
Chapter 01

<p>What is happening? What the fuck is happening right now?<br/>I was at home I think. Then I'm here, wherever here is.<br/>Uhh... My head is killing me. And why Is it so loud here?<br/><br/>Huh...what..... My headache..... It's gone...<br/>Oh man.... what is going on... <br/>Little by little my head became clear. I still didn't understand what was happening, But... I don't care.<br/>I took a look around only to see people screaming and trying to run somewhere. It's like they are scared and running away from something.<br/>I wanted to follow them, so I started running. Fuck! What the hell happened to my body? It's like I got shorter.<br/>I stumbled and fell because of the height difference I am experiencing. Seriously what the hell is happening to me.<br/>Btw what the hell is chasing these people so much that they have to run even ignoring a child like a person who fell (me).<br/>Where the hell am I?<br/>It looks.... like a shopping complex. Then why the hell are these people running or from whom?<br/>I didn't follow the people and went inside a coffee shop like the area I saw, or is it a coffee-serving restaurant. I don't know, I just went inside that shop.<br/>I just wanted to get a breather from this chaotic environment.<br/>Let's see what I have with me.<br/>Oh, I have a small square device? What is it, it's too small to be a phone. I don't know, If it is a phone it's a very advanced one I think to make it this small. Moving on and then I have bubble gum, candy, and some money? Four hundred, a thousand, a fifty. So totally one Thousand four hundred fifty. I don't know what currency this is, so I can't tell how much is this worth.<br/>I took out the small device and searched for a button or something.<br/>That's when I heard a scream of a man. I mean I don't even see the man, but from his scream, I can tell it is bad. Very bad situation for me because I am scared shit and I don't know what I am scared of.<br/>I was getting ready to run and hide and then I saw a red-haired kid. Trying running away or trying to run away and fumble and try to run again or whatever the hell he is trying. I went out and dragged him to where I was and went behind the counter.<br/>And then I heard a growing or was it a long bark, I don't know what but when I heard it I felt it is getting close.....<br/>I dragged the kid and went inside the kitchen area of the restaurant looking for a better place to hide.<br/>I then saw a one-door refrigerator I think. I ripped the power cable and removed(throw out) all the things and trays it had inside. I dragged the kid inside with me and closed the door to hide from whatever the hell growled or barked.<br/>We then waited about 2 minutes. Then I heard something come inside the kitchen.<br/>I heard its growl and I thought "this is it for me".<br/>I am so scared... I have never been in a situation remotely similar to this in my whole life. The only thing I can do is to not make any noise and pry so it will leave us.<br/>That creature, whatever it is, is trashing this place. It's like it can feel that we are here somewhere.<br/>Then I felt it come near the refrigerator. I think it came from behind as I can feel it is trying to scratch or push from that way. I closed the kid's mouth with one hand and from the other held the door from inside so it wouldn't open even by mistake.<br/>I felt that the creature is trying to do something to the chiller. it started to shake and then the chiller fell.<br/>'the door is faced down... thank god'. I was so relieved. That creature didn't play with the box and I heard its footsteps fading away. I let go of the kid and let out a relieved sigh....<br/>Then after another 2 - 3 minutes the kid looked at me and whispered "is it ok to go now?"<br/>I let out a sigh and looked at him and said "not yet. We don't know if those things are gone".<br/>After another couple of minutes, I relaxed my tensed body. I then felt the red-haired kid put his hand in his pocket and take something out. He switched it on. From that came a small light that is barely enough to lit the dark box we were in and at least to see inside. <br/>'Wow, the kid got a glow stick, lucky I guess." I thought in my head. <br/>Even though I unplugged the refrigerator plug I still feel a little chill in here. Guess with the danger gone I am starting to feel things.<br/>To avert my attention from the chill I took out the device I found in my pocket previously and tried to open it. The red-haired kid saw this and looked a little surprised at the device. He then said, "Don't you know how to use that?"<br/>"I don't know what this is" I replied.<br/>He then looked surprised and said "How do you have that if you don't even know what that is? I think It's a new type of wrist communicator. It looks different from the ones I have seen. I don't think it's even in the market. Seriously I have never seen one like this."<br/>I was surprised to hear this. Because I have never even heard about a wrist communicator being so popular.<br/>And by hearing this I got more questions than answers. I have never heard of a wrist communicator like this. I know this because I was kind of a little bit geeky about technological stuff and new inventions. The closest one I saw was watches made by Apple Company. And even they weren't that popular with normal citizens.<br/>While pondering this I realized I don't even know the red-haired kids' name.<br/>I then look at him and asked "what is your name?"<br/> "My name is Gino Moretti. You can call me Gino." He replied.<br/>"Ok Gino, can you tell me how to use this device?" I asked him curiously.<br/>"Yeah sure. I also want to see what this bad boy does." He replied with an excited face. He then signed me to keep the device on my wrist.<br/>I then felt a little prick on the wrist, then the device settled down on my wrist like the Ben 10 watch.<br/>The device then suddenly started up in a holographic style. Wow, this is awesome.<br/><br/>Identified user Dante Grimes. <br/>Welcome!<br/>The device is critically damaged. Some functions are temporarily unavailable.<br/>Functions unavailable - storage, communication, Ethernet, camouflage mode, holographic system public mode damaged.<br/>Warning! The system is critically damaged.<br/>Functions available - user data<br/>Users can interact with the device manually by touching the required or users can use mental command functions as the device is synchronized to the user's unique waves.<br/>Mode - privacy<br/>Automatic repair activated<br/>Repairing complete 30%<br/>Synchronizing complete 27%<br/>The estimated time for completion is 70 hours 42 minutes 38 seconds<br/>Device entering camouflage mode to save energy.<br/>Please review the device information and help section once the device is repaired and synchronized to user Dante Grimes.<br/>...…<br/><br/>Then the device suddenly became a normal watch, a normal LED watch. I tried touching the screen but nothing happened. <br/>There was a small timer in the upper corner of the watch. It's like a countdown for the full repair.<br/>"Oh, man..... This is awesome. Are you seeing this" I asked Gino.<br/>"I think was in privacy mode. I can't see anything when it's in privacy mode. I can only see the time." Gino replied.<br/>Huh, that's practical. So if I don't want anyone else to see what I see, I just have to see it in privacy mode.<br/>" seriously why are you just asking me this? Information like this, everybody knows. Why is it that you don't know this information? " Gino asked suspiciously.<br/>"I.... I am... I was...." I stammered because I didn't have an answer for what he asked me. I then nervously touched the back of my head. Then I felt my hair is wet, not water wet it was sticky wet. Like blood...<br/>Then I got the perfect excuse to get out of this situation.<br/>"My head it's bleeding," I said out loud.<br/>" what... How... Did you fall or something" Gino asked.<br/>What.... shouldn't he realize that I got injured and lost my memory..... that usually happens in stories I read before.<br/>Aaahhhh... I miscalculated... This guy here is just a kid. So he doesn't kn---<br/>"Ohh is it because of your injury you can't remember anything? "Gino asked with a realized face.<br/>Hoooo. So he is not that dumb after all. And I am glad this guy can't see me clearly in this dark box low light. Or he would have seen my nasty smile.<br/>" I think so..... It kind of hurts when I try to remember. " I replied to him.<br/>" then it's better if you don't try to think. I'll stop talking now." Gino meekly said.<br/>" I think it's ok if I don't try to remember. Can you tell me about yourself? " I asked Gino.<br/>"Oh.... ok. So my name is Gino Moretti. I am nine years old. I live in Sicily in Italiana state. I live in the Sea Shell Orphanage in Sicily District 1. Well, the orphanage is actually near the sea. That's why the name Sea Shell Orphanage. " Gino started to talk.<br/>'state Italiana? What the hell is that. As far as I know, Italy was a country, not a state. I need more information.<br/>"Wait so right now we are in District 01?" I interrupted him and asked.<br/>"No, actually we are in district 03 right now. I came with one of the sisters who take care of us to buy some things. Then this happens and I got separated from her. I hope she is okay. " Gino muttered in a worried tone.<br/>"Don't worry she will be fine. Hay speaking of this happened, what the hell happened? and what was that creature " I asked what I wanted to ask the most. Because for me what happened was still unbelievable. It's like I am dreaming.<br/>" oh, that I don't know. I think it may be a small dungeon break or a small rift. " Gino replied.<br/>I waited a couple of seconds for him to continue what he was saying. But he just went silent like thinking about something.<br/>That's it..... He is only saying that much. Uh... I can't even ask him more because this seems like very common knowledge here. Even though he knows I don't remember stuff I don't want to worry him more. I have to get more information as soon as possible.<br/>After that, we stayed silent for about an hour or so I think.<br/>Glow stick also lost its power and we are now in complete darkness. I wanted to go out but the way the chiller fell made it nearly impossible for me to open it. <br/>Then after another few minutes, I started hearing noises like doors opening and slamming. I thought it was another monster. We both listened carefully for any noise coming from outside.<br/>Then I heard someone loudly say " is anybody here? We are here to help. "<br/>It's human... We are saved.... Thank God. Gino and I both started screaming" help..... We are in here..... Help"<br/>we heard footsteps hurriedly coming towards where we were. <br/>"Hurry it's coming from that small chiller. Sounds like two kids" another voice replied."<br/>Finally, I can get out of here. Finally...… I can get out….....</p>