
Chapter 2

"Alright, so I got another 5 attribute points I didn't spend. I should even out my stats a bit more, I'll put 2 points on Agi, 2 points on Dex, and 1 point on Defence." As Adrian starts putting his new attribute points in.

"System, open the shop," Adrian said to System

[Opening Shop]

[User currently has 100 Shop Points]


[Skills, Items, Conversion]

"Open the Skill shop menu. Let's see what it has." Adrian pondered.

[Opening Skill Shop]

[Skills Available]

[Mini-map (100 Sp), Inv. Upgrade (5000 Sp), Photographic Memory (2500 Sp)]

"Jesus! That's a lot! Guess that the only thing I can buy is the mini-map… 'sigh'." Adrian sighed in disappointment with his lack of points.

[Host has bought "Mini-Map"]

[Host will now see a small map on the top right of their vision]

"Woah! It really is just like the games I used to play. Hmm, now I can go and explore more now!" Adrian exclaimed

[Host has received a Quest!]

[Expanding Horizons]

[Explore your surroundings and kill monsters around the area]

[Rewards: Varies on area explored and monsters killed]


"Alright...good thing I got all of my mp back, time to explore!" As Adrian said before using [Levitation] to start moving and exploring the cave.

[Host has killed x3 Level 10 Mutated Bullet Ants]

[Host has killed x2 Level 10 Horned Snakes]

[+ 7500 Exp, 1 Snake Horn, 2 Bullet Carapace]

[Level Up x2!]

[Host has explored a 2 miles radius around its original area]

[Host has explored a 3-mile radius around its original area]

[Host has met the requirements to complete the Quest]

[Do you want to end the Quest?]


"I-I, God this is so tiring mentally. Yeah, just end it for now...doing this for 2 days straight is exhausting." Adrian complained while ending his quest.

[Host has Completed Expanding Horizons]

[Calculating Rewards]

[Rewards: +12000 Exp, 500 Sp, Hunter Title]

[Level up x2!]

"Alright, 4 level ups, time to put in my stats! Just the Status part!" Adrian said to the system as he looked at his attributes.


[Adrian Folas]

Race: ??? (Mortal-1 Rank)

Titles: Reincarnator, Blessed by ???, Error, Fighter, Hunter

Level: 8 (500/8000)

Hp: 11/11 (4.5 per hour)

Mp: 12/12 (5 per hour)


Str: 8

Agi: 10

Vit: 11

Dex: 10

Def: 9

Wis: 11

Spirit: 12

Free Points: 20


"Ok, I guess I'll try to even out my stats and then get a few more levels before evolving to see what I should do…" Adrian pondered as he started putting his points in.


[Adrian Folas]

Race: ??? (Mortal-1 Rank)

Titles: Reincarnator, Blessed by ???, Error, Fighter, Hunter

Level: 8 (500/8000)

Hp: 11/13 (5.5 per hour)

Mp: 12/13 (5.5 per hour)


Str: 13

Agi: 13

Vit: 13

Dex: 13

Def: 13

Wis: 13

Spirit: 13

Free Points: 0


"There we go, looks much better than before! Alright, time to go back to exploring this gigantic cave!" With his goal set, Adrian sets off to go through a few different paths he didn't explore yet.

[Host has explored a 4 miles radius around his original area]

[Host has maxed out Levitation]

[Would you like to evolve Levitation?]


"Oh! That's a pleasant surprise! But why didn't I get any Exp for doing that though? Maybe it was just a first time thing. Tch...Stingy. Alright...Evolve Levitation!" Adrian complained to the system in his mind.

[Levitation has evolved to Fly]

[Lumination has merged with Light Magic]

[Light Magic is now unsealed]

[Current Light Spells: Lumination, Cure, Light Heal]

[+7500 Exp]

[Level Up]

"There it is!... Wait unsealed? Guess I gotta use a lot of a certain aspect of magic to unseal it. I wonder how metal affinity works? Hmmm, System shows the description of all my current skills!" Adrian wanted to see if there was any way to plan how much magic he can and should use.

[Skills] (P=Passive)

[Wind Bullet, Light Heal, Cure, Lumination, Fly, Inspect, Self Evolve, Adaptation]

[Inspect (3/10)-a skill used to understand more what you are looking at]

[Adaptation (P)-To adapt and gain skills from your surroundings]

[Self-Evolve (P)-The ability to Evolve, infinitely]

[Cure (1/10)-1 Mp peruse, used to cure/lower effects of negative alignments]

[Light Heal (1/10)-5 Mp peruse, Heal 5 Hp per cast (No cooldown)]

[Wind Bullet (5/10)- 0.25 Mp per bullet, invisible bullets used for attacking]

[Lumination (P)-Can now be turned on/off, to emit light around the user]

[Fly (P)-Can now be turned on/off, can be paired with Psychokinesis]

"That's...kinda cool, and the last skill...oh that's gonna be so overpowered! System, is there anything like a boss here I can fight and test my strength with?" Adrian asked as he got pumped up to test these new skills.

[Host has received a Quest!]

[First Boss]

[Find and Kill your first Boss]

[Rewards: Depends on Boss]


"Wait what!? There are multiple Bosses? How come I didn't come into contact with any of them then?" Adrian asked the system.

[The cave is extremely large, so bosses are spread out. Hint: 10 miles]

"Oh okay...that makes much more sense. Maybe I should grind a bit first before fighting my first Boss. Oh, wait! System, when do I evolve?

[Host is required to reach level 10 before Evolving]

"Alright, I guess I'll be farming for about a few days or so. Adventure here we come!" With this information in mind, Adrian decides to fly at a faster pace to find monsters to farm. Around the 7th day of farming, Adrian got a notification he had been waiting for all week.

[Host has killed a total of 5 Mutated Bullet Ants, 4 Horned Snakes, 4 Dark Bats]

[Horns x3, Carapace x2, Bat Wing x3 stored in Inventory]

[Host has earned a total of 19,000 Exp!]

[Level Up x2!]

[Host has reached the Maximum Level of Awakened Pseudo Mortal]

[Would Host like to Evolve?]


"Finally! Yes, Evolve!" As Adrian started to shine in a bright light, the System interface popped up with the Evolution Menu.

[Please Choose Your Next Evolution, Host]

Chapter 2 End

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