world?' Empress Fei Wen Li couldn't help but wonder. No, definitely not. The Empress rarely made any wrong decision.

If she hadn't guided her 'Master' now, those hungry foxes eyeing him would lead him by the nose. It was the most correct choice. Now, she only needed to throw hints which would save him future embarrassment.

The Serpent Empress gracefully twirled behind Tian Lang. Her fingers gently held his chin as her hand patted his head. She reminded things that every noob should be aware of: "Remember to approach your partner to push her down only when you're sure that no one is nearby."

"Eh, why?"

"Don't ask what you won't understand even if I were to explain. You will only end up regretting if you do otherwise."

Next, she gave him some more confusing advice.

"Only push the girl down when you see or feel that they are willing.

"A push from your side might also be necessary, but that's too far ahead for you. That girl would be enough experience for you to understand more.

"Always be gentler during the first time.

"...Also never ever tru-"

Tian Lang was confused beyond salvation.

Why push a girl down when they have to be willing? Can't they just lie down or sit?

Then, he might also need to push? How or what is too far away?

He had to go gentler normally, and then he had to be more gentler during the first time?

Can he just not push a girl down?

Suddenly everything started to feel too confusing and profound.

As for the rest of the advice, they were filtered for the moment.

"...And I guess it is about time you go..."

Tian Lang tilted his head upwards, trying to get a look at Empress Fei Wen Li.

She continued, "Thanks to you, my chance of getting free has increased, but possibly the way around since my life is linked with you. I might die before seeing the world. So, what I want to say is, try not to die out there and live your life to the fullest. This world has many, many things to offer. Wouldn't it be a shame to die without taking a look at them?"

"I was never planning to die," scoffed the chaotic being, "Once I free you from this shithole, I will have the World's Most Beautiful Serpent Empress to push down!"

"Hahaha~" the Empress chortled, "Aren't you afraid this Empress will capture you and experiment with your secrets to her heart content?"

"We will see who captures whom," Tian Lang was unfazed at her empty threat. She already said he had to be stronger than her to get her out. How would she capture him then? It would be great if he didn't bully her day and night. He shook his head to clear the fogginess and looked left and right. "So, how do I get outside?"

"Before that," Empress Fei Wen Li raised a fair hand and summoned a rainbow-colored pet egg, "Since your blood is similar to [God's Blood] to the extent that it may be even more mysterious and unusual, perhaps it may be able to resurrect her."

When Tian Lang saw the egg, his heartstrings couldn't help but flutter.

It wouldn't be a Giant Dragon Egg, would it? Greed was apparent in his mind. "This is?"

"She is my Head Serpent Knight. She died protecting me before I was sealed, and I had no way to resurrect her, so I could only turn her back to her former state. If your blood can resurrect her, then she could probably help you with small matters. But I cannot guarantee if she retains her battle experience, but if she did, she would be the best protection I could provide you with." Empress Fei Wen Li gestured at Tian Lang to extend his hand.

She cut open a small wound on his finger and drew a strange contract seal on the egg's surface. Then she softly laid the rainbow shining egg on the small wound.

Tian Lang was slightly apprehensive of the unknown contract.

Honestly speaking, he had contracts that were related to awakening knowledge or resurrecting. There were quite a lot, like the Immortal's True Contract, Fairy Revival Contract, Heavenly Fate, or even the BloodBath Contract of demons and more.

Though some of them were useless currently due to their pre-requisite, he wasn't confident that he knew better than the Serpent, whose power level was out of sight.

However, the runes on the contract seal didn't give him the confidence to rely on.

Noticing the small amount of blood slipping out of his wound to the egg, his thought turned a little.

A drop of Blood Essence moved from his chest. He awakened the God and Life Essence of his bloodlines. He thought for a moment and decided against activating the Demon Blood before moving it to let the egg absorb it.

The next instant, the egg that started absorbing Tian Lang's blood for less than ten seconds stopped and buzzed for a whole minute straight.

Both Empress Fei Wen Li and Tian Lang were worried for different reasons, but an intense light suddenly arose, leaving behind an image of a serpent shape over ten meters tall. The image disappeared instantly as the light was sucked away.

A transparent reddish cocoon replaced the rainbow shell of the egg.

Shock was apparent in both Tian Lang and Empress Fei Wen Li's eyes.

Tian Lang noticed a new connection being added beside Empress Fei Wen Li's.

The incubation was successful, but the egg had yet to hatch.

"It's fine. The contract is established." Both Tian Lang and her let out a sigh of relief.

Empress Fei Wen Li gently patted the blood-like cocoon and caressed her cheek on it.

"I can feel her heartbeat," she spoke in a tone of reminiscent, "She was one of my best friends. One of the rare demons I could confide my secrets to. Please take good care of her."

"She is mine now," declared Tian Lang as a matter of factly. He scrutinized the cocoon and realized it was his blood essence at work.

Empress Fei Wen Li laughed. Backing away, she watched from a distance.

Tian Lang sat beside her for a minute before getting bored. (B/N: Not me :P)

"So, err, how do I know whom to push down?"

Empress Fei Wen Li blinked to push her confusion away and added, "Whoever you want to."

"How do I know whom I want to push down?" Tian Lang spoke as if she was being unreasonable.

"Then how about pushing only those you love or like? Even pushing down your enemy works too?" The Serpent Empress gave up trying to reason him.

Tian Lang laid on his back. Thankfully, by now, his unruly rod was back to bored to death mode, avoiding any complication or chilliness. He asked again, "What's the difference between like and love? I thought they were the same."

Empress Fei Wen Li kept her eyes glued on the floating cocoon and replied with a question, "What's the difference between your teachers and that friend you once pushed down?"

"Cheh, you just pointed out the difference. Teacher and Friend. What more?" Tian Lang felt he was talking with a child. Heh, was there anyone more intelligent than him?

"No, you thick-head, what do you feel about them? What's the difference?"

"Hey, who is thick-headed here? You're the one who didn't clarify!... Let's see~ there isn't any difference, is there? I do feel a little closer to Wuxia, I think. Also, sometimes I got reminded of her. It's really random. Does that supposed to mean anything?"

Empress Fei Wen Li relaxed her eyes and heart and wondered, "Then, what if someone kills that Wuxia?"

"...I don't know, I mean, I don't even see her. Maybe do nothing or kill that person who killed her? You're asking nonsense."

"Tsk, Cheh," the Serpent Empress clicked her tongue, "Then what if you see her with another man, like they are hugging or even kissing?"

"What's that supposed to mean–?" Tian Lang's speech stuck half-way. For some reason, he felt his whole body getting warmer and mind incredibly clear.

The chaotic being blinked his eyes before shaking off that strange sense of clarity.

"Whatever, as expected, you're speaking nonsense," he ridiculed.

"What do you mean nonsense? You just paused there, didn't you? Your body heat doubled, feeling the rush of blood, are we?"

Naturally, the self-proclaimed Alpha refused to be looked down on.

"I'm just practicing!"

"What are you practicing? Let this Empress guide you. Tell you what, countless demons and humans alike lined up to be taught by me. Count yourself lucky, weak man."

"What do you mean weak? Ha? I'm only two years old! Just wait, thousand, no, another hundred years, and I'll be way, way, way stronger than you. Yeah, exactly! Hmph!"

Like that, they ridiculed one another without caring for time. It was like they forgot that they were bound in a master-beast contract. Or one was a mighty high Empress of a strong nation while someone was afraid to confront a human face-to-face not long ago.

In the end, after an hour of arguing, they were back to square one.

"That is why I'm telling you, the thick-headed man, that people think of love differently. Some think holding something or someone dearly is love, while some believe the action of not hating something is out of love. Anyway!

"As I said, you will understand when the time comes. Pushing someone or loving someone, why can't you just be satisfied with it?!"

The Serpent questioned in exasperation.

"Just admit that you're a shitty teacher!"

"You're clearly the worst student here. You can't even follow your teacher's instruction!"

"No U!"

"No, U!"

They both argued, refusing to give up. In the end, when they were going nowhere with 'No U,' Empress Fei Wen Li had to give up and admit defeat.

Then they were silent, staring at the crystalline beating cocoon.


Empress Fei Wen Li let out a deep breath, her eyes wandered off to nothingness as she muttered with a serene smile pasted on her lips, "It's been a long, really long time since I had a childish squabble like this. When was it? I think even before the establishment of my nation. Haha, it's been so long, and yet I know exactly whom I had the last argument with. Not like anyone other than Bon Ri dared...

"It doesn't feel bad.

"My soul feels refreshed~"

She muttered in a small voice.

However, even if Tian Lang wanted to, he couldn't miss a word she said in this dead silent space.

He pried one of his eyes open and looked back.

Empress Fei Wen Li faced up, her eyes shut. Her neck and collarbone attracted the beholder's gaze. It was hard for one to imagine that she wasn't a frail sculpture sculpted by the Divine Sculptors themselves.

Tian Lang dragged his lazy body behind the Serpent Empress and hugged her waist tenderly.

A gentle breeze seemed to pick on in this inescapable prison. But it seemed the current was quite unstable as the flow was volatile. Obviously, a certain someone's best try at using his squeezed out Qi.

However, a stable breeze seemed to pick on not a second after, bringing coolness and gentleness that the previous wind lacked.

Empress Fei Wen Li's lips stretched with a happy smile as her upper body leaned on his.

Both of their heartbeats from all the ridicules and fake blames calmed down.

Their heartbeats matched with gentle mood while at the same time matching that of the crystalline cocoon.

Thump! Thump! Bump!
