
Roomies Are Awful

Groaning aloud to himself, Rune glares at his fellow roommates. For some reason, they loved to make him suffer.

"Why am I going?" He huffs to them, little giggles and snorts were heard before one stepped up.

"Sorry, Rune." Charlotte steps up, their voice cracking. Gentle white locks of hair curled around their blood-red mask. A beast sits on their shoulder, curling its revolting tail around their neck. Though, Rune would never say that aloud, he does not want to get mauled by that thing.

Charlotte continues, "They wanted to do it.. and I was brought into it... Sorry." Rune gives Charlotte a forced smile, muttering out his words through gritted teeth, "Ah. It's fine. It's not like I wanted to sleep."

The albino stays quiet, watching Rune's facial expressions, before turning around and walking over to the rest of the group, muttering out a final 'sorry.'

Rune deadpans, 'Do they only say sorry?'

Shaking his head, the male glares at the rest of the group. Most gave him a small smile, wary of his fury. Others, mainly Maddox and Merckel, were covering their mouths with their hands, stifling their laughter.

"Do you two want to die?" Rune stomps up to them, an irked expression on his face. "'Cause if you do, I'm more than willing to let that happen." Maddox leans down to look Rune in the eye, insanity filling his expression. "You can try, babe! But, I think you'll get mauled first!" Merckel joins Maddox in their fit of laughter, the shorter male's expression was ridiculous.

Rune — whose currently in a fit of rage — spins on his heels. His eyes turned blood-red and his breathing became irregular. The lights in the room flickered off as objects flung every which way.

His gaze lands on the other residents and they freeze.

"I'm going to take a nap. Do not bother me, again."

And with that, an enraged Rune stomps up the stairs and into his bedroom.


(what happened earlier)


Rune's eyes snap open with a red color, glaring at the door separating him from society. Someone is opening and slamming doors, waking the residents up.

Rune scoffs, shuffles to his other side, so his back is facing the door while he hides under the blanket. If he can't see them, they can't see him.. well, that's how the saying goes. His mind is not fully awake so his brain is like a five-year-old's.

A few muffled yells later, his own door is shoved open with someone in the doorframe, "G'Morning, Rune! Time to wake up! We don't have all day!" The said male glares at the owner of the voice, "Shut up." They chuckle and saunter over, rubbing their nimble fingers against the blade of their knife. Rune keeps his eyes trained on the weapon but makes no indication of wanting to move out of his bundle of blankets. Who would? It's nice and warm.

"Awh- You're ruining the fun! It's your turn today anyway; I went last time!" Rune blinks in confusion, sitting up. "What?" They tilt their head and give a wide grin, "The SoulYard, Rune~" Finishing their sentence, they bolt out of the room- not wanting to face the male's wrath.

Scurring down the hallway, they reach the other residents with a wide smile, "Oh~ I bet he's mad now-!"

A loud crash and some curses make the residents tense up.

"He finally figured it out, huh?"



"Pills, food, water, blankets, pillows.." Yuri trails off, feeling as if he were missing something. 'I put pills but what else?' A strangled yell and a loud crash helped the male remember. Slamming his fist on his palm, Yuri cheers. "Ah~! I'm so smart! That's what I'm missing!"

He reaches out and yanks open a door connected to a hallway. The wallpaper was a pale yellow that reminded Yuri of Maddox's macaroni and cheese. He's a good cook, but his mac 'n cheese is disgusting. Further down, more mahogany doors appear and compliment the dark carpet. A few pictures hung on the wall, but not many.

It looked like a hotel.

Hearing more noises, Yuri swiftly turns to his left and struts. Upon further inspection, two figures lay on the carpet. Rune and Merckel.

Yuri gasps as Merckel swings their knife around in the air haphazardly. Rune grunts from a cut that was aimed for his eye. Thankfully, he moved away in time. "Oh, Rune~ You're so cute when you're trying!" Merckel taunts, their gold eyes shining with insanity. Rune growls as deep red flashes in his eyes before turning back to a warm hazel. "I swear-"

"Hey! Guys- Calm down!" Yuri intervenes. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt, though he could care less about Merckel. "We all just need to calm down, right?" Blue eyes locking with honey ones, Yuri smiles. "Right?"

Rune looks away with a pout. Whenever something intense happens, Yuri always seems to be the one stopping it. Like he's everywhere, or something.

Lifting his eyes, Rune finds Merckel gone and Yuri smiling at him. "What?" The brunette chuckles and shakes his head before curling his finger up in a 'come' motion. Rune complies and follows the male, watching the back of his head. They reach an open door, Yuri shutting it once the two were inside.

"Alrighty! Let's get started!" The younger sighs audibly, plopping onto a bed. Yuri grabs a bag off the ground and shifts through it. Once his finger finds the items, he smiles. "Here we go," He pauses, looking up at Rune with a blank look on his face. "What?" Rune snaps, already annoyed with the male. "Ah, sorry." Yuri stands back up and hands Rune clothing.

A sweater, a jacket, black joggers, and dark brown combat boots. There was something in the pocket of the jacket, but Yuri told him not to look at it yet.

"So, I'm wearing.. this?" Rune questions. The outfit was quite heavy, and from what he could remember, the SoulYard was not that cold.

"Mhm! You'll need it, trust me! It has been getting colder there!" Rune grumbles to himself before dragging his body to the bathroom connected to the room. Once he's inside, Yuri's smile changes into a smirk. It's not like he chose those clothes to see the male looking more ravishing. No, not at all.

A few minutes later, Rune comes out with a glare on his face. The sweater was tight and hugged his body nicely. The joggers were also a bit tight, but he could still move quite nicely. The jacket was tied around his waist as the boots were held in his right hand.

"Are you kidding me, Yuri?" He tilts his head, making a few black strands fall across his features. Yuri smiles, also tilting his head in an innocent manner. "Whatcha mean?" Rune huffs, walking over to the bag. He chose to ignore the male.

Thankfully, Yuri kept his promise as there were blankets, pillows, and ice cream. Rune doesn't know how it hasn't melted yet, but he doesn't care.

Food is food.

Nomming on the ice cream, Yuri snorts. "You can't eat all of that right now, you'll get a tummy ache." Rune looks up with judging eyes, "Hah? I can't eat all this but you say "tummy ache"? Give me a break, Yuri." The said male shakes his head in a disapproving manner,

"Don't get mad at me when you run out of food."

again, thanks so much for reading!!


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