
Chapter - 09

On the outskirts of Miyama, the suburban area of Fuyuki City. On top of a hill near the Ryuudou Temple, there is a mansion that exists on top of the hill. It is the mansion of the Oukami magi family.

Inside the mansion, a portal appeared in the middle of the living room on the first floor. A few seconds later, an otherworldly handsome young man and an extremely beautiful young woman came out of it.

They were Saeko and Jin, who has just arrived at the new world to start their adventure.

"For reality jumping, this is kinda underwhelming…"

Saeko was the first to speak as she muttered this in a low voice. She didn't think that teleportation would literally be walking through a portal with no exaggerated scientific or magical effects.

Hearing her, the young Primordial smiled teasingly and spoke.

"What? Were you expecting something like me looking to the sky and shouting 'Heimdall, open up the Bifrost!' or swimming through a rainbow-colored space rift till we arrive here?"

Saeko looked away while blushing from embarrassment.

"Well, we can do it next time if you want though. Even I think that it's kinda lacking."

While they were having a simple conversation about the lack of visual effects of a feat that would make any magi alive or not go crazy, Saeko was exploring the place.

"The place is the same. Did you miss up the teleportation?" (Saeko)

"Ah that! Because the mansion in the previous world was the first one that I created, I made it to be copied to every reality I jump to. If you got bored with it, I can remodel the whole thing right now." (Jin)

"No, no need. I was just surprised that the place is the same." (Saeko)

"Correction. It's mostly the same. The armory and library change according to the world we are in. So, you will find them mostly different than the previous ones. The laboratory too. It was only a laboratory in the previous world, but now, it's a laboratory and a magic workshop. I added a dojo, an archery field outside and a small lake with all kind of koi fish too.

Other than those, the place is mostly the same." (Jin)

"I see… Wait, koi fish?!"

Saeko stopped being surprised by her lover, however, her ears perked up when she heard him say koi fish.

"Yeah, I figured you would like them, and they will give some kind of Japanese feeling to the place." (Jin)

"I really love them, thank you Jin."

Saeko said with a smile.

"Now then, let me brief you about this world first. This world is mostly the same as your world, the same modern day setting Earth. However, in this world the supernatural exist. The legends that are being told as folklore tales of the past existed and so their corresponding heroes, Gods…etc." (Jin)

"Right now, the world has a normal side which is the normal one like your previous world, and the supernatural world which mostly consists of magis. Most of the magicians come from some kind of noble families with their own special heritages. Like your Busujima family in swordsmanship.

Each family of them got their own special magic and they mostly strive to create powerful heirs to eclipse their ancestors. The families accumulate their lifetimes worth of knowledge and researches into their 'magic crest', it's some kind of archive or library of spells that the holder of the crest can use it to cast magic.

Right now, here in this city named Fuyuki, an event, or more specific a bloody ritual of sorts is conducted. It's called the Holy Grail War." (Jin)

"Holy Grail? The one mentioned in Christianity?" (Saeko)

"Close but no cigar. This one just bears its name; however, it is not the Grail that received the blood of Christ. This one was granted the name of this sacred relic because it's supposed to be some kind of omnipotent wish granting tool.

This Holy Grail War event happens when seven masters are chosen to summon servants. The process starts when The Greater Grail selects seven masters and invites seven heroic spirits and settles them in the Servant Class System.

This ritual was created by the three founding families, The Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka. After the Grail picks a master of each of the founding families, it then picks other masters who earnestly want it." (Jin)

"Now, to the servant system. The servants in the war are Heroic Spirits. That means that they are heroes from legends of the past who are summoned and given form in seven different classes. These classes are, Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker.

Saber: Servants placed within this class are agile and powerful melee warriors armed with swords. It is commonly assumed to be the best class overall, with high ratings in all categories. It also possesses the Riding Skill like the Rider class.

Lancer: Servants placed within this class are very agile and skilled with long-range melee weapons, such as spears, lances, etc.

Archer: Servants placed within this class are usually proficient with projectiles and can survive longer without a Master nearby, thanks to their special ability Independent Action; the strongest Archers can be difficult to control at times, in fact, due to their near-total independence from their "Masters".

Rider: Servants placed within this class place emphasis upon speed and powerful Noble Phantasms, which often include their mounts. Their special Skill is Riding, which allows them to fully utilize abilities of their mounts (which can range from simple horses to mechanical vehicles to divine or supernatural creatures).

Caster: Servants placed within this class are adept in Magecraft and have a special ability akin to a Reality Marble, called Territory Creation, which alters or creates space around them to enhance their sorcery.

Assassin: Servants placed within this class are proficient in assassination and stealth. Within certain wars, only Hassan-i-Sabbah can be summoned due to the etymology of the word "Assassin" acting as a catalyst. The Assassins' special ability is Presence Concealment, which allows them to remain undetected. Offset by their stealth is their moderate combat skills. Due to this, Assassins often target Masters, instead of Servants.

Berserker: Servants placed within this class are always heroes who have gone berserk in their lifetime or fight recklessly. This trait allows them to use the special ability Mad Enhancement, which trades their consciousness (i.e., Sanity) for a large power boost. Most Masters are incapable of controlling their Servant once Mad Enhancement has been activated, which eventually results in their death." (Jin)

[A/N: - Classes copied from the wiki.]

"The ritual of the Grail requires the seven masters and seven servants to fight in a battle royal of sorts, until one master and one servant remain alive. On a side note, the other masters don't need to die, only their servants. However, usually the master becomes the target since if the master is dead the servant follows since they lose their anchor to this world.

The use of the Holy Grail is to punch a hole in Root/Akasha/Akashic Records and grant a wish using it. For it to get the power to do so, it needs the accumulated magical energies from absorbing the deceased servants' spirits and turning them into nourishments of sorts." (Jin)

"Now, the history lesson is over, any questions, Busujima-kun?"

Jin said with a serious tone, imitating that of a teacher.

Saeko chuckled at her lover's antics and spoke.

"Pffft, so we are here to join this Holy Grail War? Are you going to summon a servant or what?"

"Well, mostly for fun. Don't you love fighting? This will be a great opportunity for you to have your fun with no restrains, and it's not everyday that you get to fight historical and legendary figures, right?"

Jin told her with a smile.


Saeko was moved by him and only thanked him with a small voice.

"Hehe, don't mind it. I too want to meet and fight these guys too; it will be fun. Right, before I forget."

As he said that, he poked her forehead and transferred the memories and information of them here in this world.

It took Saeko about an hour to fully digest the new information and memories. She then took a deep breath and spoke.

"So, it will take about a month till the start of the war huh. Guess I will take you up on the race change offer now."

"Hmm sure, what race do you want to change into? You can choose any." (Jin)

"I'll pick a youkai one. A nine-tailed fox youkai to be precise. I think that one would suit my personality and character the most." (Saeko)

Jin who heard her felt his brain freezing momentarily. He imagined Saeko with nine purple fox tails wearing a collar and calling him 'Master~'.

He felt something rising, and it was not The Shield Hero…

He then shouted with a renewed vigor.

"YES! LET'S DO IT NOW! *cough* Your safety is important after all."

Saeko who saw his reaction smiled happily.

"Sure, but…"

"What?" (Jin)

"Normally, how much would it take to change the race if you don't instantly do it with your powers?" (Saeko)

"The process would normally take 1-3 months depending on the race, why?" (Jin)

"Ok, then let the process of mine take a month." (Saeko)

"Huh? Why?!" (Jin)

"You said that the events will start after a month, right? I don't really wait while doing nothing in that month and…" (Saeko)

Saeko stopped speaking and looked at him with an evil smirk.

"What?" (Jin)

"And as a good wife, I don't want to disturb your flirting time with girls from the archery club."

Saeko finished her sentence with a smirk and looked at the dumbfounded Jin.

Jin who saw her like this can only laugh wryly. His 'current' self is a third-year student in Homurahara Academy. He is also the current captain of the Archery Club, while his energetic cute kouhai, Ayako Mitsuzuri is his current vice-captain.

And just like any horny male going to Fate, he always flirted with her whenever he got the opportunity.

"A-Ahaha…" (Jin)

"Ok, let's start now." (Saeko)

"Sure." (Jin)

Just as he said this, Saeko was wrapped in a purple crystal-like cocoon that was shining beautifully. He then absorbed the cocoon inside his personal space and let out a sigh.

Just as he was about to go have a shower, his senses picked a weak non-human presence at the foot of the hill.

"Hmm, what the heck? Isn't this Medea?! Wasn't she supposed to be at the forest of the Ryuudou Temple? Oh, is it because I made a similar layline pass under the hill like the temple?" (Jin)

"Ok, no use in thinking hard about it." (Jin)

He then teleported towards Medea who was currently on the verge of dissipating.

Walking through the trees, he saw someone sleeping on the ground. It was a female wearing a witch-like outfit that you would see in fairy tales. She was wearing a bluish-purple robe with a dark green hood over it. Her face was hidden under the hood and only the lower part of her face can be seen. The current her resembled the scene of a weak beauty.

As he got closer, he heard her muttering with a weak voice.

"This is the end for me…eh?" (Medea)

She then stayed silent on the verge of losing consciousness. However, the sound of footsteps and the voice of a guy snapped her back to reality.

"Beautiful lady over there, do you need help?" (??)

This was the last thing she heard before she lost her consciousness.

Seeing this, Jin went and carried her in his arms. He absolutely had no perverted intentions at all hugging this frail beauty who was in the top 5 of his 'Fate Waifu Ranking' in his previous life.

____/Scene Change\____

Inside one of the rooms in his mansion, Jin currently put Medea in bed after he used his powers to change her attire to a comfortable indigo pajama.

He had to admit that she was extremely beautiful woman, especially her cute, pointed ears.

Right now, he was in the mini kitchen of the room preparing a light meal and a hot drink for her.

A few minutes later, Medea woke up to see an unfamiliar ceiling. She was confused, she was lying down in the forest waiting for her end as she was about to dissipate. Suddenly, the realization hit her! The stranger she heard before she lost her consciousness. She sat down on the bed and started looking around. She saw an otherworldly handsome young man wearing an apron in a kitchen making food. Just as she was about to speak, she heard him.

"The food will be ready soon, there is a cup of hot chocolate near the bed, so drink it while it's hot. It's cold outside and you were sleeping under the rain."

Medea didn't speak further and held the cup. The aroma of the drink tickled her nose, so she tried tasting it.


She didn't notice, but she emptied the whole cup in a single gulp.

She then noticed her lack of manners and un-ladylike appearance, so she quickly looked towards him and saw him smirking. She felt her face burning when she saw his look.

"I know it's delicious, but you only get one cup for now. You can have more after eating." (Jin)

She wanted to retort and tell him that she is a servant, and she converts food and drinks into magical energy, but the warm atmosphere made her unable to speak.

After a few minutes, the food was done, and Jin served for both of them.

Both of them sat in front of each other as they ate in silence. In silence may be inappropriate since Medea started eating like no tomorrow after she took the first bite.

Seeing her like this, Jin had a thin smile on his face.

"Here, eat more. I made a lot."

Medea didn't hear him as she was engrossed in her food. However, she failed to notice something important. Her magical energy that was close to zero was being replenished at an alarming rate, it had already recovered by the third.

After a few minutes(Seconds?) both of them finished eating. The young Primordial took the empty plates to the kitchen while ignoring Medea who looked like she wanted to bury herself alive from embarrassment.

____/Scene Change\____

Right now, Medea was sitting on the bed with Jin sitting on a chair near her. Both of them sat in silence till Jin spoke first.

"So, are you able to tell me your situation? Why were you in the middle of the forest?" (Jin)

Medea who heard his question looked down and stayed silent not sure if she should tell him or not.

Seeing her like this Jin sighed and spoke again.

"If you don't want to talk bout it then it's fine, I wont pry into your privacy. My apologies if you felt offended."

He then stood up and spoke once more as he was leaving the room.

"If I troubled you, feel free to leave. And consider this meeting never happened, we never saw each other. The door of the mansion is not locked from the inside. If you follow straight after you leave the gate you will arrive to the main road near the place where you fainted. " (Jin)

Medea who was silent all this time raised her head a little.

Just as he turned his back and was about to leave, he heard her voice.



Jin turned around and looked at her.

"Would you mind hearing a story?" (Medea)

Jin didn't reply, but he went back to his seat.

Medea then started narrating her story, how she was summoned as a servant for Atrum Galliasta from the Magic Association before the start of Holy Grail War. She spoke about her previous master and how he was dreaming of victory without even trying to fight. She then told him about how she saw no hope of winning with him, so she acted as a loyal servant to him just to get his trust and made him waste his [Command Spells] on useless orders. She spoke about how she used her noble phantasm to break the contract and kill her master after she destroyed his workshop and freed the children inside. She told him about the fact that she wants to win the grail to change her past.

After spending about half an hour narrating her story, she noticed that Jin was silent. After a while he spoke.

"So, you basically killed an incompetent trash that used kidnapped children as fuel for his workshop, and then fled here because this was the place of the laylines and has a higher probability to sustain your spiritual form for a longer period of time before dissipating, right?"

Medea who heard him couldn't believe her ears and spoke.

"You believe my story?!"

"I mean, I am a magi myself, so I naturally believe your story. You also can't feel my mana because of your exhaustion and my concealment. Adding to the fact that my family has witnessed the Holy Grail War before, we've been living in Fuyuki for a long time after all.

However, I have no interest in the Holy Grail, and I don't have any [Command Seals] either." (Jin)

Medea who heard him stayed silent for a moment then made up her mind and spoke.

"Will you please be my Master?"

"…. I didn't think you will be this perverted… I know I am handsome, but asking me to be your 'Master' even though we just met… you may be an extremely beautiful lady, but I got morals as well… I might have agreed if we knew each other more though… It's kinky but I like it…"

Jin said as he took a step back and looked at Medea like she was a pervert while hugging his shoulders.

Medea was confused at first hearing him, but she suddenly understood what he was saying and blushed.

"I don't mean it like that! I meant entering a master-servant contract!" (Medea)

"Hehe, I know. The atmosphere was pretty heavy, and you looked so tense. This embarrassed face suits you better than the melancholic one."

Medea who heard him was embarrassed, but she felt warm. She never interacted with anyone like this before.

"To answer your request, sure, I'll become your master. It will be fun, fighting heroes from the legends and other magis." (Jin)

Jin then stretched his hand towards Medea as he spoke.

"It might be late, but my name is Oukami Jin. What's yours? I don't think that calling you Caster all the time is a good idea." (Jin)

Medea stretched her hand and replied with a small smile.

"Medea." (Medea)

"Oh! The Princess of Colchis huh. You look more beautiful than the legends describe." (Jin)

Medea's face turned a slight shade of read when she heard him.

A few minutes later, they established the contract.


Medea who suddenly felt the rush of magical energy inside her couldn't help but moan a bit.

Jin who saw this felt thankful that he limited the output of his energy otherwise she would've been twitching on the floor right now. He didn't forget to save this scene into his "Cultured Materials" mental folder.

Medea who felt her overall increase of strength couldn't help but look at Jin in amazement.

"Told ya I'm pretty strong."

Jin said with a smirk but froze when he checked her parameters with his appraisal.

"What the hell is this parameter?!"


Name: Medea

Class: Caster


Strength: C++

Endurance: B+

Agility: B

Mana: EX

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: C

[Class Skills]

Item Construction: A

Territory Creation: A

[Personal Skills]

Rapid Words of Divine: A

Argon Coin: EX

[Noble Phantasm]

| Rule Breaker | Anti-Magecraft | C |

| Argon Coin | N/A | N/A |

'I did limit myself by a lot, but I didn't expect this jump in her parameters.'

"Medea, are you perhaps a Saber in disguise?"

Medea ignored his question and continued to check her new strength.

3377 words~

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