
League of Supernatural

Precious, a young pretty orphan found herself in a love triangle with three different supernatural creatures, a mermaid, a vampire, and a hybrid of a werelion and a werewolf. All three supernatural creatures had the conviction that they were destined for each other. Thank God for her friend who was a witch, she helped her to understand and make her choice wisely, and through this, she realized the cause of her parent:'s death. They never died a natural death. Together with her league of supernatural she took up her arms and went against her sea of troubles.

Onyeka_Rossi1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Scared Precious

Mark was a very handsome boy, tall light-skinned just like his sister. He was just like his sister, he should be called the male version of Precious. Though Mark was a very spoilt brat, a rude and mannerless boy who does things the way he sees fit, he still never joked with his sister, he loved her more than his very life, he understood that they had only but themselves, and Precious felt the same way too. Well, Nne was already asleep at the moment, so Mark took Precious to her room without bewildering Nne, his grandma who he also cared for immensely.

"Later now they will come and be crying in my ears that I have broken their heart, very loosed people, small talk, small kisses they are already taking things seriously." So he said, he was still referring to the teenage girl he had just driven in rudely.

"Sis, what is it, Presh, Presh talk to me, honey, did anyone harm you? Did you..., talk to me Presh, please!!!" He asked trying to get his loved sister to say something but she was calm, she just had her eyes wide open looking at him like she wanted to say something but was not airing a word. He quickly used his shirt which had been hanging on his shoulder all along to fan her with it, because she seem to be heavily sweating even under the fan which blew heavily from the ceiling. The poor boy was so scared he knew not what to do, and he won't like to wake his old Nne from her sleep only to bore her with what he was yet to know about.

Since he could not get his scared big sis to speak, he decided to make her sleep so that he also could go to his room and wait for the morrow to see if she will be better, but she spurned him from leaving her, she held him by the legs and hugged them tightly, he understood that something or someone must have scared his beloved sister so bad, he had known her to be a scared cat l, but not this scared. He wished she could tell him who it was so he could with his friends go for payback. Mark might not be the strongest guy in the block, but he was definitely the wrong guy to mess with as he had a bunch of loyal rascals around him, who are ready to burst open a couple or more heads for him.

"You want me to stay with you." He asked in a very tender tone, and she nodded to say yes. He looked at her with so much compassion, he wished he could get her to talk, but it seemed that what happened to her got her deep in the spirit, he even wished there was a way that he could tear through her mind, so she could see that which had gotten her so terrified, but too bad, there was no possible way. He then climbed the bed and held her tightly that night and they slept till the next morning.

Mark couldn't wake up as early as he was supposed, thank god it was Sunday, it wasn't a normal school day, he would have gone to school late. He actually slept late since he spent most of his night watching this sister sleep. On the other hand, Precious had been up for quite a while, she woke very early, but was still on the bed looking up to her ceiling and counting the blades of the fan as she worried about the past event, the event which took place the night past. She could never believe that such things ever existed, water, taking the flesh of a man, handsome-looking water? So he asked herself, she vowed never again to pass through the route anywhere again. She will rather take the long Sunderland route than the path of the haunted stream.

They were still inside and a keeping when Nne knocked at her door and came inside only to find her grandson in the bed of his sister, she had already gone to his room in search of him but found an empty bed, age felt that he might have slept out like he usually does of recent. She was amazed to see how he curled in the arms of his big sis.

"Hahaha, so he slept in your room today, I remember how he used to run into my room some nights to find his way under my arms to hide from his nightmares. I am sure that he had a nightmare again, this boy will never grow." So said grandma. She never knew that he was only the one consoling his sister from a real nightmare.

"Aha, there are some boys out there, they said they want to see you, they were not looking good at all, that was why I wanted to call your brother to come and see them first to be sure that they meant good, but he was not in his room, and I must confess my shock of seeing him here. You know how bad a judge of character I can be, I easily believe what people say about themselves." Nne said but end up hilariously. The old lady was well educated in her little level of education, her English was polished. She often said that the educational system of the country had crumbled, according to her, someone who finished in "standard six" just like she did, is better than one who is a University graduate now.

When Nne made mention of boys looking for Precious, Mark quickly turned out his sleeping button, he jumped up very fast like there had a tap on his inner mind. Chuks had always been jealous of boys around his sister, the only guy that he had allowed around his sister was Lionheart, and that was because he had known him for a very long time, they literally grew together, but as Precious' friend. He even assumed that he could never have any sexual thoughts about her.

"Which boys? Let's go. Get up Sis, get up let us go, let's go, I need to see if it is what I think it is." He said as he got up from the bed

"What are you thinking? is everything alright? I know everything is alright." Nne asked, she appeared worried, but Mark will rather not have her worry because of her health

"Do not worry yourself Nne, just go to your room and rest." He responded to her most calmly. He used his hands to such his eyes, he was yet to be fully up from sleep.

"Are you sure? Because you didn't sound like all is well" Nne mumbled.

"Do not worry yourself Nne, all is well." He said

"Ok, now Kaima, what are you still doing in bed by this time, you are a lady, you should know better than hide yourself in bed on Saturday morning, now get up, join your brother, then you may go outside with your brother to know why these boys want to see you." She said and she finally got up after a couple of stretching.