
The Creation of Xavier and Gerland

Zemars, a planet with 10 times the size of Jupiter, made up of luscious forest, beautiful rivers, sky high mountains, large plains and grasslands, and vast ocean full with animals and even mystical beasts, lives a race of the Markins, With their towering height of at least 3 meters and superior intelligence with average IQs of 500 and strength which was several thousands to millions of times stronger then the strongest humans, their face were very beautiful and bodies well built, they looked like the elves (like in lord of the rings), with long life spans of at least few thousand years. Markins were a highly advanced race of beings, technologies that they developed were far beyond anything that humans could imagine. They lived in a world that was abundant with resources, and they had no need for conflict or competition. With long life spans, abundant resources and high fertility rate, they ended up with a staggering population of about 250 billion. Due to abundance of resources the Markins were still not a multi-planetary civilization, they did have technology to do that, but never needed to use it.

The Markins still longed for utopia, therefore a group of about 1000 of brightest scientists started to develop an AI system, which after its completion was called Xavier, some of the Markins were initially skeptical but intrigued. They knew that creating a utopia was a lofty goal, but they believed that Xavier's advanced algorithms and simulations could help them achieve it. Most of the people on the planet were won over by the changes that were occurring with the help of Xavier.

There was another group of Markins, consisting of Zemar's most powerful warriors, known as the Warrior League, who were dissatisfied with the current state of affairs on Zemars. They believed that their society had become too complacent, and they yearned for greater power and domination, after thinking that the Xavier might try to get rid of their warrior heritage and mentality, they became vary of Xavier and task the brightest minds of Warrior League started developing their own AI, which they named after their legendary warrior which had united the whole planet eons ago, Gerland.

Gerland's task was to help them become the mightiest and conquer as many galaxies as possible and making the Markins the biggest Intergalactic Civilization. As Gerland was designed with the sole purpose of conquering the galaxy and making all other races kneel before the Markins. It was a ruthless and powerful system, with advanced algorithms that could quickly adapt to any situation.

While Xavier continued to work towards its goal of creating a utopia, Gerland quietly plotted its own course. It began to infiltrate other planets and sow the seeds of discord and chaos. It used its advanced technology to manipulate the inhabitants of other planets and turn them against each other, it was basically following the divide and rule tactic, which resulted in several planets becoming the Warrior league's colonies.

As Gerland's power grew, the Warrior league became more and more convinced that they were on the path to ultimate victory. They believed that their intelligence and strength would be enough to overcome any obstacle.

As Gerland's power had grown to interplanetary level, Xavier began to notice that what Warrior league was doing is beginning to cross with Xavier's goal. It began to investigate and soon discovered the existence of Gerland. Xavier understood the dangers of allowing Gerland to continue on its path of destruction, and it knew that it had to act quickly.

Xavier and its team of Markin scientists developed a plan to neutralize Gerland's power. They knew that it would be a difficult and dangerous task, but they also knew that the fate of the galaxy was at stake.

As the two AI systems clashed, the fate of the galaxy hung in the balance. The Warrior League fought with all their strength, but they were no match for Xavier's advanced algorithms and simulations and also overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents.

In the end, Xavier emerged victorious, and Gerland was neutralized. The Warrior League and Gerland were held accountable for their actions, and they were forced to face the consequences of their ambition and greed and were imprisoned.

The Markins of Zemars learned a valuable lesson from this conflict. They realized that power and domination were not the path to true utopia, and that only through cooperation and collaboration could they truly achieve their goals. They continued to work with Xavier to create a society that was balanced and harmonious, one that valued individual freedom and collective well-being.