

Titania and Railgun

"UUgggghhhhh....." Mikoto woke up feeling like she had been trampled by 250 elephants. When she looked around she noticed two things, she was in some kind of wooden room on a strange comfy bed, and there was yelling coming from somwhere below her. Mikoto got out of the bed tried to walk, and plain fell over. Her legs felt like complete jelly.

"Aw come on....." MIkoto moaned as she attempted to stand again.

Finally, Mikoto was able to walk some what by leaning on to the wall as she moved. She continued leaning against the wall and moved over to the entrance of the room where she found the enemy of all people in her condition: stairs.

"Okay." said Mikoto. "You can do this."

MIkoto leaned on the stair railing and put her foot down on the first step, which immediately broke and caused her to fall on her back and slide down the stairs like an upside down penguin. when Mikoto got to the bottom, she slid along the floor until she crashed into a wall on the opposite end of the stairs. A cabinet above her opened up to reveal old rusted pots and pans which all fell on top of her.

"Mikoto!" Lucy ran over and removed the pots and pans from on top of her friend. Mikoto groaned and sat up.

"Lucy....where are we? What happened?"

"You collapsed and went unconscious. We moved you into one of the old houses in town. It's strange though, there's no one living in this town as far as we can tell. So how are you feeling?"

"Like I tried to take a Natsu diet and ate fire." Mikoto shook her head so the ringing could stop. "What's that yelling sound?"

"Oh, Gray and Natsu are argueing as usual."

"Wait, Gray's here!?"

Lucy twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Looks like master sent him, Erza, and Wendy to bring us back.....hehhehehehe....heh..heh....." Lucy began to sweat nervously.

Suddenly another door on the ground floor opened and Erza walked in. Her expression was one of absolute fury. Mikoto suddenly started hoping that she wasn't the object of her anger.

"Where is Natsu?" Erza asked.

"In the room next door..." said Lucy with a terrified squeek.

Erza looked at Mikoto with eyes that seemed to catch on fire. "I will have a talk with you later."

"Y-yes ma'am." Mikoto stuttered suddenly feeling very very small.

Erza walked off to another door, walked in, and slammed it shut. The yelling suddenly went silent. Then it was followed by screaming as Natsu and Gray burst out of the room in an attempt to escape the wrath of Erza. Gray managed to run to the other end of the room while Natsu was caught by the leg in Erza's iron tight grip.

"Nooooooooo!!!!!!!" Natsu shouted with tears in his eyes. "I DONT WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!"

"ME EITHER!!!!!" shouted Happy who was dangling by his tail in Erza's other hand. "I AT LEAST WANT TO EAT SOME FISH BEFORE I GO !!!!!!!!!!

Natsu and Happy were dragged screaming back into the room and the door slammed shut. Gray sat on the other end of the room sweating and muttering to himself. Mikoto looked at her hands to find that she was sweating insanely too.

"W-Why do I feel so.....?" Mikoto stuttered.

"Maybe it's not too late to run all the way back to Magnolia Town." said Lucy.

"No...."Said Gray. "It doesn't matter where we hide....she will find us."

Wendy walked into the room with Charle walking next to her heel. When she saw Mikoto she went absolutely ecstatic with excitement. "Oh! You must be Mikoto Misaka, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Wen-"

Charle cut her off. "I don't think this is exactly the right atmosphere for introductions right now. It appears that Erza has once again scared our dear colleagues sensless."

Sure enough, everyone in the room was on the floor hugging their legs and muttering to themselves.

The door opened again and a bruised and battered Natsu and Happy were thrown through the door like rag dolls. Erza stood at the entrance and she was looking at Mikoto.

"Mikoto....if you're feeling up to it....I would like a word."

Mikoto stood up wobbly and slowly made her way to Erza and entered the room. The room was the kitchen area of the old house. It had an ancient looking oven as well as a dining table whose legs grew right out of the floor. Erza quietly shut the door behind them as Mikoto sat down on one of the chairs. Erza paced back and forth for a bit with her eyes closed and Mikoto wondered if jumping out the window was an option. Finnally Erza spoke.

"Mikoto...I know about you being an esper....Lucy told me." Erza sighed. "I don't blame you for any of this, its Natsu's fault for being reckless as he always is. But I want to know what you will do now."

"Wh-What I will do now?" Mikoto said. "What do you mean?"

"You've just found out that the leader of Hydra Head has some sort of connection to your world, where you come from...if I were you I would want answers."

"But Lucy said you were going to take us back...."

"The situation changed." said Erza. "It changed when I found out a member of our guild.....a member of our family found out about something that might help her get the answers she needs. And as a member of Fairy Tail, I'm willing to help in any way I can."

Mikoto blinked in surprise. This was the last thing he expected to hear from Erza Scarlett, the toughest woman in Fairy Tail. "Y-you're not angry?"

"Well I admit I am slightly annoyed. But you kind of remind me of myself." Erza said with a smile.

Yeah, I can see why, Mikoto thought as she remembered how the people in Fairy Tail considered her the Guild's 3rd female monster (the second being Mirajane, but Mikoto had never found out why.)

"So....." said Erza. "What will you do?"

Mikoto thought about it a bit. Black Whisper, the only other esper in this world besides her. The only one who possibly held answers. Answers for how she came to be in this world. And for some reason he was after her. Maybe he thought that Mikoto held answers as well, or maybe she was part of some sinister plot (It wouldn't be the first time). The fact remained however, Hydra Head had threatened her and her friends, and she wasn't going to stand for it.

"I'm going after Black Whisper." Mikoto said. "And I'm going to put an end to Hydra Head.....even if I have to beat them till they turn to water."

"Good answer!" Said Erza. "But before we run down that road, I want to do one thing with you."

"What would that be?"

"Erza's eyes sparkled. "Fight me."


"You heard me." said Erza. "There is much one can learn about each other from crossing blades, and you strike me as one who accepts a challenge with open arms. What do you say Mikoto Misaka, shall we understand each other a bit more?"

Mikoto smiled and a spark jumped out of her bangs clear and bright. "All right then, lets do it."

A few moments later Mikoto and Erza were facing each other outside next to the spring of Thundaarixx as Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Charle, Natsu, and Happy watched. Natsu, as it so happened, was sulking.

"But I wanted to fight Erza!" Natsu complained.

"That's not what you said when she was beating you to pulp a moment ago." said Lucy with one eyebrow raised.

"But that was different! This is a real fight between two warriors and I want in!" Natsu shouted even louder.

"I'm interested to see what kind of magic Misaka uses." said Wendy.

"Actually Wendy," Lucy said. "It's not magic."


"It's a long story, I'll tell you later."

Gravix who was sitting a little ways away tied to a tree by the magic negating rope perked up. A fight between that girl and the legendary Titania of Fairy Tail? This would be interesting indeed.

"I will begin," said Erza."REQUIP" Erza's body glowed and her armor switched out with a black demon like armor with two massive bat wings, her sword also changed into a black blade as well. "This is my black wing armor, it increases my speed and attack power. Let's see how you do against this!"

Erza launched herself at Mikoto and swung her sword with deadly speed. However her sword hit iron sand which Mikoto had lifted out of the ground using magnetism. The sword created sparks as it clashed against the iron sand again and again and each time the sand twisted and morphed to block the blows.

"Not bad." Said Mikoto. "But let's see you deal with this trick." she pointed her finger and an arc of lightning traveled from her finger along the arc of sand, and into Erza's sword. The electricity coursed through Erza's body causing her to leap back and change her armor again. This time Erza's armor turned into a white armor with yellow highlights and her sword had become a huge spear. It was her lightning emperess armor.

"A good move." Erza said. "Using your own shield as a conductable connecter then using my weapon as a lightning rod. but it ends here. My Lightning Empress armor makes me impervious to your electric attacks, now we move on to close combat."

Mikoto concentrated all the metal dust till it became a black sword in her hand, the blade seemed to shift like a hologram as Mikoto caused all the iron particles to vibrate at extremely high speeds. "Like it? I call it my Iron Chain Sword, I don't use it as much as my Railgun move, but one touch on that blade....."

"Holy cow!" said Lucy a little worriedly. "They really are taking this seriously arent they?"

"Aye." Said Happy. "Thats the great Erza and the great Mikoto for you."

"Since when have you reffered to Mikoto as 'the great Mikoto'?"

"Since I found out that her skin and hair are so naturally soft and comfy to sleep in."

"That's a bit creepy."

"Well I'm afraid the fight's over for Mikoto." Said Gray.

"Why would you say that?" asked Wendy. "The fight's only just begun."

"Well from what I've seen, Mikoto is primarily a long range fighter. She attacks her opponents with a whole lot of electricity and depending on the metal content in the area, she can control metalic sand and defend plus attack with it. However, Erza is a spectacular swordswoman. Take away Mikoto's long range ability and force her to fight someone like Erza with a sword of her own..."

Erza moved her spear at amazing speed, tearing apart the Iron Chain Sword. Mikoto was then knocked off her feet from an instant roundhouse kick by Erza.

"Here I come!" Erza shouted as she closed in.

Mikoto closed her eyes. But the blow she expected never came. Instead she felt warm.....oddly warm. Mikoto opened her eyes. Erza was hugging her.

The Erza Scarlet

Was hugging her.

"I understand now." said Erza. "There is someone you care about back in that world, isn't there?"

How had she managed to understand that from just a few blows?

"So Railgun of Academy City." Erza smiled. "Did you learn anything?"

Mikoto paused before answering. "Yes.....I guess I did."

Zvesda of The Dark Mirrors

Rocks Of Peril. A dangerous place full of cliffs, canyons, and dangerous creatures. It was also the birthplace of Zvesda 20 years ago. When the mysterious man known as Black Whisper had found him after wandering the canyons lost. They both had things in common, they both had nowhere to belong to in this world, they both had no remembrance of how they came to be in this world, and they both thirsted for the power they could not reach. Zvesda had heard Black Whisper talk about the mysterious level 6 for ages, never knowing what it meant, never knowing what it meant to be categorized by levels. But Zvesda did know one thing. Achievement of this would mean god-like power, power unseen by any in this day or age. Unseen by any because though the ability to reach it was theoretically true, that's all it was.....theories. It wouldn't be until that level was reached in which the theories would be turned into fact.

Now Zvesda waited on the cliff overlooking the Canyon edge in an attempt to find the one who had come from his master's world. He knew why his master wanted that girl, even if he still didn't know what exactly his master was. The girl was the key...the key to reaching that level 6.

"If I can reach level 6 then I will be able to return home." Black Whisper had said. "And the only way for me to achieve that now is if I defeat one level 5....that girl, she is a level 5...I can sense it."

And Black Whisper's senses were usually right. It was the nature of his power, the ability to create a portal anywhere also had a strange side effect of giving one a slight omnicience. When Black Whisper's experiment in creating a portal back resulted instead in creating a portal in, he had for an instant tasted the girl's power and found her equal if not at least close to equal. Zvesda would do anything in his power to help capture that girl and give his master that ultimate power. But first.....he would need to crush the infernal guild known as Fairy Tail. Gravix had been a fool to allow himself become captured by that weakling guild. How it had happened was of no concern, what mattered was that the interfering guild was rendered crushed before his master.

Zvesda suddenly looked alert, his wild black hair blowing in the wind. Hundreds of feet below, he could just make out the specks of travelers. Zvesda made a circle in the air with his hands and instantly a transparent lens formed in the air like water spreading outward. Through the lens Zvesda was able to get an up close look at his targets. According to Aqualas, the one they seeked was the brown haired girl near the center of the group. Zvesda dispelled the lens and behind him a rectangular mirror formed from the bottom

up like an ultra reflective upside down waterfall. Zvesda fell back into the mirror and disappeared, leaving a ripple in the glass-like liquid surface. The mirror dissapated into wispy vapor.

"It's no wonder Hydra Head has remained undiscovered for so long." said Erza.

The company had been wandering through The Rocks Of Peril for about 2 days. They were nearly out of water, and they still weren't able to find anything to eat. And considering that they were wandering through the one of the most dangerous areas in all of Fiore, it was no wonder that Erza had said what she said. The magic counsel would never send their military to such a perilous area. And any sane guild would turn back in an instant. But sane was never usually on the agenda when it came to Fairy Tail (something Lucy was usually quick to note).

"I-I..... c-can't... g-go on much longer." Natsu cried weakly as he crawled along the ground with Happy at his side.

"M-must..... h-have.....FISH!!" Happy cried out with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, come on Natsu." said Gray. "We're all hungry here. You guys could have a little self control, like Mikoto here. Eh?"

Mikoto was crawling across the ground in a similar manner to Natsu. "I can't take it anymore....I need a cupcake or something...I must be halucinating because I think I can see vultures circling overhead."

"Actually.." Said Lucy who was in a similar position to Mikoto. "I can see them too...."

Gray couldn't take it anymore. He also fell to the ground with a forlorn expression on his face. "Man! We are going to die here!!"

"Have heart!" said Erza who had Gravix tied to her back this time. "We aren't dead yet. We can still make it if...wow." It was just amazing how dead everyone looked.

"Face it Titania." said Gravix. "This land is absolutely bare of resources. Only the strong survive here."

"You say that you have been this way many times." said Erza. "How did you survive this path?"

"Easy! My fantastic endurance!!"

All of a sudden, Gravix's stomach gave a fantastic growl. Gravix paused for a moment before finally moaning. "Ooooohhhh...I can't take it anymore....We're going to have to eat each other."

Erza looked at Gravix with a look of amused disappointment. "Fantastic endurance huh?"

"Even you would be hungry after 12 days without food!!"

Erza scanned the surrounding area, there had to be some source of food in this desolate canyon. Then she saw something in the sky. They were birds.

Erza wasn't the only one who noticed. Mikoto jumped up as if somebody had given her 30 cups of coffee and sugar and threw a bolt of lightning at the birds. The birds fell to the ground with their feathers gone and their meat absolutely cooked. Mikoto had just fried the vultures that had been circling them earlier.

Natsu and Gray instantly jumped to their feet and nearly ran over Wendy and Charle in an attempt to get to the fallen birds.





"Please." said Wendy. "Couldn't we all share? There has to be at least twelve of them."

"I'm afraid your logic is lost on them." said Charle with a sigh. "When hunger strikes dumb men all reason is lost to them. Luckily we women tend to be more level headed-"

"GIVE ME THAT FOOD!!!" both Mikoto and Lucy jumped in after Natsu and Gray.

"I stand corrected." said Charle. "But at least you and I are-.....Wendy?!


"What was with that expression!!?

"What expression!!!??

"For a moment...It looked like you wanted to join them!!"

Wendy looked at Charle for a moment with her lip quivering. Finally she burst out crying. "IM SORRY CHARLE!! I JUST CANT HELP IT!!!!!!"

Wendy leaped in to join the others in the mad scramble for bird meat. Erza, and Charle were the only ones left not acting like a bunch of hungry animals.

"UNTIE ME YOU MORONS!!! I WANT THOSE BIRDS TOO!!!" Gravix shouted as he struggled against the ropes.

A vein seemed to throb on Erza's forehead until finally she snapped. She stomped the ground so violently that she created a small crater in the ground. "STOP THIS NOW ALL OF YOU!!"

Everybody froze and went silent. Even Gravix stopped struggling.

"Now." Said Erza. "There is enough meat to last us at least a week if we ration it right. So we're going to pack it and if I see anybody trying to sneak a bite..." Erza looked at Natsu. "Then I'll let Mikoto use her Railgun move right on their foreheads!!"

Happy raised his hand. "What if Mikoto is the one sneaking a bite?"

Mikoto glared at Happy. "And what if I decide to use you for a rug?"

"If Mikoto is caught sneaking a bite." said Erza. Then she'll be the next cover page on Sorcerer Weekly's Limited Edition Super Exposing Swimsuit edition (and I do mean super exposing)!"

Mikoto went red."EH!!?"

"How's that a punishment!?" Natsu said. "Mira is on that kind of stuff all the time!!"

"Trust me." said Erza as she saw Mikoto's face get almost cherry red. "I think this punishment will be just fine."

They packed up the cooked vultures inside a satchel in which Erza gave to Mikoto.

"A-are you sure you want to give that to me?" said Mikoto.

"I'm busy carrying this lug." said Erza referring to Gravix. "And I trust you a little more then the others when it comes to food. Especially given what would happen if you snuck a bite."

Mikoto could feel the redness practically jumping off of her.

"Hey Mikoto~." Happy said with a sneaky look on his face. "Feeling hungry~?"

"Shut up, before I decide I want some fried cat legs."

The group continued walking for about 5 minutes, Mikoto stared at the satchel she was carrying. They had already rationed one leg among everyone else, but that was nowhere near enough to satisfy her hunger. Maybe if she just had a slight bite... Suddenly the thought of the image of herself in a very exposing swimsuit being seen by everyone in the country flashed through her mind. Mikoto felt her cheeks reddening and slapped herself. No! she had to be strong! She had to ignore the smell coming out of the satchel, the memory of how it tasted, the mirror coming out of the ground....wait a second. Mirror coming out of the ground!!?

At Mikoto's feet a shimering ultra reflective rectangle had formed like a quickly condensing rectangle. From within the mirror Zvesda rose like he was emerging from liquid silver.

"You." Zvesda pointed at Mikoto. "You're coming with me."

To Fight a Reflection

"Who are you!?" Erza pointed her sword at Zvesda as he rose from his mirror puddle.

Zvesda seemed to consider that question for a moment before answering. "I am not sure....Who are we really? What is existance?"

"Enough with the stupid philisophical remarks Zvesda." said Gravix. "Free me and crush them already!!"

"You are in no position to give orders anymore Gravix." said Zvesda. "Our master is severely dissapointed in you. Your mission was to crush the Fairy Tail guild and capture the girl. Yet you failed on both counts, you are lucky that the master hasn't decided to punish you yet."

Gravix seemed to quiet down. Thanks to his helmet and lion design mask, Gravix's expression could not be seen. But the atmosphere of his mood did not feel pleasant.

"So you're part of Hydra Head?" Natsu growled. "Tell us why you're after Mikoto!! Then tell us where Gildarts is!!"

"Gildarts..."said Zvesda. "I'm sure Gravix explained to you already. He was just a means to an end. As for why we are after that girl... I feel no need to explain. Because I am about to crush you."3

Zvesda snapped his fingers and a ginormous reflective dome suddenly formed over the canyon. The 500 meter wide mirror lense began to glow extremely bright. Suddenly a powerful giant beam of light rained down from the mirror and onto the Fairy Tail group.

Mikoto opened her eyes and realized two things. Firstly, they werent dead. And secondly, They were standing under a ginormous shield. Erza had donned her Adamantine armor and had used the two ginormous plates on the sides of the arms of her armor to form a gigantic shield so the blast could be blocked.

Suddenly Erza gave a grunt and the shield shattered.

"No way!" Gray exclaimed. "That move broke Erza's Adamantine armor in one go!"

Zvesda sighed. "Is that all that your armor can do Erza Scarlet? I heard that you were much stronger then this."

"Don't underestimate Fairy Tail you jerk!!" Natsu yelled.

Natsu launched himself into the air and formed both his fists into flames. "Great Flame of the Fire Dragon!!"

Natsu formed both flames into one giant fire ball and threw it down at Zvesda. Zvesda thrust out his hand. From the center of his palm a circular mirror formed like silver water spiraling outwards. The flames were sucked into the mirror like a vacuum leaving nothing but a liquid-like ripple. Suddenly, something came out of the mirror. First a head came out, then it's entire body. The Natsu clone got up from the ground, the only difference being that the Fairy Tail emblem was on the left shoulder instead of the right, and his eyes were glowing red.

"What are you looking at!?" Anti-Natsu said spitefully with an evil smile.

"It's an evil Natsu!!" Happy shouted.

"This is awesome!" shouted Natsu. "Now there's two of us to beat up Gray!!"

"Natsu...." said Lucy. "I don't think this is the kind of guy who would see eye to eye with you."

"Interesting trick isn't it?" said Gravix. "Zvesda's mirrors can absorb the magic of his foes and create exact replicas that are every inch as strong as the originals."

The Ant-Natsu held up a fiery fist and grinned evilly. "So you're my orriginal? Ha! You don't look so tough!"

Natsu also held up a flaming fist. "Hah! I always wanted to fight myself! Bring it on me!! I'm all fired up!!"

Both Natsu's leaped at each other and their Iron Fists of The Fire Dragon connected, creating a flaming shockwave that scarred the sides of the canyon with cracks and burns.

Erza set Gravix down and changed to her powerful black Purgatory armor and raised her large black sword. "Don't be so reckless Natsu!!"

"Oh don't worry." said Zvesda, "you'll all have a turn to play."

Zvesda flicked a finger and a geyser of liquid silver shot from his finger tip and split off into 3 separate geysers each aimed at Erza, Mikoto, and Wendy.

"Oh no you don't!" Gray put his fist on his open palm. "Ice Make: Shield!!"

A giant shield of ice formed in front of the group, blocking the silver water. Gravix however, looked at the ice and snorted.

"I can't believe you fell for that." said Gravix.


Imediately the shield of ice was swallowed up by the silver water. The liquid formed itself into a circular mirror and a replica of Gray fell out of the mirror. Like Anti-Natsu, Anti-Gray had glowing red eyes and an evil mischievous grin.

"You have got to be kidding me." Said Gray.

"Hello weakling." said Anti-Gray. "You wanna tussle?" Anti-Gray ripped his shirt off and let it fly off into the wind like it was nothing to him.

"He strips like the real thing!" Lucy exclaimed pointing.

"Yeah...." said Mikoto. "Definitely something the clone could also do without."

"Well, well, well." said Gray grinning as he stripped his shirt off as well. "I'll admit, one thing me and Natsu agree on, is that fighting against yourself is actually a pretty fun challenge."

"Ice Make: Lance!!" Gray thrusted out his hand and Ice lances shot out at Anti-Gray like bullets.

Anti-Gray instantly pulled off the Ice Make: Shield move and blocked the lances.

"Ice Make: Ice Hammer!!" Anti-Gray created a giant spiked mace which brought itself down at Gray with frightening speed.

However, The ice was suddenly blocked by a mass of iron sand which was flowing out of the ground. Mikoto manipulated electromagnetism, and the iron formed itself into a vibrating spear-like form which shot at Ant-Gray's ice shield and began drilling through it using the intense vibrations to break through the ice. Erza swung her huge black sword at Anti-Gray once the shield split in half from the drilling. But Anti-Gray was spared the hit when Natsu was sent flying into Erza. Both of them fell to the ground dazed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" laughed Anti-Natsu. "You are guys are pathetic, we're whooping your butts pretty good for it only being two against six!!"

"Natsu!" Erza said getting up. "You and Gray take down the doubles. Mikoto and Lucy, you two are going to help me take down this Zvesda guy. Wendy, give us some back up!"

Wendy nodded. "Right!" Wendy raised her hand into the air and a magic circle formed in the air above her. "Arms and Vernier!!"

Mikoto suddenly felt her body get lighter and her muscles felt stronger. "Whoa..... That feels different."

"I've increased the power of your attack and speed." said Wendy.

"That won't save you." Said Zvesda as he sent more silver water geysers at his enemies.

"Don't let them touch you!" Erza shouted as she dodged geysers.

Mikoto moved out of the way as well, marveling at how fast she was now able to move. Lucy raised a golden key. "Open! gate of the Maiden, Virgo!!"

A maid with with strange chained braceletts on her wrists appeared. "Hello Princess. Do you wish me to punish someone?"

"Yeah! that guy!" Lucy shouted.

Virgo glowed with a yellow light and leaped twirling in the air to where Zvesda was saying. "Yes, punishment, punishment, punishment."

Zvesda created a mirror in front of himself, apparently attempting to copy again.

"Oh no you don't!!" Mikoto shouted. Her bangs flashed and a lightning bolt flew at the mirror.

The way Mikoto figured, if Zvesda primarilly needed to swallow one's magic to make a copy of someone, then an attack like Mikoto's which was a psychic power not a magic power, would be uneffected by the mirrors.

Fortunately, Mikoto turned out to be correct. The lightning bolt tore the mirror apart and blasted into the side of the canyon wall, causing an avalanche to fall on top of Zvesda. Zvesda was instantly covered in large boulders.

Well that was actually more powerful then I intended. Mikoto thought a little surprised. Suddenly Mikoto doubled over in pain and began to cough up blood. What!?

"Mikoto!" Erza shouted. "What's wrong!?"

Mikoto suddenly remembered the words of the magician Leivinnia Birdway back in her world. "Those who have had their minds enhanced using the curriculum of Academy City cannot use magic. If an esper so dains to attempt it, their blood vessels will begin to burst from the psychic overload."

The magic Wendy used on Mikoto must have enhanced Mikoto's offensive moves. That explained the extra boost in her lightning bolt. It also meant that by using the magically enhanced lightning bolt, she had unintentionally used magic herself. Mikoto could already feel her sides going hot and cold from the vessels that had just burst. Her very consciousness was swimming in and out of focus.

"Wendy! We need you!" Lucy shouted as she and Erza attempted to stop the bleeding on Mikoto's side.

Wendy ran over, ready to use her healing magic. Suddenly the pile of rocks exploded and Zvesda walked out relatively bruised, but fine.

Erza and Lucy turned to face Zvesda as Wendy began a healing spell on Mikoto.

"W-what happened!?" Wendy said. "You were fine, just a moment before!"

Mikoto attempted to open her mouth and explain but instead coughed up more blood.

"Stop that!" Wendy cried frantically. "You need to let me heal you first...Misaka?....Misaka!?"

Mikoto heard Wendy's voice as if on the end of a really long tunnel, she tried to stay awake. But almost as if something else besides her loss of blood that was beckoning her, for the third time on this mission, Mikoto's vision faded into blackness.

The Hydra's Game

Natsu fell back into the canyon floor creating a rocky crater where he landed as his evil double laughed maniacly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Shouted Anti-Natsu. "Come on you idiots!!! I'll destroy everyone!!!"

Happy flew over to dazed Natsu as he got out of the crater. "You know Natsu, there isn't that much of a difference between you and your evil twin personality wise."

"What makes you say that?" Natsu asked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY." shouted Anti-Natsu maniacly as he blew flames into the air from his cackling mouth.

"Just a feeling."

"You know Happy." said Natsu with a grin. "I just noticed something that good looking over there doesn't have."

"An amazingly cute partner with wings?"


Happy flew over grabbed Natsu's back, and flew into the air with him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" laughed Natsu pointing at the Anti-Natsu below. "Watcha going to do now ya good looking jerk!?"

Anti-Natsu smiled evily. He was suddenly cloaked not just in flames, but an intense crackling cloak of yellow electricity as well.

"No way!" said Natsu. "That's-"

"FIre Thunder Dragon mode!!" Happy finished.

"ROAR OF THE FIRE THUNDER DRAGON!!!" Anti-Natsu let out an intense whirlwind of flame and electricity from his mouth that Natsu and Happy were barely able to dodge in mid air.

"The difference between you and me.." said Anti-Natsu. "Is that I never hold back when it comes to killing my foes. Idiots like you originals who never kill the guys they beat....have no choice but to hold back and suppress their true strength. Face it! You're no match for me!!"

"You call not killing an enemy weakness!?" Natsu growled. "Listen up pal, we don't spare our foes because we're some kind of sissies. We do it because we are strong. Real strength is about having the guts to hold back and believe that whoever you fight is still human, and therefore the same. Knowing to hold back on someone you know is kin whether or not you're in the same guild, that's what being strong is about. Not your lame ass idea of brutal massacreing."

Natsu suddenly began to glow with a powerful flame, and an intense cloak of yellow lightning also engulfed him. "With you however, I'll make an exception. Not only are you not me, but you're not even real, you're just a phantom who's trying to throw off from what really matters...protecting my friends! So I'll play your little Hydra's game...And beat you up with all the strength I have left!!"

"Yeah!? said Anti-Natsu. "Well then bring it on punk!!!"

Both Natsu's forearms and fists became engulfed in a powerful mix of fire and lightning and they came at each other, Natsu striking from the air and Anti-Natsu striking from below.

"Firing Hammer of the Fire Thunder Dragon!!!!"

When the moves collided, a powerful blast of flame and electricity engulfed the area they were in blowing a massive crater in the side of the Canyon and causing a massive avalanche to start falling towards them.

Both Natsu and Anti-Natsu backed away from each other thanks to the rebound from the intense attack and looked at the oncoming stampede of boulders. Natsu grinned.

"Bet you wish you had wings now huh!?"

Anti-Natsu growled furiously, Jumped up, and grabbed Natsu's legs.

"Hey!! Get off!!" Natsui shouted furiously. "Get your own Happy you jerk!!"

As the rocks tumbled in a dust cloud below them, Anti-Natsu puffed of his cheeks in preparation for a Roar attack.

"Natsu!! He's trying to take us down with him!!" Happy shouted frantically.

"Oh no he won't!!" said Natsu as he also puffed up his cheeks.


The two simultaneous roar attacks caused an enormous sphere of fire and lightning to push up against either wall of the canyon. Natsu, Happy, and Anti-Natsu were thrown from the massive explosion and thrown into the canyon floor that was now covered by an epic amount of rocks. While Happy lay unconscious on the sidelines, both Natsu's broke from the rubble and began fighting again.

"Crimson Lotus!: EXPLODING THUNDER BLADE!!" Natu engulfed one hand in lightning and the other in flame and whirled around to create a powerful twister like vortex of flame and lightning.1

Anti Natsu dodged the vortex by propelling himself out of the way using the flames on his feet.

"Great Flame of the Fire Thunder Dragon!!!" Anti-Natsu engulfed one hand in lightning and the other in flame like Natsu, only this time he brought both hands together and threw a ginormous fire ball fused with lightning at Natsu.

Natsu grinned determinedly and ran straight into the flames and opened his mouth, immediately the entire move was sucked into his mouth like a vacuum.

"Impossible!!" shouted Anti-Natsu. "Dragon Slayers can't eat the elements they produce themselves!! And my flames are exactly like yours!!! How did you eat my power!!!!???"

"Simple." Said Natsu wiping his mouth with one arm. "You're not me...You're just a cheap double. Anyways....You ever hear of a railgun?"

"A what?"

"It's something a good friend of mine showed me. Here, I'll show you!!"

Natsu picked up one of the large boulders from the avalanche with his left hand and engulfed his right hand in lightning that had just a hint of fire surrounding it. Natsu thrust his palm into the boulder which flew forward in a great orange light leaving a sonic boom in it's wake. Thanks to the electromagnetic propulsion on the dense iron content in the boulder, the boulder/meteor tore threw Anti Natsu at several times the speed of sound and ripped him in half. Anti-Natsu disintegrated into the atmosphere and exploded into silver dust at the last moment.

Natsu grinned. "How do ya like them apples you good looking jerk!?"

That particular move hadn't just destroyed Anti-Natsu, because at the moment Anti-Gray was standing in the line of trajectory without knowing it. Before Gray's very eyes, Anti-Gray disintegrated.

"Hey Natsu!!" Gray shouted furiously. "I was fighting that guy!!!"

"You're going to have to wake up earlier then that if you want to be on top like me!!!" Natsu shouted back while laughing.

Happy crawled over to Natsu's position. "H-hey Natsu...do you think you could....?"

"Oh, Right!" Natsu picked up Happy. "Don't worry Happy, we'll get Wendy to take a look at you right away!"

"Come on." said Gray. "I think they're still fighting that Zvesda guy."

Together, Natsu and Gray stumbled over some rocks and came upon a scene where both Lucy and Erza seemed to be fighting as hard and as carefully as they could. Erza had switched to her Heaven's Wheel armor and was causing floating swords to fly at Zvesda, and do impossible curves everytime Zvesda conjured up another mirror. Zvesda would then dodge the blade that curved around his mirror all the while avoiding sudden sinkholes created by the spirit Virgo's power over the earth. Zvesda was extremely agile and perceptive to be able to dodge such a combo completely.

As Gray ran over to help Lucy and Erza, Natsu ran over to Wendy and Charle with Happy. "Hey Wendy, could you take a look at-?" Natsu suddenly saw the bloody Mikoto whom Wendy was frantically trying to heal and dropped Happy on his head.

"Hey Natsu!!" Happy shouted. "What's the big-?" Happy suddenly noticed what Natsu was looking at. "M-Mikoto?....."

"Did Zvesda do this?" Natsu growled furiously.

"N-no." Said Wendy with tears in her eyes as she tirelessy put healing magic into Mikoto. "I-I think...I-I think I did it."


Charle looked up. "Remember what Mikoto explained to you about espers and magic? I wasn't there for the explanation, but Happy updated me on the basics. You remember what she said about espers using magic right?"

Natsu nodded. "She said it could overload a psychic or something and cause their blood vessels to burst right? But why would she be trying to do magic?!"

"It was my support magic..." Said Wendy tearfully. "I think by enhancing Miss Misaka's esper powers, I caused her to use magic by accident...This is my fault!"

"Don't be so hard on yourself!" Charle scolded. "You and Mikoto had no way of knowing this would happen, after all it was you who was technically doing the magic, not her. Just focus on doing what you can now!"

"Yeah!" Said Natsu. "And while you do that, I'll go break all of that Zvesda guy's mirrors until his luck goes way south!"

But apparently that would have to wait another day. Because an unexpected thing happened. Behind Zvesda, a great purple sphere apeared and opened into what appeared to be a black tunnel. Out of the tunnel, a black robed and hooded figure walke out and put a hand on Zvesda's shoulder.

"I am sorry." said the hooded figure. "It appears our plans have had to change slightly. I'm afraid you will have to pull back Zvesda."

Zvesda looked at the man increduously. "But master!! I can destroy them!!"

"Yes, undoubtly I think you could." Said the hooded figure. "But those Fairy Tail members aren't even the big fish...Laxus Dreyer is on the move.."

"Stop!!" Erza cried out. "Are you the esper who is known as Black Whisper?"

Black Whisper looked at Erza, his dark hooded face seemingly expressionless. "Esper? You know of...my true nature.....?"

Black Whisper suddenly saw Mikoto lying on the ground a distance aways. "Ah...I see. She must have told you. How odd.....I was sure Academy City would have forgotten all about me after a long 20 years...Keep that one alive wont you?....I need her."

"Dark Vortex Smoke Bomb!" Black Whisper threw his hands into the air and a magic circle appeared spewing out a dense cloud of smoke.

"Impossible!!" Erza exclaimed. "He just confirmed he was an esper!! He can't be using magic!!"

"That....." Said Black Whisper as he dissapeared into the smoke. "Is just a little trade secret that I'm not quite anxious to reveal yet...."

When the smoke cleared, both Black Whisper and Zvesda were gone, having gone through another one of Black Whisper's portals. On the ground in great crude blood letters was a message:


Queen of Thunder

MIkoto found herself sitting on the back of Thundaarixx, flying through the clouds. Once again, they were flying above Academy City. It was still nighttime and this time the clouds weren't the only things in the sky. In the distance, Mikoto could make out the outlines of other dragons, all of them in varying in scale color and size. The city below looked like it was in absolute turmoil. Dragons rampaged through the streets while members of Academy City's police force known as Anti-Skill were attempting to fight back without any luck, their automatic weapons being absolutly useless against the dragon's bullet proof scales.

"What's happening?" Mikoto asked Thundaarixx. "What's going on here?"

"You are seeing one of the many possible futures that may come to pass." said Thundaarixx. "This is currently the most imminent future. This world is not the only place in which dragons exist. Our kind exist throughout all of time and space. But we share one thing in common....We are all connected by the same magic."

"Same magic?" said Mikoto confused. "I don't get it. You're talking about magic as if it isn't all the same. And why are you talking about we as if I'm one of you? I'm no dragon."

"While magic is indeed all comprised of the same supernatural energy, it is also seperated into different natures. There are four main natures that magic is classified into. Firstly, is ordinary mortal magic. This magic is constantly used by the magicians of your world and the mages and guilds of the world in which you currently are. The second kind of magic is the kind that is comprised of life force. The third magic is what is known as God Slayer magic. It is a destructive magic that is shrouded in much mystery. The fourth magic is known as Dragon Slayer magic, or as the magicians in your world call it: Drakon Force. Drakon Force can only be obtained through two means....Either one must be taught and given it as a gift by a dragon like your friend Natsu Dragneel, or they must have been blessed by a dragon before they were born.

"Oooookay?" said Mikoto. "Still don't know how that answers my question."

"Do you know how you were born little esper?"

"Ummmm....in a hospital I guess? Mom and Dad never were very specific....."

"But were you ever aware of what happened right before your birth? Did your mother ever tell you about the injured dragon that once lay just outside her family home?"

"What?" Said Mikoto feeling very taken aback. "What are you talking about?!"

"Years ago, a month after your mother's pregnancy was declared, I decided to take a flight in the light of the full moon as was the custom of my race in the days of old. However the world had changed since my last flight. The air was no longer a place for dragons. I was seriously injured by the U.S. government who believed I was a terrorist spy craft. I was able to escape by flying into Tokyo airspace, but I could not hold on till I made it to my home in the mountains, I crash landed just outside your home where your mother lay sleeping. She awoke and despite her pregnancy, she began to tend to my wounds. I could not believe it, a human, the age old enemies of dragons, was helping me. It destroyed every preconcieved notion I had about their race. And so I stayed with your family a while until I could heal my injuries. I hid myself in your parent's garage where I was barely able to conceal my massive form. I constantly warned your mother of the complications I would cause with my presence, but she refused to hear them and continued to care or me. Eventually, when I returned to my full strength, I decided to stay for the last stretch of your mother's pregnancy. The magic aura which I emitted after my powers returned was beneficial to her health and I figured the least I could do was help her bring you into this world. However, despite my power, you grew weak inside your mother's womb. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with you....

So I gave your mother one last thing. I breathed my life force into her womb and granted you my dragon's blood. I told your mother that in doing so, that you became as much my child as you were hers. However she merely smiled and thanked me, and told me that she would have made me godmother anyways. After your birth, I flew off to rejoin my kind in the mountains.....and now my power and blood run within you.....my daughter."

Mikoto just sat there on Thundaarixx's back dumbfounded as if she just heard that Accelerator had decided to take singing lessons. "You're saying that you're my...my....my..."

"Your half-mother.....not uncommon for dragons back in 2000 AD I might add."

"This has to be a dream."

"Of course this is a dream child. But that doesn't mean it's not real. There has been a prophecy Mikoto Misaka, one that threatens to tear the very world apart unless you learn to use both your dragon and esper powers in unison."

"But you're wrong." said Mikoto. "I can't use Dragon Slayer magic. Wendy is a Dragon Slayer and look what happened to me once I used her support magic."

"There is a secret about level 5 espers that not even the city administrator Aleister Crowley knows of. It is a trait that is possibly the most baffling of all regarding espers. It is the fact that when an esper becomes powerful enough, it becomes possible to use magic. However the magic must follow several conditions. Firstly the magic can only be that was originally developed naturally by living things, in other words, magic that is common in Fiore thanks to the humans who have a natural well of magic power in them. Secondly, it must be their own power, that is why you were unable to use the Sky Maiden's support magic, it was not your own so your esper nature rejected it. So now you must learn to use your own hidden magic....."

"But I've never felt any magic power before..." said Mikoto. "What if I can't.....?"

"You must try." Said Thundaarixx in a grave voice. "For if you don't....this future which we currently whitness will become as sure as the next day's moon rise."

Thundaarixx flew down low among the buildings of Academy City. The images Mikoto saw were terrible. She saw students and children of all ages dead on the streets while the dragons razed all that was in their path. She saw her friend Kuroko Shirai attempting to guide survivors into the underground shopping district while several large dragons attempted crush them. Accelerator was barely fighting off several dragons at once, one of his legs was broken and an arm was missing. Mikoto could also see her fellow Fairy Tail members somehow still alive and cornered, Natsu was holding a bloody unconscious Lucy and yelling defiantly. But the most frightening image was that of her friend Touma Kamijou who was holding what was unmistakenly her. Only this Mikoto Misaka, unlike the one currently observing this bleak future, was dead. Touma was crying out with grief while a girl in a white nun's habit named Index watched with an expression of doom and sadness.

"No...." Mikoto couldn't watch anymore. "No....no....make it stop!!"

"I cannot." said Thundaarixx sadly. "Only you can change this future my daughter."

"But what can I do?"

"You are the heir of the Lord of the Sparking Skies. You are my daughter. You are the Queen of Thunder. You will find the answer.....as long as you learn to look within."

The dream suddenly began to swim and blur. Mikoto's audience with Thundaarixx the Thunder Dragon was coming to an end.

"Wait!!" Mikoto shouted desperately. "What do you mean by that!? Tell me!!"

"Farewell Mikoto Misaka....May we meet again Railgun of Fairy Tail....."

The dream ended.

Honor of The Western Forge

"Thank goodness!!! She's waking up!!"

Mikoto awoke to a tearfull Wendy hugging her as if Mikoto had been dying, which come to think of it, was probably what had been happening. Mikoto attempted to get up from the ground but couldn't due to Wendy's excessive tearfull hugging.

"Really Wendy." said Charle who was standing nearby. "You're going to cause her to start bleeding again if you don't let her breath."

"Oh! Sorry!" Wendy stopped squeezing Mikoto and began twiddling her thumbs. "I'm so sorry Miss Misaka. It's my fault you got like this-"

"Don't apologize." said Mikoto. "I should have told you about my esper powers earlier, I'm the one who got myself injured so don't blame yourself."

Mikoto got up with a bit of difficulty. A blanket fell off of her to reveal that her entire torso from her chest down to her stomach was wrapped in bandages. It was scary how much the bandages covered, The only visible bit of of skin on her torso was her shoulder areas and part of her right shoulder blade where her red guild mark was visible. Just how many of her blood vessels had burst?

They were sitting inside what appeared to be a dark cave. A camp fire was burning just about 10 feet away and the mouth of the cave looked completely black.

"Where are Erza and the others?" Mikoto asked.

"Oh.....eh....She's beating up Gray and Natsu."


"Well in order to bandage you up I kind of needed to...you know. And Natsu, Gray and Lucy were anxious to see if you were okay and....you weren't exactly decent.

A tremendous spark jumped out of Mikoto's bangs. "Wh-what?!"

"Well you know how Natsu is.....he didn't know what was wrong, he's not the kind of guy who thinks about that kind of stuff..."

"But that Gray was a complete pervert!" said Charle haughtilly. "I mean he just stood there with his mouth open and his nose bleeding....."

Charle stopped talking, she noticed that Mikoto was cloaked in powerful bright crackling electricity.

"When those two get back." growled Mikoto....

"Hey Mikoto! You're okay!!" Natsu walked in with a black eye and an equally bruised Gray walking close behind.

Mikoto stood up awkwardly.

"M-Miss Misaka!" Wendy exclaimed worridly. "You shouldn't be walking right now!!"

"Uhhh....Mikoto?" Gray noticed the powerful sparks jumping off of Mikoto. "Are you okay?"

Mikoto let out two words. "You....perverts..."

Gray and Natsu started sweating bullets.

"Y-ya think she knows?" asked Natsu meekly.

"She knows." Said Gray who looked like he might start screaming. "RUN!!!"

Natsu and Gray ran for dear life while Mikoto sent out random powerful lightning bolts.

Meanwhile Erza and Lucy were out in the Canyon still, Erza had Gravix tied to her back like before. Erza and Lucy were actually out looking for water, while they had enough vulture meat to supply them for a while, their water was on it's last drops. Which meant that they had better find a watering hole or something soon, or they would all be in deep trouble.

"Maybe I can use Aquarius to control all the water in the area and bring it to us." Suggested Lucy.

"Yes, but don't you need water to summon Aquarius in the first place?" Asked Erza.

Lucy fell to the ground sighing forlornly. "Aw man, We're going to die of thirst....."

"Don't be such and idiot." said Gravix. "While food is definitely scarce here, water is a different matter. It is actually quite numerous around here if you know where to look."

"Well....." said Erza. "Don't keep us in suspense, where do you look?"

"I don't know, I just use my gravity magic to pull all the water towards me, but since I'm tied up in this magic negating rope..."

Lucy began to sob. "We're dead!!!"

"Have heart Lucy." Erza said with the usual sparkle in her righteous eyes. "If water is indeed numerous around here, there is one place it would be."

"In the clouds?"

"Beneath us! In the very ground." said Erza. "When rain falls it soaks itself within the very ground. And I know exactly how to get it out. Lucy, be ready with the water bottles."

Lucy took out the water bottles from her pack and opened them. Erza glowed with golden light and requipped into her Sea Empress armor and raised her finned sword. Water began to rise from the ground and fill the empty bottles.

"It's working!" Said Lucy happily, "Keep it up!"

Gravix looked at the liquid rising out of the ground and began to laugh.

"Eh? Why are you laughing?" said Lucy a little disturbed.

"Did you know that these ropes were designed by Aqualas?" said Gravix. "You see he had to have a means of untying the ropes in case they were used on him.....as a water wizard he always kept a supply nearby."

Too late, both Erza and Lucy realized what Aqualas was saying. Before any of them could react, Gravix used his superior weight to throw Erza off balance and some water splattered on his ropes. The ropes turned black and disintegrated on the spot.

Gravix got up laughing. "How ironic!! The very thing you wished for proved to be your undoing!!!"

Erza got up quick and switched to her Giant's armor. She brought out a giant lance using her massive strength to bring it down in a deadly blow at Gravix. But the lance bounced off of him like a baloon.

"Hahahahahah!! Heavy weapons can't do much when their lighter then a feather!!" said Gravix.

"Surrender!!" said Erza switching to her Purgatory armor. "You are outnumbered here Gravix!"

Gravix just laughed harder. "I control gravity Titania!! Attacks that involve weight and mass cannot effect me." Gravix thrust his hand out and Erza flew into the air and began to spin around one spot in the air at extreme speeds.

"Let her go!!" shouted Lucy as she took out one of her golden keys.

"Pathetic girl!!" laughed Gravix. "What can a puny celestial wizard do against me!!?"

"Scorpio!!" Lucy waved the key and a dark skinned man with a giant scorpion tail appeared.

"We are!!" Scorpio turned to face Gravix. "Don't worry Lucy, this metal freak is no match for my SAND BUSTER!!"

A giant powerfull blast of sand shot out from Scorpio's tail at Gravix. But the sand did a curve and passed harmlessly around Gravix and hit Scorpio instead. Scorpio dissapeared in golden light.

"Whaaaaa!!?? Sorry Lucy!!" shouted Scorpio as he dissappeared.

"Sand, water, swords.....It does not matter!" shouted Gravix. "None are immune to the laws of gravity!!"

"Photon blaster!!"

Erza had switched to her Lightning Empress armor and somehow managed to aim her lightning spear though she was spinning around at such dizzying speeds.

The lightning bolt hit Gravix directly in the chest and Gravix flew into the canyon wall. Gravix got up with his armor chest plate smoking.

"Impressive Titania, you have discovered my ability is weak against energy attacks. But my armor was forged by the great Teren of the Western Forge, none can easily pierce it. Not even your friend Mikoto Misaka would be able to magnetize this mythic armor!"

Erza landed on the ground nearby. "Teren of the Western Forge!? Where did you get one of his legendary armors!?"

"He forged it for me himself!!" said Gravix. "I am one of the people of The Western Forge, I will not be defeated by petty fools such as yourselves!!"

"But the people of the Western Forge are men of honor!" Said Erza. "Why would someone like you join with Hydra Head!!?"

"You can ask God yourself!!" said Gravix. "Once you're in the after life!!!"

Gravix prepared to attack, but the force of his body hitting the canyon wall had caused a massive avanlanche and a huge boulders the size of houses began to fall towards Gravix. Gravix tried to stop it using his gravity powers, but the rocks only slowed a little then continued falling.

"Darn it!!" exclaimed Gravix. "I've been tied in that rope too long, it's properties drained my magic power!!"

As the rocks closed in, Gravix prepared for the end. But as if through some miracle, a ginormous mass of water slammed into the rocks from below and knocked them away. Erza had switched to her Sea Empress armor once again.

Gravix looked at Erza Scarlet dumbfounded. "Y-you.....why would you save me? I'm useless to you free.....It would have been easier to let me die....."

"Unlike your guild Hydra Head." said Erza. "Fairy Tail does not find pleasure in death. We even learn to show our enemies compassion."

Gravix paused for a moment before speaking. "You remind me of your master Markorav.....he once told me something similar.... I scoffed at him, thinking that he was merely trying to manipulate me like all other dishonorable humans in the world... Yet you actually....."

"We all learned from the Master's teachings." said Erza. "It's only natural that we would act by his morals."

Gravix thought back to his earlier days before Hydra Head. He had travelled the world far and wide searching for those who held honor and righteousness in their hearts. But all he had found was despair. Humans constantly fought each other, and conflict reigned supreme. Everyone tried to sneakily one up each other and decieve everyone from their friends to their own family. Eventually Gravix had become bitter and resolved to the fact that all humans were nothing but selfish creatures who desired war and blood....But after this...Could he have been wrong?

Gravix knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to Erza. "Not many know of my customs Titania. But know this....When a life is saved regarding the People of The Western Forge, we are honor bound by sacred law to serve the one who saved that life until the debt is repayed."

"But you're the enemy!" said Lucy. "Didn't you want to kill us!?"

"I confess that I used to despise all humans...I felt all their lives worthless because of the lack of honor any seemed to hold.....But after witnessing the honor of your guild myself....I cannot help but feel that there might be hope for this world after all...Thank you Titania, for showing me that there is perhaps a small light in this dark world after all. As is customary for my people....I pledge my life to you."

Lucy looked at Erza. "Ermm....should we trust him?"

"Yes." said Erza with a strange look in her eyes. " I believe we can trust him....After all, he is a man of The Western Forge."

Hello everyone, it's me!! I just wanted to clarify some unexplained issues about Gravix's armor. Firstly, the lion mask that Gravix wears was not actually a part of his armor. It was given to him by his wife (yes he was married) before she was killed by The Western Forge's rivals, The Southern Raiders. The armor is designed to be immune to most energy type attacks. The reason that Mikoto Misaka was able to damage the armor was because her Railgun move uses physical projectiles like small coins or nails (nailgun hahahaha) and Gravix's magic can't react to moves at certain high speeds. Gravix's armor can also act like a rough version of Touma Kamijou's Imagine Breaker on illusionary enchantments, making him very hard to trick.

5 Easy Steps To Make Cat Steak

The priest turned a page and cleared his throat.

"Step number 1! The cat must be slathered in the divine substance known as butter!!"

Several tribal people came up to the alter and began to pour bucket upon bucket of melted butter on top of a coughing and sputtering Happy. "Really guys!! I would taste horrible with butter, if you let me go I'll show you where you can find some nice delicous mango chutney, or gravy!!"

"Shhhhh....." Said one of the men. "You'll miss the part where they season you."

"Season me!!!???"

"Second." said the Priest. "So as to create a delicious flavor, and also preserve leftovers, the cat shall be bathed in rock salt!!"

"Rock salt!!!???" Happy cried out as the men brought out giant burlap bags full of huge crystal rocks and began to dump them on Happy.

"OW!!" cried Happy as the rock salt hit his head. "You know I'll taste better if I'm not completely bruised!!"

"Thirdly." said the priest. "The cat must be tenderized!"

A muscular man approached cracking his knuckles.

"Oh no!!" Happy shouted. "I'm already bruised from rock salt!!"

The muscular man turned Happy over and began to tenderly massage his back.

"Oh no I-!!!" Happy suddenly had a relaxed look on his face. "Actually this part isn't so bad, can we just stop at this step right here?"

"4th!" said the priest. " The cat must be seasoned with onions!!"

Someone began chopping onions onto Happy's eyes.

"AHHHHHh!!! Happy yelled as the fumes went into his eyes. "I've gone blind!!!! I need fish to heal!!"

"And now for the final step!" said the priest. "We must keep the alter at a high heat of 400 degrees and turn the cat 45 degrees until golden brown!"

The men began piling wood and oil all around Happy.

"H-hey!!" said Happy panicking. "if you guys cook the Nekoking, you will all suffer grave consequences, very grave!!!! All fish will taste rotten for the rest of eternity!!!!"

Just as the chieftain was about to throw a torch into the alter, a tremendous thunderbolt blasted the side of the canyon nearby and caused many of the tribe to start running in panic. Happy looked up to see the bandaged Mikoto standing 20 meters from the alter.

"I came to see where those two perverts were hiding, and instead I found the weirdest dinner I've ever seen in my life." Mikoto sighed. "Can't we get through one day without somebody trying to kill one of us?"

"Mikoto!!" Happy cried out with relief. "Thank goodness, may fish taste ever sweet forever when you eat it!!!"

"Who are you!?" Demanded the Chieftain. "What do you want with us!?"

"Chief Rico!!" Exclaimed one of the advisors pointing at Mikoto's right shoulderblade. "She bears the mark of a wizard guild!!! She is one of the town dwellers!!"

Rico's eyes widened with fury. "I see. Then kill her!! Death to all the town dwellers and their ilk!! Those who would stomp on our traditions deserve nothing but death!!"

Many men with spears closed in on Mikoto. But Mikoto let out several spears of electricity from her bangs and easily knocked out some of the men. She then stomped the ground and caused electricity to travel across the ground and knock out the remaining spear men.

"The thunder girl dressed in a skirt and toilet paper is too strong Chief Rico!"

"Toilet paper!?" Mikoto suddenly looked very angry. "They're bandages you freaking dopes!!!"

Mikoto thrusted her hands out and blasted a powerful stream of electricity into the muscular spear men who had just arrived to provide reinforcements.

"Sca-scary!!!" shouted the remaining spear men as they ran from Mikoto.

Mikoto ran over to the alter and untied Happy.

"Hurry!" shouted Happy. "We don't know how long it will be before more of them get here."

"Don't worry about it Happy, those guys are long gone."

However, Mikoto's statement wasn't exactly true. Because the man known as Chief Rico was still there. And he was activating a magic circle with his staff.

"How dare you!!" shouted Rico with fury. "Now I shall show you the true power of our people, And the very sun shall strike you down!!!"

Rico began to change. His body became the size of a house, black flaming fur covered his body. He grew fangs and his eyes became yellow and lamp-like. His back grew massive bat-like wings. Chief Rico had turned in a ginormous black winged Panther with flaming fur.

Rico roared and the entire canyon shook as if in a earthquake.

"Now can we run?" Happy whimpered.

"Yeah.." said Mikoto. "Now we can run."

The Thunder That Strikes The Very Sun

Natsu peeked behind a rock in the moonlit canyon. Next to him, sat Gray who was still clutching his fast beating heart.

"Well? Is she gone?" asked Gray.

"I think..." said Natsu. "Man, the girls in this guild will be the death of us."

"Tell me about it." said Gray. "I must have found Juvia under my bed a total of 30 times this past week."

"Hey.....Where's Happy?" said Natsu suddenly noticing that the blue cat that always hung around close by was missing.

"I think he was sleeping under a tree outside the cave." Said Gray.

"But I didn't seem there earlier....." Natsu shook his head. "Eh, I'm sure he's fine. Happy's probably just out for an evening flight or something."

"Natsu...I don't think that qualifies as okay." Gray pointed in the distance where the Happy and Mikoto could be seen running towards them.

"Oh! There ya are Happy!" shouted Natsu, oblivious to the looks of panic on Happy and Mikoto's faces. "Where've you been buddy!?"

"Natsu!!! RUN!!" shouted Happy.


"Just listen to him you dopes!!" shouted Mikoto. "Before I make you run!!!"

"Y-yes ma'am!!"

Natsu and Gray started running along side Mikoto and Happy (actually Happy was flying.)

"Can somebody tell us why we're running?" Said Gray. "Because it looks like you guys have seen a ghost or something."

"No time to explain!!" said Mikoto in a frightened voice. "Just keep running if you want to live!!!"

"Don't tell me!!" said Natsu with a look of terror on his face. "Erza's finally lost it hasn't she!!??"

"I wish!!" shouted Happy. "Then she would totally take down that thing that's chasing us!!!!"

"Chasing us?"

Gray and Natsu suddenly heard a massive feline roar and looked up at the moon behind them to see a massive black panther the size of a house with bat wings and a trail of purple flames running from his fur flying towards them.

"It's evil Happy!!!" Shouted Natsu.

"Where the heck did you meet that thing!!??" shouted Gray. "And couldn't we just fight it or something!!!??"

"Trust me!" said Mikoto. "I've already tried fighting that thing, and it is soooo not happening. It's like his fur is made of rubber or something, he doesn't conduct any of my electric moves. And when I tried my Iron Chain Sword, it just glanced off him like it was nothing!!"

"Well we haven't tried fire magic yet!!" said Natsu stopping in his tracks and facing the monster panther.

"Natsu wait!!" shouted Gray as he and the others also stopped in their tracks. "We don't know what that thing can do yet, we have to regroup first!"

"Roar of the Fire Dragon!!!!" Natsu blew a great tounge of flame from his mouth which completely engulfed the monster cat.

However, the flames turned purple and absorbed itself into the panther's fur. The monster gave a growling laugh. "Fools!! This is the sacred feline of the sun god Nekoking, it's body was made from sacred flame!! "Neither fire, ice, nor pure energy will pierce it's hide!!"1

"It TALKS!!?" said Natsu with his jaw dropping.

"Seriously!!" said Mikoto. "That thing just absorbed your fire like it was nothing, plus you hang out with a talking flying cat all the time, and you're worried about that monster being able to talk!!!???

"It just looked like the kind of monster that didn't say much." Said Natsu rubbing his head.

"We need to find the others!!" said Gray. "No way we can beat this guy on our own!!"

"It's too fast!!" said Happy. "We'll never make it!!"

"Not if I can help it!!" Mikoto held her hands up and concentrated. Iron sand flew out of the ground and began covering the beast's wings and weighting it down, eventually the panther crashed to the ground, unable to account for the extra weight of the iron solidifying onto his wings.

"Go!!" shouted Mikoto. "This won't hold it forever!!!!"

The threesome continued to run as the panther struggled against the iron sand that was magnetized to the ground.

Eventually they ran out of breath and stopped to rest on a slope.

"Does....anyone.....remember the way.....back to camp?" said Mikoto panting.

"Dang!" said Natsu gasping. "We're lost!"

"What are we going to do!?" cried Happy. "That thing can probably smell us or somthing!!"

"If I could magnetize enough iron," said Mikoto. "I could try to bury it, but it would take ages for me to summon enough electricity to do that."

"How much time would you need?" Asked Gray.

"At least 20 minutes."

"I think me and Natsu could last that long." said Gray cracking his knuckles.

"Are you sure?" asked Mikoto. "He said that ice attacks don't work on him."

"He probably meant that freezing him wouldn't work....but Ice Make Magic does way more then that."

A roar shook the sky and the form of a winged panther was seen flying against the moon.

"Just do your best" said Natsu with a determined look on his face. "And we'll do the rest!!"

Natsu and Gray moved forward up the rocky slope to face the panther. Mikoto turned to face that vast rocky slope before her. Her electric powers could practically feel all the metal buried deep in the canyon waiting to be magnetized. Mikoto raised her hands and closed her eyes. Black sand began to rise from the canyon, more and more continued to come out of the ground. But after around 5 minutes, Mikoto had still only magnetized enough metal to restrain the panther and not bury it.

Natsu and Gray were suddenly knocked back into the stone cliffs. Both of them tried to get up, but before they could, the panther swooped in and made massive swipes with his paws, knocking Natsu and Gray into the wall of the canyon. The massive monster cat landed in front of Mikoto and roared.

"Darn it!!" said Mikoto."I'm not ready yet!!!"

The panther laughed. "Face it mage girl of the townsfolk, you have lost. I will devour you and your friends, and the Nekoking shall once again take his rightfull place on the throne."

"Mikoto do something!!" shouted Happy. "I don't want to be made into cat barbeque!!"

Mikoto summoned up all the energy she had left and threw the iron sand on top of the panther. However, the iron sand was still not enough, and the panther began tearing his way out of the magnetized minerals.

"I don't.....have....enough.....power." Gasped Mikoto.

Suddenly a voice seemed to reverbrate from inside Mikoto's heart. "You are wrong. The very power you need dwells within you.....Search within yourself....Summon the dragon within...Crush your enemy beneath your wings and talons and strike the sun with your power."

"But I don't have any power...." Murmered Mikoto straining to keep the iron sand magnetized. "I-I couldn't even protect my friends just now....."

"Do not underestimate your power....You are my daughter.....And the offspring of dragons are never so easily beaten."

Mikoto suddenly felt an energy within herself she had never felt before. Actually, she had felt this energy before, but she had always disregarded it somehow. Now instead of ignoring it, she took it and her body was filled with power.

Mikoto looked up at the monsterous cat creature. Somehow, she knew instinctually what to do. Mikoto's back suddenly sprouted ginormous white electrical tendrils that morphed themselves into giant wing like structures.

The panther backed away his lamp like eyes widening in shock. "W-what is this power!?"

Mikoto puffed up her cheeks as power filled her mouth. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!!!"

The Mikoto opened her mouth wide and a ginormous whirlwind of lightning blasted out. Golden Dragon Slayer lightning merged with the whitish bluish esper generated electricity to form a powerful bright whirlwind of energy.

"Y-you think this will beat me!!??" shouted the panther as the energy closed in on him. "I told you!! Energy attacks have no effect on-"

The white whirlwind collided with the beast who cried out in pain as the electricity tore him apart. When the dust cleared. All that remained of the beast was the Chieftain of the sun people kneeling on his knobbly knees and staring at Mikoto with frightened eyes.


Mikoto looked at the pathetic tribal mage before her. "I...I don't know...."

The lightning wings dissapeared from her back and Mikoto suddenly felt like her entire body had been drained of any sort of power. She fell to her knees breathing hard. She could see Natsu and Gray running to her and shouting something, but she couldn't seem to hear them, It was as if she had gone deaf.

What was she? Was she a dragon? Was she a human? Was she niether? And if so, then what was she...?

"Mikoto!!" Natsu shouted as he supported the esper who looked like she was going to vomit. "Are you okay!!? Mikoto!!"

"Come on!!" said Gray. "Snap out of it!!"

Happy just stood there staring at Mikoto in shock. "Sh-she just used...N-Natsu, s-she's a....."

"Don't worry Mikoto!!" said Natsu. "We'll get you to Wendy right away!"

".....what am I?"

Natsu and Gray looked at Mikoto. "Huh?"

Mikoto spoke once again, this time so softly, that even Natsu with his enhanced dragon hearing had to strain to hear. "...what....am I?"

Natsu grinned. "Do you even need to ask? You're a member of Fairy Tail, and don't you forget it."

Escape From The Tribe Of The Sun

"Run, run, run, run, run!!!" shouted Happy.

After Mikoto had defeated the chieftain Rico, the tribal members, which had been watching from afar, had attacked with a new fire in their hearts, revealing that their numbers were much more vast then the others had previously assumed. Even Natsu knew that this wasn't the kind of fight that any of them could win, not when almost every single one of the attackers were tribal mages.

After going into what Happy called 'Thunder Dragon Mode', Mikoto had become completely drained of energy. She couldn't even use her esper abilities, which was strange considering that esper powers did not run on any limited supply of inner energy but instead relied on the psychic's ability to calculate things such as wind current and target distance. So Natsu had taken it upon himself to carry Mikoto piggyback style on his back while Gray attempted to slow their adversaries down by putting up ice walls while they ran away.

"Man, they just keep coming don't they?" said Gray as another one of his ice walls shattered to pieces from a nearby tribal elder's spell.

"Not even Erza will be able hold 'em back at this rate." Said Natsu gritting his teeth. "If we don't find some way to lose these guys soon, it's going to be big trouble."

"I'm sorry..." said Mikoto wearily. "I'm so useless right now."

"Don't blame yourself." said Gray. "If it wasn't for you, we'd all be catnip."

"Aye!" said Happy. "And I'd be part of one really messed up sacrificial barbeque which involves very good massages for some reason."

"Sooooooo...." said Natsu. "Anyone know to get back to camp in the first place?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Darn it!!" Natsu shouted into the sky. "We're still completely lost, what the heck!!!!??"

"Does anyone have a signal flare or anything?" asked Mikoto. "Maybe we could-."

"Mikoto!" said Natsu almost stopping in his tracks. "You're a genius!!!"

Natsu swelled up his checks and spat glob of fire into the sky which exploded once it hat reached high in the sky. The flames formed themselves into the words: HELP, being attacked by crazy people. P.S, bring some meat, we're starving.

"You're asking for meat in a time like this?" said Mikoto with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't pretend you're not hungry." said Natsu.

Mikoto's stomack rumbled like a train. "Wh-wha? But I had a vulture leg earlier tonight!"

"Dragon Slayer Magic is pretty draining when you use it for the first time." said Natsu. "When I first used it, I slept for an entire week."

"You would sleep for an entire week anyways." said Gray.

"Yeah?" said Natsu. "And what's that supposed to mean!!!??"

"It means that you can sometimes be a lazy bum!!"

"You wanna go Freeze Boy!!?"

"Bring it on Lizard Wings!!"

"Hey!" shouted Mikoto. "If you guys keep arguing, when I get my energy back I am going to zap you idiots so hard that you will be magnetically stuck to each other for at least a week!!"

"Sorry ma'am." whimpered Natsu and Gray.

"So, do you think they saw the message?" Asked Mikoto.

"Oh they saw it."

"So how long will it take for them to get here?'

Natsu's eyes widened. "Ehhh....try not to think about that too much and we'll be fine.

"We're doomed!" said Happy. "Natsu, if I die here, I leave all my fish to Charle."

"Happy, If I die here." said Natsu. "Keep Gray away from Lucy!"

"What?!" Said Gray confused. "Why?"

Natsu looked slightly to the right with reddened cheeks. "Nothing....."

"So how are you supposed to honor each other's requests if you're both dead?" asked Mikoto.

Natsu and Happy looked at each other.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!" They both shouted with forlorn looks on their faces.

"Well I refuse to die here." said Mikoto. "I don't care how tired and weak I am right now, I am not going to die here."

"That's a great sentiment Mikoto." said Gray. "But first we have to figure out how we're going to do that."

"Well for starters!" said a voice on top of a nearby plateau. "You could let me help!!"

The group stopped in their tracks and looked up to see Gravix standing in the moon light.

"Oh no!!" shouted Happy. "Orbit Guy is back!!"

"Wait!" Erza walked up from behind Gravix. "He is no longer an enemy!!" Erza nodded at Gravix. "If you will?"

"Yes Titania!"

Gravix thrust out his hands, and the entire tribe began to levitate into the air and float off, their mass and weight having been reduced to even lighter then water vapor.

Erza turned to look at the peek of another nearby Plateau where Lucy and Wendy stood. "Now Wendy!!"

Wendy puffed up her cheeks in preparation for her Dragon Slayer breath attack. "Roar of the Sky Dragon!!!!"

A massive tornadoe was exhaled from Wendy's mouth causing all the lighter then air tribe mages to be blown away into the night sky like grains of sand.

"That is AWESOME!!" shouted Natsu.

But their troubles weren't over yet. Several mages who were specialized in negation spells, had undid Gravix's gravity spell on themselves, and had managed to shield themselves from Wendy's wind attack. There was a good reason for this. They were 3 of the Tribe of the Sun's 4 most deadly mages. The fourth in their number had been Chief Rico, who was recently defeated by Mikoto. The first mage, was dressed in a headdress that looked like the head of a fish, his name was Salmus. The second who had the mask of a dog was named Canus. The third who had the head of an Alligator was called Crocus.

"They're using some kind of anti enchantment spell." said Gravix. "My Gravity Sphere Enchantment won't work on them."

"What about normal magic?" asked Erza.

"I believe that will still work."

"Good enough for me." said Erza.

Erza requipped into simple japenese samurai pants with nothing but bandage wrappings covering her upper torso. In each hand she bore a samurai sword. The swords that could only reveal their true power if one discarded all defense.

"I will engage the one in the middle!" said Erza. "Natsu, Gray, I believe you can take the other two."

"Oh yeah!!" said Natsu putting down Mikoto and engulfing his fists in flames. "Finally a fair fight!!!"

As Erza turned to face Crocus, Natsu went after Canus and Gray went after Salmus. Salmus, not being much of a talker, raised his staff which was adorned with sea shells, and giant geysers of water shot of the ground and curved in the air to come at Gray in the form of high pressured water blasts. Gray instantly formed an Ice Shield and sent out an Ice Make Lance move back at Salmus. Salmus blocked the move with a massive wall of water.

"Wow." said Gray. "You remind me a bit of the first time I fought Juvia."

Salmus: "..."

"Not much of a talker aren't ya fish?" Said Gray grinning. "That's alright. This way you can't curse me out when I pull off this strategy."

Gray ran at Salmus, dodging the geyers which kept on shooting randomly out of the ground. Gray then punched the ground once he was around 20 feet away from Salmus, causing all the water surrounding him to freeze into ice sculpture. Salmus stopped attacking, surprised by the sudden uselessness of his water.

Gray formed a giant bow and arrow from ice and aimed it at Salmus. "Ice Make, Freeze Arrow!!!"

Salmus was blasted by a giant arrow made of ice which instantly froze him in a ginormous chunk of ice.

"I wonder if Happy will like fish flavored ice pops." said Gray looking at his masterpiece.

Natsu, meanwhile, was locked in a huge melee fight with Canus. Canus had used his magic to instantly multiply his physical abilities by over a hundred times, making him super strong, agile, and durable. Both Natsu and Canus were currently right in front of each other, Natsu hitting him with multiple firey fists while Canus responded with his own multitude of punches.

"Can't keep up, can ya!? ARF ARF!!! shouted Canus. "I'm going to chew you up like a bone and spit you out!!"

"Brind it on Pound Puppy!!" shouted Natsu as he increased the speed of his punches, and his fire began to glow brighter.

Natsu suddenly used one of his flaming hands to grab Canus's face and throw him into the air. "ARF!? ARF!?"

Natsu jumped into the air right next to Canus. "Crushing Fang Of The Fire Dragon!!!" Natsu attacked with his open palmed flaming hands and smashed Canus into the ground, creating a glowing red hot crater in the ground.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Hey Happy!! I think I just made a hot dog!!"

As it just so happened, Erza was also in the process of defeating her opponent. Crocus mainly specialized in earth magic. As a result, his attacks weren't that swift as he sent giant boulders from the ground to attack Erza. Erza on the other hand, was swift and agile, using her swords to slice the boulders that came at her in half, as if they were made of butter. Erza finally made it close enough to kick Crocus into the dirt and point her sword at his mask.

"Surrender!" said Erza. "Your subordinates have fallen! It is over!"

Crocus began to laugh. "Actually town dweller, the battle has only just begun."

Crocus put his hands together as if in prayer. "Man is flesh, and flesh lives, and those who live with flesh may become one. Let the sun, water, earth, and strength spirits merge into lightning!!"

Crocus suddenly glowed as well as Salmus and Canus. Chief Rico, who had just managed to catch up on his knobbly knees glowed as well. They turned into bright spheres of light which colided with each other and exploded in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, a ginormous beast about the size of Lucy's house appeared. It was massive furry, and it walked on four legs. It's fur was patterned with yellow lightning bolt designs. It had four heads, The head of the panther Mikoto defeated, the head of a shark, the head of a wolf, and the head of a crocodile. The four heads opened their maws and a giant sphere of electric energy began to form and grow larger and larger.

"H-he's trying to take us all out in one go!" shouted Lucy frantically

"Crap." said Erza lost for ideas.

Mikoto on the other hand, was looking at the lightning as if a new instinct was suddenly emerging in her. Emerging in her stomach to be exact.

Wh-Why does that electricity look so....tasty? Thought Mikoto absolutely confused. I've never wanted to eat electricity before....have I?

"Eat It."


"Do not fight your instinct, eat the lightning and consume the energy you require."

"O-okay then." said Mikoto standing up wobbily. "You haven't steered me wrong yet...so I guess I'll give this weird thing a try."

The monster managed to get the lightning sphere to the size of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and fired. Mikoto launched herself forward and opened her mouth. The bluish white electricity suddenly went into Mikoto's mouth as if it was being sucked in by an electric vacuum. In a few short seconds, Mikoto had swallowed the entire electric blast.

MIkoto licked her lips in surprise. "That tasted like...ice cream."

The monster's four jaws dropped in shock. "IMPOSSIBLE!!! YOU ATE OUR SPECIAL SUPER CONDUCTER PHOTON DESTRUCTION SPHERE!!!! HOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!??????????"

Mikoto stood up now feeling completely rejuvinated, her body was now cloaked in both yellow and whitish blue lightning. "Well...I guess I was hungry....and I ate it."

"THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!!!!" shouted the monster now having a serious temper tantrum.

"Actually, it explains plenty." said Mikoto. "It explains that I just had dinner, and now...." Mikoto's back was suddenly ignited in the giant wings of electricity from before.

"I want dessert." Mikoto finished smiling with a bright glint in her eyes.

MIkoto jumped in the air, her kick off from the ground leaving a massive crater. Mikoto raised her fist. "Demolition Fist Of The Thunder Dragon!!!"

Mikoto thrust out her arm and a massive fist made completely out of lightning shot out from her fist to into the the monster. The moment the lightning fist connected, the monster exploded into fur, scales, and shark skin. Mikoto landed in front of the smoking, unconscious, tribal mages, her lightning wings gone.

Mikoto fell to her knees exhausted. "N-now I'm hungry.....again...."

Her stomach gave a fantastic growl and she fell face down groaning. "Please....sombody get me something to eat..."

Erza just looked dumbstruck. "Can someone explain to me what just happened here?"

"What happened here."said Happy cheerfully. "Is that Mikoto now has a dragon sized appetite!!"3

Hello there, It's me again. I thought I would clear something up regarding Misaka's esper powers and her newfound Dragon Slayer abilities. First, let it be known that esper powers can be developed in one of two ways. Either the person must take the Academy City curriculum where the student goes through various tests which involve psychological suggestion and various drugs, or they are born with them naturally through being naturally pschologically attuned with the part of their brains that humans don't normally used (The natural espers are known as Gemstones). What the esper's power is becomes determined by what is called their "Personal Reality." This is how a person personally sees the physical world or how they they feel personally about life (it gets a little complicated after a while XD). The book, manga, and anime series has not yet discussed what Mikoto's view of reality was However it can be assumed that she developed her powers through the normal curriculum as she is not described as a Gemstone esper.2

However, for the purpose of this fan fiction, I will go on to say that in this continuity Misaka's powers were developed naturally and that her ability as an Electromaster were the result of her subconscious reacting to her inner Thunder Dragon Slayer powers. However, both her esper ability and Dragon Slayer ability are seperate from each other. But because of the fact that personal reality as an esper links these powers together, while Mikoto can still use her esper power seperately, whenever she uses Dragon Slayer Magic, her powers will merge, causing her to be much more destructive and powerful then even someone like Laxus. Plus there is the added bonus of the fact that since her esper electricity isn't generated by her own magic, she can actually eat her own esper electricity to fuel her Dragon Slayer magic.7

Well I know that was a lengthy explanation just now, but thank you for bearing with me XD5


"I see, that is amazing."

Ezra had just listened to Mikoto talk about her recent dreams and the discovery about her dragon slayer powers.

"It's a little weird I know...." Said Mikoto.

"Actually," said Gravix. "It explains a lot."

The group was currently in the process of searching through the camp of the sun tribe in order to see if they could find food and supplies. While, Natsu and Happy went sniffing around for food, Lucy, Gray, and Wendy went looking for other possibly useful things.

"Whatever do you mean?" Asked Erza. "Exactly what does it explain?"

"It actually explains how Black Whisper was able to use magic despite his esper powers." Said Gravix. "As it turns out, I've seen him use his own brand of Spatial Dragon Slayer Magic before. I might not know much on the subject of espers, but I do know a thing or two about Dragon Slayers. The Dragon Slayer Mikoto is, is what is known as a Dragon Born. They are the offspring of humans and dragons through the blessing of a child while it still dwells in the womb. Achnologia actually had 3 Dragon Born generations ago, a daughter, a son, and another son. They suffered fates worse then death."

"So what is the difference between these Dragon Slayers and guys like Natsu and Gajeel?" Asked Mikoto.

"Well one of the most prominent traits is that they don't suffer from any form of motion sickness, quite similar to Sky Dragon Slayers." Said Gravix holding up a finger. "Another is that their magical abilities might differ slightly from their counterparts. For example, your powers somehow allowed you to form wings comprised of energy when your Thunder Dragon Mode was active. However, Laxus Dreyer, Fairy Tail's other resident Thunder Dragon, never displayed any ability like that. This is due to the fact that Dragon Borns have actual dragon's blood running through their veins like a powerful generator. The third is that Dragon Born magic is actually more draining then regular Dragon Slayer magic if you don't learn to control it properly, as we have seen earlier with Mikoto here on her second use of this power." (Take note that much of Gravix's knowlege is theoretical..so some of it might be proven wrong later in the series.)

"This is quite surprising though." Said Erza. "To think that our enemy is both a Wizard and a psychic from Mikoto's world. Is there a chance that he is a Dragon Born as well?"

"If Mikoto's dreams were correct, then it might be the only explanation. His main form of space bending magic is called the Black Vortex. You witnessed it during your first meeting with him. To be honest, I haven't witnessed him use his powers often, so at the moment the only true Dragon Slayer move I have seen from him was his Roar of The Spatial Dragon. If it touches you, your body is instantly torn apart and sent into multiple random dimensions and locations."

"That's...scary." Mikoto admitted. "There would be no shielding yourself from a move like that."

"If all this is true, then that will mean our enemy is much more dangerous then previously thought." Said Erza. "I will need to get a message to the Master somehow. To warn him and tell him about Mikoto's dreams at least."

"I can help with that." Said Gravix. "Inside my belt I have an assortment of homing letters. "(Homing letters are envelopes that can instantly teleport to any address you wright on the back, return mail is completely off limits though.)1

"Good." Said Erza. "Then I'll start the message right away."

Many miles away back in Magnolia Town, Markorav sat at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall's bar reading the letter that had just been sent to him. Suddenly his hands started shaking.

"This can't be!!" Said Markorav with an urgent voice. "That Misaka girl is a Thunder Dragon Born!!!!?? But that prophecy wasn't scheduled to come true in at least a hundred years!!!!!"

"Master?" Said Mirajane walking over. "Is there something wrong?"

"I'm afraid things are looking dire." Said Markorav with a sweat on his brow. "Very dire indeed. The Council must take action before it is too late!!"

"M-Master!?" Said Mirajane looking very bewildered now. "Whatever do you mean!?"

"If what I predict is correct." Said Markorav. "Both the Magic world here and that other world of science is going to go through hell if something isn't done....Mirajane, I'll need to write a letter to the council immediately!!!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible Master!!" Said Mirajane. "The Council is on closed discussion for another 5 weeks to discuss what to do with replacing the remaining openings after the Tartarus incident."

"Blast." Said Markorav. "The timing is too perfect. Mira, prepare to head out, tell Juvia she's coming too, and try to contact Laxus and Gajeel."

"What are you going to do?"

"Me?" Said Markorav with a determined glint. "I'm going to talk with an old acquaintance of mine."

Markorav walked over behind the bar and pulled a bottle behind the shelf. A doorway suddenly opened up in the wall nearby, and Markorav walked in shutting the entrance behind him.

Markorav walked through the dark circular room till he came to strange mechanical device that was projecting a large holographic device. Next to the device, the ghost of a small girl stood. It was Mavis, Fairy Tail's first guild master.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mavis asked Markorav seriously.

"No more hiding the truth." Said Markorav. "Start the inter dimensional link."

The screen suddenly shimmered until it showed the image of a dark room. In the middle of the room was a large tank connected by wires and tubes. However it was what was floating within the red liquid that filled the tank that was the strange part.

Floating upside down in a green hospital gown, was one who looked like a child yet also an adult. A man yet also a woman. A saint yet also a criminal. This was Aleister Crowley, the superintendent of Academy City. The schemer who could play anyone he chose on his own set of twisted marionettes. Whether he was a protagonist or an antagonist, who could truly know? The truth of the matter was, that he was a puppet master, a puppet master who had his strings all over this incident.

"Markorav." Said Aleister, his face expressionless and his mouth unmoving. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Don't pretend Aleister." Growled Markorav. "You may be good at it, but I know when I see acting. That prophecy, what the hell do you think you're doing!!!!!!!???????"

"I'm merely pushing things along." Said Aleister now smiling slightly. "The prophecy of dragons, an intriguing tale don't you think?"

"So you're the one who sent Mikoto to our world." Said Markorav. "You're attempting to use a Dragon Born to speed up the prophecy's events so you can have your ends. I don't know what your endgame is Aleister, but you best watch out, because my anger is building steadily..."

"But Markorav." Said Aleister smiling even more broadly this time. "Science is all about taking control.....I am merely doing what my interests dictate, taking control. Railgun is merely a piece of the puzzle, admittedly she is the largest piece, but right now I still have much planning to do....."

"I'm warning you Aleister, everyone in this guild I see as my own." Said Markorav pridefully. "Try to wrap anyone of them into this twisted game of yours, and you will wish you've never been born!!"

Markorav turned to leave then looked back at the hologram of Aleister one last time. "And when I say everyone, I mean Mikoto Misaka as well!! They're all my brats!!!!! And I will protect them to the end!!!!!!!"

As the machine disconnected it's link, Aleister Crowely, all the way back in the Windowless Building of Academy City, smiled. "Spoken like a true father...."

Next chapter