
a world I didn't know

as I walk away I turn to look one last time at my old home sun city orphanage as I look at it I decide it's time to go and head off not really knowing where to go due to never leaving the orphanage I'm extremely unfamiliar with anything of our world we never has TV and the only things we had were books from before humans developed powers. As I'm walking before I can react I feel something rush past my shoulder as I take a second to figure out what happened I see another person seemingly trying to catch the person who ran past me. Hey you don't just stand there stop him he's stolen crystals from the armory, as he ran I turn around to see what looks like an aura style of ability being used to try and detail the runaway not really knowing what to do I start running and pull out my sword as I charge energy through my hand I condense lightning from around me and shoot a wide area of it at the runaway without missing my mark I hit him dead on paralyzing him as the one chasing him detains him. thanks he says as walk over to me that was impressive lucky shot for a beginner do you belong to an organization on world or off world? what's an organization I say clueless as to what's going on, you don't know about organizations how abouts factions maybe your In one of those? I'm from the sun city orphanage I'm not really familiar with the terms your saying, as soon as I said those words he immediately changed tune and started to explain, your from there no wonder you don't know anything they don't let you know about the world thinking they'll protect you well in the long run it hurts you to start off organization and factions are centers where powered individual or groups go to sign up to hunt beasts and other rogue individuals on earth or other planets by sign up in a faction you start off at the lowest rank then rank up based on how many crystals you pull in and the number of missions completed at a certain lvl organization on the other hand are people who run huge empires of crystal trading companies as well as tons of individuals with high ranks or talent from factions or just hire a faction in general to do contract work the reason I asked is thar sword is an advanced tier support item on its own its useless but if the right person uses it it can be a huge assistance in power and energy control however unlike most advanced weapons or assistance items this one grants no buffs or abilities so it's not a super expensive item but it's not cheap either I assumed you went hunting but since your not part of any factions you might want to try out the faction hub and sign up you don't know anything of earth so it'll help you learn about what you'll need to know about our planet and others. I thank him then leave for the location he gave me as I walk in people are using these beast weapons I just learned about as I look at mine and I go to the sign up desk, hi my names Samantha price I would like to take a test for a rank after thar I get handed a form I sign and then get lead to a room with a few others where we are to show are abilitys. alright Samantha over here you have 5 targets I want you to aim and try to hit all 5 with out using more then 1 strike per one, as I get up there I charge my sword up with lightning and as the targets start to move I lunge and strike the first with a sword strike and aim an ark shot at the remain 4 as it hits 1 and arks between the remaining 3. well done Samantha you'll be graded shortly. as the last 5 go I get a grade of d rank the second lowest rank the lowest being e after receiving my rank I check the quest board. hey I hear in the distance you might want to come with me I turn around and see the guy from earlier I got you this he hands me a chip, whats this I ask. that is an info chip it's something we use to download info from the technology we have and upload it into out brain this should help you know about everything about earth and what we know about beasts and planets so you'll be caught up on what you need to know. I take it and get instructed on how to use it [chip integration started download commencing] [download complete info upload chip ready to remove] as I take a minute to comprehend what was just flashed before my eyes and I collapse due the overload of info as I get back up I now know pretty much the bare minimum for what I need to survive and I thank the officer fir his help as I hand him back his chip as I go back to the board I see a quest for a planet named etri request for 4 basic fire salamander crystals. looks like we got our first quest as I snatch it and head for the portal room.

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