
Chapter - 14

[A/N: - This chap contains a lot of bullshit cringy drama, enjoy.]


"Yo! Illya-chan, Tohsaka, fancy meeting you here."

Jin raised his hand and greeted them while ignoring the stunned gaze of Saber and the rest.

Just as they were about to respond, they heard Rin's scream and a loud explosion from near the city.

"ARCHER!" (Rin)

"Oh, Crap."

Jin who heard the explosion remembered his cute servant that was nowhere to be found.

'Medea-chan, don't kill him.' (Jin)

'But Jin-sama! He attacked you, he deserves to die!' (Medea)

Jin felt happy hearing his yandere servant's answer, but he was the one to literally jump in the attack. Yandere girls don't operate on logic after all.

'Ok, do as you like but don't kill him. After you finish bring him here.' (Jin)

'Yes!' (Medea)

He closed the telepathic link with Medea and spoke.

"Don't worry, Tohsaka. He will live… probably..."

"What was that probably in the end?!" (Rin)

"Nothing… anyway, since he in a sense attacked me, Caster got angered and went after him. He won't die though; at most she will skewer him or torture him a little…"

Jin said while muttering the last part with a low voice.

"Putting that aside, Illya-chan, why are you alone? Sella and Leysritt, where are they? Did you run out of the castle without them knowing again?"

Jin turned towards Illya who was now standing near Berserker.


Illya who suddenly became the center of the conversation was startled.

"N-No, they know. And Jin when did you become a Master, and why didn't you take me out to play again?!"

Illya said with a pout.

"Ehehe, sorry, but I was busy with something, and you said you were busy preparing for this war, right? As for being a master, it just happened suddenly, I saved Caster's life when she was about to dissipate near my mansion, so I became a Master. I have no interest in this ritual though."

Just as Jin finished speaking, they saw Medea teleporting with an unconscious Archer floating near her.


Medea floated happily next to Jin.

"Welcome back, Medea-chan. Had your fun?"

Jin asked with a smile while looking at the bloodied rag that was on the ground right now, formerly known as Archer.

"Yes, I didn't kill him as you ordered. His magic circuits and abilities were a little bit interesting though."

Medea said as she looked at the unconscious Archer who was being shaken by Rin.

""Medea?!"" (Rin/Illya)

Illya and Rin who heard Jin address his servant casually were stupefied, but they knew that with his strength he didn't care if his servant's name was revealed. They were also surprised that the one in front of them is Medea, The Witch of Betrayal.

"You mean that Medea? The Witch of Betrayal?!" (Rin)

Normally, Medea would've tortured Rin to death for calling her a witch, but now she didn't really care. If she has anything towards her past, then it's only indifference. The only regret she has is not being able to apologize to her father and brother.

"Yes, she is. But don't call her with that nickname, she doesn't like it."

Jin answered her with a stern tone.

Medea however smiled thinly and replied.

"It's ok, Master. I don't really care about that anymore."

She said that as she held his arm.

"Y-You, w-what are you doing?! Shameless!"

Said a blushing Illya while pointing her shaky finger towards Medea.

"Oya? Of course, I'm hugging my 'precious' Master, little girl."

Medea looked at her with interest as she hugged Jin's arm tighter and emphasized the words 'precious' and 'little girl'.

Illy was now fuming for being treated like a little girl by Medea.

They suddenly heard Saber's voice who killed the mood.

"If the fight is finished, may I leave? My Master needs to recuperate from his injuries."

She said as she was carrying an unconscious Shirou on her shoulder.

"Hmm, wait a second. You guys just finished fighting and are pretty much exhausted, wanna come for dinner? I know since we are all Masters and all we are supposed to be enemies, but yeah call it a truce or something. I have no interest in fighting, and if I wanted to fight you would've long been defeated."

Jin said as he looked towards them.

"You are cooking?!"

Asked an extremely hyped Illya since she remembered the taste of his food last time they met in the park.

"Yes, I'm cooking."

Jin replied with a smile.

Just as Illya was about to agree, she suddenly remembered Sella and Leysritt and her excitement died down.

Seeing her like this, Jin chuckled.

"If you are worried about Sella and Leysritt, I'll call them for you. Sai, call the Einzbern castle."

[Affirmative. Call in progress…]


/Call start/

"Moshi moshi, Einzbern castle here." (?)

"Hello, Sella, it's me Oukami Jin." (Jin)

"Ah, Oukami-sama, how can I help you?" (Sella)

"I wanted to call you to inform you that Illya will be spending the night at my mansion tonight."

Jin said as he set a wink towards Illya who had a thin smile on her face.

"I don't think this appropriate, Oukami-sama." (Sella)

"Well, she was fighting other Masters and Servants so she is really tired, she will have dinner and spend the night. Why don't you and Leysritt come over as well? It will be no problem as long as you are with her, right?" (Jin)

"Eh? Jin is cooking?!" (?)

"Ahahah, it has been a while, Leysritt. Yes, I'm cooking dinner." (Jin)

"It's our duty to accompany Illya, we are coming." (Leysritt)

"Leysritt, Wa-" (Sella)

/Call end/

The call was abruptly cut by Leysritt who 'forced' Sella to go with her.

Jin who was on the other side of the call smiled wryly.

"It's done." (Jin)

"They couldn't stand the temptation of your food after all."

Said a giggling Illya who stealthily wiped the drool from her mouth.

Jin then turned towards Saber and Rin.

"You guys are coming as well, Emiya needs healing and Archer…. whatever." (Jin)

He then turned towards Berserker and spoke.

"Big guy, can you carry him? We are leaving."

Berserker looked towards Illya who nodded then went and carried Archer like a sack of potatoes.

"Medea-chan, let's go then."

Jin turned towards Medea and spoke.

"Yes, Jin-sama."

Medea said as she teleported them to the mansion.

____/Scene change\____

In the courtyard of Jin's mansion the group appeared.

Illya, Rin and Saber looked at the mansion in front of them with awe. Even though it was dark, the mansion still looked magnificent.

Suddenly they heard Shirou screaming.


"Shirou, what's wrong?!" (Artoria Saber)

"Don't worry, he is being healed."

She heard Jin's voice from behind her.

"Healed?!" (Artoria Saber)

"Well, yeah. There is an always active healing enchantment here, so he is being healed, look at Archer."

Jin explained as he pointed towards Archer who was being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Then why is he in so much pain?" (Rin)

"His natural magic circuits are being awakened. They were never used before, so the spell deemed them as damaged parts and started healing them. He will be in pain for a while so don't mind it. He will become better at handling his magic now that his magic circuits awakened."

Jin explained to the dumbfounded group as he smiled internally. He can help ease his pain, but he hates Shirou with passion from his past life, so this is a good show for him. A sadist? Yeah, so what?

Before going in, Jin used his telepathy and told Rider Alter that he will change her face with illusion magic for now. He wants Saber to meet the other four at the same time after all.

"Putting that aside, let's g-"

Before he finished speaking a shadow jumped on him.

"Nii-sama, Medea-san, welcome back!"

Said Sakura who was currently rubbing her head on Jin's chest after checking his body to see if he was hurt.

She then looked around and noticed Illya and the rest.

"Long time no see, Illya-san. Tohsaka-senpai…"

She greeted Illya and then her voice grew quieter when she mentioned Rin.


Rin said with complicated eyes.

They stayed silent but then Sakura felt he beloved Nii-sama patting her head. She looked up and saw him looking at her with a soft smile.

"Sakura-chan, no need to rush it. I'm here with you and you can take all the time in the world if you want." (Jin)


Sakura who heard him couldn't help but feel her eyes turning red, she was thankful for her circumstances that led to her meeting her Nii-sama.

Medea who saw them like this had a thin smile on her face. She knew of Sakura's past and knew what would have been of her if Jin didn't take her in. She was a bit envious of her that she didn't have anyone to save her when she was young, but she was more than satisfied with her current life.

Rin looked at this scene with complicated gaze. She as Sakura's biological sister didn't even have the courage to talk to her.

Illya however was looking sad seeing their interactions. She looked towards the groaning Shirou with complicated eyes. In a sense, she and Shirou should be like Jin and Sakura, but reality is not that sweet. Suddenly, she felt someone's hand on her head. She looked up and saw Jin looking towards her with a small smile.

"Why the long face, Illya-chan? Let's go have fun, okay?"

Jin spoke while still caressing her hair.

She looked towards Jin and smiled back while nodding.

[Master, there is a Mercedes-Benz 300SL heading towards the gate with two people inside.] (Sai)

"Ah, Sella and Leysritt arrived huh. Sai, open the gates for them and guide them inside." (Jin)

[Affirmative.] (Sai)

"Ok, let's go, I need to prepare dinner after all."

Jin said as walked towards the mansion while they followed behind him.

____/Scene Change\____

Jin was currently inside the kitchen with Medea and both Sella and Leysritt who insisted on helping him prepare the food. Although he made them do minimum tasks like Medea, he considers the kitchen his territory after all and unless he is teaching them or wanting them to cook, no one shall do the process of cooking except him.

Rin who was in the living room suddenly an enormous amount of mana appearing in the kitchen. Out of curiosity she went to take a look. She also wanted to avoid the uncomfortable silence between her and Sakura.

"What the hell?!"

Screamed the dumbfounded Rin who saw a giant boulder like crystal made of mana in the middle of the kitchen with Jin cutting it into smaller parts.

"Noisy! What are you screaming for, Tohsaka?!"

Jin said with irritation. Isn't it just a mana crystal? Why is this girl so worked up about it?

"Y-You, what are you doing with this crystal?!"

Rin asked while pointing a shaky finger towards the crystal.

Medea who saw her like this chuckled internally, she had the same thought the first time she knew that her master uses this crystal as a cooking ingredient. Sella and Leysritt however looked with interest waiting for his answer.

"Cooking, duh! For an heiress of the Tohsaka family you sure are stupid."

Jin said as he continued cooking.

"Y-You! I mean why are you using this precious thing as a mere cooking ingredient?! Don't you know how people would fight for a mana crystal this size?!"

She couldn't help but shout when she heard his response. 'Using a treasure as a cooking ingredient?! Does he have brain damage?!'

"It's worthless for me, I have tons of this kind of crystal rotting down in the storage of my workshop. Perks of being on a layline and ACTUALLY making use of it."

Jin offhandedly replied while throwing a minor burn to the heiress whose residence was built on a layline.

Rin felt her eyebrows twitching and Medea was laughing her ass off.

"Ok, Archer is awake, go and tell him not to leave. You both need a recharge especially after Medea skewered him."

Jin shooed Rin out of the kitchen and sent her to the edge-lord who was about to awaken.

____/Scene Change\____

Saber right now was staring at a maid in front of her that was giving her a sense of familiarity for some reason. She was sure they have never met before, but for some reason she felt extremely familiar.

Rider Alter who felt the stares of her counterpart wanted to troll her, but still abided by her Maser's words and waited after dinner when her 'sisters' are present as well.

She was currently preparing the table with an unparalleled enthusiasm. She can't wait to eat her Master's divine cuisine after all.

She then heard the sound footsteps and saw her 'big sisters', the old hag and her Master's lover who came out of the training room.

She noticed that the faces of the hag and her sisters' were masked with illusions as well.

Saber who saw the two blonde women felt the same weird familiar feeling from them as well.

The two mature Artoria froze for a moment then continued normally, they received the message from their Master after all.

"Master is still in the kitchen, go change your clothes we have guests. Sai, call Salter here as well or she won't be getting food later." (Artoria Rider Alter)

The four of them went to change their clothes while Sai notified Saber Alter that the food will be ready soon.

Rider Alter then looked towards the unconscious Shirou who was getting awake, then looked towards her 'sister' with pity for having such trash as her Master.

'Rider Alter, the food is ready, come and take the plates.' (Jin)

Rider Alter ho received her Master's message ran extremely quickly towards the kitchen to get the plates.

Saber who saw this went as well to help. It's not polite of her not to do anything when the person healed her Master and now making food for them. Worried about poisoning them? He wouldn't have saved her and her Master from the attack earlier if he really wanted to hurt them.

Saber then followed after her to the kitchen and was hit by the smell of the food. She was frozen stiff, and drool started coming out of her mouth.

"Another one bites the dust huh." (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"So, we really are that easy to tame…" (Artoria Lancer)

This scene was currently witnessed by the two mature Artoria who finished changing their clothes. They both looked towards each other and smiled wryly seeing their 'original' being almost tamed just by the smell. On her account they have to admit that their Master's cooking is just divine.

They then went to help moving the dishes as well.

They entered the kitchen and saw a small hill made of food, literally. They then started moving the dishes and Rin, Archer, Illya, Sella, Leysritt and even Berserker joined in the process.

Five minutes later the whole table was set and all of them were sitting around the table.

"Oukami-senpai, thanks for saving my life back then."

Said Shirou who was looking seriously towards Jin.

"Don't mind it. By the way, have you checked your magic circuits?" (Jin)

"No, what's wrong?"

Asked Shirou while being puzzled. He then checked his magic and saw that it was flowing smoothly through his body, and he didn't need to convert his nerves into makeshift magic circuits anymore. He then stood up and bowed towards Jin.

"Thank you Oukami-senpai. I'm in your debt."

Said Shirou sincerely while looking at Jin.

"Don't mind it, now eat before food gets cold." (Jin)

"Arto- I mean Saber-san, eat a lot, this food contains mana crystals, it should be able to refill your magical energy reserve after your battles earlier."

Jin who wanted to provoke her pretended to slip and call her True Name talked to Artoria.

It worked since Artoria looked at him with a sharp gaze and spoke with a cold tone.

"You know my True Name?!"

"Hehe, I can see the True Name of any servant after all. And no, I'm not a Ruler-class servant."

Jin spoke nonchalantly while ignoring the dumbfounded eyes of the Masters, and the sharp eyes of two servants, especially Archer who looked at him like he wanted to kill him. He ignored them and continued to speak.

"And besides, even if I can't see your True Name, I already knew it since you were extremely popular in the last Holy Grail War after all.

Iskandar (Rider) wanted you under him (not literally), Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Lancer) was hell bent on poking you with his spear, Lancelot (Berserker) was going berserk just by seeing you, Gilles de Rais (Caster) was going batshit crazy yandere trying to get your love, although he mistook you for Jeanne D'Arc, but the point still stands. And finally, Gilgamesh (Archer) was literally asking your hand in marriage, it was more of an order than request but still.

The previous Holy Grail War was some kind of shoujo anime, it was some reverse harem rom-com, but with dead people fighting over a little girl in addition to blood, torture and more blood…"

Jin who dissed the previous war continued to eat like nothing happened. Medea, Saeko, Sakura and the other four Artoria were trying really hard to hold back their laughter, Lancer Artoria was looking towards her with pity, but her breasts kept jiggling from the attempt to not laugh at the embarrassed face of her younger self.

Illya, Rin, Shirou and Archer had funny faces after hearing what Jin said. Especially Illya since she knows that Saber was her father's servant in the war.

Saber herself was blushing madly from shame, embarrassment, and anger.

"Hold your horses, King of Knights. If you want to fight, then I'll accompany you. Just finish your meal, I have no interest in fighting someone who can't give her all because she has no energy to spare."

Jin said when he felt that his provocation was successful.

Saber begrudgingly stayed silent and continued to bulldoze her way through the food as if she were taking her anger on it.

However, not everyone was calm like her.

*Pffffft* *Slam*

"King of Knights?!"

It was Rin who was drinking soup spit the soup in her mouth and stood up while slamming the table.

"Are you telling me that this little girl is the King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon?! And that Emiya-kun out of all people was able to summon her?!"

Rin was currently shouting and didn't realize that she stepped on a landmine.

'Oh boy she's fucked.'

Thought Jin with amusement when he felt five bloodthirsty auras coming from all the Artoria who were sitting around the table. He of course blocked their aura from erupting so Rin can only feel their glares.

"Tohsaka, I think you should apologize before someone gets hurt."

Jin spoke when he realized that Rin was oblivious to the fact that her life was hanging by a thread right now.

Rin finally calmed down and took notice of Saber's glare, so she apologized.

The dinner went with no problem and all of them enjoyed his food that spoiled their taste buds. Even the two homunculus Sella and Leysritt showed rare expressions of delight on their normally emotionless faces.

On another note, Berserker almost regained his sanity after eating the food, but Jin of course stopped the process.

How can he be a Berserker if he didn't go Berserk?

After they finished their food, Illya suddenly spoke.

"Jin, you did say that you can see the True Name of the Servants, right?"

"Indeed, Illya-chan. For example, this big guy here is Hercules from the Greek myth." (Jin)

"Wow!! So, who is Archer?" (Illya)

Archer who heard her question was about to take out his bow but realized that if he moved Medea would kill him and the young girl with purple hair which he assumes as Assassin would instantly attack him. Although he is confident in his strength, but he was sure that if they both attacked then he would die.

"Hehe Archer huh…"

Jin spoke with amusement as looked towards Archer who was gritting his teeth.

"Archer is not a Heroic Spirit from a past legend." (Jin)

""Huh?"" (Illya/Rin)

"Why are you looking like this? Who said that Heroic Spirits must be from past legends? Heroic Spirits are not bound by the concept of time, so if you can summon a heroic spirit from the past, what makes it strange that you can summon that will exist in the future?"

Jin continued to speak and Archer was nearing his limit of tolerance.

"As for his name…"

The young Primordial looked towards Archer and smirked.

"It will spoil season 2, so you have to wait and find out yourself. Ehe."

"EHE TE NANDAYO?!" (Illya)

[A/N: - Sorry, I had to do it…]

"Leaving that aside, Artoria-chan, wanna have a duel right now or later?"

Jin ignored Illya who acted like a certain Emergency Food and talked to Artoria.

"Now, I will make you apologize for the remarks earlier! You have tarnished the dignity of brave warriors with your words!" (Artoria Saber)

"Meh, can't even take a joke. If you act all serious like this, your breasts won't grow larger."

Jin said while looking towards her breasts and ignored the two glares he received from the two young Alter Artoria.

"Well, to the training room then. Follow me. You guys feel free to come if you want." (Jin)

They all followed him to the training room. He and Saber went into the center of the room, while the rest went to the spectators' area.

"Where is your weapon?" (Artoria Saber)

Jin was about to take an identical Excalibur from his Gate of Origin but got another idea.

"Salter, can you lend me your sword?"

Jin said to Saber Alter who was still pissed at the jab he threw about her breasts.

"No one except me is worthy to wield my blade!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

"Is that so? I even thought of doubling your pancake share for tomorrow's breakfast, guess not then."

Jin said with a fake sad face.

The four Artoria who heard him suddenly had their attention captured.

"Master, I think you should use my weapon instead. Lances are a change of pace than usual swords, Master!" (Artoria Lancer)

"Yes, Master! But I think black color suits you the best, you should use mine instead!" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"Master, as your maid I advise you to use long ranged weapons! Use my sniper rifle instead!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Master, why did you interrupt me?! I said no one except me is worthy to wield my blade! But you are my Master so of course you are worthy to wield it, Master!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

She didn't wait for any of them to respond as she summoned her Excalibur Morgan and went near him and kneeled while presenting the sword to him.

[Image here]

Although Jin predicted that she would lend him the sword, he didn't expect that she wouldn't bat an eye on trading her Noble Phantasm for pancakes.

Where is the dignity of the King of Knights?!

Where is the worth of this sword?!

Is the strongest holy sword only worth another serving of pancakes?!

While Jin was having this internal battle, the others were dumbfounded seeing that the girl that was with them was actually a Servant. They couldn't even sense it.

Saber however had a different expression. She was hundred percent sure that the sword in front of her was Excalibur, but more sinister.

"Y-You, what is this sword?! Who are you?!"

Saber asked while looking at Saber Alter, who ignored her and went back to the spectators' area and wanted to see her Master in action.

Jin lowered his parameters to match Artoria's, held Excalibur Morgan and then took the same stance as her when she was fighting Berserker before and spoke.

"Shall we start now, King of Knights?"

"Tell me first, what is this sword?! Why does it feel like my Excalibur?!"

Saber asked while being agitated.

"This is exactly your own Excalibur, but corrupted. Just like the fairies of the Lake, Vivian, and Morgana, can coexist as polar opposites embodying good and evil, Excalibur can also hold a dual existence of good and evil. Due to its nature as a "sword that amplifies", this one is blackened by the curses, corruption and evil. This black magical energy is the same Primeval Curse that lurks in The British Isles, courtesy of your lovely big sister , Morgana, who inherited it from your father. However, it matters not if it is filled with good or stained by evil as the fact that it is the strongest holy sword does not change." (Jin)

"History lesson is over; can we start now?" (Jin)

After she heard this, Artoria took her stance as well. She was still curious about the sword and the girl who handed over the sword to him, but she couldn't be distracted right now.

After she took her stance, both of them heard Sai's voice.

[Match starts in 3… 2… 1… GO!] (Sai)

Just as Sai finished speaking both of them dashed with tremendous speed towards each other and clashed.




'Hehe, this is fun. I can't believe I'm trading blows with the #1 Waifu of the TYPE-MOON franchise from my past life.'

"Artoria-chan, I can see the sword, your wind cover is absolutely useless against me. Don't forget that I'm literally using the same sword as yours, so it's easy to determine the length of the sword easily. You can stop wasting energy on useless tactics and attack in full strength!"

Jin said this as he wanted to see the clash between the two Excalibur. Use his powers to dispel the wind? Only if she refused. He is a 'gentleman' after all…

Saber who heard him contemplated for a bit then nodded and cancelled her 'Invisible Air'.

After she cancelled it, a glowing holy sword appeared revealing majestic aura.

"Before you attack. This place is durable enough to take the brunt of an EX rank Noble Phantasm without a scratch, so you can go all out."

Jin said with a smirk as he poured a large amount of magical energy into the sword. It covered the sword in a huge amount of black light with the same shape of the sword.

Seeing this attack, Saber stopped holding back and started charging her sword to unleash her strongest attack.

'Can someone tell me why the fuck am I even waiting for her to charge her attack? Ah right, the rules of anime fights.'

[Twelve hours later]

Saber finally finished charging her attack, she looked at him and unleashed it.

"EEX….CALLIBAAAAAAAAA!!!" (Artoria Saber)

Seeing the pillar of light that Artoria made, Jin decided to do the same thing. He held the sword at the same charging stance and pumped it with magical energy and created an identical pillar of light like the one from Excalibur. However, if Excalibur's golden light was holy and comforting, then Excalibur Morgan's black and reddish light was demonic and frightening.

"Excalibur Morgan."

Jin muttered softly as he swung his sword at the same speed as Artoria.

Both attacks clashed and created a loud explosion of light that made some of the spectators close their eyes.

They opened their eyes to see Jin holding his sword in front of Saber's throat.

Saber lost.

"It's your loss, Artoria-chan."

Jin said with a smile as he moved the sword away from her neck.

"It was a joke earlier, so I won't really apologize. You really need to stop taking jokes seriously. You can go to the kitchen later and refill the Magical Energy you spent in this fight." (Jin)

Jin then turned around and left Saber.

"Illya-chan, let's go and play!"

Jin said towards the stunned Illya who saw him beating Saber easily without breaking a sweat. She knew that the Oukami family descendants are a bunch of monsters, but she didn't expect it to be to this degree.

Rin was in the same boat as Illya, she didn't really expect him to be this strong to defeat Saber easily, she also couldn't comprehend how the other girl who seems to be a Saber servant was summoned.

Jin went and picked up Illya and put her on his shoulders then turned towards the rest and spoke.

"Ralter, please guide them to the guest rooms. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the game room with Illya-chan. Cya."

Jin said as he teleported with Illya to the gaming room to have their fun there.

The others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Rider Alter then guided them to their rooms and went to accompany her Master in his fun.

Talking with Saber? They would talk to her later.

She then went and joined her Master who was laughing his ass off, and Illya who was fuming and insulting someone called NoobMaster69.

"Master, I want to join." (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Sure thing, take a controller and have a seat."

Jin said as he drilled the "How to play" guide into her brain and muscle memory so she can start playing like a somewhat experienced player. He won't waste precious time in teaching her how to play when he can invest this time into abusing the NoobMaster69 and make him rage quit. It's called priorities.

____/Scene change\____

Jin was currently walking with Illya out of the gaming room. They looked behind and saw a certain maid not giving them a glace and playing like her life depends on it. Jin thought that it was a mistake to introduce her to racing games, she was abusing all the other players using her Riding skill that for some unknown reason worked on video games vehicles.

They left her alone and went to have a walk.

"Did you have fun, Illya-chan?"

Jin asked with a smile as he looked at the cute legal loli walking next to him.

"Yes, I really enjoyed it a lot. Thank you, Jin."

Illya said with a smile.

"You can visit whenever you want, you know that, right?"

Jin said as he patted her head.


Illya smiled, but then remembered something and her expression darkened.

"Why the long face? Is there anything wrong? You can talk to me if you want." (Jin)

Illya looked at his smiling face and hesitated for a bit before speaking.

"Jin, what would you do if the people you loved the most abandoned you and took someone else in your place?" (Illya)

"Is it about Emiya Kiritsugu and Emiya Shirou?"

Jin asked with a smile.

Illya was surprised but calmed down quickly.

"So, you knew about it?" (Illya)

"Of course, I do know about it. I did watch the records of the previous war in details after all." (Jin)

"Hey, Illya-chan. Would you accompany me for a while? I'll show you something." (Jin)

Illya stayed silent and followed him. Jin the guided her to the cinema of the mansion.

"I will show you what happened during the last war and leave the judgment to you."

Jin said this as he started playing Fate/Zero but of course it's a realistic version of the current timeline where Sakura is not in the Matou family, and instead the little change and 'gift' that Jin left for them, it will be omitted in the video though.

The video started playing and Illya watched it attentively. From the moment of her birth, the summoning of Saber, the death of her mother and finally the destruction of the Grail and Shirou's adoption.

Illya who was watching was currently crying her eyes out in Jin's arms. He hugged her and kept patting her until she finally fell asleep.

Jin then carried her and teleported her to her own room, used his magic to change her clothes into a comfortable pajama and put her in bed.

He left her room and went to the living room and saw Saber sitting there.

"Yo, Artoria-chan. Can't sleep?"

He spoke as he sat in a chair near her.

"Jin, who was that girl that gave you that sword? Why am I getting a familiar feeling from her? The same thing with the maid and two other women." (Artoria Saber)

"Oh, you guys haven't had your talk, huh? Ok, wait a second."

Jin said this as he contacted the 4 Artoria.

Ten seconds later, the 4 Artoria were in front of Jin without their disguise.

Artoria Saber who saw them was shocked to the core for seeing so many of 'her'.

"W-Who are you?!"

Saber asked while pointing at the four Artoria.

""""I am you.""""

The four pointed towards Artoria Saber and said in unison.

Seeing this scene, Jin was currently thinking that salt from the gacha earlier was worth it.

"I'll leave you guys to have your talk. See you later."

Jin said as he left to his room.

Just as Jin was walking towards his room he met with Sakura in front of the door.

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing standing here?" (Jin)

"I was waiting for Nii-sama to finish." (Sakura)

"You can just come to me you know that, right?" (Jin)

"It's nothing important, but I have a little request, Nii-sama." (Sakura)

"Anything for my Sakura-chan."

Jin said with a smile as he patted her head.

"Can you come to my room for a bit?" (Sakura)

"Yea, sure." (Jin)

They then went to Sakura's room. Sakura then turned to Jin and spoke.

"Nii-sama, you know about the memories I get, right?" (Sakura)

"Something wrong again?"

Jin asked with worry as he went to check on Sakura.

"No, Nii-sama. It's just that I want to ask something related to them."

Sakura said hurriedly seeing his worried face.

"Hm? What is it?"

Jin tilted his head and thought that she would ask him to meet Medusa Rider.

"You looked through the memories I received, right?" (Sakura)

"Indeed." (Jin)

"Did you see how I look?"

Sakura asked with anticipation.

"I did. You look pretty with purple hair, but my Sakura-chan still look prettier than the one in your memories."

Jin said smoothly as he hugged her waist.

"T-Thanks, Nii-sama. But I want to ask you for something." (Sakura)

"I want you to change my hair color and eye color with magic like the style in my memories!" (Sakura)

"Eh? Why?" (Jin)

"I wanted to try it. And seeing Saeko-san's and Scáthach-san's hair made me think about it." (Sakura)


"Nii-sama, it hurts!" (Sakura)

Sakura held her head from pain after getting bonked by Jin's fist.

"Why are you comparing yourself to others, dumbass? You are you. Regardless of your hair color, you will always be my beloved perverted yandere imouto-chan who loves sneaking into her Nii-sama's bath."

Jin said with a lewd smile as he groped Sakura's breasts with his hands causing her to moan.

"Ahn~ N-Nii-sama, n-not now."

Said Sakura who was gasping for air.

"Oh, so we can do it later, huh? I'll hold into that then, hehe."

Said Jin who whispered into her ear then bit her earlobe a little causing her to shiver.


Sakura nodded shyly, but her eyes were brimming with anticipation.

"Nii-sama, I still want to change my hair color." (Sakura)

Just as Jin was reading his fist for another bonk, she continued to speak.

"W-Wait! I really want to try it, Nii-sama! Not because anything else, I swear!"

Said Sakura who was panicking and holding her head.


Jin continued to stare at her and found that she was not lying.

"Ok, sure."

Jin said as he moved his hand and put it on her head.

A purple glow enveloped her head, and her hair and eyes changed their colors.

Jin then materialized a large floating mirror in front of Sakura and let her have a look at her new style.

Sakura looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt that her new appearance was really natural for some reason.

"What do you think, Sakura-chan?"

Jin asked Sakura who was still checking her new appearance in the mirror.

"It feels natural for some reason, Nii-sama. What do you think?" (Sakura)

"You look gorgeous."

Jin spoke then bent down kissed her lips.

"Hmm, still tastes the same huh."

Jin said as he licked his lips while looking at the blushing Sakura.

"Go get some rest now. See you tomorrow, goodnight."

Jin said as he gave her another kiss then left the room and went to his room to accompany Saeko and make her sing a 'lullaby' for him.

____/Scene change\____

It was currently morning and Jin was in the kitchen with Sella, Leysritt, his cute Medea and lovely Sakura. Saeko of course was sleeping and she won't be getting up from bed today.

Medea was surprised by Sakura's hair color, but still complimented her. She thought that this color suits her more.

Same reaction happened with Scáthach and the 4 Artoria. Saber? She was checking on Shirou. He doesn't know what they talked about before, but according to the mana drain he felt he knew that they fought and by looking at the refreshed faces of the four Artoria and Saber Artoria, he knew that the result was good.

Scáthach right now was standing guard on the entrance of the kitchen to prevent any Artoria-invasion from happening…again… A while ago, they came saying they would help and ended up eating all the food that was prepared. After Jin kindly kicked them out of the kitchen, he made Scáthach stand guard to protect the food, to which she happily obliged.

They also ignored the Artoria group that were lamenting that they didn't have an Artoria Assassin version that can get in.

A while later, Rin, Archer, Illya, Berserker, Saber and Shirou came from the guest rooms.

____/Scene change\____

Jin currently sent one of his 'selves' to the school with Sakura and Co, while he stayed behind to accompany Illya since she wanted to talk.

"So, Illya-chan, what is your decision after seeing what happened in the previous war?"

Jin asked Illya who was silent.

"...ve him."

Illya muttered under her breath.


Jin heard her but still needed her to speak her mind clearly.

"I said I won't forgive him!"

Illya shouted while looking at Jin who stayed calm and let her pour her emotions out.

"I won't forgive him, ever! I am not interested in harming Shirou after knowing what happened, but no way I'll forgive Kiritsugu!

He didn't even bat an eye or hesitate in sacrificing his own family for the sake of some stupid ideals! Who the hell does that?! He killed his own father, killed his mother figure that took care of him all his life, let my mother lose her life and didn't even hesitate to kill me when the Grail showed him a possible future where we can live happily as a family!"

Illya was crying and screaming while saying all this. Jin took her in a hug and didn't interrupt her.

"And then even when he came back to take me after destroying the Grail, the other person who I considered as family, my grandfather, didn't even let us meet ad lied to me that I was abandoned by Kiritsugu and made me drown in hate towards him! Why was I even born?! Just to perform this stupid ritual then die?! Why?! Why?! WHY?!!

I have no place to belong to. Kiritsugu is dead, mom is dead and the Einzbern family will dispose of me after not getting the Grail…"

Illya kept speaking and her voice became devoid of emotion by the end. Just as she was about to drown in her sorrow, she felt a warm hand on her head and a warm voice in her ears.

"Why not live with me?"

Said a smiling Jin.


"You said you don't have a place to belong to, right? I am telling you to stay with me. I will become your family. Illya-chan is so cute after all!"

Jin said this as he hugged the blushing Illya harder.

"So, what do you think? Will you become my family?"

Jin asked her with a smile.

"Can I?"

Illya asked with uncertainty and hope in her voice.

"Of course, you can!" (Jin)

"You won't throw me away?" (Illya)

"Never!" (Jin)

"You won't leave me alone again?" (Illya)

"Hehe, not a chance. You are stuck with me. You are signing a contract with the devil after all."

Said Jin with a laugh.

"So, Illya-chan, tell me what you really want."

Jin said with a smile on his face while patting the shivering Illya who had tears coming out of her eyes.

"I want to live! I want to stay with you! I don't want to become the Grail! It's scary, I don't want that! I want to live with you!"

Said Illya who was crying in Jin's hug.

"You will live, I will make sure of it."

Jin said while hugging the crying girl tighter.

After a while, Jin was currently caressing Illya's hair and waiting for her to speak.

"Jin, can I really stay with you?" (Illya)

"Yes, really." (Jin)

"Really really?" (Illya)

"Yes, really really really." (Jin)

"Jin, thank you."

Illya said as she buried her head in his chest.

Jin then turned towards the two homunculus maids, Sella and Leysritt and spoke.

"What about you two? Are you staying with Illya, or will you return to the Einzbern family?" (Jin)

The first one to speak was Leysritt who had tears in her eyes. She was attuned to Illya's self and projected her emotions, so if Illya is happy she would feel happy and if Illya is sad she will be sad, it's to an extreme degree that should Illya die she would die as well.

"I am. Illya's. Maid. And bodyguard. I will. Always. Accompany. Her. Illya is. Happy. Here. So I. Will. Stay. With. Illya."

"Sure thing. What about you, Sella?" (Jin)

"I'm the maid of mistress, so I will undoubtedly follow her. But Oukami-sama, Illya is the Holy Grail Vessel, how will you save her?" (Sella)

"Just call me Jin. I said I will save her and of course I won't be saying empty words. Illya-chan, do you trust me?" (Jin)

"Yes!" (Illya)

"Ok, Sella, Leysritt, come with me."

Jin picked up Illya on his shoulder as he started walking towards his laboratory and workshop.

____/Scene change\____

Right now, Jin, Illya and co were standing in front of two rows of six large glass tubes that were enchanted with multiple complicated runes.

Jin pressed a button and the middle tube of the first row started to descend. He then turned towards Illya and spoke.

"Illya-chan, take off your clothes and get inside the tube."

"W-Wha-" (Illya)

"Your clothes will dissolve when you enter, if you want to try it be my guest." (Jin)

Illya took off her clothes while being shy and red as a tomato, then she went inside the tube.

After she went inside, the tube closed and started being filled with crystal-like red liquid.

"Oukami-sama, what are you going to do?" (Sella)

"The Grail manifests from her heart, I am going take it out and build her a new one. This red liquid will sustain her body and heal her defects as a homunculus while at it until the heart is regenerated." (Jin)

After Jin finished speaking, they saw Illya's body glowing in dim red light and then her heart started coming out of her chest like it was exiting a portal. It didn't case her any wounds.

The heart then was transported to the middle tube of the second row, and an outline of Illya's body started forming around it.

3 hours later, the process finished and Illya's heart was regenerated again.

Illya came out of the tube after the liquid was dried off. She was met with surprised gaze of her maids and the lewd smile of Jin. However, she noticed something.

"Why did you become short?"

She was puzzled because they suddenly became short after she left the tube. She then saw Jin pointing towards a certain direction. When she followed his hand, she saw a mirror, so she went to take a look.


She couldn't help but scream when she saw herself in the mirror.

She became a young woman. Or to be precise, she took the real form of her if the experiments didn't stun her growth. Now, she looks like a young woman that is 18 years old.

[Image here.]

"J-Jin, what happened?!" (Illya)

"While taking the grail out of your body, your body was healed from all the defects of being a homunculus, so you are now in a sense like a normal human. You won't age after 21 though." (Jin)

Jin then snapped his fingers and clothes appeared on her body hiding it.

She then looked at the test tube and saw herself before growing up in a fetal position in another tube.

"Why is there another me in this tube?" (Illya)

"This? This one is a soulless clone of you that will act as the grail. It's constructed by magic and will disappear automatically after a week. It has no soul, so it will only follow a set of programmed settings. I will send her to your castle to live there until the war ends." (Jin)

"Now, Sella and Leysritt, please get inside the other two tubes as well. I have to fix you. I am not having you die on me because some inferior craft can't give you proper lifespan!" (Jin)

They both nodded and took off their clothes and went inside the other two tubes.

The process was much faster as they took about 45 minutes to finish. All the defects in their manufacture were fixed adding the boost to their bodies and other improvements.

After they got dressed, they left the workshop with Jin.

Jin then suddenly laughed from what he was currently seeing at the school from his other 'self'.

'So, Medusa Rider GETTO?'

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